Lookism x tonystark!brucewayn...

By kal_amrit

30.9K 1.1K 237

"I haven't been a kid since I was 8 years old". Based on Webtoon Lookism. In which a 17-year-old billionaire... More

LOOKISM [edited]
O/C [edited]
Prologue [new]
One|| The Exchange Student [edited]
Author's Note
Three|| The Hostile And Vulnerable Prt. 1 [edited]
Four|| The Hostile And Vulnerable Prt. 2 [edited]
Five|| A Library Study Session [edited]
Six|| Coffee Is My Survival Juice [edited]
Seven|| Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover [edited]
Eight|| Meeting Duke Pyeon [edited]
Ten|| The Festival [edited]
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's Note

Two|| Sticks And Stone Will Break Your Bones [edited]

2.1K 84 9
By kal_amrit

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!-"

"No." I faintly whisper.

"Blow the candle, hon-"

"Please, no", I beg.




"N-No p-please. P-Please n-no!" I cried out.

*faint whispers*




"Ji-Young, wake up!"

It was my mother's voice. Knowing this, I snapped out of this dream state and back into reality. My eyes squinted at the light peeking in through the curtains, the beads of sweat trail down my forehead. I bring my knees to my chest and let out a pained whimper as I buried my face in my hands, letting the tears fall. I let a few minutes pass until I was completely sober and began my daytime routine; train, skin and dental routine, shower, and get dressed for school. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs, passing James who greeted a good morning and ruffled my hair. I hiss at him causing him to giggle and runoff. I rolled my eyes, hiding the small smile that appeared across my face.

James is also 25 years old. He is my official bodyguard and works alongside Yeon-Seo. James is a British man with black hair, blue eyes and perfectly tanned skin. He is exceptionally tall and has a big physical build. Yeon-Seo hired James and assigned him as my personal bodyguard. He is talkative, cocky and even hot-tempered, completely opposite to me and it was that we were different and had me warm up to him. He later became an older brother figure to me. They saved me from myself and I'm forever grateful for it.

I walked to the front door and just when I went for the handle, Yeon-Seo called out. "Not so fast, Miss Lee. Your schedule is as follows-" After she stopped yapping about my after school activities, I gave her a slight nod and waved after she pecked my forehead and I made my way to school.

Once I reached the school gate for the second day in a row, I grip onto my bag as I remembered yesterday's events. Daniel Park. I let out a breath and built up the courage to walk past the hoard of people outside.

I entered the school and was bombarded with comments, whispers erupted amongst each other. It was the norm for me. If they didn't go too far with their opinions I was fine by it. If it did cross the limit, they were lucky James and Yeon-Seo weren't here to escort me to school. They were protective and not in a cute way but overly 'anyone touching her will die a painful death' protective. They felt the need to overtake parental roles but they still give me the choice to think for myself.

We are close and I hate to admit this but I love them to pieces. I wouldn't wish for a different family for anything in the world.

"Hey, there she is."

"Oh damn."

"She's like a cartoon hero."

"Look at her figure."

"Damn hot."

It was too early for this but honestly, it was too early for anything. I roll my shoulders back hoping to destress them as I ignore the girls' and the boys' fangirl/boying as they excitedly follow me at a distance. I was so immersed in my music, I bumped into what I thought was a wall. Boy, was I wrong? Almost falling back, I felt a hand swiftly grab me by the waist. I silently muttered disapproved words, completely forgetting the hallway was packed with students trying to get to their departments. The moment that felt awfully slow as I stared back at a boy, with fairly large ears and his eyes grew at the sight of mine.

"Ah, just like a k-drama."

"He's so lucky."

Do these people have anything useful to do? "I'm so sorry." He began to apologise, smiling sheepishly. "I should be the one apologising. I should have paid more attention to my surroundings." I say trying to wiggle my way out of the position we're in. I awkwardly managed to pry loose and was about to walk away when I still felt his grip on my wrist. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks and spoke in my monotone voice. "My hand-" Before I could finish my sentence he yells out in surprise and backs away with his ears turning a bright shade of red.

