
By ddlovato201

34.7K 579 427

How Emison should have been I think. Emily is intersex. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Not a chapter
Chapter 9
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Not a chapter

Chapter 10

1.1K 19 16
By ddlovato201

February 1 week till due date is 20

So I'm 39 weeks  we can't wait for her to come Emily and I have started vlogging well I have cause I don't go to school anymore cause of the baby. Vlogging is really fun I kind like it Emily is like in love with it the girls don't really care.


Ali: so good morning guys it is like 6:30 am baby girl just woke me up Emily is in the shower I'm just chilling. We packed our bag for the hospital I can't wait to show you guys our birth plan.

I here the door open Emily comes out in a sports bra and towel around her waist she sees me awake.

Emily: hey baby why you awake?

She jumps on the bed comes next to me.

Ali: um Lex won't stop moving so I just woke up.

Emily: if you guys don't know this yet Ali needs at least 10 hours or she will go crazy and baby girl is messing that up.

Ali: it's true she is but I still love her!

Emily: kiss.

Ali: nope morning breath!

I take the camera to the bathroom with me so emily can get dressed.

Ali: FYI guys Emily is always trying to kiss me with morning breath I love her but I can't with that so I'm going to brush my teeth real quick.

I brush my teeth and wash my face I leave the bathroom.

Ali: so guys we have a photo shoot planned today at 2:30 the girls are coming we are doing a maternity photo shoot I'm so excited cause we didn't get to do it with the girls.

Emily: I'll take them you get dressed baby.

I hand her the camera she's just laying on the bed I here my phone vibrate I pick it up Emily slaps my ass I slap her check.

Ali: stop playing with me!

Emily: guys Ali thinks she can beat me in a fight comment down below what you think if we get 15k likes we'll do a fight!

Ali: baby look there getting out there crib ok so if you guys don't know the girls have been climbing out there cribs and coming into our room so I'm going to bust them.

Emily: baby put on some clothes!

Ali: I'm in a bra and underwear they all have some calm down baby!

I speed walk to there room I open the door really quick scaring them they run away from me they know there in trouble.

Ali: what did we say no getting out the cribs right girls!

They start laughing I look at Emily she turns the camera off.

Ali: you guys are grounded no toy and tv for 2 days.

Twins: no mommy!!

Ali: I told you not to get out the crib.

She turns the camera back on the girls are crying we're walking away.

Ali: so we punished the girls no toy and tv for 2 days there lucky they got off easy.

Brea: camera!!

Ali: no baby come help mommy get dressed.

Ali: ok so this is what I'm wearing guys I love it.

Ali: I love this jacket and the dress I'm a lot smaller than I was with the twins it looks so weird to me!

Emily: baby you look cute I dressed the girls and everything!

I look at the camera surprised Emily doesn't really change the girls she hates having to pick out there outfits. They walk in they look so cute she did good.

Ali: I love it baby ok comment down below who has better style for the girls me or Emily?

Emily: I do look at me!!

Ali: you do look cute but why you wearing my leggings?

Emily: it's cold out side!

Ali: you better be wearing underwear.

Emily: baby really why you got to say that in front of them?

Ali: baby who cares just put on sweat pants I like those better!

Emily: fine I made breakfast it's down stairs!

Ali: ok come on girls let's go eat!

We go down stairs there pancakes and bacon.

Ali: fun fact I can't cook Emily is the best cook ever we might do a cooking tutorial with Emily comment what you think.

We eat really quick and head to the car.

Ali: ok so we're going to Spence's house for a bite she want to have brunch we just remember that so let's see how that goes.

I turn the camera off we get the girls out I'm still hungry so I can still eat.

Ali: hey guys!!

Spencer: hey I can't wait for lex to come!!

Ali: I can't either!

Han: there's food right there!

Ali: we ate but I'm still hungry we forgot we were having brunch.

I turn the camera on.

Ali: so I just told Spencer that we ate and this is her face she's so mad but I'm still going to eat.

Emily: baby I thought you were full.

Han: Emily shes never full she has a baby in her walking from the car to here got her hungry!!

