Sweet Joanna

By queendenise

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I live in a world where fear is my only emotion. Fearing that my crack of a mother will beat me until I can't... More

Sweet Joanna
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Twelve

2.2K 106 15
By queendenise

Chapter Twelve

          As Evo drove through the lefts and rights of the forest it seems that as if he knew this place very well. Just like how you know where to go when you are in your own place.

          The sun is already down and night was coming upon us. Times where Immortals emerge from the darkness an suck people's blood out leaving them on the cold cement pale and dead.

          We've been driving for about 40 minutes now and we're still in the middle of the forest. I continued to gaze upon the dark forest, how do animals even live there? I mean they prefer wild life than being taken cared of. I wish I was an animal so I could feel the love caretakers give to the animals. But not all caretakers are nice.

          The lumpy road beneath us seemed to never flatten, the cold wind rushing in through the window and the soft hum of Marcello playing in the radio. I watched as Evo tapped his finger on the steering wheel his grip on never tightening not even once. But his face.. his face was blank. He looked like a robot driving.

          So right now we are on our way to the Candy Place. It gives me the feeling that it has Gummy Bears that will choke me to death.

          Immortality might have overtaken me but my traits and likes still remain. The only difference is that I've became more in sense and more intelligent when it comes difficult times.

          "Immortality," It suddenly rolled out of my tongue. The word lingering in the air for a while. Evo seemed to notice my sudden word chant and his head turn to look at me.

          He arched his brow in confusion, while I just smiled sheepishly and waved for him to keep on driving and so he did.

          Death will never be upon the both of us, Evo and I, because Immortality becomes us. It's good that I'll not be spending my eternal days alone and I wish that Evo is thankful too, that he will not spend it alone in darkness alone being accompanied by spider webs, dust and insects.

          Chrisostomo Collins, huh? A Veteran. I bet he spent most his eternity without anyone. Alone. It's a good thing he didn't stake himself.

          But if I was not going to spend my forever alone I will still not spend it with my insane Mother and my chained Father. A life without parental care. Parental Love.

          My Mom. What's happened to her? Is she still alive or did she overdoes heroin and kill herself due to depression and sadness. I miss my her. She used to have that glow that all mothers had. Her smile contagious and gentle caress touching my heart.

          I miss my sane mother.

          Father. Was he already sentenced to death? A death punishment to a sin he didn't even do? A sin that was sugar coated by bloodsuckers? Bloodsuckers like me. His chains maybe digging down his skin now, his throat bleeding from all the screaming he's doing.

          Whoever framed my father making him end inside a jail cell will suff- no. Whoever who he or she is will die. Will die in my hands. Their head laying limp on my hands and their body disconnected from their head. I will not torture them anymore because if any of them are still alive there is still a chance for them to escape so I'll make it easy for them and just cut their heads off.

          "You know I wish there will be a time that you'll not think so negatively of any situation. I mean look at you, all you seek is revenge and killing. That's what you shall only aim for. Aim for a goal. A goal like getting both of your parents alive. Hug them to death and wipe all memory of yourself from them and let them live a life they wish they had when you were still with them." Just like what I said. A forever without parental care and love. Could you just stop for a minute and imagine a life without your parents? Your mom annoying you every morning just to wale you up and go to school. Your father restricting you from having a boyfriend.

          Tears flowed out of my eyes but I made no whimper not even one sound. Because I know this was bound to happen. Me, living a life without them. Not even a kid of mine.

          The car stopped.

          Evo sighed and slumped back on the leather seat and I know that was my cue. I sobbed loud and hard clutching my aching chest. Hot boiling tears soaking my clothes. My breathing was  coming into gasps as I cried my feelings out holding onto handle attached to the passenger door.

          I continued to sob for more minutes. Wanting to stop from crying, I tried. I tried but my sobs seemed to never stop. It was endless just how my life will supposed to be. Evo shifted beside me on his seat getting pissed second by second. He wanted me to stop I know but I really couldn't it was like some spell was on me.

          As another sob was about to come, my mouth opened and a whale-like sound was about to erupt from my mouth when...

