Stray Kids x Reader Imagines

De xwinrenx

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One shots with your favourite boy group Stray Kids. [DISCLAIMER] These series of oneshots were written befor... Mai multe

I.N| Photo Booth
Han| Cold
Seungmin| Truth or Dare
Chan| Reunion
Felix| In the Rain
Lee Know| Second Lead
Hyunjin| Mask
Lee Know| Subtle
Hyunjin| Birthday Boy
SKZ| Birthday Reaction
Seungmin| Exchange Student

Changbin| Idiot

12.4K 280 432
De xwinrenx

Genre: Fluff

Warnings: Slight profanity.

(I know Changbin actually has an older sister but I decided for the chapter it would be better to make my own sister for Changbin. So, Changbin's sister in this chapter is not really his sister, nor is she based off his real sister. She's a fictional character.)


"Can you shut up about Stray Kids for just one second?!" Yujin, your best friend for the past six years exclaimed in complete and utter irritation, throwing a random shirt at your face.

"Hey!" You exclaimed pushing the shirt off your face. You peered down at your phone, staring dreamily at your favourite boy group, your eyes lingering to the "dark rapper" of the group. "I'll stop talking about them when they stop being talented. So never,".

Yujin raised an eyebrow at you, giving you a judging stare. You laughed in response, she always got annoyed when you would ramble on about the group. "I was only joking! I can't help my love for them, but I'll do anything for you Yujin, even if that's stopping my happiness for your own!"

She simply rolled her brown eyes at you, throwing another shirt at you which you dodged. You stuck your tongue out at her and she let out a laugh at your silly behaviour. "Anyways, you wanted to tell me something?" you asked curiously.

"Oh yeah, my brother is finally free from work and will be able to hang out with me next week," she said excitedly, happy to see her brother again.

"Oh my god, really? I'm so happy for you! You two haven't seen each other in aaages!" You said just as excitedly. Yujin smiled wider, happy from all your support, "You seem more excited than me," she commented, stifling a laugh.

"Of course, you're my best friend after all, and I know how much you love your brother,".

"There's actually something else..." Yujin said, a hint of nervousness reaching her eyes. "He said him and his friends are free next week and I can meet them all. I thought it would be cool if you went with me to see them,".

Your eyes widened in shock before her words processed in your mind and they went back to normal. "Hmm... I'm not too sure about that. You haven't seen him in ages and I don't want to ruin your moment together," you replied, concerned that your presence would make the meeting awkward. "I think it'll be better if you go alone. I don't want to interrupt your fun or make things awkward for him and his friends,".

Yujin's eyes softened, a small smile placed on her face as she lunged on to the bed, pulling you into a hug. "Aww, look at you Y/N! When did you get so considerate?"

You hit her playfully resulting in her hugging you tighter, "I want you to be there with me. I've been hiding my brother from you long enough, I think it's time you met him,".

"You're right! I've never met him before and you never told me his name or career. You always changed the subject when I asked," you said realising how little you knew of your best friend's sibling.

"I guess it's my fault that you don't know... I think I'm finally ready for you to know who he is. Make sure to be ready for next week! You have to wear something nice!"

"Dude, we share the same closet,".

"You're unbearable,".


"So how many of them are there again?"

"My brother plus his friends, so nine altogether. I sent my brother our room number and gave him the elevator password so they'll be here in a couple minutes," Yujin replied as she slipped on her black leather boots completing her outfit. She wore a black shirt paired with some black jeans. A gold statement belt was wrapped around her to make the outfit more interesting and she had a white jacket to match.

"You know what else has nine people?"

"Y/N, how do you twist every conversation to be about Stray Kids?"

"It's a talent. Anyways, I'm excited to finally meet the guy that had to deal with you for twenty years~"

"Oh, shut up!" you heard her from her room as you snickered in the living room.

The doorbell rang signalling the boys were here. You smiled, looking down at your outfit to make sure you looked presentable in an attempt to make a good first impression on Yujin's brother. You nodded in approval, reaching a hand towards the door before unlocking it and opening it wide open.

"Hello!" You exclaimed excitedly, bowing respectfully since you knew Yujin's brother and some of the boys were older than you. "I'm Yujin's best friend, Y/N! It's nice to finally meet yo-"

You paused, your eyes widening and your mouth falling open. You were too concentrated on opening the door that you didn't even realise who was standing in front of you. You looked straight at him, a kind smile on his face, his black hair neatly styled so the tips of his hair reached the top of his eyes. His outfit- all black, something you expected of him based on how he dressed in formal events and in vlives. Metal earrings dangled from his ears making you pay attention to his jaw line. My god his jawline. Was it even possible for someone's jawline to be that sharp? You honestly thought the members were joking when they talked about his jawline, but as you stared at it in real life, you felt like your eyes would be sliced from the sight of it. Your eyes then wandered behind the boy, eight equally handsome males standing behind him.

