90 days to live

By Bestfootforward

85.4K 3.4K 570

'My mother used to tell me that life is just a series of battles; it is up to us whether we are brave enough... More

90 days to live - Chapter 1
90 days to live - Chapter 2
90 days to live - Chapter 3
90 days to live - Chapter 4
90 days to live - Chapter 5
90 days to live - Chapter 6
90 days to live - Chapter 7
90 days to live - Chapter 8
90 days to live - Chapter 9 pt. i
90 days to live - Chapter 9 pt. ii
90 days to live - Chapter 10
90 days to live - Chapter 11
90 days to live - Chapter 12
90 days to live - Chapter 13
90 days to live - Chapter 14
90 days to live - Chapter 15
90 days to live - Chapter 16
90 days to live - Chapter 17
90 days to live - Chapter 18
90 days to live - Chapter 20
90 days to live - Chapter 21
Please read:)

90 days to live - Chapter 19

2.9K 132 16
By Bestfootforward


"Iron is awake." Zena says, her touch rousing my body from the bed.

With Jared still under specialist observation, I relocate to the Zena's office to be with him. Obligingly, she works with other patients in another office.

Jared becomes stronger. At first, he was only able to inform us on meagre pieces of detail about the Sicarii base and their aims. It seems that they will attack soon, using teleportation devices like the one the Auctor wore. This is duly noted by every Warrior; everyone is on their Guard. What we did not anticipate were the Sicarii's undeniably large numbers, far greater than our own.

Time goes by smoothly but too quickly for my liking. I've past twenty years old and each day I'm coming closer to the battle that will determine everything. I try and grasp desperately at the time as it slips like sand granules through my fingers.

"May I see him?" I reply, pushing myself off the bed. My suit is ever the same, without a crinkle nor a crease despite the fact I've slept in it all night.

"You'll have to be quick. He's frail from being unconcious for so long." Zena says, walking to her desk and filing some papers into the drawers. I sigh; its been too long for him to be under the influence of sedation.

 I gaze at Jared's sleeping form as I linger by his side. His arms begin to flail about the bed until he awakens with a gasp; the same way he does everytime I leave while he sleeps.

"I'm here." I whisper.

"You left." He says, his eyes wide and panicked. I place my hand on his and peck his lips.

"I need to go and see Iron." I say.

"Can I come?" He asks. Technically he should. Carlisle seemed to know that he would return and appointed him as a leader as long as Zena classified him to be fit.

"I'm going now."

"Thats ok." Jared smiles, throwing off the duvet and swinging his feet around to meet the floor. He's now dressed within his own black suit. Underneath the skin of his suit, on the left side of his chest is a tattoo of the STO's symbol. It seems to be a ritual for the male Warriors.

"Are you sure? You've been working yourself hard lately."

"I'm a leader Lara." He grins. "Besides, if I can fight off a Sicarii even in my current state, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to handle talking to Iron."

I shrug my shoulders. He's right; he has excelled in every test so far; agility, strength, combat, decision making. He'll be ready for his trial soon. His body has a remarkable capacity of healing qualities. My breath hitches suddenly. Who knows how Iron will react to Jared's fortuitous return? More importantly, will he approve of my decision of granting Jared sanctuary?

"Lara?" Jared calls. I smile at him and entwine my fingers within his. His grip immediately tightens and begins to crush my hand. The re-establishment of a healthy diet, love and exercise is already restoring his strength. Mutari strength.

"Jared." I wince.

"Sorry." He says, pressing his lips against my knuckles. "I forget."

"Its alright." I say.

"Come on - we need to see Iron quickly." Zena says, walking briskly from behind her desk, a stack on papers resting on her clipboard. She shuffles into her white coat that hangs on the back of the door.

"Is he coming?" I ask hesitantly. Kyle.

I haven't seen him in days. My heart contricts at the thought of his grieving state. He hides away in the compartment, only coming out to train the younger Warriors. One thing he makes sure of is that we are never scheduled to be in the same place at the same time. I cast my eyes down to the floor.

"He said he would try and make it." Zena says. My spirits lift for a fraction of a second before I remember his resolve. I feel a spike of envy that she is able to see Kyle but he avoids me.

"He won't actually though will he?" I enquire. Zena nods her head slowly, acknowledging that my hypothesis is correct. Jared wraps his arm around my waist and presses a chaste kiss to my forehead. I sigh, never imagining the absence of Kyle's this present would place such a strain on my life.

"He'll snap out of it eventually." Jared says softly. I nod my head.

"Come on."

As we make our way toward's Medic two's office, I'm gratified by Jared's steady clutch around my waist.

We've barely separated from one another. With Iron, Nathan and Kyle all being absent, he's had his input in control. I found myself desiring a training and sparring partner. Jared readily volunteered for the position.

I press myself into Jared's side. With the bond having reconnected, he can interpret my feelings and only holds me closer. We haven't been able to hold an official funeral for the irretrievable members of the rescue mission. They cannot be deceased while the candlelight flame of hope burns. However a few words from Iron's lips will confirm everything.

