Lookism x tonystark!brucewayn...

By kal_amrit

30.9K 1.1K 237

"I haven't been a kid since I was 8 years old". Based on Webtoon Lookism. In which a 17-year-old billionaire... More

LOOKISM [edited]
O/C [edited]
Prologue [new]
One|| The Exchange Student [edited]
Author's Note
Two|| Sticks And Stone Will Break Your Bones [edited]
Three|| The Hostile And Vulnerable Prt. 1 [edited]
Five|| A Library Study Session [edited]
Six|| Coffee Is My Survival Juice [edited]
Seven|| Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover [edited]
Eight|| Meeting Duke Pyeon [edited]
Ten|| The Festival [edited]
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's Note

Four|| The Hostile And Vulnerable Prt. 2 [edited]

1.2K 64 7
By kal_amrit

I fought back. "You don't like me? Have a seat with the rest of the bitches waiting for me to give a fuck", I spoke emotionlessly walking up to him. I pulled up my sleeves. They laughed, "What will a pretty girl like you do?". "Ji-You-", came Daniel but I didn't wait for the man to make the first move so I gave it to him. Taekwondo, I think to myself. I sent my left leg upward, ripping his shirt in the process. It startled him. "How-". Before he could react I slammed his face to the ground with my foot, knocking him out.

The other man ran to me in rage, aimlessly trying to land a punch on me. Boxing. I bought my fists to either side of my head, bringing my right foot out, taking my stance. I was about to send a punch towards his face which made him freeze but I decided to leave him in one piece. I appeared around him and swooped my arms around his right arm, one grabbing his shoulder while the other clenched on his lower arm. I kicked him behind his knee making fall. I kept the hold for a while.

"Hothead, do you want to die? You, a little piece of...", I scowled as he grunted in pain. "I'll spare you. Get your friend and your girlfriend out. You have 2, no, 30 seconds." "Do you know who I am? I rule over Gian High!", he roared. I laugh letting him go. "25 seconds", I warned him. He staggered back and desperately got hold of his friend calling his girlfriend as he did.

"We'll give you a break! But we won't forget your faces! You rotten youngsters", he spoke as he walked out slamming the behind him.

"You guys rule!"


"And I was like!"


"Hey, do you know who I crushed before?"

"Hehe, you mean that guy?"

"Did you see them snap?"

"It was obviously not their first time!"


"Who knew Ji-Young could fight like that?"

You haven't seen anything yet, boys. "Ji-Young, Danny! Don't worry about my busted phone!", one of the minions tapped us on the shoulder with a wide grin on his face. "I will just steal G Hole's phone, hehe." Is this what they call fun? "I should've taken a nude pic of those bitches, too. Hehe." He continued. Harass others with no consideration.

Me and Daniel gave him a death stare. "Let go." We say together, boring into his soul. I got angry. "Keep your disgusting hands off me", I growl. They gasped backing away in utter shock. They were sweating. Alcohol makes me into a different person. "You guys having fun? Have you ever put the shoe on the other foot?", Daniel began.

Alcohol allowed our deepest held thoughts, come rushing out. "I'm tired of people like you. So tired of having to deal with your bullshit." I firmly said. "Don't pick on me", Daniel said, making them look at him. "Do you even know how I feel?" We said together. I was standing by Daniel. He was sitting on the floor, defeated.

They stood in shock once more. 'Um...What?! What are they saying? Who's bugging them? Are they warning us?', they thought frantically. "They are right. Don't bother them. You bastards", Zack yelled making me perk my head up in interest. 'Ah, he's a pain in the ass. Should we hit him when he's drunk.' The minions thought.

I prompted myself against the wall not noticing Daniel take a drink until he spat it out. I resisted the deadpan, too tired. I saw him shutting his eyes, swaying a little. "Niel!" I called him but he already fell unconscious. I prompt myself against the wall watching the others by Daniel.


"Wake up!"

"He's smashed hehe."