Soon, my attention was soon grabbed at the students' scurrying away as soon as a group of men appeared behind him. Burn Knuckles? Well, this school just got interesting. I walk past the boys wearing overalls not paying attention to awestruck faces. Did they recognise me? They were well aware of who I was. The stories from the press were nothing compared to what gangs heard or specifically, seen. They definitely recognised a familiar delicate and beautiful girl who was unknowingly lethal with the skills she possessed. It is said she could disable her target, no matter the security around them. She was like a poisonous flower with hair so black, eyes that were filled with flames and lips that could intoxicate with the touch, a burning rose.

"Woah." They breathed out.

I slid open the door to the Fashion Department. I walked in after hearing Zack, Zoe and three other boys. I take a random seat beside Mira and a girl I hadn't met yet. "I really hate that", Mira says tucking a hair strand behind her ear. I picked up the pen I had noticed laying on the table and twirled it between my fingers out of boredom.

"Why don't you just go out with him? He's nice to you~" The girl tried persuading the other. "He's always fighting", Mira whined. Hearing this, I let out a hum, agreeing to some extent. It can be quite irritating to have a partner who enjoyed bullying the weak especially when you despised violence. But Zack's fighting style is a hit and run out boxer, he was a rising boxer in middle school and has a history of violence. Hence, he needs a good influence on the person he loves, Mira. I let the girls continue their chat, ignoring the strange feeling in my chest.

"Zack's punch is lightning fast, really."

"I couldn't see his fists."

I focus my attention back to the obnoxiously loud group at the front of the classroom. Another deep sigh escaped my lips. Mira gave me a wandering gaze as if she needed to ask something. I was too immersed with my own thoughts to have noticed. She quickly brushed passed her thoughts and looked away once she saw my brows furrowed a bit. Perhaps, she thought I wanted some space. I leaned in from my seat holding my cheek in my palm with my elbow resting on the desk.

I occasionally gazed at Daniel which only got me blushing in embarrassment. I let a puff of air out through my nose. Why am I embarrassed? Do almost all girls stare at him? But that doesn't make it right, Ji-Young, it comes off as stalkerish, I tell myself.

"Hey, I'm not proud of it", Zack began. Our eyes met, I guess I was the only one who took notice of his eyes softening but why? In those three seconds, I felt my heart stop, I gave a blank expression, almost frozen under his gaze. Luckily everyone was too fixated on their own things to notice this. When he looked away, I whispered under my breath in surprise, "Wow..."

I quickly refrain myself once hearing them talking about a boy at the convenience store? My eyes turned to that of hurt and I let out a sigh of disbelief. I began clicking my pen again and again to calm my nerves. Click. Click Click. Click.

"That piggy's mom must be a piggy too."

"Pigs are born from pigs. Haha."

"What if the piggy brings his mom? Lol."

I slid out of my chair and stalked towards them before Mira could yank me back to my seat. "Where are you-", she whispered screamed. I gave her a cold glare which turned to a playful smirk, "Where do you think?"

"Then I'm going to strip both naked. Haha."

"Lol, you lunatic."

"Was she happy after giving birth to him?"

"Haha, crazy ass."

"I would have had an abor-" Before he could finish the sentence, I made it in front of them and grabbed his minion by the neck. I watch his friends jump out of their seats, shaken as they stare at me. They were too frightened to help their friend who was now trying to pry free. I glared their way which they happily backed off. Click. Click Click. Click Click Click Click Click Click. "Finish that sentence, I dare ya." I threatened to bring his face closer to mine.

I let out a chuckle when I noticed he'd wet his pants so I released him and pushed him back into his chair. Leaving him frantically coughing and gasping for air, I turned to Zack with a stoic face to say 'seriously?' It seemed he hid the pang of guilt, shock and curiosity with anger. He certainly noticed the fire in my eyes and felt the ice in my words.

While we had a staredown, Daniel was looking at me and his eyes remained big, lost in thought but decided to speak up and break the short silence. He spoke from his table in a serious tone, "You went too far". Hearing this, I slowly backed away while Zack's had become pissed off and was filled with rage.

