The Bad Boy's Wishes (DISCONT...

By nerds_R_us

1.8M 37.9K 7.9K

Ashley Donovan is a timid, yet strong headed seventeen year old girl, who is dealing with her father's death... More

Chapter 1: First encounter
Chapter 3: Netball bitches & Persuasion
Chapter 4: A deal with the devil
Chapter 5: Tom Branigan
Chapter 6: To Do List
Chapter 7: ... Sleepover?
Chapter 8: Give the Good Girl a fright
Chapter 9: There is a thin line between love and hate
Chapter 10: Secrets
Chapter 11: New statement
Chapter 12: A night to remember!
Chapter 13: coco pops make every morning better
Chapter 14: Whip cream, Ex-Boyfriends and underwear!
Chapter 15: It's not pity. it's comfort.
Chapter 16: Stolen Moment
Chapter 17: It's kind of a full time thing
Chapter 18: Ditched for Chocolate
Chapter 19: Time you knew
Chapter 20: The couples out!
important note
Chapter 21: Oh my God
Chapter 22: Care To Tell Me Again?
Chapter 23: It's a surprise
Chapter 24: Come on you prude!
Chapter 25: Living cliché

Chapter 2: Rumours

72.8K 1.4K 228
By nerds_R_us

Chapter 2: Rumours  

“Come on get up, I’m not going to let you sulk in your bedroom today! You have got to go to school and show that asshole, that you are stronger than he thinks you are. Now get off your ass!” Mayce shouted sternly, while ripping the covers off my body.

I whimpered slightly and curled myself into a tight ball, trying to keep my body warm “I don’t want to see him Mayce” I choked.

After been scolding but her yesterday for worrying her by being home so late and not informing her, she finally realised that I was crying and forced me tell her what was wrong. Usually she ignore me at school and most of the time at home, it’s just easier that way, but I’m glad that she is offering me the support.

I had also texted all my best friends and informed them exactly what happened, obviously leaving out the part about Nick and his friends. Because if I was to tell them today then I know that I would start crying again.

Mayce sighed and sat behind me, before pulling me into a tight hug, which I really appreciated right now.

“I know you don’t Ash, but you have got to be strong. Show him that he can’t treat you like a piece of shit and turn you into one of those depressed chicks, okay? … I know you Ash. You are stronger than anyone I know, I mean all the things you gave up to be the better person and take care of this family” he cooed soothingly.

She was right, he couldn’t treat me like that. I couldn’t let him know how much I cared because that is exactly the response he expects. I’m going to show everyone that Caden Smith means nothing to me apart from being a cheating asshole!

I sighed and sniffed, touched by her words. “Thanks Mayce, I needed to hear that. And thanks for being here for me …” I said with a weak smile.

She smile but tried her best to look disgusted “Yeah ok, no need to get all emotional and stuff” she stated with a dismissive wave of her hand.

I giggled and got up just throwing on my usual clothes, which is just a casual style. I pulled on my leggings and loose sweater and my Converse.

Then went down stairs and jogged into the kitchen, picking up my little sister Laney off her stool and placed her on my shoulders. “Come on little princess, let’s take you to school” I chirped.

She giggled “Ashhhh, where were you? I didn’t get to see you last night, Mayce was being mean and put me to bed before I could see you”

I shouted goodbye to Mayce and loaded Laney into my car “I was err, doing some school work and got caught up, sorry princess” I said before kissing her forehead and ruffling her golden curls.

Laney and my sister had my dad’s lovely blonde hair, while I had my mum’s long light brown hair that fell to my mid-waist. We all had pure green eyes and a very feminine but defined facial shape, plus Mayce and I had good toned bodies.

But of course Mayce had the perfect hair, complexion, style and attitude that earn her the guy’s attention. I act responsible because one of us has to be, to keep our family together, so the only thing anyone see’s is a Good Girl, apart from my best friends.

 I quickly got out of the car and open the back door watching Laney hop out with a cute grin on her face, as she waves frantically at her friends behind me. I bend down give her quick hug and kiss, before watching her running into primary school with her friends.

Then I make the daunting ride to Wentworth High, running through every possible situation that I might encounter today, but never once did I expect what was really happening.

“Look that’s the girl, who sleeps with people for money”

“I heard that she had a three-some with someone, she is such a slut. What king of a person, sleeps with people for money”

“I heard she is like a hooker or something, and she admitted that she hates ever girl on the netball team”

“I feel bad for Caden, he never would have dated her if he knew about her being a hooker!”