We laugh.

Ali: really Hanna god I love you!!

Emily: here let me vlog.

Ali: ok.

Emily: so this is Hanna Spencer and are our best friends and Demi you all know her she's Hanna's girlfriend she's our friend not best friend yet she has to pass the test!

Demi: bitch!!

She throws a pillow at Emily brea comes up to her.

Brea: camera!

Emily: ok here baby get a shot of mama and mommy!

She pulls me up really fast.

Ali: baby chill what are we doing?

She kisses me I kiss back I don't let it get to heated.

Ali: so guys it's only 10:30 we have like 5 hours till the shoot we'll see you guys later!!

Emily: bye!!

I shut it off and put it on the counter i sit on the couch next to Demi she rubs my bump.

Ali: what we doing know baby?

Emily: whatever you want Spencer is getting the movies.

Ali: ok

We watch a couple movies I fall asleep I wake up to someone shaking me awake.

Emily: come on we have to go the girls are in the car.

Han: wait I want to come?

Ali: ok come on!

We walk to the car Hanna gets in I push back the seat. I fix my hair and turn on the camera.

Ali: ok so hey guys we are on our way to the shoot Hanna is with us I look like shit I just woke up from a nap I'm really tired.

Emily: you look great baby.

I kiss her we get to the place I turn it off we get out the car and go in.

Photo: hey I'm Chris I'll be doing your photos!

Ali: thanks.

2 hours later

Ali: thanks Chris we love the photos.

Pretend that's them.

Chris: thank you.

We pay and we head to the house I'm so tired we get to the house the girls run in we all sit on the couch Hanna turns the tv on I get up and get an apple I sit back down I turn the camera on.

Ali: ok so the photo shoot went pretty good we didn't record I forgot the camera in the car. We will show you the photos though so that's good.

Demi: I'm bored can we go to the mall?

Ali: sure.

Emily: baby take it easy.

Ali: nope I want her out.

Later that night.

Ali: huh baby!!

Emily: baby you can go faster you know.

Ali: nope I want to saver this sex while pregnant is amazing I'm going to miss this.

I ride her a little faster god it's like a workout for me sometimes.

Ali: oh baby!!

Emily: baby let me do it!

I lift myself up a little she grabs my thighs she pounds into me fast.

Emily: oh baby how you always tight!!

Ali: fuck Emily!!

I feel my legs go numb and shake.

Ali: yes daddy!!

Emily: I'm going to cum

I feel something pop and water go down.

Ali: Emily no!!

She stops all her movements and looks at me worried.

Emily: what baby I'm so close!

Ali: my water just broke baby we have to go!!

I slide off her I feel a contraction come.

Ali: aaahhh fuck!!

Emily: do the breathing they taught us!

Ali: baby help me get cleaned up!

Emily: ew there water on me!

I glare at her I turn the shower on I'm about to get put when another comes.

Ali: fuck Emily!

Emily: grab my hand!!

I grab it and squeeze it I look at her face she's trying not to scream it goes away. I get dressed really quick and I sit on the bed I time the contraction it last for 3 minutes the brake is like 4 minutes.

Ali: baby lets go it's almost time!!

Emily: ok let me wake up the Hanna and Demi!

She runs out the room and I walk to the door and lean against the frame I see her coming with the camera.

Emily: ok so she coming we can't wait!!

Ali: get me to the fucking car know!!

We walk to the car she hands me the camera.

Ali: so my contractions are 4 minutes apart and last like 3 minutes so she's almost here!!

I show them Emily and she looks like she's about to run a race.

Emily: I'm so excited baby do you feel her head coming or not yet?

Ali: no you idiot!

I kiss her I feel a contraction I grab her free hand and squeeze it.

Ali: yeah they really hurt!

Emily: it should be easy cause you had twins last time.

Ali: nope still the same pain.

Emily: ok guys so we pulled up to the hospital we will see you guys later.

I turn it off we rush in we get a private room they hook me up to all kinds of machines when they all leave Emily turns the camera back on.

Emily: so we got our own room baby how far are you?

