The Healing Glow of Two Hearts

By RevnaMocha

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After catching his boyfriend of two years cheating on him, Kla ends up at the beach where he meets a closed o... More

Characters & Prologue
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Wedding Day (Special Chapter)

Chapter Twelve

96 8 0
By RevnaMocha


Kla started to search through his things then finally finds what he was looking for. Just as he turned around to walk out Ice walks in upset ''I have to know, why would you reject it? Is it because we haven't been dating long enough'' he asked.

Kla stands there confused ''What are you talking about'' he said. ''I didn't reject you.''

Ice looked at him confused as well ''Then what was all that in there'' he asked.

Kla sighed and walked over to him ''I just wanted to make sure no matter what I choose nothing would happen to us.'' He  grabbed Ice's left hand and pushed something onto his finger. 

Ice tried to look to see what he did but Kla smiled and covered his hand with both of his ''I know once you see it then I'm going to be in trouble'' he said laughing then quickly walked out the room. He peeked back in ''If you don't understand then the answer is yes.''

Ice looked down at his hand only to find that Kla had slipped a ring on his finger. Ice looked back at Kla who took off again laughing. Ice smiled and walked out of the room ''Kla, come here'' he said as he walked into the living room.

Kla shook his head ''Nope'' he said as he stood on the the other side of the couch making sure to keep it between them ''The other day you talked about not wanting to break me.''

''And I remember you saying that you don't care if I break you'' he said as he walked over to Kla slowly ''Now come here.'' He stopped and pointed to the spot right in front of him.

Kla slowly walked over to him. The moment he was in arms reach Ice grabbed him and wraps both arms around his waist and kissed him deeply. Kla kisses him back wrapping his arms around his neck. Ice pushed Kla up against the wall gripping his hips tightly. He ran his hands up under Kla's hoodie. Finally, he took his hoodie off him and tossed it on the floor then pulls Kla close as he kisses his neck and chest. Kla bit his lip and closed his eyes as he ran his hands up and down Ice's back. 

Ice picks Kla up and carries him to the bedroom. He tossed him onto the bed and starts to make his way over to him stopping when his phone starts to ring. He sighs and hangs his head ''Damn it now what'' he walks over and grabs his phone then sits on the bed.

''Yeah, hello'' he said. Kla moves over and wraps his arms around Ice's neck and starts to kiss on him. ''Kla stop, I'm on the phone'' he whispered covering the mouth piece on the phone.

''Open the damn door'' Beer said from the other side of the phone.

''Shit, why are you here'' Ice asked reaching back and pulling Kla onto his lap.

''Stop playing with Kla and come open the door'' Beer said again.

''There is a key on top of the light use that and lock the door back'' Ice hung the phone up and tossed the phone onto the bed then wrapped his arms around Kla and pulls him close ''Looks like our fun will have to wait.'' He ran his hands up and down Kla's back softly.

Kla smiles then pushes Ice back onto the bed leaning over him ''So what if he or the others are here, I want you now'' he leans down licking Ice's neck softly then moves down to his chest.

Ice laughed softly running his hands down Kla's sides to the waist band of his pants and pushes them down ''So be it'' he said whispering in his ear then bites it softly. He places one hand on Kla's bare ass as his other hand runs up his back enjoying the fact Kla was the one taking the lead.

''Their aren't in the living room'' Beer said. ''I'll check the bedroom.''

Ice turns and looks at the open door ''Unless you want to see something that you shouldn't then don't come in here'' he shouted.

The footsteps stopped ''Shit dude, can't you keep it in your pants for once'' Beer yelled.

Kla lays on Ice's chest also looking at the door '' Oh go have fun with Pan'' he said.

''I tried to have fun with him but he said he would rather wait a bit longer'' Pan's voice came from the end of the hall.

Both Ice and Kla looked at each other then sighed ''Everyone is here'' they said at the same time. Kla got up and fixed his pants then walked to the door way looking at Beer giving him a dirty look ''Your dead'' he said.

Beer took a few steps back ''Dude you kinda are creeping me out with that look.''

Ice walked up behind Kla and wrapped his arm around his neck looking at his face ''I think it's rather cute, kind of a turn on'' he kisses Kla's cheek then heads to the living room patting Beer's shoulder ''Careful he may in fact try to hurt you now.''