It took you about five seconds for it all to process. Five seconds for you to react. So with those five seconds of reflection, you decided on the most rational thing to do.

"Hello, I'm Yujin's brother Changbi-"

You slammed the door in his face. With those five seconds of thought, you slammed the door right in his face. Right in the faces of your favourite boy group. You slammed the door right in the face of your ultimate bias.

What the fuck is wrong with you?!

"Yujin!" You screamed making her quickly come back down from her room.

"Y-Yujin...! I think I'm sick..." You groaned, reaching your hands to your head.

"What? Are you okay? What happened?" She asked worriedly, as she raced down the hallway to reach you.

"I'm hallucinating, probably from drinking that milk when it said it was best before today,".


"Damn, I really shouldn't have drank that milk-".

"Y/N, what's actually going on? What'd you see?"

You thought back to the event that happened only seconds before, your hands trembling and your face had gone white. "I- I saw them..."

"You saw who?"

"I saw Stray Kids waiting outside our door! Changbin was standing right in front of me! CHANGBIN! He said that he's your brother! I must be crazy! I must be crazy, right?" You exclaimed, screaming in the poor girl's face as she sighed, a slightly guilty look on her face.

"Y/N... You didn't hallucinate. I'm sorry I never told you who my brother was, I knew you were a huge fan and I didn't want to lose you to him. I didn't want you to be like the others who only became my friend to get closer to him. Changbin's really my brother, and Stray Kids is really behind our front door,".


"Y/N, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine,".

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm fi-"

"SHIT!" Yujin exclaimed as you fell to the floor losing consciousness.


The last fifteen minutes in your shared apartment could only be described as hell.

After immediately gaining consciousness, you began hyperventilating, completely at a loss for words that your best friend- the best friend you've had for six years- never told you that her brother was your ultimate bias, Seo Changbin. The betrayal. You couldn't believe she didn't tell you, so you got mad at her. You shouted at her. You kept getting angry at her until you realised she only did it because she was afraid of losing you. So you cried. You cried into her shoulder saying you were sorry, and ugly cried until you realised that your idols were literally standing two metres away with only a wall and a door separating you. Then you hyperventilated again.

"Y/N, just open the door,".

You were currently too afraid to do anything and were running away from Yujin as she chased you around the couch in your living room.

"I can't do this! Just let me jump out the window!"

"We live on the tenth floor of a ten floor apartment!"

"Let me die in peace!" You screeched, dodging her movements as she tried grabbing you.

"Y/N, you know the longer I chase you the longer they're gonna have to wait outside for us,".

"Shit... They're sTILL THERE?!"




"Okay, okay I'm sorry!" You finally managed to calm down, letting out a few staggered breaths from all the running. "Okay... I think I'm calm now..."

Yujin sighed, going over to you and wrapping her arm around your shoulder. "Good," she answered, also at a loss of breath. "So I guess that means I can open the door now,".


Yujin pushed the two of you forward, reaching for the door handle and unlocked it before opening the door as wide as it could. Your mouth widened, your eyes grew large and your sweat multiplied.

They were just as they were before, respectfully waiting outside your door wondering when the door would open again. This only intensified the guilt you held in for slamming the door in their face.

When they noticed the door finally opened they smiled, Changbin's eyes glowing in happiness when he saw his sister. Yujin retracted her arm from your shoulder, stepping forward to give her brother a hug. The members awed at the sight of the happy siblings and you finally got kicked out of your trance, a happy smile making its way on your face as well.

"Aww, cute,".

Your face instantly blew up with colour when you saw Changbin look straight at you, a bright smile on his face and his eyes sparkling with amusement. 

"It's nice to see you again Y/N," he said softly almost as if you weren't meant to hear it.

This only shocked you even more, and by now you were sure your face was a literal tomato. "You know who I am?! Wait... We've met before?! Bitch, what the fuck?" You exclaimed in surprise, muttering the last part but was still heard by Chan who was standing closest to you and covered Jeongin's ears with his hands. 

"Shit! I'm sorry," You squeaked, panicked, until you realised you just swore again and covered your face with your hands. "Does anyone know how I can delete myself?!".

This caused the members to laugh at your shy and awkward personality, making you feel even more embarrassed. Suddenly, you felt a pair of warm hands reach yours, slowly pulling your hands away from your face. "It's fine, we know you're nervous about meeting us since Yujin didn't tell you who we are. Just relax, and enjoy the day," Changbin said with a smile on his face, holding your hands a bit longer than necessary before he let go, turned around, and began walking down the hall with the other members. 

"I wanna go to the arcade!"

"I want to eat, I'm starving!"

"Well, dibs not paying,".

"Yah! If you're not paying who do you want to pay? My sister?!"

"Why don't you pay Changbin Hyung!"

"I think Chan Hyung should pay- he's the leader!"

"... It's always me in the end, isn't it?"