I felt myself taking off my jumper. Luckily I had a sports bra underneath. "Hey-Ji-Young what are you doing?!" It was Zoe speaking but unfortunately, I couldn't see anything very clearly. "It's getting too hot", I whined. I tied the jumper around my waist. "You like what you see?", I sassily spoke with a few slurring out of my mouth. They quickly diverted their eyes, bleeding noses and blushing faces away.

I quickly noticed they were staring at someone at the door. I whipped my head around. Danny? DanDan? Why is he here?

"Heh? Who is that kid? I swear I've seen him before..."

"Dummy, it's him! The fatty from the convenience store."

"Why is he here?"

"He's probably come to pig out alone."

I saw the way they were looking at him. Even the owner. I clumsily pushed through them and engulfed Daniel in a hug. "What are you doing here?", I giggled. I rested my head on my shoulder and breathed into the neck. I felt Daniel heat up. I giggled slightly. I then shot a dirty look at them. "Don't call him fatty or a pig, you imbeciles! Unless you want me to make your murder look like an accident." They choked on their own drool.

"What are you wearing?" Daniel asked, embarrassed as he tried to look away from my attire. I was about to get up when I was pushed aside by Zack. I puffed out my cheeks. "Great to see ya piggy!", he said by crushing him in a hug. He continues talking, making me giggle and hiccup.

I tackled Zack away from Little Daniel. "Hey! Stay away from my DanDan." He pushed me. "Ow", I whined cutely, causing the boys to stare at my innocent form. 'Never knew Ji-Young had these sides to her.', they thought.

"Don't touch my piggy, you bastards. You insulted his mum! Took a picture! And Punched him", Zack yelled. "Aish, wasn't it you who hit him?", I mutter under my breath.

I kept zoning in and out. I lay on the floor, exhausted and covered my eyes from the light. I listened in to their conversions. DanDan was told to get Niel? I was falling asleep feeling a pair of arms pick me up. I looked up to see Zack and being too tired to protest, I passed out in his embrace.

Minutes later, I woke up in an Arcade, still a little drunk. I yawn and stretch. I remembered the recent event and mentally slapped myself for my insolence. I heard familiar voices beside me.

"Piggy- Pay attention. Look closely-", Zack spoke sliding into his boxing position. I grin. He's teaching Daniel. I walk over and do the same, surprising them.

"Guard your cheek with your arm like this," I said. "Your stance is wider than your shoulder", he continued. "Bring in your arms parallel centred over your butt", I say. "This is the basic posture", we say together.

I allowed him to continue while simply showing a demonstration with him. "From here, take a step forward. Put your weight in the order of pelvis-shoulder-fist." We did. "Then push your shoulder first and stretch your arm out." He slammed his fist into the punching machine. I looked in awe, "Woah!"

"That is straight", he said, eyeing me then looking at DanDan. "A knock out", I spoke in similar terms as I sat down.

"Let's go home."

"We'll take care of Zack."

They walked away, saying their goodbyes. I looked at Daniel with a smirk. "Go ahead, DanDan. Punch it." 'She has nicknames for me in both bodies. DanDan and Niel?', he thought and nodded anxiously and walked towards the machine. I sense DanDan reciting the steps me and Zack advised him on but only missed, ripping it. I smile at his efforts. He quickly grabbed Niel, blushing in embarrassment and walked away after saying a quick goodbye.

I got up and tiredly walked up to the punching machine, sensing someone was staring at me I resumed. I punched the machine causing it to flash. Fuck, I broke it. I exited the building, making my way home. "What are you looking at? Vasco?" Jace asked his friend. "Oh? A punching machine?" They walked to it, looking at it in disbelief. "Who did that?!" Jace asked in surprise. "The exchange student and the kid." 'The boy just grazed but it ripped? The girl completely broke the machine. How strong is she really?', Vasco thought. They gazed towards my retreated figure.

I need to get my act straight. Stand up, look ahead, and live. A single tear falls down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away for it to only cause more to fall. I could barely make it home so I waited at the bridge I was crossing for the effect of the booze to wear off.



"While you're down there kid. Lick my shoe", a boy spits on me after knocking me to the ground. "Your parents must've been real freaks bringing up a kid like you."