Every person I passed stared at me in either anger if they were on the netball team, which in our school is like cheerleading, or turned their nose up in disgust. They kept of whispering horrifying and sole crushing lies about me.

I could already feel tears welling in my eyes and I hadn’t even reached my locker yet, I don’t think I can make it through the day. What kind of a person would say that about me? What kind of idiotic people would believe that I sleep with people for money?

When I made it to my locker, once again Riley was a no show and it kind of upset me I could really do with a hug from my childhood best friend right now. But at least Ethan and Kenzi were waiting by locker, fidgeting from foot to foot as if it were killing them just standing there.

Ethan gasped as he spotted me coming over Kenzi’s shoulder and held his arms out for me, his face a perfect picture of pity. I didn’t hesitate to fall into his arms, letting him embrace me tightly.

“Listen to me sweet cheeks. I know everyone says this, but you know I don’t bother bullshitting people, but you are better off without him Doll” Ethan reassured me sternly.

“Listen to him babe, he’s right. Caden is a cheating scumbag who didn’t deserve a girl as good as you anyway” Kenzi spat with a venomous glare, as she insulted Caden.

I sighed and pulled away from Ethan’s comforting embrace “I know but, it hurts …” I mumbled timidly, feeling so pathetic for saying that.

Ethan nodding with a sympathetic look, whilst also looking a bit grime “Oh, I know it does sweet cheeks …”

“Hey dude, I can totally kick his ass for you. I just want to let you know I have no trouble in murdering cheating bastards!” Kenzi piped up, actually looking a little too eager.

I smiled in amusement but shook my head “As much as I would love to see that, he isn’t worth it Kenzi”

She scoffed and slung her arm over my shoulder squeezing me supportively “Aw, come on. That shit would be better than Call Of Duty 3” she chirped with a wink.

I laughed, making both Ethan and Kenzi grin wildly, it was obviously her intention to get me smiling again, seems like she never fails. Her infectious smile quickly faded to one of pure outrage and anger.

Before I could ask what was wrong she stomped past me with the scariest look I had ever seen engraved on her face. Ethan and I looked at each other worriedly before turning and watching her retreating form, suddenly I noticed Caden chatting to his mates a few lockers down.

My smile faded and I felt my heart clench. I knew that my hate and suffering overruled what little love I still felt for him, but I still couldn’t help but feel that longing sensation to wrap myself up in his arms. No stop fooling yourself Ashley, and get a grip.

She stropped right up to him and pushed his back, making him stumble into the lockers. Ethan and I jogged over to her, Ethan holding her in restraint as she began to punch his chest. 

 “If you hurt my best friend again, one day, in the future, anthropologists will find your skeleton in an unmarked grave with a massive, massive, life ending blow to your head, by a totally awesome chick that rhymes with frenzy” Kenzi hissed dangerously.

Caden looked at her with a cute clueless frown on his face, his mouth slightly ajar “What?”

Kenzi growled angrily and clench her tiny fist at her side “My name is Kenzi, you idiot! It rhymes with Frenzy”

Caden held up his hands symbolising surrender “Hey, it’s not my fault that she is a bitch, that sleeps with guys for money” he said with a casually shrug of his shoulders.

I gasped loudly and there was an excited murmur spreading around the small crowd that gathered to watch Kenzi mouth it off to Caden.

That is the only thing I have been hearing all morning, but somehow hearing him say it just snapped something inside of me. The determination to stay strong and small spark of love I felt for him just died, I knew what he was saying wasn’t true, but now I didn’t even have it in me to argue with him.

“It was you who were spreading all the rumours about Ashley weren’t it? Is it because you can’t handle the fact that for once you were the one that got rejected, huh?” Ethan snarled.

Ethan was actually really intimidating, he was quite small but was very toned and buff and I have witnessed him throw a good couple of punches since I met him. If it were for the good style sense and clear respect of hygiene that he had, I wouldn’t guess that he is gay.

“Shut your mouth gay boy, and go talk to someone who gives a shit!” Caden snapped, scowling angrily at Ethan. With that said he turned and walked away, his mates sniggering at us and following him.

Ethan was shaking with anger, while Kenzi glared at the back of Caden’s head with so much force I wouldn’t be surprised if he instantly died now. I was gaping in shock before I scowled at the floor angrily.