Ali: they said I'm at 8 so this is going quick I might add but I'm glad it is cause I had pain all day but I thought it was false contractions.

Emily: I didn't know that baby!

Ali: I know I didn't tell you but I'm hoping it's an easy labor.

Emily: we doing water birth or no not anymore?

Ali: no regular and no epidural all natural like with the twins.

Emily: this is the last time you guys are going to see this belly for a while right?

I glare at her.

Ali: a long time like 3 or 4 years.

I smile a contraction comes again god this sucks. Our family comes in Pam and my mom are on the couch.

Emily: so this is my mom guys she's the best mom ever right baby!

Ali: yeah and that my mom she the best too.

Pam: I'm so excited to meet the baby!!

Ali: I hope she has Emily's skin color cause the girls don't have it.

Emily: comment down below if you think she'll look like me or Alison!

Mom: definitely Emily I think she's going to look like her.

Doctor: hello guys let's see how far a long you are Alison?

He touches me down there Emily is trying to look but I pull her back.

Doctor: ok so you are 10 centimeters wow she's really coming fast.

Emily: ok guys so baby girl is coming oh my god I'm so excited!

Ali: I'm kinda scared but more excited are we filming the birth or no?

Emily: why not?

Ali: ok.

I grab her hand my mom grabs my leg Pam on the other side.

Han: wait I'm here!

I look at Emily I'm so fucking confused.

Ali: whatever I feel her head!!

Doctor: ok Alison push for 10 seconds I'll count and breath while you push!

I nod I look at Emily she kisses me.

Emily: I love you baby you got this!

Ali: I love you too aaahhh!!

Doctor: push!! 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10 stop! Good she's crowning she has dark hair!

Han: yes Spencer owes me 30!!

Ali: I feel another one coming!!

Doctor: ok push 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1 stop ok her head is out don't push for the next one.

Ali: no I have to push it burns!!

I cry fuck this is bad.

Emily: baby look at me breath ok you got this!!

Doctor: you can feel her head if you want!

Emily: yes!

She teaches the baby I reach down and she has a lot of hair.

Ali: omg she has a lot of hair fuck!!

Emily: guys look she has my hair!

She points the camera to the baby

Doctor: ok you can push!

Ali: aaahh ow ow ow!!

Emily: yes baby you got this!!

Ali: shut the fuck up Emily!!

Emily: I love you too baby!!

Han: she looks so gross!!

Ali: shut up Hanna!

Doctor: her shoulder are out!!

Ali: ahh!!

The pain goes away right as she's out and all you hear is an ear piercing scream.

He puts her on my chest on my chest she's screaming bloody murder I rub her head and back.

Ali: shshsh it's ok baby mommy's here!

Emily: oh baby I can't stop the tears!

Ali: she has lungs!

Emily: hi lex oh your beautiful!

Doctor: would you like to cut the cord mom?

Emily: yes Han hold the camera!

She can't stop the tears she's so cute.

Pam: she's beautiful Alison.

Mom: good job baby!

Nurse: ok I have to do measurements I'll bring her back.

Emily: no I didn't get to hold her!

Ali: baby calm down breath they have to measure her go be with her take the camera.

Doctor: ok time to deliver the placenta.

Ali: ok.

I push it comes out and they clean me up god that was just as bad with the twins I'm so sore. I see Emily coming towards me with Lex she hands her to me I do skin to skin with her.

Nurse: do you have a name for her yet?

Ali: Lex Aria Fields

Nurse: very cute name.

They all leave it's just Emily and I with the baby.

Ali: look at her baby she's so cute.

I whisper so I don't wake her.

Emily: yeah I turned the camera off so we can have some private time with her. You did so good baby I'm proud of you.

She kisses my head Lex starts to wake up.

Ali: hello Lex.

Emily: she has my eyes baby.

Ali: yeah come do skin to skin with her.

Emily: ok.

She takes off her shirt and gets in the bed with me I put Lex on her chest she squirms a little but settles.

Ali: you guys are so cute.

Emily: hi Lex I'm your mama.