"Gosh. If your parent's died, you should've stayed home. Why would you crawl outside? What's the point in living as an orphan? Your life is meaningless anyway."


"You shouldn't be coming here, monster", the class pitched in. "I-I'm not-", I stutter. "She looked over here. She's gonna get us killed as well!", a boy laughs. "Don't look into her freakish eyes! You're a monster!", a girl says.

"Monster! Monster! Monster! Monster! Monster! Monster", the class chanted.

Flashback(s) End

Those dirtbags. I smile at their idiocy but that soon turned into a painful expression. I climb onto the ledge and elegantly move across the railing with a peaceful expression. "Mum, Dad. I wish you were here", I sob. I suddenly stopped, feeling someone walk over and looked up with my puffy red eyes to see Zack. "Hey, Ji-Young! Don't do it! It's dangerous, come down. Please come-", he frantically yells up at me.

"Zack", I choked in acknowledgement. I rub my eyes. I turn to him with a fake smile, causing him to stand back in shock. "Were you crying?", he asked. I shook my head, getting off the railing. He didn't buy it but didn't pry either.

"Why haven't you gone home yet?", he asked, getting a hold of my wrist. "I could ask you the same thing," I raised a brow. "I asked first", he said sternly. He didn't want to admit he followed me. I look him in the eyes and back to the moonlit water. I've died once, I thought.

Even though I was one step away from passing out, in the back of my mind my voice reminds me that a drunk decision will always have consequences. But with the world spinning twice as fast my sanity was long gone.

I began feeling uneasy, my eyes were rolling backwards. My throat was sore and I tried to clear my throat as I tried to keep my balance but only to fall forward to his chest. In a sloppy attempt to regain my posture, Zack had engulfed me in a hug. My heart thumped faster thinking about how close we were.

"Huh, who knew you were so kind at heart. I still hate your poor manners and extremely high imprudence." I joked, cracking a smile in his chest but it fell to a sad smile. It made him hold me closer and tighter as we kneeled on the ground. "Say something", he says in a low and desperate voice. Unknowingly, I held tighter onto his top, yet I hadn't ushered a word.

I felt him move and now his face was inches from mine. "Then when you're ready", he mutters as he wipes my tear-stained cheeks. He picked me bridal style and began walking. I let my head rest on his chest. "Ji-Young, I know you're conscious so stop acting like you aren't", Zack exclaims with a flushed face making me jolt my head up and tilt my head. I wrap my arms around his neck and stare at him as a tease. I saw him glance me for a while and look the other way.

'Why are you like this?', he thought to look into my eyes than to my pink plump lips. 'I bet no one's kissed those rosy lips of yours yet.'

His thought was interrupted by my voice. I giggled, then smiled at him and caressed his cheeks. His eyes grow wide in surprise but kiss my forehead.

I suddenly gasped from the pain my head was receiving. My head was spinning so badly and Zack's words seemed like gibberish to me. "Ji-Young?" I hear Zack's worried voice before everything turns black. His lips quiver wondering what my intentions were when I stood on the railing and what I would've done if he wasn't there. He tried to not think of the possibilities and simply stared at my peaceful form before putting me on his back.


"Mother, Father! Where are we going?", the little girl came running into her parents' arms. Her parents were full Koreans. 

Her father, had a dark and imposing figure, short black hair, and bright and intense orange eyes. He smiles often and keeps a level head in nearly every situation. He is quick to issue orders and expects them to be followed with no questions asked, but he does listen and at times even accept the opinions of others. His natural commanding presence and intimidating personality command respect from his colleagues. He rarely, if ever abuses his authority unfairly over them. If they were to make mistakes, he makes certain to still praise them on what they did right, as well as educate them on what they didn't. Outside work environments, he has a natural easy-going demeanour yet an impressive presence.

