Psychometry ⇏ THE UMBRELLA AC...

Door kearahwrites

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"There's one thing I realized from this: You never loved me." Growing up in the Umbrella Academy was never a... Meer



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Door kearahwrites

VALERIE LAYS ON HER BED WITH HER BACK TO THE DOOR, TEARS streaming down her face as she hiccups to try and stop herself from crying.

"V?" She hears someone ask softly from the door and immediately she knows it's Diego, making her wipe away the tears and take in a deep breath.

"Yeah?" Valerie replies with a cracked voice, keeping her back towards her brother.

Diego walks over to his sister and sits beside her on the bed, fidgetting with his hands, "ar- are you okay?"

Valerie's eyes water up and she nods but doesn't look back at him while the thoughts of what that killer did vividly replay in her mind.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks softly before Valerie shakes her head and tries to sniffle quietly while also trying to subtly wipe her nose.

Valerie clears her throat, "I just want to be alone, please," she begs her brother who nods and goes to put a reassuring hand on her arm only to have her flinch lightly, scared to touch and see anything ever again.

When he leaves, Diego hears his sister start crying quietly as soon as he closes the door making him frown.

Valerie pulls her sleeves up and over her hands as a cover before curling them into her chest and quickly falling asleep.

When their mom calls everyone down for breakfast the next day, Valerie is the last one down. Her eyes puffy as she sniffles with her clothes rumpled, everyone's eyes on her when she goes to stand closest to her dad's seat while Vanya watches from afar with a frown on her face.

Once her dad comes in and tells them to sit, Valerie slowly grabs her fork only for nothing to happen, she takes tiny pieces of food and eats them even though she doesn't feel the least bit hungry.

It's quiet except for the news playing in the background but it's deaf to Valerie's ears as she worries about not feeling too sick to finish eating then a loud bang sounds out while it vibrates the table makes her flinch, her eyes shift around the table to see it was Five.

"Five?" Their dad asks with an unamused expression.

"I have a question," he starts as he leaves the knife in the table before interlocking his hands together.

"Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules," their dad replies, "no talking during mealtimes, you're interrupting Herr Carlson."

Five throws his utensils onto his plate harshly, his eye flickering over to his sister who shyly looks over to him also and shakes her head gently at what Five's doing only to get an eye roll in return.

"I want to time travel," Five states as he looks back over to his dad.

Their dad doesn't even stop to think as he says his answer, "no."

"But I'm ready, I've been practicing my spatial jumps, just like you said," Five tried to persuade their father before standing up and appearing himself beside their father and Valerie who's sat in-between Allison and her dad, "see?"

"A spatial jump is trivial when compared with the unknowns of time travel," their father explains as Valerie stops eating and listens, "one is like sliding along the ice, the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn."

Five stands there in annoyance, "well I don't get it," he admits calmly.

"Hence the reason you're not ready."

Five's eyes look over Valerie who follows and sees Vanya also shaking her head, "I'm not afraid," Five continues to try and persuade his father into letting him time travel.

"Fear isn't the issue," their dad starts as he continues eating, "the effects it might have on your body, even on your mind are far too unpredictable."

"Now, I forbid you to talk about this anymore," their dad demands as he turns to look at Five before going back to his breakfast.

Vanya and Valerie watch on in worry as Five stands there before quickly turning and leaving, "Number Five!" Their father screams out, "you haven't been excused!"

Valerie grips her fork as she watches Five make his way to the door, "come back here!" The blonde stands up and goes to follow her brother, "Void, sit back down this instant!"

Valerie debates whether or not to leave but knows Five has probably used his powers to another place in town so she slowly turns around and sits down, "now, let's finish eating, shall we?" Her father asks her only making her nod her head.

Her eyes flicker over to Vanya who gives her a weak assuring smile while Valerie begins to think the worst for Five and his anger.

"I SURVIVED ON SCRAPS: CANNED FOOD, COCKROACHES," Five explains making Valerie scrunch her nose at the 'cockroaches', "anything I could find."

"You know that rumor that Twinkies have an endless shelf life?" Five asks his sisters only to get a nod in reply, "well it's total bullshit." He admits as he takes a sip of his coffee.

