My Life As A Teenage Spy

By PolarBearsAreMyLife

7.1K 189 82

If you were a criminal, who would you always be looking out for? The cops? Any adult that looked suspicious? ... More

(1) Sleep All Day (Party All Night)
(2) Fireflies
(4) Big Girls Dont Cry
(5) Pompeii
(6) Happy Little Pill
(7) Say Something

(3) Whatcha Say?

994 28 12
By PolarBearsAreMyLife

When the roof came in

And the truth came out

I just didn’t know what to do

**Watcha Say, Jason Derulo**


I sunk into the comfy leather chair in an office at the Head Quarters of The

Service. Standing behind the desk in front of me was a woman. She had long,

glossy black hair and a model like figure. She was dressed in all black and looked

to be in her thirties. She held a sense of authority about her and I felt a bit

intimidated under her steely gaze.

“Good Afternoon Hannah, my name is Mrs. Angelina Pauls and I am the Head

Agent here at The Service.”

She held her hand out towards me and looked at me expectantly. I slowly lent

forward and shook it, still in a complete daze – It hadn’t really sunk in, what was

happening to me, and I felt completely lost.

“Hi,” I said hesitantly, “Nice to meet you.”

“So, Hannah” She said, sitting down on a chair opposite mine, “I am assuming

that you are quite confused and overwhelmed with this whole situation, Heck,

I remember sitting right where you are only 12 years ago. I am going to do my

best to explain everything to you as clearly as possible.” I nodded my head, ready

to finally hear some kind of rational explanation.

“As Dr Griffis has already told you, we are a secret agency containing around

140 agents from all over the world. The president of America – Barrack Obama

funds us and over the last 20 years we have been very successful in our business.

Every year we recruit 12 people (aged 14 – 21) from over the world – 6 girls and

6 boys. We then take them through a 5-week intensive training course before

they go on their first mission, and then finally become an agent. All of our agents

here are orphans, as that way it is easier to cut each agent off from the outside

world. You can’t tell anyone that you are an agent – if you become one you will

sign a contract of secrecy. You will be an agent for as long as it suits you, but

the average time served with us is 6 years.” She looked at me and raised her

eyebrow, “Any questions?’

Well DUH! I thought to myself, she just dropped a massive bomb on me and asks

if I have any questions?

“Yes, actually, I was wondering why you picked me?”

She smiled at me, “Good Question. You and eleven other teenagers were picked

from all over the world because of your academic abilities, and all of your other

overall achievements. We have, of course been monitoring you all for the last

six months, just to verify our decisions, but you are all perfect for the job!” She

finished brightly.

“Okay,” I said, “And what type of missions do you go on, what does this agency

actually do?”

“Well, do you remember the incident of the Twin towers 9/11?” she asked me.

“You don’t mean to say that was YOU?” I was starting to get a bit worried - had I

been kidnapped by a bunch of terrorists?

“No, certainly not child!” She looked at me with a horrified expression on her

face. “No! But our agents were the ones on the 4th Plane that was supposed to

crash into the White House. They were the ones that landed it on the field, but

they unfortunately died in the process.”

Oh. So they were the good guys. Oops.

“We have had many successful missions,” she continued, “For example,

yesterday, we prevented a bombing that was going to take place at Parliament

all the way in London. We are saving peoples lives regularly, without them even

realizing it.”

Wow, so these guys were good. But wouldn’t it be really dangerous to be an


“Yes, of course there are always risks, but ones we are willing to take to save

others. Besides, all of our agents are trained to the highest standards, and in our

20 years of running, only 10 have died – which is a very small number for the

type of work we do.”

Woops. I had just thought aloud.

Okay, I thought to myself. Do I really want to be a part of this? The answer – yes.

My life had always been a bit dull and now I knew about all of this, I could hardly

refuse such an offer! But, there was one thing that I was still wondering about.

“If I were to refuse your offer of being recruited, how would you stop me from

telling the whole world about you?” I asked.

She chuckled, “I get that question a lot! Say you did go an tell the world about a

secret agency, that no one has ever heard of. The president will obviously deny

it, for the sake of The Service. Who is the press going to believe? The president of

America or a teenage girl who they will believe is just seeking attention? And, since you were drugged to get here, do you have any idea where this base actually is?”

Hmm. She had a point.

“And, there is an advantage of starting your spy career here. Adults never suspect a child, which is why we have hired you all so young – children are the agency’s secret weapon.

“So, what will it be?” She asked me. “Back home to an orphanage, living you live

like a normal boring person, or will you take this opportunity to do something

amazing with your life and live a life full of excitement, danger and not oblivious

to what is happening around you in the world? Are you gonna live a lie or face

the truth?

I answered almost immediately after she finished speaking.

“Face the truth; I want to become an agent at The Service”

She smiled at me, a genuine smile that reached her eyes, “That’s what I thought.”

After signing a contract of Secrecy and other things do with the agency, I was lead onto a helicopter. I was blindfolded, as they did not want us to know where our location was, in case we wanted to escape. After 45 minuets of flying, I felt the helicopter begin to descend. The helicopter finally landed and I was guided off it and back onto solid ground. I sighed with relief; I was actually a bit scared of flying.

My blind fold was taken of and looked at my surroundings. I was outside a massive house – almost a mansion that had a pool and hot tub at the side and a large driveway with a heli-pad. I realised I was standing next to 5 people around my age – three boys and two girls.