Kla walked behind Ice keeping his eyes on Beer. Beer stepped to the side and stayed close to the wall ''I have seen him hit Prince, so I believe he would hurt me.''

''As long as you know'' Kla said going to sit on the couch between Ice's legs ''So why is everyone here.'' He looked up at Dong and Bun who were sitting in one of the chairs.

''Bunny and Pan were worried'' Dong said. He looked at Ice and spotted the bite mark on his chest ''Geez Kla, that's going to scar.''

Kla turned and pointed ''Yeah tell me about it.''

''Just what the hell have the two of you been doing'' Bun said shocked. 

Kla shrugged wrapping Ice's arms around him. Bun looked down and saw the rings on both their hands ''Oh I see'' he said smiling ''That explains everything.''

Dong looked at Bun ''What are you talking about?''

Bun leans over and whispers in his ear pointing at Kla and Ice. Dong looked over then laughed ''Shit, now I see why Kla wants to kill Beer.''

Pan walked over to Dong and Bun ''Why?''

Bun pulled Pan down and whispered in his ear as well. When Pan looked over he sat on the floor and laughed then looked at Beer ''Oh your dead alright'' he said then looked at Kla and Ice ''Sorry we came by.''

''It's fine, I'm sure it won't be the last time he does something like that'' Ice said playing with Kla's hair.

Kla smiles then stands and walks to the kitchen. Beer still stood there confused as hell to what was going on. He looked at Ice then at Kla ''Ok what is it that they know that I don't'' he said crossing his arms.

Both Ice and Dong looked at each other ''How are you friends with him again'' Dong asked.

''Hell if I know'' Ice said shrugging.

Beer walks towards Ice ''Want me to kick your ass'' he said. Just before he reached Ice something was thrown right past it his face.

Everyone stops and looks at Kla who was standing in the kitchen holding a knife, Bun stood up and took the knife he had thrown out of the wall ''Geez are you really trying to kill him'' he said. Bun walks over and hands Kla the knife back to him ''Easy, Dong and Ice are here. Let them take care of Beer'' he said whispering to him.

Kla looks at Bun and sighs as he sets the knifes down ''Whatever.''

Ice gets up and walks over to Kla wrapping his arms around him. Bun smiles and goes back to Dong. Ice looked at Kla ''Whats going on'' he asked worried.

''Nothing'' Kla moved away from Ice waking to his room ''Sorry Beer'' he said as he walked past him. He closed the door him behind him. He walked over to the balcony and stepped out. The rain had stopped. 

Ice walked to Kla's room and opened the door knocking at the same time. Kla didn't move as he was leaning on the railing. Ice shut the door then walked over and wrapped his arms around him holding him tightly ''What's wrong'' he asked.

Kla shook his head and said nothing. Ice grabbed his chin and turned his face towards him placing a soft kiss on his lips.  Kla blushes and turns wrapping his arms around his neck kissing him back more. Ice pulled him close. The moment he did he could feel that Kla had got turned on right away. Ice picked him up and carried him to the bed pulling his pants off at the same time.

''Ice we can't everyone is here'' Kla said blushing hard.

Ice laid him down on the edge of the bed then knelt down in front of him ''Screw them, I see the reason your upset is cause we were interrupted'' he said running his hands up along his thighs.

''No, that's not it'' Kla blushed more sitting up reaching out for him.

Ice smiled leaning down kissing his hips softly. Just then the door opened and Beer walked in ''Look, Kla, I don't know what is....'' he stopped when he saw Ice and Kla then quickly left shutting the door tightly. ''Shit, I'm dead'' he said from the hall way.

''I'm going to kill him'' Ice said sighing. 

Kla moved and reached for his pants pulling them on. Ice got up and walked to the door opening it ''Beer, your dead.''

While Pan and Bun were trying to stop Ice from Killing Beer, Dong walked to Kla's room and saw him sitting there. He leans against the door and crosses his arms ''So it seems we are somewhat brothers if you think about it'' he said.

Kla looked at him then looked away nodding ''I guess you can say that.''

''Does it bother you knowing about your dad'' he asked.