'Again in front of Mira', he thought, completely annoyed at Daniel. "Hey. You're fucking funny. You know that?", he began. We looked at him when he suddenly kicked his desk over and stood over Daniel. "Get up fucking worm", he demanded. I noticed Daniel was confused and nervous so I nodded reassuring him it'll be alright and so he followed.


Me and Daniel stood opposite of Zack, who was now in his boxing position. I stood beside Daniel, yawning while Daniel struggled to hide his hesitation.

"Fight in the Fashion Department!"

"Let's go see!"

"They say it's the newbies."

"With Zack Lee?"


Everyone crowded around us. 'He told me to get up so I did ... I'm going to get hit again and Ji-Young-', thought Daniel while sweating nervously. I tap my foot impatiently and I looked at Zack then at Daniel. He's scared? I was about to step in front of me when Zack spoke, "Hey wusses. I told you to come to me." He snarked. 'Let's see if they know how to fight-', he thought then looked at me. '-She was fast, dodged my punches like it was nothing. Who is she? Where did she learn that?' He blushed at the thought of me.

"Why are they just standing there?"

"Are they scared?"

"Oh, man...I guess they aren't fighters."

'Their posture is poor. They are just pretty people. Maybe it was just luck for the girl', he thought, bringing his hopes up. 'Let's do this! Watch closely, Mira', he continued. I was about to slowly walk in front of Daniel but he moved his arm in front of me, "Stay behind me, Ji-Young." His voice seemed protective. I raised a brow and forcefully grabbed his arm and pulled him behind me. "No". The sternness kept him quiet.

"Wow, she's protecting him!"

"She's so brave."

I rolled my eyes and leaned on one leg and tilted my head. Let's get this over with. "Are we going to stop gazing into each other's eyes or are we going to get somewhere with this",  I say blowing hair out of my face. I got into my position causing a chorus of gasps filled the room. I saw Zack hesitate but quickly hid it and was about to punch me when a hand grabbed his arm.

Jay Hong? He was tall and fair-skinned. He has dyed blond hair with bangs which perpetually cover his eyes and a dark undercut. He has a fit and slender body, with an athletic gain. He's extremely quiet.

'What the fuck is he?', Zack was surprised by his strength who continued to squeeze his arm and glanced at me for a second. I nod as a thank you to which I felt a slight smile gracing his lips. Is he trying to look out for us? 'His grip is incredibly strong!', he grunted. He glanced at Mira who just stared at us. It made him whack Jay's grip on him with anger, "Let go!". He didn't wait for another second and threw a punch at me and I instinctively blocked him with my arm. I kept an expressionless face as Zack looked at me with wide eyes.

"She blocked Zack's fist."

"She's crazy fast."


"How'd she do that?"


"Fucking incredible."

I was about to speak but before I could start, Zack yelled out in frustration and threw another punch. I frowned at this and I continued to block him but he came back with more. I gave him a threatening glare as I slapped his fist away again.

"She avoided every attack from Zack!"

He stopped and looked at me, still in his fighting stance. I huffed. 'Is she even human?!', he thought in shock. Ting. I was sent a message and was about to read it when Zack had taken the chance to throw a punch at me. My reaction was slow but felt a hand grab me by the arm, pulling me towards them to avoid the punch. I staggered towards the body I hid in. I looked to see who it was. Daniel? I felt my eyes widen trying to process what had happened.

I was held against his chest. His arm wrapped around me while the other had caught Zack's fist. He appeared deadly serious, no signs of fear. He stared at Zack, dead in the eye. Everyone erupted in awe. No one had done that before unless it was James, I thought as Daniel let go of my waist and moved in front of me protectively. I smirked at his intentions and swung a chair in front of me and sat down to observe the fight after it commenced.

Daniel continued to dodge Zack's punches. A small smile tugged on my lips, I was impressed. He's had mad skills, I thought. Daniel held no emotion. I nodded, pleased. Act, don't react. Punches must not hold emotions. I then saw his fist aimed towards Zack's abdomen. His solar plexus, specifically.