"I can't even imagine," Vanya speaks up softly as she looks at her now younger brother after years of not seeing him.

"You do whatever it takes to survive or you die," Five clarifies, "so we adapted. Whatever the world threw at us, we found a way to overcome it."

"We?" Vanya questions while Valerie thinks of the same question.

Five doesn't reply to the question, "do you have anything stronger?" He asks as he lifts up the mug of coffee.

Vanya gets up and goes back over to the kitchen leaving the two siblings alone again.

"So you're just not gonna tell us who you've been stuck in the apocalypse with?" Valerie asks as she shrugs nonchalantly while looking to her brother.

Five sighs, "and you're not gonna tell me why you suddenly ended up on Diego's hate-list?"

Valerie scoffs softly as she shakes her head, "touché, little brother."

Five rolls his eyes and chuckles, "now you're on my hate-list."

Valerie laughs softly alongside her brother before Vanya makes her way over, Five getting up and meeting her halfway to grab the cup of alcohol and drink it.

Valerie sits up and goes to stand next to her siblings, "I feel like the worst parent in the world by letting you drink that shit."

When Five finishes drinking, he looks at the blonde, "good thing you're not my parents then."

Five and Valerie crack a smile before Five moves his eyes over to his Vanya who's standing there looking shocked and unsure making Five scoffs, "you think I'm crazy."

"No," Vanya stammers as she figures what to say, "it's just... it's a lot to take in."

"Exactly what don't you understand?" Five says to help Vanya understand his situation better.

"Why didn't you just travel back?" Vanya interrogates only to make Five let out a scoff.

"Gee, wish I'd thought of that," he starts, "time travel is a crapshoot, I went into the ice and never acorn-ed. You think I didn't try everything to get back to my family?"

Vanya nods at the explanation while Valerie also pours herself a drink, "if you grew old there, you know, I'm the apocalypse, how come you still look like a kid?"

Five lets out another annoyed scoff as he walks past his sister and over the counter next to Valerie, "I told you already," he sighs as he refills his cup, "I must have got the equations wrong."

"I mean, dad always used to say that..." Vanya tried to remember what her dad used to say, "time travel could mess up your mind, well maybe that's what's happening?"

"This was a mistake, you're both too young..." Five admits as he puts down the drink and tried to leave, "too naive to understand."

"No, Five..." Vanya starts as her eyes follow her brother while Valerie puts down her drink, "Five, wait."

"Five, come on," Valerie also chimes in, "cut us some slack, alright? Y-you just dropped this massive fucking bomb on us and just expect us to be all.." Valerie waves her hands in the air, "perfectly dandy with it?"

Five turns and looks at his two sisters who stare at him with kind, sad eyes, "we haven't seen you in a long time, and we don't want to lose you again," Vanya explains, "that's all."

He stands there for a moment as he looks over to Valerie who has her arms crossed and a scared look in her eyes to assure that Vanya's actually telling the truth.

After Five disappeared, Vanya and Valerie were the two to leave Five's favorite sandwich out. While Vanya did it for Five in case he came back, Valerie did it to ease Vanya's worries and hopes that he might actually come back. Soon enough, Valerie hoped for the same but as they grew older, they had to stop because their dad didn't like the fact they were wasting food. So, the sisters hope stopped too.

"And you what, it's getting late, and... I have lessons early, and I need to sleep and I'm sure you do, too," Vanya explains as she walks over to the couch and sets it up for Five who's still standing by the door, "here."

"We'll talk in the morning again, okay? I promise," Vanya assures as she finishes setting up the couch, "night," she says before walking to her room.

"Where will you sleep?" Five asks Valerie who shrugs in return.

"That's for me to figure out, just sleep old man," Valerie jokes only to make Five roll his eyes, "night, love you." She admits before following after Vanya.


The two sisters walk into Vanya's room, "I'll just sleep on the floor, it'll be alright." Valerie quickly explains to Vanya.

"You sure?"

"Totally, I've slept in weirder situations than this," Valerie jokes as Vanya hands her some thin and thick blankets while she makes up her bed.

