Forgotten Love? (Shizaya fanf...

By yaoi_kpop_trash

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Izaya still remembers the encounter he had as a little kid, with a boy who had blonde soft hair. After 15 yea... More

The first encounter
No good
A dream
Shizu~chan? Do you love me?

Memories and death

138 3 4
By yaoi_kpop_trash

The gif has nothing to do with the story. I just thought it was hilarious (ಡ艸ಡ)

I just had a random idea in class and no clue if this will be good but here goes nothing. If someone has a idea of what kind of...I JUST HAD THE PERFECT PLOT TWIST IDEA *evil laugh ლ(`∀'ლ)* I'M GONNA MAKE YOU CRY MUAHAHA *chokes on water*

Hope you'll enjoy anyway ^-^


Shizuo POV

I was walking towards the local washing room a big basket of dirty clothes under my arm. It has been a week since I moved in a new apartment with Izaya and it has been a real pain in the ass. He was the messiest person I've ever met. Every day I had to pick up stacks of dirty clothes and wash even more stacks of plates and bowls that were lying around. The worst thing was he didn't even try to help. For example.

(Only a few hours before)

"Izaya~! Would you please explain to me why the clean dry wash I've just returned is lying on the floor?" I was standing in the doorframe of our newly bought apartment. Izaya was lying on our white couch his legs dangling off the edge his puppy dog eyes locked with mine.

"Aww~ Come on Shizu~chan.", he cooed. "It's not too bad."

I snapped. This was it! "Listen! It hasn't been long since I've been living with you, but your attitude is really getting to me. You never clean up your stuff and you always lie around doing nothing but hang on your phone and wait until some stranger asks for your help! Look around yourself! Does this look like it's not too bad?! This is a total catastrophe!"

Izaya winced at the sound of my angry voice. Then he snorted and started to laugh so hard that he fell of the couch. His action irritated me. Why the fuck is he laughing?!

"THIS IS NOT FUNNY!", I yelled and tried to keep me from punching him in the face.

"Yes, it is." He sat up from the floor holding his stomach. "You just sound just like an angry mother being mad at her child." He snorted again and ended up rolling himself on the floor again hands on his stomach and tears in his eyes.

I crossed my arms and made a pouty face which sent him back into a violent laughing fit. I'll only get angrier if I say one more thing. I turned on my heel and walked into the kitchen making the dishes ready to be cleaned. We didn't own a dishwasher so we - no - I had to do everything by hand. 

While the hot water was flowing in the sink, I turned around only to see Izaya back on his phone again. I sighed. "Izaya. Would you please be so kind and pick up the clothes and put them in the basket by the door? I need to bring them to the local washing room after.

"If you say so.", he groaned. I devoted myself back to the sink which was now full of water.

After a few minutes of silent working I realized that I didn't check if there were dishes on the table in the living room.

"Hey Izaya? Are there dishes on the coffee table?"

"Wait a moment." I heard him shifting some stuff around. "Yes, there is."

"Okay." I turned around once again to get the dishes from the living room. In the exact same moment Izaya bent down to pick up some clothes lying around on the ground. Let's just say I got a pretty good view of his butt. My face heated up and I turned back to the sink. Don't think of inappropriate thoughts right now! You have more important stuff to do!

"Shizu~chan? Didn't you hear me? There's still stuff on the coffee table.", he repeated.

"Yeah, I heard you the first time.", I replied weakly. I placed a hand on the sink. My legs were quivering like mad.

"Shizu~chan~", he cooed. His voice sounded right behind me. I could feel his chest slightly pressing against my back and his lips right beside my ear. I felt every inch of his fragile body. I covered up my blushing face with my hand. "What's wrong~? You're shaking like crazy.", he stated bluntly. I could hear the small smirk in his voice. Sorry Izaya, but I can't hold myself back.

I turned around so I was facing him directly. "You have a really cute ass~", I whispered hotly in to his ear. *A/N: Is that even a word? Ah, never mind let's continue* His face heated up immediately and he buried his face in my neck wrapping his arms around my waist. My heart skipped a beat and before I knew what I was doing I engulfed him in my arms.

We loosened us from each other. Izaya's face was covered with a beautiful beet red. Shit shit shit shit shit! Why does he have to look so fucking cute? This was the worst. I felt my consciousness being overpowered. As I made my way closer to Izaya's face accidentally being painfully slow I noticed him closing his eyes and leaning closer. Ah god this is tearing me apart.

I smashed my lips against his. He made a little shock jump but gave in to the heated kiss. I bit his bottom lip asking for entrance, but he declined. He smiled into the kiss as he heard me groan annoyed. 