The yelling of the crowd only got louder. I stood next to Daniel who held a face of shock but seemed to be lost in his own world. I looked down at Zack who was on his knees in pain. He grabbed his stomach, coughing endless amounts then looked over to Mira who just starred. "Lower your eyes!" he yelled out in gasps. "Did you enjoy that? I saw everyone who smiled! I'll pluck your eyes out!". I looked at the crowd who stayed standing watching the sight. It wasn't the first time people looked at me in fear just like I used to look at others... "You heard him! Scram!-", I yelled in Korean. "Bystanders aren't any less than bullies", I finally say as I watch everyone abruptly run out.

Are the teachers non-existent or are they just not bothered? I then stood in front of Daniel and mustered the brightest smile and spoke, "Thanks." I was never a person to express my feelings out in public but I thought it was appropriate. His frown instantly disappeared as he watched the smile appear on mine, warming his heart. He stared amused, thinking there was something about my smile that makes him want more. When he saw my smile, he couldn't help but smile too, it was contagious. He could say it made me look like a ball of sunshine especially when I added it with a very cute laugh. 'It was sweet and undeniably beautiful', he thought.

I then walked away and crouched down at Zack's level, surprising him and everyone seeing how my demeanour just changed. "Stand up. I'm taking you to the infirmary", I spoke. "I don't need your help, bitch!", he argued, slapping my hand away. He failed to get up, blushing in embarrassment. I rolled my eyes and sighed, grabbed him by the arm and we moved towards the door without a word.

He didn't argue and remained silent throughout the walk to the infirmary. I helped him onto the bed. "Where's the fucking nurse?", I spoke in English not noticing Zack's confused expression. Did all the staff ditch? I groaned and went to the cupboard looking through the possible pain relief supplements. Once I found them I walked towards Zack. "What are you doing?" he questioned with slight anger traced his voice.

I glared at him, making him glare back. I kept quiet and put the glass and supplements on the side draw and pushed him back so he leaned on the wall. "What are you-", he spoke stunned. I slowly pulled his shirt up making him grab my wrist, blushing. "I'm trying to help", I spoke, making him scoff but kept silent. I applied the cream on the area feeling Zack flinch in the process. Then put his shirt down and popped a painkiller giving the glass and the tablet to him. He took it without a question.

I was about to walk away, "You should rest."

"Why did you help me?" he asked while getting into a sitting position. His voice was soft, he was curious as he watched me. I stopped in my tracks, "Cause I saw something in you, something that I felt so many years ago." Anger and resentment. I held anger and resentment toward my parent's murderer. The rage from that day continues to burn inside of me, feeding off my pain and blinding me from everything else so I locked it away before it consumed me.

Zack felt a twinge in his heart as he watched me leave. 'Ji-Young, what happened to you? You were so different when we were kids', Zack thought before resting his head on the pillow and stared into nothingness.

-In the male toilets-

Jay listened to the conversations that Zack's followers had. They were currently in a stall, smoking and chatting.

"Let's get that dick."

"The transfers?"

"But Zack was no match..."

"Let's come at them all at once."

"There are three of us."

"One grabs the girl from behind. The other two will grab him from the front and behind."

"Wow. You have no shame."

"But we can't let them be like this."

"I'll grab the girl's arms with my herculean strength."

"I don't see it..."


-Vocal and Dance Dept-

"Zack Lee in one shot?" Vin Jin asks, slouching in his chair. "Yeah, big news."

"What a tool. You think they're better looking than me?" There was a pause. "Just say it, huh?"

'Take your glasses off first..' His followers thought.

-Beauty Dept-

"Eli! Did you see the transfers in the fashion department?"

"Eli, they're good looking but you're better."

"They say the boy hit Zack Lee."

"Zack Lee lost?"

"I don't care about fighting...but if they're good looking...shall I ask them to be my hair model?", Eli says, turning to look at them with a smile on his face.

-Architecture Dept-

"You said they were handsome/pretty?" Vasco asks.


"And popular?" He continues.


"And they can fight?" He asks once more.


"They're bad as Eli", Vasco says as tears slip down his cheek.