Valerie's eyes look up to see her sister take some pills before finally laying down.

"Do you think Five is right?" Vanya questions as she stands at her nightstand.

Valerie lays down for a bit as her mind plays back all the information, "I honestly don't know Van," she goes quiet as Vanya shuts the light off but still shuffled around her room, "I don't know..."

VALERIE WAKES UP FROM A NIGHTMARE, HER EXPRESSION neutral as she stares at the blank wall while laying on her side, she sits up and sees Vanya still asleep but checks her phone to see it's 5:48 AM.

"Stupid fuckin' shit," Valerie groans into her pillow quietly as she gets up, her back and neck aching.

She slowly walks and shuts the door from the room before finding an empty couch, nothing touched and left the way Vanya put it, "of course," Valerie sighs out before leaving and going to the academy.

Valerie wakes up in her old bedroom from another nightmare and tears in her eyes before quickly wiping them, she takes a deep breath then makes her way down to the kitchen to find her mom, "Hello, Valerie," she greets with a kind smile.

"Hey, mom," Valerie greets back as she goes over and gives her a kiss on the cheek, "make any coffee?" She asks.

"Yup, a new pot full," she explains while showing her the steaming pot of coffee in the counter.

Valerie smiles, "that's why you're my favorite," she jokes only to cause her mom to chuckle.

As she makes her own coffee, Valerie debates whether she should make some for the others but also thinks about how they might not even drink coffee causing her to just fill her own.

Once she's done, Valerie walks over to her mom and gives her another kiss, "thank you, mom," she smiles only to get one back.

When she walks into the living room, she finds Klaus up and in his shorts digging through his pants, "what's up with you?"

Klaus looks up at his sister with a big smile, "is that for me?"

He motions at the hot cup in her hand, Valerie follows his gaze to her cup before looking back up, "no," she laughs making Klaus grumble before getting up and placing his foot on the coffee table.

"Can't smoke eggs," Klaus mutters making Valerie scrunch up her face in confusion.

"Who you talking to?" She questions only to have Klaus shrug in reply while he lights his cigarette as Valerie sits on the couch and watches Klaus race over to the cabinet filled with medals and trophies.

He looks through the glass, "one of these has gotta be gold-plated, right?"

Valerie looks over at her brother as she takes a sip of her coffee, "don't even think about it, Klaus," Valerie threatens, "if you want drugs, get your own money," she explains while Valerie places the coffee on the coffee table in front of her and goes to stand next to Klaus, "if you want to mooch off of someone, go mooch off of anyone but dad because-"

Someone clears their throat behind the two making Klaus jump, "Christ on a cracker!" Valerie jumps from his scream making her smack his arm as the two turns to see Pogo standing and looking at them, "Pogo?"

"My apologies, Master Klaus and Miss Valerie. I have a query for you," Valerie elbows Klaus and leans to him to whisper.

"That's why you don't try and steal, stupid."

Klaus ignores his sister by waving her away with his hand, "oh?"

"Items from your father's office have gone missing," Pogo starts making Valerie mentally roll her eyes knowing it was Klaus, "in particular, an ornate box with pearl inlay."

Valerie stares at Klaus with a knowing look, "really?" He says as he strokes his chin, "you don't say."

"Any idea where it went?"

Klaus ponders, "no, no, no," he plays off making Valerie shake her head softly while a knowing smirk shows on her face, "no idea."

Pogo looks at Valerie who immediately shrugs her shoulders to his question and Pogo's gaze goes back over to Klaus who's trying so hard to act nonchalant.

Valerie pretends to cough, "liar."

"Drop dead," Klaus replies making Valerie let out a laugh, oblivious to the other person in the room.

Klaus looks between his two siblings, "would you shut up!" He harshly whispers to both of them as they stare at him with cheeky smiles.

"Excuse me?" Pogo question, shocked at the fact Klaus said that.

Immediately Klaus looks back over to Pogo while Valerie continues to giggle under her breath, "Pogo, I didn't mean you, I just... I—" Klaus walks back around to the couch while Pogo and Valerie follow.