Zena's stilettos click monotonously against the floor. The 'one, two' rhythm is surprisingly settling. When it stops, she opens the door into Medic two's office.

"Can you wait here?" I ask Jared.

He rolls his eyes. "He knows that I am here."

"He doesn't know that I granted you sanctuary."

"Didn't he allow you to make the decision? He would've known that you would have granted me permission to stay."

I shrug my shoulders. From Iron's point of view, before Jared came back it seemed to be as if I was with Kyle. I leave that part out though, not wanting to create more problems with Kyle. The possesive Jared is still an omnipresent threat.

My eyes fall immediately upon Ally. The oxygen tube coming out of her mouth contributes to the rising and falling of her chest. Its the only visible sign that she is comatised and not quite deceased. The lump inflates in my throat at the sight of my bestfriend. 

She was like this yesterday and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that. Every time I have visited since she was brought here shows no change except the fading bruises on her alabaster skin. The heart rate monitor bleeps steadily.

"Lara." Iron's voice echoes around the room. I smile with relief and run over to him, throwing my arms around his neck. His dirty blond hair is in desperate need of brushing but his hazel eyes seem eager enough to greet me.

"Thank god you're alright." I say into his shoulder. I barely notice the tears that are running down my cheeks.

His face crumples. "I'm not alright; look at her." He says, nodding towards Ally. "The stupid Medic wouldn't even let me move the bed so I could be beside her."

"I'll sort that." I reply softly. "When John returns, I will order him to move you."

"Thank you." He yawns. "Why is Kyle not here?"

"He'll come later." I say sadly.

"He didn't respond well to the news of Nathan? Or of your inevitable rejection since Jared's arrival?" Iron shakes his head.

"Both." I sigh, "Speaking of which, would it be alright if Jared came in and then we can talk?" I ask, a little apprenhensively.

"I suppose so." He responds nonchanlantly. "Are you actually alright now? Not just the bullshit version you tried to convince me of?"

"It feels as if my chest has had a stone lifted from it." I smile sadly.

"Thats the way I felt when I had her in my arms again." Iron replies. I reach for him hand and hold in within mine.

"I've missed you around here more than you can imagine." I mumble.

"John said the sedation wasn't supposed to be as powerful. I would have come back to annoy you sooner otherwise." Iron grins, his gaze constantly flickering between myself and Ally.

  My gaze falls to the minute white scar on his bottom lip as he speaks. Sighing, I hug him once more before moving to the door to bring Jared in. When I see him standing there, leaning against the wall my heart rate picks up again. I gesture for him to come in, smiling goofily at him. As he brushes past me, he swoops down to my height and kisses me swiftly before moving towards Iron's bedside. I bite my lip and follow him.

We sit on the two chairs Jared has dragged over.

"Do you think you two could wheel me over there now? Then I can recount everything." He sighs.

"I think we should wait for John."

His eyes harden. "Just do it Lara." He snaps. I flinch back and Jared places his arm protectively around my shoulders. Iron shakes his head. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap. I-I just need to be with her."

"Its okay. If I wheel the bed, Lara can move the drips." Jared says.

"Shouldn't it be the other way round weakling?" I smirk. "If you've already forgotten, I make the orders around here."

"Who are you calling weakling, princess?" Jared responds with a grin.  "As for being in charge, you won't be for long."

"Correct - I am in charge here." Iron says sternly. "We don't have all day."

Much to Jared's objection, I'm quick to my feet, unclasping the safety locks on the infirmary bed to make it mobile. Relunctantly, Jared drags over the drip trolley as I park Iron's bed next to Ally's. I try to not look directly at her. It only evokes the ubiquitous guilt, sorrow and regret. I know that it was never my intention to put her in that bed or in that coma yet somehow it feels as though my hands were directly responsible for the situation.

"Don't think this wins you any favour Miller." Iron glares at Jared. "You don't deserve this chance she's given you."

"I know I don't" Jared replies.

"You checked him for bugs?" Iron asks.

"He's all clear." I reply. "However the entire premises was littered with bugs, I presume Vicarius left. We had every single one of them found and destroyed."


Jared sets the drip beside Iron who cannot relieve his eyes of Ally. I see the tears brimming as he curls his fingers around her unresponsive palms. When Jared drags over only one of the chairs, I glare at him. He pats his thighs in response. I roll my eyes and walk to pull up the other chair. I'm only halfway there before I feel the pressure of Jared's palms around my waist as he picks me up and hauls me onto his lap.


"Don't bother." Jared says, resting his lips against my temple.

"Then you cannot arraign me when this starts to hurt you." I sigh, settling down into his body. I let my legs dangle off the arm rest of the chair and place my head on Jared's chest, finding comfort in the stable heart beat. His heart thuds more empathatically and more quickly than the heart rate monitor shows Ally's to.

Reaching out, I place my hand on Iron's arm, trying to focus his attention on Jared and I rather than Ally. We need our answers now. When he turns to us, a salty tear slips down his cheek before he has time to hide it.

"Iron what happened?" I ask.

