The Healing Glow of Two Hearts

By RevnaMocha

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After catching his boyfriend of two years cheating on him, Kla ends up at the beach where he meets a closed o... More

Characters & Prologue
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Wedding Day (Special Chapter)

Chapter Seven

123 9 1
By RevnaMocha


Kla stared at his phone while he sat in the back of the car with Prince. The message he had gotten back from Bun shocked him but he wasn't going to let it change his mind. He placed his hands in his lap and looked out the window. Prince looked over at Kla and sighed a bit. To him he looked as if he lost everything again.

''Kla'' he said softly.

Kla looked over at him ''I'm fine'' he smiled and looked back out the window. 

Prince could tell he wasn't fine. How could he be. Prince pulled his phone out and sent a message to Bun ''Kla is with me, he asked for us to give him a ride back home.'' 

''I hate to ask but please take care of him. Drop him off at Ice's place we will be there as soon as we can.'' Bun sent back. 

Prince sighed and looked at Kla again ''Did you have a fight with Ice'' he asked.

''No'' Kla said.

''Then what happened.'' 

Kla looked at him and sighed. He told Prince everything that happened two years ago. He also told him how he came to meet Ice again at the beach. Prince didn't know what to say to any of it. He shook his head and crossed his arms looking away from Kla.

''Maybe the two of you were meant to be together after all'' he said then looked back at Kla ''As much as I hate to say it, but I saw the way he looked at you. I can tell he likes you.''

''It doesn't matter if he doesn't remember'' Kla said looking out the window again. 

Just then Prince phone rings ''Hello'' he said.

''Have them pull over at the next rest stop'' Bun said.

''Yeah, ok'' he said and hung up ''Hey Ten pull over at the next rest stop I need the bathroom.''

''Yeah ok'' Ten said. 

They pulled in and Prince hopped out of the car ''Ten, Pan, both of you come with me'' he said. 

They both gave him a confused look and shrugged then got out. Kla didn't think anything about it and stayed in the car. Just then his door opened and he was dragged out the car then thrown over a shoulder. 

 Kla tried to wiggled free ''What is going on?'' When he looked up he saw Prince standing next to Bun and Beer. Bun waved at him and smiled. Beer shrugged and laughed.

''Dong give me your keys'' a voice said. 

Kla noticed the voice ''Ice, w--what are you doing, put me down now'' he said.

''What are you planning on doing'' Dong said laughing handing Ice the keys. 

Ice glared at him ''Taking care of the problem'' he said then carried Kla to the other side of the car.

 Kla looked up and saw Dong smiling and waving at him ''You two have fun'' he said. 

Ice shoved Kla into the passenger seat then buckled him in and shut the door. He walked over and got into the driver side then speed off. Kla looked at Ice the whole time he drove ''What is going on and where are we going'' he asked.

Ice didn't say a word or look at him the whole drive. He finally pulled into a drive way with a huge gate. Ice rolled down the window and pressed a few numbers in and the gate opened. Ice pulled all the way in then turned the car off and got out going around to Kla's side and opens the door and pulled him out.

 Ice took his hand and pulled him to follow only to have Kla pull back to stop ''What are you doing and where are we?''

''Either you walk or I will throw you over my shoulder again'' he said no even looking at him.

''I'm not going anywhere tell you tell me what is going on'' he said back. 

Ice sighed then grabbed Kla and threw him over his shoulder once again. He turned to find the house keeper coming out ''The young master said you would be coming by with a guest'' she said. 

Kla was confused and tried to wiggle free again ''Young master? Who is that'' he said.

''Young Master Dong'' she said moving to look at Kla ''You are at the main house, Young Master Kla. It's so nice to see you again'' she smiled and waved as Ice walked off. 

Kla stopped moving and looked at Ice ''The main house. Why'' he asked.

''Why did you run off like that'' Ice said ignoring Kla's question ''Do you have any idea how worried we were?'' His voice sounded angry.

''I left for a reason'' he said.

 Ice opened a door to a room and walked in closing it behind him. He walked over to the bed and sat Kla down on it. He looked at him then moved over pushing him back onto the bed hanging over him. Kla looked up at him and started to blush.

''What do you think your doing Ice'' Kla said and tried to push him off ''Get off me.''

 Ice grabbed his hands and pinned them down to the bed ''Two years ago, here in this room, you held onto me asking me to never leave you.'' 

Kla looked at him confused then started to look around the room to notice it was the same one he woke up in the morning after he got drunk.

''That night you held onto me so tightly I had no choice but to sleep in here with you, the next morning when I woke up you were gone'' Ice let him go and moved away from him walking over to the double doors that opened to the garden they had meet in.