- They say when someone can't stop from ranting, talking, shouting or even crying, that a person close to them or just a pissed person would kiss them just to shut that noisy person up. Okay going back to me.-

          Gummy Bears went into my mouth. Immediately my crying stopped and an instinct of mine kicked. Turning to look at Evo he was holding a big bag of translucent plastic filled with colorful gummy bears. (a:does anyone felt teased?)

          I frowned at him and chewed the luscious rubbery candy inside my mouth but he beat me to it and shrugged, " You wouldn't shut the fuck up." He said popping a gummy bear in his mouth. A green gummy bear may I say and that is my favorite ones.

          "No you just did not," I growled.

          He smirked and popped a green one again. And chewed and chewed and chewed. "You better spit that out now,"

          "Seriously?" He mused.

          I nodded, "Yep, seriously."

          Even though I sent dagger glares to him he still chewed on my favorite gummy bears and swallowed it.

          "You know if it weren't for your smart mouth and words of wisdom I wouldn't be bawling myself out inside your car sitting in the middle of the road with mad drivers behind us," I said and pointed a finger at him. "And if you didn't say anything I wouldn't be releasing my Bipolar side you know?"

          It's true. Evo triggered something in me that made my boiling hot tears release. There's a thing about him. Even though he only spoke for maybe once or twice with every conversation we had, I realized that every word he spoke meant a lot.

          He turned the ignition on and started driving. Then he spoke, "Well my ears have been tired of hearing you whining," He mocked. "Oh and they're fucking tired of your sudden mood swings. So stop acting like your life didn't used to be perfect?"

          "My life? Perfect? Hell to the fucking no Evo! Wake up!" I yelled. "This life is perfect. Not the life I used to have. Pete's sake get back to your senses will you?" Sighing exasperated I huffed the. slumped on my seat turning my gaze to the window.

          Well that made his shut up. Nothing was perfect with my previous life. Daily beating? That hell wasn't fun. People staring at you like you were and alien waltzing down the road when really you are just a pitiful bruised kitten limping towards her home where no one even welcomes her. After a minute I heard him sigh annoyingly.

          "Look. I-I'm sorry. I crossed the line," He apologized. He looked uncomfortable saying sorry. I mean he's Evo, my master.

          I just nodded. Realizing that we already had my gummy bears why were we still driving? Aren't we supposed to be going back to the house? "Hey, master? I have my bears now." I picked up my candy.


          "So... why aren't we going back to the house now? I have my babies now." I said it like it wasn't an obvious thing.

          "Nah.. I felt like taking you to the real candy place, where the real candy is." He said.

          So his real intention was to bring to this "Candy Place" and surprise me telling me that we're not here for gummy bears because he has a bag hidden in his compartment. Asshole.

          "Okay?" I said unsure.


          Minutes later we were driving into a city that looked like it was the perkiest city you'll ever pass  by or live in.

          Everything was attached with lights. All objects colorful. People laughing and kids running with a balloon in hand a smile their faces. It was dark already why are they coming at this time?

          And the coast was near the highway. People skateboarding or maybe just walking by the beach. "Where are we?" I asked while staring outside in awe.

          "Miami," He simply stated. (a:i don't know anything about Miami cause i've never been there so please just play with me)

            I was in total awe with this place. I know I haven't been to any place outside of town except for Nashville because my mom took care of her mother when she was sick. But this was heaven. A place to settle down or relax.

          We've discussed about this in school many times and I heard some kids boasting to people on how majestic the water there was. I didn't believe them just then and now that I've seen the real thing, gosh I underestimated this place.

          "We're near," He pointed to a bright building with a large cup above the roof. It was a glowing red cup and at that point I already knew what that place was.

          My assumption was right because after Evo parked the car we were immediately surrounded by bloodsuckers. All of them majestically adoring and attractive. Some even had a tinge of blood dripping down their chin.

          All of them seemed to stop and stare at Evo for a while. Some even nodded our way. They knew him, I thought to myself. There was a long line beside the door just like private clubs. A bouncer too was guarding the doors but when he saw Evo he just nodded and let us in.

