Natalie |Beyond Heights|

By dawndwrites

33.6K 2.3K 605

Natalie Bingham and Miles Pennington ****** Natalie Bingham always knew she was adopted. She has a very lovin... More

A Pennington Story (Book 1 and Book 2)


1K 75 13
By dawndwrites



My eyes roamed from Logan to Miles, before walking outside onto the deck with Lucas. Logan gave me a discreet thumbs up and Miles gave me a smile that made my heart beat erratically. He is so handsome and he doesn't act like he knows it. That's an attractive quality in a person. Every young single woman in Savannah must want to be Mrs. Miles Pennington.

Where that assumption just came from, I don't know.

I followed my father out of the French doors that led to the back deck. He strategically brought a buffer along. He was holding Evelyn in his arms, as he sat in a cushioned chair. I deposited myself in a chair next to them. We faced away from the house for privacy.

Evelyn patted her pop pop's shoulder while pointing at me. "Auntie read book." She was pleased to inform him.

"Yes, that's your auntie Natalie. She read a book to you? That's so nice." He animatedly replied to her. His eyes showed nothing but love for this little girl, his granddaughter. He seemed to soften in her presence.

He turned his attention to me. "I hear you are a children's book author and illustrator. And you're on the New York Times Best Seller List. That's quite an accomplishment, I'm proud of you." I was flustered by his admiration.

"Thank you, that's my day job." I joked. "I wrote a series about a little girl named Liliana and her many adventures. It caught a publishers notice and the rest is history. I love my job. Actually, Evelyn has all of the books in the series. I was shocked when I got here and saw them."

"That must have been surreal to see your books in her collection, as her auntie." He looked at me, with pride? I wasn't expecting that.

"I met Miles Pennington, last year at a race he and my brother were both in. We had dinner afterwards and I told him I wrote children's books. He told me he had a three month old niece. He googled my name and ordered the books for her," I sighed thinking about how sweet that was of him.

"What a coincidence." My father remarked, tilting his head to observe me.

"Yes, it's all so hard to believe. My agent called me yesterday and wants me to do a book signing while I'm here in Savannah." I shared with him.

It's weird, because I'm more relaxed around my father than I thought I would be. He doesn't seem like a stranger. It's kind of like what Miles had said during our walk.

"I would love to come to your book signing, just let me know the day. I realize this is a lot for everyone to process. I don't expect you to be all warm and fuzzy. Take your time, I totally understand."

"I just want to get to know you and Nicole. I'm not trying to take your father's place. He raised you and he did an amazing job. I see the love and protectiveness he has for you," he started getting watery eyes.

"My father is a wonderful man. You couldn't have given me a better family. I've always been daddy's little girl. My parents and my brother gave me nothing but love, all of my life," I choked back tears and my voice was breaking up.

"I'm truly happy to hear that, Natalie. I hope that you can one day forgive me for not being the father, I should have been to you and Nicole. I hope we can at least be friends. Unfortunately we can't press rewind, but we can move forward." I could tell he meant it.

He grabbed a paper napkin from the table and wiped at the tears that kept forming in his hazel eyes, so much like mine.

Evelyn kept hugging him and then bending her little face to look into his eyes. "Pop pop, it's okay. You have a boo boo?"

We broke out with peels of laughter. She looked at us like we were crazy. It was the cutest thing ever. I might have to figure out how to weave that incident into one of my stories. I could write about Evelyn's antics for days.

We sat outside for a little while. Evelyn started yawning and rubbing her eyes. She fell asleep in her grandfather's arms. I told him all about me growing up in Seattle, Washington. He was happy that I had a good life and a family who loved me.

I'm thankful Nicole had the brunch today. And gave my father and I this opportunity to get to know each other a little, while surrounded by family.

Nicole came outside. "I didn't want to interrupt, I figured you two were engrossed in conversation. I hope Evelyn behaved herself." Her pale yellow sundress became brighter, with the suns rays shining on it.

"You could have come and joined us. I didn't want to push you. Evelyn was great, she is sound asleep," Lucas spoke in a quiet tone to Nicole. Evelyn started stirring and her eyes popped open.

"I wanted you to have time alone with, Natalie. We'll do something together another day while she's here. I'm glad Evelyn was happy you came. I do think it's important to know all of your family. That's why I decided to have this family gathering for brunch." Nicole stated matter-of-factly and she was very blunt.

"I appreciate you inviting us into your home, Nicole. I know this is not easy for anyone. I'm grateful for the person you are, even when someone doesn't deserve it. It means a lot that you let me spend time with my granddaughter." Lucas smiled and cleared his throat.

"Your welcome." She blurted out devoid of feelings.

Nicole had nothing else to say. She took Evelyn from Lucas' arms, and we all headed inside. She didn't have to say anymore. She was greatly affected by our father's words, I knew deep down inside.

"There you are Lucas. I hope you've enjoyed your visit with your lovely twin daughters. Your other daughter and I have been very patient." June tapped her foot impatiently. "We are ready to go home now. Thank you for your hospitality, Nicole. It was very nice meeting my newest step daughter. I hope there aren't triplets." She faced Lucas with her lip curled, and her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Please excuse my wife's manners everyone. I will be escorting her home now. Thank you Skyler and Nicole for your hospitality. Good to see you James and Maxine, I wish it were under different circumstances." He made eye contact with uncle James. "Mama, always good to see you. Nice meeting you Mr. and Mrs. Bingham and Logan. Always a pleasure Beau, Amelia, Miles, and Lance." Our father made sure to acknowledge everyone and recover his wife's slight.

I had to respect the man for that!

June quickly rushed for the front door, with April and Jace following behind. My father started to follow, but then paused and turned to face me. "I enjoyed spending some time with you. Please let me know when your book signing is while you're here in Savannah." He did an about face and shut the door behind him.

"Well, that was certainly interesting. Lucas Dunbar was much different than I imagined him to be." My mother declared, with her hand under her chin.

Miles met my eyes from across the room. He had been comparing race stats with Logan, when I first walked in from the deck. He looked at me questioningly. He probably wondered how my time spent with my father went.

For some reason he was the sole person I wanted to share my experience with. I remember meeting Miles last year, and hoping to bump into him again. Since he races cars from time to time, I figured I'd see him at another race with Logan.

The doorbell rang and Skyler hurried to answer the door. "Hi Skyler, I'm sorry to drop by unannounced. I told my wife that I met your brother Miles, and Natalie Bingham. I couldn't get a word in afterwards. My girls would love for Miss Bingham to sign their Liliana books." The neighbor that we met doing lawn work was accompanied by his two young daughters.

I spoke up from behind Skyler. "I would love to sign their books." The two girls looked up at me with their mouths wide open in excitement.

"Oh thank you! My wife couldn't believe that you are Nicole's twin sister. My daughter's have all of your books, Miss Bingham." He spoke in amazement.

"You are very welcome. I'm going to have a book signing while I'm visiting here in Savannah. I'm waiting for an exact date from my agent. We'll let you and your wife know." I stooped down for him to snap a photo of me and the two girls, with his cell phone.

They left very thankful and appreciative. Mr. Travis gave Skyler his phone number. I had a feeling everyone in the neighborhood and their kids would be there.

My parents looked on with pride. Everyone was impressed to eyewitnesses all the fuss being made over my books. I still can't believe I'm Natalie Bingham, author.

Miles snuck up behind me. "I had no idea I was in the company of literary royalty, Miss Bingham." He picked up a napkin off of the table for me to sign it. I loved seeing his playful side. A girl could easily fall for Miles Pennington. But what's he really like? I would love to know.


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