He Loves Me... He Loves Me No...

By mimi_db

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Jack Frost is the coolest guy in school. He makes a bet with his friend that he can make this girl named Elsa... More

•Chapter One •Introductions•
•Chapter Three • The Bet•
•Chapter Four •Day One•
•Chapter Five •The "Date"•
•Chapter Six •It's All A Game•
•Chapter Seven •Let The Games Begin•
•Chapter Eight •Movie Night•
•Chapter Nine •Fall Dance Fever•
•Chapter Ten •A Sentimental Detention Date•
•Chapter Eleven •Is This Real?•
•Chapter Twelve •Lovebug•
•Chapter Thirteen •A New Groove•
•Chapter Fourteen •Changes•
•Chapter Fifteen •I Hear You Like Bad Boys•
•Chapter Sixteen •The Dance: Part One•
•The Dance: Part Two•
•Chapter Eighteen •The End•

•Chapter Two •The Meeting•

17K 619 170
By mimi_db


I nearly sleep through my first class, P.E., because all we do it take notes. Then I go to my second class, woodshop, and take even more notes and learn the rules. Ugh, like I haven't been doing this for 12 years already!

the bell rings and I'm the first one up by about three seconds. Finally, it's lunch time. I push my way through the halls (which isn't hard since everyone moves for me) and rush out to the big 4 tree to wait for Hiccup and Kristoff to come out. I'm about to sit down on my favorite branch when my phone buzzes.

Hey, I'm gonna join you guys for lunch. Meet you at the big 4 tree?

I laugh before texting back "cool". Eugene's never gonna leave high school, is he? Not that I blame him.

I see Hiccup and Kristoff walking towards me, but all of a sudden they stop. They just start laughing and being all weird. Um... are they okay? Before I can ask what's going on, I'm being tackled to the ground roughly. How dare someone touch me! I look up to see who it is, ready to kill someone, and Eugene is bending over laughing. We've had this contest going on all summer, but I forgot about it.

"Ha, okay, but you caught me off guard!" Eugene doesn't respond because he's laughing too hard. He wipes a fake tear from his cheek and dramatically falls onto the ground and Kristoff and Hiccup quickly join him. I roll my eyes.

"Okay, okay. Next time I'll be ready. Truce?" I help Eugene up and he shakes me hand. My smile starts to fade a little when I think about how much I'm really gonna miss this guy.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Eugene asks, recovering from his laughter.

"Oh, nothing. It's just gonna be a boring year without you to tease me around." When did everyone start growing up?

"I'll still be here as much as possible! Don't cry for me, Jack!" He says in a teasing tone.

I roll my eyes and sit down. "Ha ha very funny. Now lets eat, I'm starving!" I pull out my lunch without waiting for an answer. Hiccup nods and they all follow suit.


After english, I go to my locker to grab my lunch. Thankfully, we all requested our lockers by each other, so we can just meet here.

Anna comes quickly out and slides down the hall, nearly falling down twice. She almost hits my locker, but stops abruptly. I giggle as she opens her own locker.

"Hey, sis, how was your first 2 classes?" She asks.

"They were okay, but the calculus teacher is really boring." I sigh, senior year is supposed to fun, but really it's just full of hard classes to prepare you for college.

"At least you not taking statistics! That teacher just moans on and on." Rapunzel joins the conversation as she reaches her locker.

"Well, I guess it's nice I'm not taking math this year!" Merida hops into place. She finished all her math requirments over the summer, so she doesn't have to take any. Lucky.

We all walk outside and to our usual group of trees. Not very many people are here, but there never are; we sometimes refer to it as loner forest as a joke. It's nice to have the peace and quiet. Finally, we all sit down to eat.

After lunch, we head to our third class, and mine passes in a blur. The German teacher's nice, Mr. Eric, but we don't do much. Finally I head to fourth period, yearbook. My steps feel so much lighter in an enjoyable class.

Once I get there, we leave to the auditorium to help out with picture day. Yes, we do ours on the first and second days of school. There are a few reasons for this, but mostly it's just because everyone looks their best on the first day.

Mrs. White puts us into groups of different jobs. I volunteer to go bring the classes down.

"Alright, we just need one more person to go with her." She looks around. "Jack, why don't you do that."

No! I mentally groan as he walks with me outside. I hate talking to popular people, don't make me work with them!! Especially this one.


"Alright, we just need one more person to go with her." Mrs. White looks arouond and sees me hiding in the corner. I don't plan on participating; this is my fun class. "Jack, why don't you do that."

I smile politely, but groan inside. I hate working with the less popular girls, they're always all over me and try way too hard. I bet this one's especially awful because she looks like she's trying way too hard to hide what she's feeling. I immediately walk out into the halls, and she quickly follows. She actually looks kind of familiar. Weird; I don't usually pay attention to girls like her.

She doesn't say anything, which surprises me. The halls are too quiet so I decide to spark some conversation.

"So, um, you look really familiar. What's your name?"

She looks at me, caught a little off guard. "Elsa." She says it confidently, but a bit snappy. Wow, this girl isn't saying anything.

"I'm Jack." I was waiting for the usual 'I know who you are' followed by a squeal, but it doesn't come.

"Nice to meet you." Is all she says.

"Have we had a class together before? I mean, I swear I've seen you before." I try to remember, but nothing comes. Maybe we haven't met; I would've recognized those blue eyes anywhere.

"Uh, yeah, we had biology together." She starts to blush a little. Oh, now I remember her! I decide to play around with her a little.

"Oh yeah! You're the girl that I held hands with last year!" She starts blushing even more, and I laugh inside.

"...Yes, that was me..." She says, obviously embarrassed that I remember her. I look at her shocked. I just gave her a reason to flirt with me and she isn't taking it. She isn't saying anything at all! The girl must be mad!


"Oh yeah! You're the girl that I held hands with last year!" I start blushing completely as I remember the experiment. I can't belive he remembers that. I actually get a little mad. Good to know that's what I'm remembered for.

"Yes, that was me." He gives me a slightly shocked look. Probably surprised I didn't use that to my advantage. Well, I'm not going to flirt with him, because I don't like him. And I don't talk to people like him.

We finally get to the classroom and take the kids down to the auditorium. Thankfully, Mrs. White pulls me from my job to help with the hearing test, so I don't have to talk to Jack. I still feel beet red when the bell rings.

*Thanks for reading my story, comment what you think!*

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