Lex: mmh

She does looks up at me and opens her mouth she sucks on Emily's chest.

Ali: I think someone is hungry here I'll feed her baby.

She hands her to me I feed her she puts her shirt back on.

Ali: why don't you get the rest of the family so they can meet her?

Emily: ok I'll be right back.

She runs out I take the camera and turn it on.

Ali: hey guys so baby Lex is here she's so cute emily is throw the roof I'm so lucky to have her I know she says she lucky to have me but I'm the lucky one. She's so strong and she's the best she a really good mom to the girls as you guys can see but behind the cameras she so romantic and she has so many inside jokes with them. I love you Emily so much thank you for everything.

I turn it off and put it back I look down at Lex she's looking around she's not eating anymore. I lay her in between my legs and undo the rap.

Ali: your so cute I can't believe your all mine your sisters are going to love you.

I hear the door open and whispers aria runs to me.

Aria: oh my god she's so cute.

Ali: thank you.

Emily: look girls it's mommy and sissy.

Ali: hi baby's.

They reach for me but I'm holding the baby so Emily puts them on the bed.

Ali: girls this is Lex your sister.

Brea: baby.

Shea: hold?

Ali: yeah you can hold her.

Shea comes to me I put Lex on her lap but hold her head.

Emily: so the girls are seeing there sister for the first time.

Ali: Shea likes her I don't really know about Brea.

Brea: my turn!!

Ali: Brea whisper sweetheart.

Brea: sowwy hold sissy?

Ali: yeah baby come here.

I do the same to her she's kisses Lex brea follows.

Ali: oh you guys are so sweet to sissy you love her?

Twins: yes a lot.

I take her back and pass her to Aria.

Aria: hello Lex you are the cutest look at all that hair.

Spencer: dam here Hanna.

Han: yes.

Demi: ok my turn.

They pass her around after a while they leave Hanna and Demi take the twins back home she was born at 11:45 on February 10 8 pounds and 11 inches.

Ali: she's so cute I can't wait to take her home and put her in her room.

Emily: me too baby get some sleep she's in that thing sleeping.

Ali: ok baby.

I fall asleep.

Next day 8:45

I'm waken up by crying I open my eyes and see Emily trying to sooth her but I know she's hungry.

Ali: she's hungry I'll take her.

I open my gown I take her and she latches on she's a good eater. There's a knock on the door the doctor comes in.

Doctor: everything looks good she's eating ok?

Ali: yeah.

Doctor: you guys can go home if you would like.

Ali: yes please.

Emily: so soon?

Ali: yeah she's fine I'm fine we can go home.

Emily: ok I'll call my mom and get the car seat.

Ali: ok I'll change my clothes and hers.

They leave I take a quick shower got it feel good shit I can't have sex for 6 weeks.

Ali: fuck!

I change my clothes and her.

Ali: ok so mama should be back any minute I can't wait to take you home and just snuggle.

Emily: hey I pulled the car around here's her car seat.

Ali: thank you baby why don't you change while I put her in.

Emily: ok baby.

I put Lex in her car seat I give her the pacifier so she doesn't cry.

Emily: ok ready baby.

Ali: yep let's go I got Lex get the bags please.

Emily: ok guys so we're leaving today she's not even 24 hours old yet.

Ali: I can't get enough of her she's so adorable.

We leave I put her in the back I sit in the back with her.

I close the door we head to the house Emily is driving extra safe it's so cute I take the camera out.

Ali: so Emily is driving extra safe it's so cute baby girl is sleeping oh wait nope she's waking up.

She looks around she moves around and looks at me.

Ali: hello Lex how was your nap you look like your awake know.

Emily: home sweet home!

I turn off the camera Emily helps me out Lex starts to cry she hands her to me we leave the car seat in the car.

Ali: it's ok baby I'm right here.

She's screaming bloody murder I walk towards the house I wipe her tears I open the door.

Everyone: surprise!!

Ali: shsh it's ok baby don't cry I'm going to her room to feed her.

Emily: ok baby I'll meet you there.

I walk upstairs to her room I sit in the rocking.