''No, it explains a lot more then I thought'' Kla said.

Dong walked over and sat next to him on the bed ''There is more about him. It seems he wasn't just part of the group. He and my father were sworn brothers as well, meaning if things would have stayed the way they were me and you would have ended up sworn brothers as well'' he leans over ''Instead I got suck with Ice.'' He laughed ''So I guess instead you will be my brother in law.''

''Well I'm sorry you got stuck with me'' Ice said from the door way.

''You're right I would have much rather have had a cute brother like Kla'' Dong hugged Kla teasing Ice. ''Maybe I would have ended up with him instead, who knows.'' He lets go and stands walking over to Ice placing his hands on his shoulders ''Then again the two of you make a better couple and I love being with Bunny myself.'' He shoves Ice over to Kla and grabs the door shutting it behind him ''Have fun you two, we are leaving and taking that troubled guy with us.''

Ice and Kla could hear the front door shut then hear the footsteps on the stairs with Beer scaring and yelling. Ice shook his head as he walked out onto the balcony and watched them leave. He waved to them as drove away. Finally, when they reached out of sight, Ice turned around and looked at Kla ''Now, where were we'' he said leaning back against the railing ''Come here.''

Kla smiled and walked right over to him. Ice stopped him just inches away from him looking him up and down. Kla tilted his head and crossed his arms ''What, have you finally lost interest in me'' he asked.

''No, I'm wondering how you would sound outside'' he grabbed Kla and pinned him to the railing ''Hold onto it tightly.'' 

Kla blushed as he looked out at the water gripping the railing tightly as he felt Ice kissing him on his back. Ice wrapped one had around Kla's waist while using the other to take both her pants off. Kla looked back at him ''Ice someone might hear or see us'' he said.

''Let them, I can't hold back anymore''  Ice said as he started to have his way with Kla.

The rest of the night into early morning they held each other and never let go. Ice woke up to his phone going off in his room. He got up going to get his phone.

''Hello'' he answered.

''Ice, father wants you to bring Kla to the main house'' Dong said.

Ice turned and looked across the hall to the sleeping Kla ''He is planing on bringing him into the group isn't he?''

''He wishes to talk to Kla one on one, it's really up to Kla if he wishes to join'' he said.

Ice turned away and sat on his bed ''Is it really ok, he ran off once after over hearing about his father to start with. Do you really think he would want to sit down and talk about him being part of the group?''

''It's fine, I'll go'' Kla said standing at the door.

''Come when you are ready'' Dong said hanging up.

Ice looked over at him and tossed the phone on the bed ''Kla.''

Kla walked over to him running his hand through Ice's hair ''If you are there with me I'm sure I can get anything throw at me.'' 

Ice stood and hugged him tightly ''No matter what it is I'll be there to help you get throw anything.''

After a few hours they finally arrived at the main house. Kla stood outside looking at it. For some reason now everything just seemed different. Kla hung his head. The fact that his father had once been part of the group and was here made him feel a bit more closer to him. At first he thought he was following in his mothers footsteps, but it seemed the path he was taking was his fathers as well as he mothers. Ice reached out and took his hand holding it tightly. Kla looked up at him and smiled. He knew as long as Ice was with him he would be ok.

They made their way inside with Ice leading the way. Kla tightened his grip on Ice's hand. Ice stopped and looked back at him then gave him a smile. Dong was waiting for them in the living room when they entered. 

''I'm sorry Ice but father only wants to speak with Kla, you will need to stay with me out here'' he said. 

The housekeeper came and offered to lead the way for Kla. Ice pulled him close kissing his cheek ''If at any time you don't want to listen anymore just leave and come back to me here.''

Kla nods then follows the housekeeper to another part of the house. She knocked on a large door ''Sir, I have brought Young Mater Kla.''

''Let him in'' he said.

The housekeeper opened the door for Kla then closed it behind him after he walked in. Kla looked around the large room finding Dong's father sitting on a couch ''Come sit'' he said holding his hand out.

Kla walked over and took a seat in a chair next to the couch. He placed his hands in his lap and looked down at the coffee table. When he did he saw photos with his father in them and a drawing of a tattoo. What the drawing his fathers? Was that the tattoo he had? 

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