"Don't cry."

"Those two are going down", Vasco finishes.

The whole school had begun to talk about the fight that happened earlier today. The classes continued as normal. Zack returned to class, he glanced at my sleeping form a couple of times. I had skipped lunch and slept once again. I befriended Mira Kim. She had an endless amount of questions like she hadn't met me in years.

"Tell us. What is your class like in England?"

"It's a lot different from yours."

"What are they like?"

"We get more freedom,'' I say while packing up. School had just ended and I was receiving a call. I slid the green icon to the right, picking up the phone and placing it against my ear. I felt everyone's head turn. "Yes?", I say in seriousness. "Miss Lee. I'm sorry for the short notice but it seems the meeting has been brought forward", I hear Yeon-Seo say. I quickly pick up my bag saying, "I'll be down in a second." I cut the call and said my goodbyes. I headed to the entrance of the school where the limo was parked.

Having soon arrived at the company, James took my arm and pulled me out of the car to walk into the building. We walked into a typical meeting room where I was immediately greeted by Korean executives. I took my seat as James stood on my right while Yeon-Seo stood on my left.

"I'd like to thank the board for giving me this time." I stare at every individual. "Despite, it comes as no surprise, I'd like to thank you all for taking care of all the branches. So to show my appreciation and our achievements towards Lee Enterprises, a celebration party will be held at Lee Manor." I see them smile to which I smile back.

There was a long pause, and my expression became serious. "But before that, let's get back to work", I say with a clap. A few hours passed, and I arrived in mid-afternoon. It was now the end of our long but productive meeting. We were all satisfied. James places the blazer of my shoulders as I stand. "I want to talk face to face. You have 24 hours to hand me this research. Thank you for your time." I walk out as they look at me in disbelief.

"For a17-year-old, she sure knows what she's up against."

"Beauty with brains, I'd like to say."

"She's been taught well."

I headed to my office and put my head on the table. James walked in and stood over her shoulder, letting out a dramatic gasp. "Miss Lee, what on earth are you doing? I jump and grab the keyboard and begin typing. I hear Jame let out a laugh. I rolled my eyes and casually replied, "Working."

"On what?"

My mouth forms a wide smile. "It's a surprise", I say in excitement. "Plus, if I told you, you still wouldn't understand." I push his face away from mine. "Haven't you heard of personal space?" I joke. "Actually, I don't. I'm a bodyguard for a reason", he winks at me. "And stop changing the subject", he pouted. "Tell me!", he whines. "No, leave me alone", I go back to my monotone voice.





"Common man!"



"I swear to god, James, they won't find your body!"

I hear silence. He left the room, good riddance but he came back with a grin plastered across his face. I spoke too soon, I groaned and flopped back into my chair. He found out, didn't he? "I sure did", he says somehow reading my mind.

Some time passed and I saw James up in my face again. It took tons of focus to look him in the eye. "You seriously need sleep. You look like the walking dead", he commanded, narrowing his eyes. "But I'm busy with something", I whine. "This could revolutionise -", I continue. "You said that a week ago", James interrupted, slightly annoyed and not impressed at all. "Well, it became a revolution a week ago", I laughed nervously. He looked worried. 'When was the last time you slept properly? When was the last time you didn't skip meals and actually sat down to eat a full home-made meal?'

"Come, eat. Then you're going straight to bed when we get home."

"But-" Suddenly I saw him put away aside my work and pulled me up by the arm from my chair. He walked me over to a seating area where the food filled the small table. It had gotten late but it didn't come to a surprise to me, I was a workaholic and lost track of time all the time

I sigh in defeat and loosened up and sat down to have a meal with James and Yeon-Seo. I had to admit, she was hungry and tired but what I was doing, and making, even discovering could change the world or help it.

It had gotten pretty dark by the time we completed all our duties for the day, my employees already headed home hours ago. We were in the gym and James volunteered to train or spar with me while Yeon-Seo decided to go home for the night. We stood in the boxing ring. We did everything, throwing punches, kicks, dodging, flipping. We then moved on our own training regiments and hit the showers.

