ʀʜɢ ʙᴏʏғʀɪᴇɴᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ɢɪʀʟғʀɪᴇɴᴅ...

By _spixcy_

111K 1.3K 2.3K


Meeting Him/Her
2nd Encounter
Thinking About You
Finding a Way to Confess
Secret Admirer
A Bit Clingy
Catches You Singing
Making Out
Showing Their Human Form & First Kiss
A/N : 220 Reads ?!
Their /Dirty/ Pick Up Lines !
They Speak Something Dirty In Another Language
His/Her Favorite Place To Kiss You
"Cute" Nicknames :D
New character : One !
New Cover !
Creepypastas You Had a Crush On And Shes/Hes Jealous Of
Your Guys Favorite Songs Together
RHG'S Shes/Hes Jealous Of
She/He Gets You A Pet !
Outfits and Hairstyle They Love To See You Wear ! Part 1
Outfit and Hairstyle they Love to see you wear ! Part 2
You Steal Something Of Theirs
THAT Time Of Month
When Your Home Alone
His/Her Favorite Part of Your Body
Their Social Media
•Your Text Messages•
Public Affection and Who Does It Mostly
New Character : Bog , Shadowrose , And Hyun
If They Were Ever Parents
You do Her/His Makeup for Halloween XD
If You Had Superpowers !
What Video Games you Play , Who Wins , and Who Rages The MOST
Them During Training
When they Try to Cook
What Instrument they Play !
Favorite "Hamilton" Song
Hobbies !
Anime's They Enjoy !
A/N : I'm cRyInG
4 Headcanons about them !
Someone makes you Cry
When their Voice Cracks
When they get Lost at The Grocery Store
My RHG doodles
What you guys Are doing for 4th of July
Hey guys
A Little change in Personality
If They were Yandere
A/N : Ages
Someone Kidnaps You
f i g h t s w i t h t h e m . . . .
n e w c o v e r ?
a n i m a l s ?
✨c u d d l e s✨
💫 a p p r e c i a t i o n 💫
🌿 n e w c h a r a c t e r s 🌿
Final Announcement

r e t i r e ?

822 17 29
By _spixcy_

{A/N : request from PengeArrow where the RHG's retire, but still young. This is like an au, this does not effect the current scenarios}

t y p o s  p r o b a b l y  i n v o l v e d

Y o Y o

I would think that it would take an impact on him the most. Though, it was his decision to do this, he left the Dojo because he believed that there was more for his life then just fighting, though it was the thing he loved the most. Once he left the Dojo, his rank for the RHG's leaderboard was wiped off completely. Everyone, of course grieves the now missing champion. But, now, he's off somewhere, maybe looking for more fights, maybe just hanging around where no one would notice, though, we'll never know.

C h U c K

It's Chuck. Maybe he'd do it for attention, maybe he wouldn't. Though, no one knows why he left, but some say that they heard him tell them that "it was getting old" or something around those lines. Though, Chuck won't give reasons, says he's too cool for that. I don't really know what else to say, all we know is that he might be drowning himself in beer, maybe striking up conversations with hot chicks or some handsome guys.

J a D e

Jade could never. Being the leader of the most well-skilled clan in Cier was everything Jade had left. Not only that, but the friends shes made, her team was the only family she'll ever have. She'd risk anything for her team. She couldn't leave, she wasn't there yet, to be the best. Though, She knew it'd wouldn't last forever. She retired from NEMESIS when she realized she had wanted to start something new, a family.

Y u P i A

Can Yupia really retire ? I mean, she's fought all her life just for a few specks of rice, and that she's nowhere near getting home. All she's ever wanted was to be herself again. She's been through a lot, Yupia isn't even her real Name !
She's got so much more to fight for, she's just not ready to let go. Though, you all must be thinking that she can't fight forever. And maybe she couldn't, but she will.

A l F a

It's easy for him. In fact, he's already retired. He's stopped killing ever since his last battle with D. Though he misses his fun times back then, where danger lurked around almost every corner, where opponent after opponent was absolutely never ending. He got tired, as he got older. When he hit a certain age, he was done for. He couldn't keep going forever, like most. So he stopped.

U m B r E l L a

He wants to stop. He can't go on like this anymore. He's killed so much people, only to find out he's been tricked by the cruel man that he so ever trusted. After everything he's been through, he realized that he was only meant to be a weapon. Nothing more, nothing less. The only reason he still fights is because he wants his revenge, he wants Red to suffer the way he has, he wants people to realize that he isn't the monster here, Red was.

S h U r A

It was like all he ever wanted to do in life was fight. He just wanted, to be the best. His friends, His clan, His skills. He just wanted to feel a rush of adrenaline wave through him every time he fought. Because it excited him. It makes life just a bit better for him, it's just his cup of tea, only that tea is filled with rocks and bitter. In other words, we don't think he'll be retiring anytime soon.

O n E
(before I write, I apologize. I forgot this amazing character in almost the rest of these scenarios. And I am sorry)
He doesn't really want to fight. He's been searching for years for his little brother, he hasn't had time for fighting. It's not that he doesn't like it, it's that he didn't possibly want himself to be the person he was before. He now can't stand people with too much power. He only fights now to be the best, and to find more about his brother. But until then, maybe once he does find him, he'll be done

B o G
He doesn't look for fights.
He doesn't look for a competition.
He looks for fear.
He looks for the people who fear every waking moment they know he's alive. That's what he feeds on. The only reason he would still be fighting is because he's hungry for people's fear, for people themselves. He won't stop until his hunger is satisfied, until fear is all he can feel when people are around him.

H y U n

Could you really think, for maybe just a second, he'd consider it ?
I mean, it wouldn't be his first time, and it wouldn't be his last. He is the creator of the legendary Dojo after all. He could fight anyone he wanted to, he would win if he wanted to, but he would always decide against it. He wasn't made to fight, is what I'm trying to say. Maybe he was made for something else other then the Dojo, but, how can we know ?

S h A d O w R o S e

A man who fights for his friends, a man for fights from the rights of others, a man who fights for his lost love. He's elegant with his moves and know exactly what to do in situations. It's just, how can he fight under the rule of his clan if its leader is the one who had killed the one he so treasured ? Now, he must go under Magus's rule, while he plans his revenge. He can no longer trust his clan, and he can no longer trust his own heart.

{A/N : is it me or is my writing getting more confusing and shitty ? I think it's the second option. Anyway, thx for reading.}


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