Its a family affair cruel peo...

By Mikemike1964

232 17 0

This is a story of love and hate Sometimes the hate can come from your own family as well as outsiders. Let m... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18

Part 9

8 1 0
By Mikemike1964

                                                                 Romero gets settled in.

I'm cleaning the house X hasn't hired anyone to do the work, he's going to have to do it soon, this is to much work for us. X helps me clean up on the weekends, I clean up after my classes, I had six more months and I'm graduating.  I turned on my recorder and said hire some help soon.

The doorbell rang and I'm wondering who could that be, the guard didn't call and say we had a visitor, it had to be that woman next door, she's always looking for her damn cat, shit how did she get in the driveway gate. I opened the door and its Mr. Thomas, for some reason I turned on my recorder from my cellphone, he said so its true I am staying here, he said he had me beaten up once to get me out of Xavier's life and here I am again. I told his evil ass thanks for letting me know it was him who had it done, maybe I'll have him arrested. He looked at me trying to intimidate me like he does X, which won't work with me, I told him just leave.

Look little boy, don't fuck with me, your ass might be the one going to jail, I know what you did to your so called boy friend, and if you don't want to go to jail you'll leave Xavier alone understand.

No you understand this Mr. Thomas, I know people too, so don't you fuck with me, he smiled at me and said at least I got some balls on me that's more than he can say for Xavier. He said X thinks he can hide out here from him, but Xavier's smart having me here cleaning his house like the good little bitch that I am. I said our house X is putting my name on the deed too since we're getting married, Mr. Thomas said what the fuck am I talking about, I told him oh there were something's he didn't know. I smiled and told him X asked me to marry him, and I said yes and there's nothing he could do about it, he said oh yes he can like sending me to jail for assault.

I played the tape of him saying how he had me beaten up, he said give him that recording and called me a little mouse, I told him to get his ass out of here, the mouse is in a corner and coming out fighting and I'm starting with him, now get the fuck out of here. He laughed and said I can't marry Xavier, because he's my brother and we're sick having sex with each other. I said he'll say anything to break us up, he said ask my mom she'll tell me that they messed around and he left. I hate that old fucker.

I called my mom and told her what that old bastard said, she told me they did mess around, I just hung up on her, damn I'm in love with my brother and we had sex. Mom called me back but I didn't answer her call this could only happen to me, I can't stay here, I went upstairs and packed my things Mr. Thomas wins I'm out of X's life for good.

I started to write X a note and tell him why I left, but he needs to hear it from me, I waited until X came home and I heard him calling me, he came upstairs and told me mom called him. I said he knows so I have to leave we can't be together he told me to listen, I said no I have to go. X grabbed me and I pulled out Pete's gun he asked me what am I doing with a gun, I said protecting myself now move out of my way. Mom came in the room and saw me with the gun, she told me to put that gun down, I said no if I can't be with X I don't want to live,  and I'll kill Mr. Thomas too. I ran out of the room. X  ran behind me I shot up at the ceiling he stopped, and I ran out of the house. I'm going to Mr. Thomas's house and kill him and myself, I can't take any more. 

I drove there as fast as I could, I drove through the main gates and jumped out of my car and banged on the door, he opened the door and said so I must have talked to my mom and found out they did mess around. I pulled out the gun and said yes I talk to her  and I'm going to kill his ass no one would miss him, he's so damn evil. He said my balls wasn't that big to pull the trigger and all he had to do is call his men and have them shoot my ass, I just made it easy for him to be out of X's life.

Mom and X came in and mom told me don't do it, I said he's my father too, and Xavier and I can't be together, mom said I hung up on her before she could tell me that she did have an affair with Jackson Thomas, but he's not my father and she can prove it, don't let Jackson run me away from Xavier again.

Mom took the gun away from me, she and X hugged me and the mouse is back because I cried. Mr. Thomas said its true I wasn't his son he couldn't have two fags for sons, mom shot at a vase that's next to Mr. Thomas. She told him maybe I wouldn't pull the trigger but he knows she would, he told her to leave and take the two sick fags with her, X said he's hurt him and me enough and he'll get him, Mr. Thomas told him please try maybe that will make a man out of him. Mom told us to leave she wanted to talk to Mr. Thomas, I said mom come with us, she said she'll be okay I gave her my car keys, we just left. X drove me home, he said he hates his dad for all the things he's done to me he'll get him. He asked me was I really going to kill his dad, I said yes and myself because I love him so much, and if I couldn't be with him I didn't want to live.

I asked Romero where did he get that gun from, he said it was his ex- he took it the last time he saw him, we got home and Romero started cleaning up, bae you don't have to do that in fact its time we hired some help around here, Romero said he needs to clean it helps him. I went upstairs it really scared me hearing Romero say he would kill himself, and he never told me everything about why he left in the first place, and why did he have that dudes gun.

Mrs. Taylor called me and said she talked to my dad and he'll leave us alone, she asked me how was Romero. I told her he's cleaning up I tried to tell him he didn't need to do that, I told her maybe he needs to talk to someone, he's never told me why he left, I asked her did she know. She said all she knows is that he had some trouble with that Pete person, and she found out Romero was staying with his sister, she'll call her maybe he told her or Carlos something. 

I said okay I'll work on getting Romero some help, I'm scared for him, she said I do love him, I said yes with everything in me. She hung up and I went to see what Romero was doing, he's in the kitchen drinking wine, he smiled at me and said lets fuck right here in the kitchen and he will be fucking me. He acted like nothing happened,  my baby needs help. I didn't want him to think anything if I said no, so I let him have his way. He wasn't the same Romero that's for sure, its like he's trying to hurt me, this time the sex is rough. After we finished Rom called me his good bitch and told me to go, and clean myself up, he's a different man and it scared me.

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