I moved my hands down to his cute little ass squeezing it and earning a small moan. I used the opportunity and slid my tongue inside his mouth. He moaned again letting me take over. I lifted him up by the hips and he wrapped his legs around my waist. His hands were in my hair my hands on his back.

Somehow, we had landed on the couch me lying on top of him. I broke the kiss and looked at him with a probably too lustful expression. His eyes were half-lidded an even lewder expression on his face.

I bent down and gave him a quick peck on the lips before I moved down his neck nibbling on a certain spot...

(End of flashback)

I slammed my head against the wall beside me. A pair of women looked at me with concern. Blood was drenching my sight, but I didn't mind. I needed to get these fucking thoughts out of my broken brain. Why did I think about that now?!

I wiped the blood from my face and smiled at them women observing me. They looked at me with a What-a-creepy-man-I-am-so-weirded-out-look and hasted away.

I sighed and lifted up the washed clothes I had dropped while thinking about that. I hope I'll be able to control myself after we've lived together longer.

On my way home I came across a few yellow scarfs which I had to beat up. What else should've I done? They provoked me!

I took a cigarette out of my pocket and lit it. The dudes with the yellow features on their bodies have already run away. I made my way down the ally, towards our apartment... Fuck! I didn't do anything about Izayas schizophrenia! And I asshole forgot about it!

Naturally I had thought everything was perfect. Izaya and I were living together, and Tom was gone...or uhm...dead. But we haven't searched for any help for Izaya. And that was bad! Really bad! What if something happened to him? What if he couldn't cope with the guilt of having killed someone?!

I broke my cigarette in half and started to run the basket full of clean clothes under my arm. As the door of our apartment came closer I didn't even slow down. I slammed the door open and took the stairs up to the fourth floor. Izaya likes it if he could literally look down on the people. I smiled fondly. Although he thought of himself as a god, he had a really soft side. And cute.

Realizing what I thought I paced up my running. Nothing happened to him! He is alright!

Panting I arrived at the door and locked it open. Suddenly I pause scared of what I would see when I would open the heavy metal door. I gulped and slowly pushed it open. The floor creaked slightly as I entered our home. The light was dimmed. The last rays of the dying sunlight shone in through the big windows in the living room.

"Izaya?", I asked. My raspy voice harshly cut through the deep silence of the apartment. No response.

"Flea? Come out, come out where ever you are." Still no response. I tensed up and took a deep breath. He was probably in the shower. That's why he didn't hear me.

I walked to the bathroom. There was no noise of the shower to hear but the door was closed. I opened it and found myself lulled in in darkness. No Izaya here. Maybe he had gotten a job and was out right now. Yeah, surely that was it.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. I walked over to the fridge opened it and took out a can of beer. Sitting down on the couch I opened the can with a loud "zisch" and let out a sigh of relieve. I worried about nothing. Well, kinda. We still had to look at his schizophrenia when he comes home. 

I crunched the empty can in my hands and tried to throw it into the garbage can about four meters away from where I was sitting. I closed one eye and aimed. I put my hand behind my head ready to throw it as something white caught my attention. I turn around identifying it as a sheet of paper lying on the coffee table. Except it wasn't blank. A shaky handwriting graced the paper and some wet spots blurred away some sentences. I started to read.

Dear Shizuo

My worst enemy. I've always had many good moments with you. And now I'm here writing this letter to you. Although we didn't have much time together as lovers, I enjoyed every single second with you. You were my all. If I hadn't met, you that day on the streets my live would've been empty. I would've realized that something was missing in my life. You changed me even if it was just a little. You came into my life like a nuclear bomb and tangled everything up. You were the most important person in my life, and I am glad to have met you. Now my time has come. If you are reading this letter, you haven't found me yet. I'll now give you some helping hints to where I am. Go to Simon's restaurant. You are there now, right? Remember, when we came eating here on Tuesday? We both got so drunk. I had a lot of fun. I hope you enjoyed yourself too. Now walk to the place where we met again after 15 years. Do you recall that day? When you saw me again after 15 years? Do you know how I felt? No of course you don't. They're my memories after all. I was happy but confused. You didn't seem to remember me at all. The only thing you did is ask me for my name then get all pissed. But I liked that about you. Your monstrous power when you got angry at me. At some point I couldn't handle all the emotions welling up in me and I cried after every time we chased each other. Think about it. It was all your fault. Why didn't you tell me from the start? We could've had more time together! We could've had so much more time together... Now return to the apartment. Our home. If you're there read on.