We walked through the streets, avoiding any alleyways. Taking a corner, we heard a few voices. I raised my brow at James who looked at me with the same confusion.

"Loser battle!"

"You two fight. See who wins."

"Contest of the weak."


I groaned, annoyed to see a fight erupted in every corner of this city. I stepped out the corner noticing a man. He had toned muscles and a strong physique. He has tattoos on some parts of his chest and on his arms. He was fair-skinned. He has a slender face and jet-black hair. He parts his fringe in the centre. He has dark, almond eyes with thin eyebrows. He has facial hair above his lips and a thin tuft of facial hair on his chin. Vasco, the leader and founder of the Burn Knuckles.

I walked past him to the racket. We made eye contact but we both decided to show no reaction. I came closer to the scene noticing Daniel, the employee from the convenience store.

"Tell anyone or I'll spread the nude pics."

Don't tell me? I growled in anger and scrunched my hands into fists not noticing the mysterious man behind me staring at my behaviour. It had him interested. James placed his hand on my shoulder to calm me down.

Then I saw Daniel being slapped by a short boy who had a bull cut and a round babyface. He wore glasses all the time. He is fairly short and lacked any muscles. He has dark hair and bangs on his forehead.

I walked up to them, followed by James. "Stop", my voice boomed. I stared at them. I then felt a presence behind me. "Enough", I hear Vasco.


"Mind your own business. Take a hike."

When they turned to face us, their faces became pale and nervous. Zack's minions, I should've known. Does Zack know what's happening here? 'That's Euntae Lee! and Ji-Young Lee', they thought. 'The Architecture Class Prez! and the mighty exchange student. Who's the other guy?'

"Hey, it's them. Vasco and Ji-Young."

"What the-?!"

"Wow, he's my style."

"Isn't everyone?"

I resisted the urge to gag. I looked over to Daniel and Jiho who looked at us in disbelief. Both stared at me, James and Vasco. I slowly made my way to the two and crouched down at their level. I put my arm around their shoulders, pulling them close protectively. Eyes were following my every move.

"Ji-Young?!", Daniel stuttered while the other had hope written all over his face. They looked at me, appreciating the beauty beside them. The look in the eyes only made their hearts flutter. It was comforting.

"Haven't you learnt your lesson already or do you want me to put you in your place, again", I spoke with venom lacing my voice, taking everyone back.

"Oh my fucking god! What did she say?", the blonde spoke laughing. "Weak bitch". James cackled at this, truly knowing what I was capable of. Everyone began sweating, knowing their mistake. I smiled eerily as they silently prayed for themselves.

"Daniel, Daniel's friend who I believe is Jiho. Were these people mistreating you?'' I asked politely as I tiredly got up. They were unsure of what to answer, debating between yes and no but both nodded an anxious yes. I looked over to James who was readily dialling a number.

I looked at Vasco who stared intensely at me. He too wondered what I was up to. I turned my head ahead when Vasco made his first move. He grabbed one of the boy's necks lifting him up in the air.


"Ugh!", he struggled to pry free. De ja vu, I think.

"You guys are bad guys,'' said Vasco.

My thoughts were interrupted with the other two about helping their friend out. They came charging at him. I smirked, James dramatically coughed to get their attention. "I have the police on call. Make another move and you'll be put behind bars for stealing, fraud, assault and amongst other crimes." He spoke in a threatening voice. We watch them run off and as they do I high-five James.

I turned to see Vasco staring in awe. A blush had escaped his cheeks and he couldn't utter a word. I combed my fingers through my hair utterly exhausted. "Good job, James." I walked over to Daniel. "You alright?", I ask to which they nod.

"You didn't have to do that, Ji-Young?", muttered Daniel who may be on the verge of tears any second. I tilted my head in confusion, "Why shouldn't I have?" Vaco walked up to us hearing the conversation was still interested in my presence. Daniel kept silent unsure how to word his answer, making me smile slightly.

"Goodnight." And I take James's arm and walk home, leaving the boys feeling jealous. 'Who is that man?', they all wondered as they watched us disappear.

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