          You'd think music was pounding inside and everything is dark and the place is filled with smoke and people drunk and slurring. No, you're wrong. Everything inside was tidy and neat. All seats were in place and lined up. The smell of the metallic thick blood lingering in the air. Soft blue walls surrounded the place and people in dress suits, slacks and everything an office person would wear was what you'll only see. I looked down my clothes and jumped in shock. I was already wearing a silky grey top with black long slacks but my shoes was the thing that remained.

          On the other hand Evo was wearing a black suit and a dress shirt under it and a tie wrapping around his neck. Due to the light I could clearly see his eyes blazing with hunger. I could see humans walking calmly not even worrying of being bitten.

          "No, they wouldn't be worried you know. As a matter of fact they even volunteered. How? Humans these days have their own connections leading them here. They like being being sucked because it brings pleasure to a human. It's like sex, five times better." Oh. That's new.

          Then I realized something, "So when I sucked on you, you felt.. y-you know.." I trailed on not being be able to complete my sentence.

           "Pleasured? Yes. Absolutely Ms.Nieves." He darkly said. God I even forgot I had a last name.

          "So what happens now?"

         "We feed," He shrugged. For a sixteen year old like me I probably looked like a twenty-three year old adult. Walking towards a door leading to couches. A lots of it.

          Everything was lined up. All chairs, tables, and booze. You name it. Different kinds of people moaning in pleasure and Vampires sucking in hunger. This so unappetizing. I thought we were going to sit on one of the couches but Evo continued on walking. Why is it that it's like he's the King here? He walks like moses everyone on the way seems to chose and walk a the sides even though there is a large space to walk on.

          We walked in a room. This time this room is different from any other rooms. The walls were white and a bed was in the middle of the room. On the bed two humans were laying there waiting for their bloodsuckers.

          "No talking, just sucking." Gross that sounded way more kinkier than he intended it to. Maybe the joke "That's what he said." suits it? But I chose to not say it since my throat is aching for human blood now.

          Walking towards both girls Evo and I sat on the chairs placed for us. The girl I didn't even whose name was thrusted her hand toward me. I placed my hand on her wrist and slowly lifted it to my mouth. Bearing my canines out I watched as her eyes widens as I neared my sharp teeth at her pulsing vein.

           As I slowly sank my teeth on her wrist she screamed in horror and I tasted the metallic taste of blood and my eyes rolled behind my head. Her pulse quickened and seconds later she was already moaning in pleasure. I continued to suck but her loud moans were filling my ears and it's fucking disturbing, "Mmm..." My eyes opened and I dropped her hand.

          "Okay stop. I can't take this anymore." I held my hands in surrender. Evo was.... already done? And his prey was amazingly sleeping. How did he manage to even listen to them annoyingly moan.

           The girl frowned and asked why and I answered her frankly, "I'd rather drink from a blood bag than hearing your stupid moans. It is more unappetizing than watching other Vampires suck on humans." I disgustedly said. She looked offended but I didn't... care?

         Standing up I walked to a refrigerator at the corner of the wide room and saw blood bags with different types. AB, B, C, you name it. Grabbing one I ripped it open and started sipping. It was not as pure than coming from an actual person but it satisfies my thirst.

         "What happened?" Evo appeared beside me.

          I shook my head annoyed, "Nothing. I'd just rather drink your slave Maya all over again." I said while I fiercely sipped on the blood bag. A stupid human seemed to block my way and bumped on to me, making my blood spill on the floor.

          Due to my pissed mood I did not have time to spare. "Well who's going to pick that up?" I growled. The human was looking down so I couldn't see her face.

          She seemed to be in trance because she didn't even respond. I snapped my fingers in front of her, "Oh. Sorry!" Ejaculated the human.

         Picking it up she handed it to me and stared at my eyes and we froze.


         "April." We both said in unison.

• • • • • • • • • • • (Name Your Dot Time)

Another long chapter. Can anyone give me a round of a hand? Early update, woot! Woot! Feel free to point out grammar/ spelling errors. As long as you won't make me stupid. So I hope this was enough for you guys I just wanted to make it up to you because of my sudden removal of chapters. And I wish this book will be known by a lot of people all round the world. Always remember to tap on the star and leave a comment.

Check out An Alpha's Effect and Make Fun Of Me these are some of my books that you would may like.

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