Shizuo, I know we've had our differences. I know you get mad easily. But do you also know that you are really cute when you sleep. You have such a peaceful face. I love that face. The sleeping beauty. You're home now so please take a seat before I lead you my way. I have prepared a small gift for you. It's somewhere near the couch but I'll won't tell you more.

I got up and searched through everything, small tears streaming down my face. Why was he doing this to me? I found a little box between two cushions and opened it. There was a little chocolate formed as a heart with the words "I love you" written on top. It matched with the handwriting on the paper. My eyes wandered over the words again.

You've found it! Congratulations and happy before-valentines! It was my first time trying to make chocolate, so I hope it tastes good and you like it! Before you eat it, please go to the bathroom and turn on the lights. I don't want to hurt you anymore so I might show you what I've been keeping from you all this time in the letter. I'm so sorry.

I love you, Shizuo.

My breath hitched and I couldn't breathe properly. Before my eyes lay the thing, I feared the most. Izaya. Covered in blood. His legs, his face, especially his wrist. In his right hand was his knife, while his left wrist was cut open. His arms were covered with small but deep cuts as were his legs. Red blood covered the bathtub tiles. The sight was disturbing.

Tears streamed down my face as I cowered down on my knees. This was the worst nightmare I ever had. Yeah...It definitely was a nightmare. What else should it be? I bet I'll wake up any second by Izaya jumping on my bed. I pressed my eyes closed. It'll happen. It has to happen!

After a few seconds I opened them again. Everything was the same as before. The same delicate frame lying in the tub. The same feeling of my heart broken in thousand piaces. The same moonlight shining in through the windows and the same bright light enlightening the bathroom. It was all the same. 

I skidded closer to Izaya and wrapped my arms around the lifeless figure. His skin was cold. His radiating heat from before was now gone.No. I wouldn't believe such a shit so easily.

I pressed my head on his shoulder shakily crying into his crock. His hands felt so stiff and his hair brushing through my hands was really fine. I cried through the whole night holding Izaya tight to me. Grasping onto the last string of hope he was just doing a bad prank on me. A really bad prank.

But with every hour that passed that string of faith gradually slipped away through my fingers. He was gone. He wouldn't come back. Never.

I stood up and dialed the number of the emergency in my cell phone. They would take care of him from here on out.

As a whole bunch of people stormed in our house, I got asked a lot of questions while some people took care of Izaya. I tried not to flip out as one of them stated Izaya hadn't been beautiful when he was alive. Shitty fuckers! Who do they think they are? The people went away again taking Izaya and their stupid workers with them.

(Time skip brought to you by "I don't want to be stuck up on this day. I'm literally crying because of this!")

Three months have passed since Izaya's death. Was it three? Or even four? What day is it today anyway? With dim eyes I stared up into the blue sunny sky. Funny. This should be a day where you enjoy yourself in the park with ice cream and friends. Although I thought it was funny, I didn't laugh. I hadn't laughed for a long time now. And this was just another sunny day for the citizens of Ikebukuro and another long dark day for me, Shizuo fucking Heiwajima.

I haven't been living live since that faithful day. Wandering around town ignoring everyone crossing my path and finally stopping at our apartment (A/N Shizuo still has the same apartment as he had when Izaya lived.)My daily routine for the fuck knows how long. Obviously there had been no fucking funeral for him. I still didn't want to believe he was dead, so I continued life at home as if it were normal.

I opened the door to the apartment and entered. "I'm home.", I spoke into the silence of the entrance. "Welcome home, Shizu~chan! How was work today?", I imagined Izaya calling. I imagined him slithering around the corner and running towards me slinging his hands around my neck.

"It was okay. I had another shitty customer today who didn't respect the way I handle things.", I said annoyed. Izaya only smiled at me and gave me a peck on the lips. "You know Shizu~chan? Your way of handling things is just perfect. If you ever think changing yourself would bring you any good don't do it. Because I love you for who you are!"

I sighed and a small smile graced my lips. "You are such a sweet talker, you know that?" He let go and looked up at me smiling the biggest smile Izaya could ever make. "I know!"

*Wiping away tears and looking at number of words* Holy shit! Almost 3'000 words! *big gasp* This time I overdid it...but anyway...

This is the last chapter my lovelies. *ducking away from all the tomatoes getting thrown, while laughing like a maniac*. I hope you aren't to disappointed with the end of this story. I just couldn't hold myself back. For the ones who didn't quite get the end (which is probably the majority of people because my writing sucks.) I'll explain everything in the next part.

I really hope you enjoyed this fanfic and that I'll see ya guys in other stories ^-^

I also started writing some Klance Oneshots and am planning on doing a big BillDip story  so if you want to check those out I'll be really happy.

~Your Nori <3

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