Yujin wrapped her arm around your shoulder, shocking you after being completely frozen from being so close to Changbin. She teased you, only making your face get redder as she pulled you towards the group of boys that were a few metres ahead. "I saw you trying to make a move on my brother~. This is why I have trust issues,".

"Sh-shut up will you?! They're already ahead, stop bothering me and start walking!"

Yujin just snickered, whispering jokes in your ear as you tried your best to stay composed, failing miserably when you began laughing at her stupid jokes and teases. The two of you laughed while walking behind the boys, Yujin happy to have loosened you up.

Changbin continued bickering with his members, suddenly hearing the angelic laughter that left your mouth. He turned around, seeing his sister's arm wrapped around you who had a bright and gorgeous smile plastered on your face. He turned back around again not wanting to get caught for staring. He continued forward, a shy smile on his face. 

"She's just as cute as I remember..."


"Bye Changbin Hyung, Yujin and Y/N!" Jeongin shouted as the eight members separated from the three. They had just finished a full day of activities, eating, playing arcade games and watching a movie together. The eights members decided to head back to the dorm whereas Changbin decided to drop his sister and you back at your apartment. 

The day had gone smoothly, though you felt a bit awkward and embarrassed at the start, you realised that Stray Kids are just ordinary people like you and you started treating them like you would with anyone else. It was fun, they were all very nice and enjoyable to be around, however, you didn't have the chance or the guts to talk to Changbin as often as you would've wanted to.

It was dark and the three of you were in a comfortable silence as you walked home. Suddenly, Yujin stopped, making you raise an eyebrow at her peculiar behaviour. 

"Yo Y/N, we need some new milk right? I'll buy some while you and Changbin head home,". 

You whipped your head in her direction, betrayal written on your face. "Hey! You can't leave me alone like this!" You hissed into her ear to which she just laughed at you. 

"You won't be alone, you'll be with my brother!"

"You dumb bitc-"

"Yujin, make sure you get back safe, it's late out and I don't want you to get hurt. Keep your phone in your hands and prepare your pepper spray if any strange guys approach you," Changbin warned.

Yujin scoffed, rolling her eyes at his protectiveness, "I'm not a child Changbin, I'll be fine,". She went over to him, embracing him in a hug before whispering something in his ear, "You've been a wuss the whole day, talk to her you coward. You see how much she likes you and I'm giving you this chance, now go crazy bro. But not too crazy. I'm coming back in like an hour and I don't want to walk in on anything I'll regret,". 

Yujin pulled away from him with a smirk, running away from the two of you, "Love you bro it was great seeing you! Love you too Y/N I'll see you at home!"

"Yah!" Changbin screamed, a blush spreading across his face in embarrassment, "You disrespectful kid, don't expect anything for your birthday!"

You raised a brow, confused as to what happened between the two siblings but decided to ignore it. Changbin turned around, making direct eye contact with you since you were staring at him. You both instantly did a 180 turn, coughing in to your hands in embarrassment.

"So... should we go?" You asked after turning back to him.

He faced you, a smile slowly forming on his face, "Sure".

The walk back was quiet with a slightly awkward tension in the air. "Hey, you never told me how we met. You said we saw each other before..." You said softly, looking anywhere but him. 

Damn Y/N where'd this confidence suddenly come from?!

Changbin froze up a bit before gaining his composure and answering you. "Well... You probably don't remember, but we met back in middle school, before you even met Yujin. I was at a store and wanted to buy a plushie but didn't bring money with me. Then, out of nowhere, a girl younger than me comes over and hands me fourty dollars to pay for a Munchlax plushie. She tells me her parents gave it to her to buy a plushie but she doesn't like any of them and gives it to me instead. And before I could even return the money, she ran away giggling to her parents and left the store. Who would've thought she attended the same school as me? I saw her around, but was never willing to talk to her. A couple years later I see a picture of her and my sister in my sister's lock screen and it turns out you two are best friends. Of course I asked Yujin to talk to you, but she's an ungrateful little sister who kept you all to herself even while knowing my crush,".

"You were the Muchlax boy?!"

"Yeah, but his name is Gyu now. I still have him and I can't sleep without him. Who would've thought I'd be the kind of guy that can't sleep without the gift from the girl he likes,".

"You like me?"

"...It's kind of embarrassing isn't it? We only met once, but seeing you around school and hearing about you from Yujin made me fall for you,".

"Well... shit,"

"What's wrong? Y/N..? Y/N!" Changbin shouted, catching you before you fell to the ground since you had lost consciousness. 

"What..? You guys are still out here- oh my god," Yujin said, walking over to Changbin and an unconsciousness Y/N with a litre of milk in hand. "She's an idiot,".

"Well... She's a cute idiot,".



Hello my wonderful readers! Wheeze this chapter was really long and probably made no sense but it's fiiiiiine. Don't forget to vote, comment and share!

Song of the Day: Chocolate by DAY6, an english cover by me.

Please watch it, this is my first time posting a cover on YouTube!

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