He sighs. "When we arrived at the control room, we asked for sanctuary just like we planned. Even the weapons were concealed to  We were arrested by some of the Guards who were dubious of our intentions and escorted us to the Rex."

"The plan worked then?"

"Yes, for the most part." Iron grits his teeth. "When we met the Rex...I knew that he could see right through our spectacle. His eyes seemed to bore into me, trying to wean the truth out."

"You didn't did you?" I ask fearfully.

"No." He sighs. "But I almost did but then I heard her scream from behind a curtain." He glances over to Ally, almost as if to see that she is still lying beside him.

"What did you do?"

"I immolated the Guards holding me before they even realised I was armed. The others did the same, They didn't expect such a precipitous attack; they didn't even have the chance to draw their swords before they were decapitated."

"And the Rex?"

"He fled."

"You allowed him to escape." Jared asks incredulously. I squint at him and pinch his skin lightly knowing that remarks like that will not win him favour with Iron.

"Don't say it like that Miller." Iron spits. "The purpose of the mission was to rescue Rena - not to kill the Rex."

Jared rolls his eyes and I place a settling hand against his chest. He sighs.

"So." Iron continues. "After I'd fought off the rest of the Guards...I found her behind the curtain. I can't say I have been more elated and vengeful in my life." He scowls. "She had passed out on the bed. Her limbs were disconjunctated and sprawled everywhere. The worst part Lara, was the blood and the bruises - they were everywhere. When I picked her up, I felt every protruding bone and the contort of her shoulder. They must have dislocated it just before we arrived. She didn't even awaken when I popped in back into place." He says, running a hand over his wearied face. "I can't believe we didn't organise ourselves sooner. She's like this because of me." He frowns. A tear shades the face of the Iron man.

"It not your fault Iron. We all played our part in this." I say softly. Jared's arms hug me closer to him.

"Lara, I couldn't save Nathan and the others and now I won't even be able to save her."

"What do you mean you couldn't save the others?" I enquire.

"I was supposed to go back for them and help them all return safely. Nathan told me they would hold off the Sicarii until I'd brought Rena back to base. They were waiting for my arrival and the command to retreat to the tubes."

"I don't understand."

"I was supposed to go back Lara. They're all dead because I left them there to fight my battle." Iron replies, his free hand clenches into a tight white fist. His eyes harden into merciless ambers.

"Why didn't you go back then?" Jared interferes.

"Because I was under duress of orders to be conducted to the infirmary. I assume thats why I was sedated. They wouldn't let me leave again - the idiots wouldn't listen to me." He scowls.

"Oh my god." I whisper.

"What is it?" Jared asks worriedly. Tears prick to my eyes as I sit up straight. I attempt to grasp at the situation and see if what I am being told is correct. Because if it is so, then I'm responsible for the deaths of Nathan, Kyle's brother and nine other warriors.

"Lara what is it?" Iron enquires.

"Those were my orders."


"The orders to bring you to the infirmary came from me. I didn't think that a situation like that would occur." I say, tears spilling off my lashes and down onto my cheeks. They scorch my skin like hot lava.

"You're the reason my brother is dead." A voice says coldly from the entrance door. My eyes immediately lift to see Kyle at the doorway. His dishevelled hair and icy glare send chills through me. "He could've been here right now if it weren't for you."

"I'm so sorry." I sob, the tears really begin to tumble to the floor.

Jared pulls me into his chest.

"Don't you dare speak to her like that." He growls. "This is not her fault. It is an unfortunate accident."

"Well this 'unfortunate accident' cost my brother's life. If I had been allowed to take an active part in the mission, instead of being stuck here babysitting here then perhaps things could be different." He snarls. "My brother was the only family I had left but you managed to ruin that." My eyebrows rise in acclamation and raw hurt. He said he wanted to stay.

"Thats unfair Kyle. My purpose was never for anyone to die at my expense. I never intended for any of this to happen." I retort, wiping at the furious torrent of tears.

"Did your purpose include leading me on as well?" He responds bitterly. "For someone who claims they didn't plan for any of this to happen, you seem to have done a successful job in screwing up my life." 

"You are joking aren't you?" Jared scoffs. "You knew she had bonded with another but you still forced your unwanted intentions upon her."

Kyle turns to Iron, ignoring Jared. "You have to take her out of control. She is a liability."

"Be quiet Kyle." Iron hisses.

"How can you say that Kyle? Carlisle put me in charge for a reason the same as he did for you." I say, stunned by the animosity of his words.

"You've done nothing for the STO except cause trouble." Kyle responds, pushing back the lock of hair that insistently drops into his eye.

"Everyone be quiet." Iron growls.

Jared rises, carefully setting me on the chair barely taking notice of Iron's instruction. I'm on my feet beside him immediately. A fight beckons because it seems violence is the only method we can solve our conflicts with.

"Listen." Iron yells, an anxious expression playing upon his face.

We hold our tongues, abiding my our leader's command. Without the pandemonium of noise and torrid accusations. The room is drenched by a wave of silence. Because without our voices we can clearly notice that the consistent bleeping of Ally's heart rate monitor has become an unfluctuating, flat siren.

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