Ali: ok baby hold on.

I pull out my boob I put the bib on her and she latches on eagerly she reminds me of brea. The door opens the girls run in with there toys sit in front of me.

Ali: are you guys showing you sister your toys?

Brea: yes play with us baby?

Ali: Brea she cant play yet but she can watch you guys play for a little.

Shea: baby!

Why do they keep saying baby I think they forget her name.

Ali: this is Lex baby remember.

Brea: baby Lex!!

She runs around the room saying it Emily comes in and she bumps into her. She gets up and keeps running Shea runs after her.

Emily: hey you ok?

Ali: yeah just a little sore did they leave or no?

Emily: yeah Hanna and Demi went to Spencer's house.

Ali: they didn't have to leave did you edit the videos yet?

Emily: I started to last night I'll finish it when they go down for a nap.

Ali: ok lex loves to eat.

I look down most of the milk is on her bib not even going in her mouth.

Ali: baby slow down it's not going anywhere.

Emily: god she's so cute!

She strokes her head Lex in latches and looks at Emily I hand her to Emily I give her the burping clothe. I fix myself Emily sits on the floor with the girls.

Ali: so no sex for 6 weeks baby.

She snaps her head at me her eyes go wide I kiss her head and take Lex to put her in the crib.

Ali: ok sweetheart it's nap time.

She falls asleep right when we put her down. I turn on the baby monitor we walk out we go to the girls room.

Ali: ok guys nap time you have to be quiet cause lex is sleeping ok.

They nod there heads and smile at each other. They are up to something but I'm not going to ask. We put them in there cribs and kiss there heads we head to our.

Ali: oh god 3 under 3 we so got this we started out with 2 under 2.

Emily: yep you were joking about the 6 weeks thing right?

Ali: I'm sorry baby but no.

I look at her with side eyes she looks upset.

Ali: but they didn't say anything about the waist up.

Emily: hmm really.

I god down and undo her pants she already hard.

Ali: oh someone is ready!

I rap my hands around her dick and jerk her off I open my mouth. I deep throat it she grabs my hair and pushes it deeper I jiggle her balls.

30 minutes later

Emily: I'm cumming baby!!

She cums and I slow it all I stand up and wipe my mouth.

Ali: that took forever I was about to give up what too so long?

Emily: I was thinking about that I have work tomorrow then how sexy you look pregnant!

Ali: you have to go baby?

Emily: yes I'm sorry but go wash your mouth.

I brush my teeth and throw away the toothbrush I look at the time they should be up from there nap by know.

Ali: I'm going to check on the girls pick a movie baby.

Emily: got it.

I walk to lex room I hear the twins whispering I smile I open the door slowly I don't see them on the floor. I walk closer to her crib I see them in her crib talking to her.

Ali: you guys are supposed to be napping.

Brea: no stay with Lex.

They are too cute for there own good I take them out her crib she starts to wake up.

Ali: hello baby did you have a good nap yes you did let's change this diaper.

I put her on the changing table the girls run over and try to climb up.

Ali: guys no don't climb up here please.

I put her diaper in the garbage I pick her up i walk to my room the girls right next to me.

Ali: look who I found in Lex's room in her crib.

Emily just laughs we had a feeling this would happen I sit on the bed the girls climb up Brea on one side and Shea on the other side.

Emily: they really like her.

Ali: I'm really glad I thought they wouldn't like her.

Emily: I wasn't worried.

I look down a lex she's smiling in her sleep.

Ali: baby edit the video please or let me do it.

Emily: can you I'm really tired I uploaded it on the computer already.

Ali: ok baby.

I put her in the bassinet in the room on my side. They girls get upset when I put her in there Lex starts to cry I give her the pacifier she calms down.

Ali: you guys can push her but softly ok not to hard ok.

They nod.

Ali: ok show me how you push it.

They push it softly not to hard they are good at this I'm impressed I look over Emily is sleeping I get the lap top and edit the video I finish and upload it.

It's been 2 hours I look over the girls feel asleep on the floor under lex I bring them to the bed I get under the covers and fall asleep.

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