"You know, there's been a lot of stuff I've been dealing with," Klaus tries to explain while Valerie goes to grab her coffee and sit on the couch, "just a lot of memories coming up all those good times. Well, not so much good times as really awful, terrible, depressing times."

Valerie takes a gulp of her still hot coffee just as Klaus walks over to Pogo, "the contents of that box are... priceless."

"Were they to find their way back to the office, whoever took it would be absolved of any blame or consequences," Pogo explains while he looks at Klaus but his eyes occasionally flickering to Valerie who's blowing her coffee and watching the two.

"Oh, well, lucky bastard," Klaus tries to play it off.

Pogo stares at Valerie and Klaus making Valerie know how much guilt Klaus is going to feel for this, "indeed," Pogo replies before leaving.

It goes quiet for a few seconds, "you really fucked up this time," Valerie chuckles into her coffee as Klaus flails his arms while he turns to her.

"I know, okay?" He mumbles out before walking over and taking Valerie's coffee, taking a drink of it only to scrunch up his face at the sweetness, "god, why didn't you just make tea?"

"Why didn't you just not steal dad's personal things?" Valerie claps back with raised eyebrows only to make Klaus roll his eyes.

VALERIE WALKS INTO FIVE'S ROOM AFTER VANYA leaves while she eats a banana only to see Klaus' clothes making her laugh, "what is that?"

"What? This is my nicest outfit," Klaus explains to his siblings as he motions to his shirt making Valerie let out another laugh.

Five sighs as he moves past his sister, "well raid the old man's closet."

"As long as I get paid," Klaus admits as he and Valerie watch Five walk out.

"When the job is done."

Valerie scrunches up her face in confusion, "you're getting paid?" She asks only to have Klaus roll his eyes and go usher Valerie into following their brother.

"Okay, but just so we're clear on the finer details, we just gotta go into this place and pretend to be your dear old parents, correct?" Klaus questions as he puts an arm around Valerie's shoulders who's also looking at Five for the plan.

"Yeah, something like that."

"What's our cover story?" Klaus asks making Valerie shake her head and laugh under her breath.

Five looks at his brother with a confused expression, "what? What are you talking about?"

Klaus moves his arm from around his sister, "I mean, were we really young when we had you? Like, 16? Like, young and.. terribly misguided?" He finishes while placing his hands over his chest while Five looks totally confused at his brother.

"Sure," he immediately agrees to get this over with.

Valerie plays along, "oh! How about me being your step-mom instead while you're 'real' mom," Valerie air quotes, "left you very young," she finishes with a fake frown.

Klaus nods, "yes, your mother, that slut," Klaus spits making Valerie laugh while Five stares at his siblings with worry, "whoever she was. We met at... the disco," Valerie loses it at Klaus' fond expression as she lets out a belly laugh, "okay? Remember that," Klaus tells his two siblings and gets a nod in reply, while Valerie struggles to not laugh.

Klaus snaps his fingers, "oh, my god, the sex was amazing," he explains some more while Valerie continues to chuckle before shoving him a bit.

"Don't say that around your step-wife," she jokes making Klaus cover his mouth in shock before hugging Valerie and apologizing while kissing her cheek, only causing Valerie to let out another laugh at her brother's antics as she tries to shove him away.

"What a disturbing glimpse into that thing that you both call a brain," Five chimes in as he makes his way downstairs.

Valerie's finally pushes Klaus away and catches her breath from all the laughing, "don't make me put you in a time-out," Klaus jokingly threatens.

Valerie smiles, "yeah, mister," the two siblings try not to smile at their joke while they follow their brother.

"LIKE I SAID TO YOUR SON EARLIER, ANY INFORMATION about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential," the doctor explains to Valerie and her brothers, "without the client's consent, I simply can't help you."

Valerie sits down behind Five as he goes over to the doctor's desk, "well, we can't get the consent if you don't give us the name," Five tried to bargain.

"Well, that's not my problem. Sorry, now, there's really nothing more I can do, so—"

Klaus speaks up making Valerie look over at her brother, "and what about my consent?"