Her mother was a noticeably tall and fair-skinned woman with straight waist-length black hair, blue eyes, and broad shoulders. She was attractive in appearance, sporting a voluptuous frame and well-toned yet muscular build. She comes off as a powerful and commanding presence to those around her. She is serious-minded and outspoken in her views whilst being confident and clear-headed, compassionate and trusting towards others

The man and woman hold out their arms letting their child run into them. The little girl's name was Ji-Young who smiled widely and giggled as her cheeks were pinched. "So adorable~", the woman says, making the child squeal in delight. Ji-Young wore her hair up into two buns and rocked a simple white hoodie, black legging with boots while her parents wore business attire.

They both chuckled. "We're going to visit a neighbourhood, sweetheart." Her father spoke ruffling her hair. "Are you up for it?", he playfully challenges her to which the little girl looked into his eyes and smiled. "I can't wait!", she beamed, causing them to pat her head before they scurried and ran to the limo, jumping into their seats. They drove off, parking next to a church.

Ji-Young stares at the Church with curiosity. Her parents notice this and say, "How about you stay here and make a few friends while we look around. It's a Sunday after all." She immediately jumps excitedly, pecking them on their cheeks before running in and sitting on a bench at the very front. She soon notices three other kids about her age sitting to her left, two were boys and one being a girl.


"Pray, Zack."


'They seem like good friends', she thinks, smiling happily for them. They hadn't noticed her so she began praying. 'Please let me get married to Mira. Please make her love me more than you, God. You have a lot more fans than it is.' Zack prayed. 'Father, please protect my parents from all the bad entities in this world' she prays. As she does, she felt a few eyes on her but continued to thank God for all his gifts. Eventually, Ji-Young opened my eyes and looked over to the three strangers who were preoccupied with this time.

"What's that, Mira?"

"It's for an offering."


"Is it good to give a lot? I have ten bucks."

"Wow! Zack!"

"He's giving ten bucks!"

Ji-Young watched from a distance as they happily interacted but couldn't help but feel left out. The priest walks over to her first and she kindly places a flower inside that she picked not long ago. To pass the time quickly she kept her eyes closed.

"Zack, it's not necessarily 'good' to give a lot."

"It's okay. I was gonna use it in the arcade anyway."

Finally, Ji-Young builds up the courage to befriend them so she shyly walks up to them, her eyes glued to her shoes.

"H-Hi, I'm Ji-Young Lee", she managed to whisper out. Mira immediately greets her back with a smile. The boys follow, introducing themselves. By this time it was Johan's turn to give an offering and he pulls out a candy.

"Is that your offering? Candy?"

"What did you pray for?"

He finally spoke with twinkle eyes and a hopeful smile. "I asked God to heal my mom." The girl shot her head up with widened eyes but came to realise they were staring at her with the same expression. "Wow..." she hears, causing her to snap out of her thoughts and turn to Mira. Ji-Young blushed in embarrassment at the attention. "Your eyes...they're something else...", Mira breathed out astonished at something so rare. They were sure they weren't fake, more real than fake in their opinion. She quickly thanks to them not noticing their flushed faces.

They continued to talk and decided to walk towards a sign saying Gian Church Volunteer Haircuts. Ji-Young soon found out Johan's mother was losing her eye-sight.

"I'm sure your mother will get treated, either by a miracle or God will send someone to do his job. I promise", she says determinedly. Johan looks at her, almost in a trance and hummed. "So what did you wish for, Ji-Young?", asked Zack. I smile. "For my parents to live a safe, healthy and long life " she giggles. "Wow, that's really nice of you."

She soon sees a woman cutting children's hair. 'That must be his mother. She's...an angel. She had so much life in her. It was practically glowing off her' she thinks. "Oh my. There you are, Zack and Mira", she spoke, giving all of them a hug. She stood patiently behind them. She looks over to her, noticing her bright piercing eyes. "Who must you be?" she spoke in awe. Ji-Young bows and says, "I'm Ji-Young Lee, ma'am." She nods, inviting the little girl along with the others for a hair-cut.