“Just ignore him Ethan, he is a self-centred arrogant jerk! And you are better than he ever will be” I stated seriously, making him smile at me gratefully. 

I can’t believe that he just said that about Ethan and in front of all those people as well. I think Ethan was right though, it is obvious that Caden spread those horrible rumours about me. I knew he could be an ass, but I never knew that he was such a bastard.

I was brought out of my thoughts when someone tapped on my shoulder. I blinked a few times before looking up at a skinny looking guy, with blond hair, I didn’t recognise him so I guess he was in the year bellow.

“Err can I help you?” I asked curiously, when he just looked at me hesitantly.

He shifted on his feet nervously “Yeah, you can. I’m not sure how you do this, so I’m just going to say meet me at the changing rooms in five minutes” he muttered quietly, passing me twenty pounds.

I gasped and pushed at his chest a little harder than I expected, making him stumble back in shock. “I’m not actually sleeping with people for money scumbag!” I hissed angrily.

He frowned in confusion “That’s not what I heard!” he commented, but quickly stepped back noticing the venomous glare I was shooting him.

“It’s a stupid rumour, spreading by my Ex boyfriend. And be sure to tell people that, now beat it” I snapped through clenched teeth.

The little blond guy, scampered away quickly, sending me worried glances over his shoulder as he did. Ethan came and flung his arm around my shoulder, I just felt like crying in my bed again. This is a whole lot worse than I expected.

As I watched the blond guy scamper away, I knew that as much as I wanted to scowl at the guy I probably looked like I was just about to cry. I had never been accused of such horrible things before and although I knew it wasn’t true, I still felt ashamed.

My eyes finally left that guy only to widen momentarily, when all the Bad arse’s  of the school including the bad boy Nick Branigan was leaning against the wall looking as sexy as hell watching me.

His dark jeans hung dangerously low, showing his white boxers, the simple white shirt clung to his rippling toned chest accompanied with his usual black lever jacket. His dark hair was in a messy bed head style, which somehow made him hotter. His intense grey smouldering eyes were an automatically turn you on. Plus his masculine and defined facial structure, made him all the more intimidating and the slight and barley noticeable stubble on his chin, made him seem older as well.

I blinked a few times, snapping myself out of the daze I seemed to have fallen into. That’s when I realised that I am still staring at him, a few of his friends were chuckling while he was just smirking knowingly at me.

I bit my lip nervously, because he had caught me checking him out. I blushed in embarrassment, looking at Ethan who was still glaring at the blond boy. Oh thank god, he didn’t see me checking him out.   

“I can’t believe that little Punk, who would actually believe that you were a hooker. I mean come on, you are clearly a virgin!” she sighed dramatically in an outrage, making people who were in the corridors stare at her. Including Nick and his mates, oh god, how humiliating!

My mouth dropped open in disbelief “Kenzi, shhh” I hissed, looking down at the floor in embarrassment.

She looked at me and smiled sheepishly, but still shrugged it off as nothing “Oh come on, it is obvious though”

“Mmm hmm, agreed!” Ethan nodded, before glaring at two gossiping girls who were staring at us as they passed.

I groaned and looked around shamefully “Ok, can you stop talking about how I am clearly a virgin now, it’s very awkward” They both began laughing at my expense, as the bell rang.

Kenzi locked eyes with the school Bad arse’s  briefly before instantly looking away, like everyone does and like I used to. “Err dude, why are the school bad boys staring at you?”

Oh crap, she knows! No she doesn’t you idiot, just play it cool Ashley. I gulped and ran my finger through my hair nervously “I err … Erm, Isn’t everyone?” I mumbled.

She looked at me suspiciously “Hmm, whatever you say babe”

Ethan lead me down the hall because he still hand his arm slung around my shoulder, people were blatantly staring and pointing at me. Not even bothering to lower their voices when they bitch or gossip about me. Stupid obnoxious teenage jerks!

I let out a worried sigh, today was going to be a long and hectic day. I was just thankful that Kenzi, Ethan or Riley are in each of my lessons. So I will have someone to stand up for me.


Hey everyone :)

So what do you think? I don't know about you, but I love Kenzi! Also if you have any suggestions for some actors for our cast, please let me know, because I can't think of any!!! ... That's about it so, please vote/comment :D x


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