"Excuse me?" The doctor questions with an innocent smile.

"Who gave you... permission... to lay your hands... on my son?" Klaus pretends to cry and immediately Valerie tries not to laugh before getting up and walking over to Five.

Valerie pulls her brother into an embrace as she fakes a shocked expression, "I didn't hear anything about you touching my baby boy, doctor, is that true?"

Both the man and Five look at the two in complete confusion, "what?" They both say.

"You heard me," Klaus continues while Valerie stares at the doctor in fake anger.

"I didn't touch your son," the doctor denies as he looks between the two.

Valerie watches as Klaus takes over, "oh really?" He asks with a calm look, "well, then how did he get that swollen lip, then?"

"He doesn't have a swollen—" before the guy can finish his sentence, Klaus stands up and grabs Five only to slap him which shocks everyone in the room but him.

Valerie grabs Five and stares at Klaus with a shocked expression, "oh my god, Klaus."

Klaus ignores his sister as he walks over to the doctor's desk and leans on it, "I want it. Name, please. Now."

Valerie mouths a 'you okay?' Five before he gives her a quick nod as he scrunches his face in pain then the two turn back to Klaus and the doctor.

"You're crazy," he shakes out as he points his finger towards Klaus.

Five and Valerie watch their brother laugh in his face, "you have no idea," he admits until he looks down at the man's desk and sees a snow globe, "'Peace On Earth.' That's so sweet," Klaus admits while he chuckles before quickly smashing the globe into his face making Valerie scrunch up her face, close her eyes and turn away from the scene.

She hears Klaus yell out in pain, only to look back and see blood run down the side of his face as he stares back up at the man, "god, that hurt."

"Klaus," Valerie warns only to have her brother raise his hand at her then shoot her a thumbs up.

The man races to his phone and quickly dials, "I'm calling secur—" Klaus cute him off before he can even get a word in and brings the phone to his ear, "what are you doing!" The man screams as Klaus puts on, yet another act.

"There's been an assault... in Mr. Big's office, and we need security, now. Schnell!" he screams out at the end while Valerie has a protective arm around Five and holds her other hand over her mouth in slight shock but also to stop herself from laughing.

Klaus hangs up and takes a minute to collect himself, "now, here's what's gonna happen, Grant."

"It's... Lance."

"In about 60 seconds, two security guards are gonna burst through that door, and they're gonna see a whole lot of blood," Valerie lets out a giggle while she watches the whole thing unfold only to have the man avert his scared eyes over to hers, "and they're gonna wonder, 'what the hell happened?' And we're gonna tell them that you... beat the shit out of us."

Klaus showcases his best-terrified expression before letting out a sigh, "you're gonna do great in prison, Grant. Trust me, I've been there," Klaus explains as his two siblings watch on with humor and pride, "little piece of chicken like you? Oh my god, you're gonna get passed around like a... you're just— you're gonna do great, that's all I'm saying."

Valerie and Five share the same look of disgust at the thought of what Klaus was meaning, "Jesus, you are a real sick bastard," the man quivers out as his eyes go to every sibling in fear.

Klaus schools his expression, "thank you."

Valerie shakes her head at her brother while he spits out what she can only know is shards of glass making her scrunch up her face.

The doctor looks through his files before pulling one out and looking through it, Valerie and Klaus beside him while Five is on the other side of the big drawers that contain more files.

"Oh, that's strange," the doctor says as he reads the document.

"What?" Five snaps as he looks at the man.

He looks over at Five then down at the document, "uh, the eye. It hasn't been purchased by a client yet."

Klaus hops down from his seat on top of the file cabinets, "what? What do you mean?"

"Well, uh, our logs say that the eye with that serial number.." his words fade out as Klaus gets comfortable against the doctor to also see, "this can't be right, it hasn't even been manufactured yet. Where did you get that eye?"

Valerie smiles at her brother, "yeah son, where'd you get it?"

Five stares at his sister in annoyance before letting out a defeated sigh.

"Well this is not good," Five elaborated as the trio walks out of the building, Klaus raving about how amazing he was in there.