They wait in line. "Ugh...This neighbourhood's so crappy." Zack wines. "Hush, Zack!" Ji-Young and Mira spoke in unison, causing them to look at one another and smile. "My mom's a hairdresser", Johan exclaims. "She is magnificent", I say looking as she snips away. Johan could help but smile at the comment. Their turn soon came.

"Hey, Ma'am. I heard you can't see well these days. You are not going to snip my ears, are you?", Zack says. "Zack!", Ji-Young and Mira spoke together but they giggled. "Zack my eyes aren't that bad!", the woman says cheekily as she snips away.

It was Ji-Young's turn. She could barely sit still, she was excited after all. "Ji-Young dear? What cut do you want?" "Um...I'm not sure. Oh, how about some bangs. I always wanted them!", she said happily. The woman in front of her nodded and began snipping away.

"The more I look at your bangs, Ji-Young. Wouldn't it be nicer with shorter hair?", came Mira examining her new friend's hair. She was clearly shocked at how well and healthy it appeared. Ji-Young nodded in thought. "So, can you?", she asked shyly hoping it wasn't too much trouble. Johan's mother nodded and snipped away once again.

Once the woman finished, she took a step back. She couldn't help but gawk at the sight. She had to admit, the new girl sitting in front of her had an innocence about her but her eyes held so much burning passion behind her bangs. The colour of her hair complimented the colour of her eyes almost like a black sky with bright stars.

The trio came over to look at her appearance, instantly having their jaws drop to the ground. "Does it look that bad?", she whispered nervously. They quickly shook their heads.

"No silly, you look so beautiful."


"Really? Well, Mrs Seong, I will wear this hairstyle forever!" she exclaims, causing her to chuckle and pat her head. "Johan, your mom really is very full of love. Sister, thanks for your contribution." A man says. "That's nothing, brother. You spent your money on rice." Johan's mother replies.

Ji-Young stood between Johan and Zack, waiting for Mrs Seong to tie a bracelet around her wrist. "Okay all done." "Wish bracelet? What is this?", asked Zack. We look up at the woman in confusion.

"Yeah, I made it. If you wait till it falls off, you'll be granted one wish."


I see Zack aggressively trying to tear it apart. 'Mira will be my wife! Zack the husband! Mira Kim! Here comes the bride!' Ji-Young couldn't help but giggle at his struggle. "Zack you have to wait till it falls off naturally", she says. He blushes, his stomach becomes a butterfly nest and his heart almost explodes. He then becomes lost in thought. 'Ji-Young could also be my wife. I can learn everything they learn. Boxing. I am better than her at that. I better work hard. I will take care of both of them.' He abruptly thinks.

"Mom, can I...have two wishes?"

"Of course, my son. Have as many wishes."

'Hehe! Then first..! I hope that mom's eyesight gets better. And second, forever let me take care of Mira and Ji-Young.' Johan ties another to his wrist while peaking over to me and Mira, blushing a tremendous amount.

"Ma'am, may I have a few more?", Ji-Young asks fiddling with her fingers. "You too? You must have many wishes!", she says. I giggle and nod.

'One, for my parents to be healthy and safe. Two, for Johan's mother's sight, to be restored. Finally, to be friends with these three forever even when I'm back home. I'll protect them' she smiles looking over to them. 'I'll study hard and train harder to protect all of you. That's a promise.'

Flashback End

I groan awake, noticing I was on someone's back. This scent. Zack? He was walking to my house while carrying me on his back. I smile. "Ji-Young?", he questions. I groan, "Zacky..." He freezes up knowing I used to call him that to tease him when we were little. "D-Did you just-?" I interrupt him, "I'm beginning to remember, Zacky. Don't let me forget." I smile into his neck. I let out a breath causing him to shiver. "Help me remember", I tear up before I drift into a peaceful slumber.

Zack made it to the Lee Manor. "It hasn't changed since I last came here. Mira and Joh--would enjoy coming back here", he spoke to himself feeling all the memories flooding back like a tidal wave. Zack felt his heart sink to his stomach. He came to realise, he missed it even after all these years.

'Hope this goes well', he nervously mutters and builds up the courage to ring the bell, not knowing what to expect.

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