Maybe they were some of the recruits for the agency?

We were all ushered into the house and sat down at a large table in what looked like to be a dining room. I recognised Mrs Pauls, who was sitting at the head of the table with a man and a woman standing beside her. They introduced themselves as our two instructors for the next five weeks. The man – Rick, looked burly and strong, but you could see he was actually quite a softie from the way he smiled warmly at us all. The woman said she was called Holly, and seemed nice enough. The 6 of us that were sitting around the table had been silent the whole time, and I could tell they were all still trying to take in the whole situation, like I was.

“Right everybody,” Mrs Pauls said, startling me out of my thoughts, “You are half of our recruits and you will meet the other half after your five weeks of intensive training. You will all be living in this house together, and you are to all report downstairs in the lobby at 7 o’clock every day Monday to Saturday for training – do not be late, and training will end at 4 o’clock every day, with a one hour lunch break at 12. On Sundays, you will be in the lobby at 2 o’clock until 5 o’clock. You each get your own room and you will have to cook for yourselves, we will provide you with food, clothes and toiletries, as well as a few other things to keep you entertained. Let’s start by playing a short game about getting to know each other. We will throw a ball across to each other, telling everyone our names, and ask that person one question.” She then produced a small red ball and threw it at a boy with dark, black hair and a handsome face.

“Have you been to Spain?” she asked randomly.

“Ermm… No, and I’m Reece” He replied in a deep and sexy voice, looking around the table. He then looked directly at me, his deep blue eyes piercing into mine. I blushed – damn those stupid cheeks, and looked away. Next thing I knew, the ball was hurtling towards me and had hit my head, hard. The boy snickered at me. My face turned a furious red and I hastily picked up the ball and said, "Imp Hannah, what’s your question”, in a cold steely voice. I knew that he had hit me with the ball on purpose, and I was already tired from the long day so I couldn’t be bothered with playing nice.

Reece looked surprised at my tone, but covered it up quickly. “My question,” he replied, “is, which room is yours, as I sure as hell am coming' over tonight” he ended with a wink. What the hell was his problem? From those few words, I could already tell a lot about him. I looked over at Mrs Pauls, eyes pleading me not to have to answer that question. She smiled at me.

“Hannah, lets see if you have gotten to know Reece better by the type of question he asked.” She said, waving a hand in my direction. Aha, payback time.

“Well, I can see that is a total player because who else would ask a question like that? He is a jerk and quite antisocial because you can see he feels quite awkward in this type of situation by the way he resorted to a player-like not relevant question. He has a big ego; by the way he is constantly smirking at us girls every time we glance in his direction. He looks like quite a dangerous character, maybe formerly part of a gang. He has the whole bad boy act going on. One thing I'm certain of, he is defiantly not my type of guy. O to answer you question, Reece,” I said, looking at him directly in the eye. I took pride in seeing that the smirk had dropped from his face. “No you can not come to my room tonight, because if you do you will certainly regret it.” I had gotten into my rant and realised that I was half way out of my chair. I slowly sunk back into it, noticing that all eyes were on me. Mrs Pauls looked surprised, but then gave me a genuine smile.

“Hannah, that was an excellent observation – I’m impressed. And trust me, not much impresses me nowadays.” I smiled back at her, taking in the compliment and enjoying the angry look in Reece’s eyes.

We carried on the game for the next half an hour, learning more about each other. Basically, the three guys were called Reece, Carson and Harry. Reece was 19, and a complete jerk, Carson was 18, and seemed nice enough – relaxed and not worried about rules, timings ect, and lastly Harry was also 18 and was immature but at the same time hilarious. The other two girls were called Clare and Chloe. Clare was clever – you could tell by the way she worded her sentences and Chloe was kind, and was in love with this band called McFly – especially a person named Doug, or maybe dougie? I was never any good with names!

Mrs Pauls showed us to our separate rooms on the same corridor. Guess who I was opposite? Reece. Great.

She bid us goodnight, saying that tomorrow we would all get to know each other in the house before training started the following day. Everyone retreated to their rooms, and I sighed. Padding over to my wardrobe, I noticed that I had a whole new set of clothes. I put on a tank and pyjama shorts, and was just brushing my hair when I heard a knock at my door. I went over to the door and yanked it open. Oh god. Reece.

“What are you doing her Reece?” I asked wearily.

He smirked at me and I felt my heart flutter. Strange. “Well, Hannah, I came because I did say I would. Are you gonna let me in?” Ew. Hell no. He wanted to sleep with me. I was a virgin for crying out loud!

“No.” I answered firmly, closing the door. He put his foot in it.

“Babe, I know you think that playing hard to get it sexy and all, but can we hurry this along a bit?”

I stared at him, my mouth hanging open.

“Get the hell out of my way, you pig” I said I a low and threatening voice. “Stay away from me.”

I slammed the door in his face. After Greg, I just couldn’t handle this and thank god I had been rescued from him when coming here. I was safe. Hannah Wills, the unconfident, shy girl was gone; Hannah Wills, the spy, badass girl was in town.


That was Chapter 3!! I hope you liked it as  was wayyyy longer!

Please please vote and comment if you like itt!

Thank you to chloe_bug75 for inspiration!

-PolarBearsAreMyLife xxx

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