"I was pretty good, though, right? 'Yeah, what about my consent, bitch?'" Klaus chuckles as he reminds his two siblings of what happened making Valerie chuckle alongside her brother.

"How's your head by the way?" She asks her brother with a tone of worry in her voice.

Klaus waves her off, "I'm alright, it's not as bad as it looks, V."

"Guys, it doesn't matter," Five chimes in with a pissed expression on his face.

"What? What? What's the big deal with this eye, anyway?" Klaus questions and before Valerie and try to explain, Five cuts her off.

"There is someone out there who's going to lose an eye in the next seven days," he explains while Valerie flexes her sweaty hands in the gloves, "they're gonna bring about the end of life on this Earth as we know it."

Valerie looks over to Klaus with a 'there you have it' expression until Klaus turns to Five, "yeah, can I get that 20 bucks, like, now, or what?"

"Your 20 bucks?"

"Yeah, my 20 bucks," Klaus tries to remind Five as Valerie shakes her head and sits down on the stone steps as watches the scene unfold.

"The apocalypse is coming and all you can think about is getting high?" Five snaps as he walks over to Klaus only to make Valerie place her head on her knees.

"Well, I'm also quite hungry, tummy's a rumblin'," Klaus jokes before trying to making gurgling noises.

Five sneers at his brother, "you're useless, you're all useless!" Valerie snaps her head up at that.

"Oh, come on. You need to lighten up, old man," Klaus jokes only to make Valerie scoff.

"More like little boy," she grumbles out at the fact her brother called her 'useless'.

"Hey, you know, I've just now realized why you're so uptight," Klaus starts as he walks over to Five who sat down beside his sister, "you must be horny as hell!" Klaus chuckles out.

Valerie stares at Klaus in disgust, "he may be like 90 years old, where's he's from but he's a 13-year-old here, so calm down with the sex talk," Five groans at his two siblings while Klaus goes to sit on the other side of Five.

Klaus once more waves off his sister, "all those years by yourself, it's gotta screw with your head, being alone."

Five's face falls, "well, I wasn't alone," this piques Valerie's interest as she looks over at her brother.

Klaus does the same as he looks over at Five, "oh?" He starts, "pray tell," Klaus asks sarcastically making Valerie give him a warning glare.

"Her name was Delores, we were together for over 30 years," Five admits as he looks at Klaus while Valerie feels sympathy for her brother.

Valerie bites her lip as she tries to figure out the words, "I-I'm sorry about that, Five," she starts off making her younger brother look to her, "you didn't deserve what you went through."

Klaus doesn't seem to feel the same, "thirty years? Oh, wow!" He chimes in making the Valerie roll her eyes and smile, Five's face falls as he looks forward until Valerie bumps his leg only for Five to do the same with a softer expression.

"God, the longest I've been with someone was..." Klaus continues making Five look at his sister and roll his eyes before she signals him to leave while he can, "I don't know, three weeks? That was only because I was so tired of looking for a place to sleep."

Five disappears and leaves Valerie to listen to her other brother continue on with his story, "he did make the most fantastic osso buco, though. It was..." Klaus looks over to only see his sister who's looking towards the street in thought, "Five?"

"Long gone, nice story though," Valerie speaks up, "it really... got me yenno?"

Klaus and Valerie look out to the street to see Five in a cab only making Klaus stand up, "hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, what about my money?" He screams out causing Valerie to laugh.

"Well, guess you're on your own now," she explains while getting up and patting her brother on the shoulder then leaving him, "hope you find money, see you back at home!"

Klaus watches in shock and defeat at his sister.

VALERIE GETS BACK HOME AND SITS IN HER AND VANYA'S old room. She lays down and pulls out her phone to assure her sister where she was and that she was going to just stay at the house ('Diego be damned!') Before typing an 'I love you' and finally shutting off her phone.

The blonde lays on the bed and relaxes as sleep takes over.

author's note:
sorry! I know this is a very late update but I've just been hecka busy with school but I will be posting another chapter a few afters hours this one to make up for it!
penny for your thoughts on this chapter?
thanks for the votes and comments! I absolutely love your feedback :)

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