''I spent the whole morning searching this whole house for you that day. I felt like I had almost went crazy till I asked Dong and when he told me who you were I was happy that I didn't make any of it up.'' 

 Kla sat up and looked over at him. Why would that make him happy? He got up and walked over to him slowly. He was only there that night two years ago cause of the fight he had with Prince. 

Ice leans against the door frame then sat down on the floor ''The night I had been drinking. I was still suffering from my break up three years before that. I was walking outside getting fresh air when I happen to see you standing there'' He looked up at the moon ''You, standing there among the flowers with the moon shining down on you was something like out of a painting. I couldn't help but watch you. Then you turned around and looked at me. You walked right over and hugged me telling me that I looked like a fairy.''

 Kla walked over and sat on the floor looking out at the garden ''It's because you did look like one'' he said softly ''I left the next morning cause I felt bad about clinging onto you when we didn't know each other. I also felt bad for what I did as well.'' 

 Ice looked over at him and smiled a bit ''Do you mean the kiss you stole that night while I was sleeping?'' 

Kla blushed and looked at him only to see that Ice has moved closer to him ''Then again that wasn't the only time you stole a kiss from me. If my count is right you have done it three times'' Ice said.

 Kla tried to move away but Ice had grabbed a hold of him and pulled him onto his lap ''Ice, stop'' he said trying to push away. 

Ice placed a hand on the back of Kla's neck and pulled him down ''If you can tell me right now that you feel nothing for me then I will let you go and never chase after you again'' he said.

 Kla stared right at him and didn't know what to say. If he said he didn't he would be lying. Kla finally was able to wiggle free then moves to sit across from him looking out into the garden. Ice watched him then sighed and stood up ''It's late, you should get some sleep'' he said and closed the door behind him.

 Kla sighed and hugged his knees tightly. As he looked around the garden he noticed a fenced off area. He stood and went to find the housekeeper ''Is the fenced off area a pool.'' He asked.

''Yes, feel free to use anything in the house. Young Master Dong has told us to let you treat this place as you pleased'' she smiled with a smiled ''If you like I can get you..'' 

Kla didn't wait for her to finish. He rushed off to the pool. He left like he needed a way to cool off. He took off his shirt and shoes then jumped in. He always found staying under water where you couldn't hear anything was the best way to think. 

The housekeeper saw him jump in but started to freak when he didn't come up. She ran off yelling for Ice ''Young Master Ice help'' she shouted throw the whole house.

Ice stepped out of his room only wearing a pair of sleep pants ''I'm here'' he said as she ran by.

''Young Master Kla has jumped into the pool'' she said.

''Maybe he went for a swim'' Ice said turning around.

''He jumped in and hasn't come up'' she said. 

Ice looked at her stun then dashed off to the pool. He looked around in the pool. The moment he spotted Kla he jumped in wrapping his arms around him and pulled him out. When they reached the top and was able to breath Ice grabbed a hold of him ''WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!?'' he shouted his voice full of anger.

 Kla looked at him ''I was thinking'' he said softly. The look on Ice face told him he was worried.

''Thinking?'' he said ''Then think in your room and not in the pool, you scared the housekeeper and me.'' 

Ice swam over and lifted himself out of the pool. Kla followed after him and grabbed his arm ''I didn't mean to scare anyone, I'm sorry.'' 

''Sorry'' Ice said then turned and grabbed him pushing him up against a wall ''Do you have any idea what went through my mind?'' 

Kla didn't have to guess, it was written all over Ice's face. They both stood there wet, neither of them talked. Kla finally was at him limit. Seeing Ice like this hurt him. Kla reached up and took Ice face in both his hands. Ice looked up at him when he did. Kla moved close to him as he leans up and placed his lips against his.

Ice was shocked and stood there. Kla let go and took a step back looking up at him. Ice looked at him back ''Ice say something'' Kla said. 

Ice took a few steps back then turned and walked off. Kla stood there and looked down. The next thing he knew Ice had come back and picked him up throwing him over his shoulder ''You should have followed me'' he said then turned and walked back to his room.

''I...I thought you were mad'' he said looking back at him. 

Ice locked the door behind him and tossed Kla on the bed ''Ice wait our clothes are still wet'' Kla said. 

He hovered over him ''Tell me what you meant by the kiss'' he said looking at him.

 Kla looked back at him then reached up wrapping his arms around Ice neck pulling himself up ''You mean this kiss'' he said softly then kissed him again.

Ice wrapped his arms around Kla and kissed him back. He sat up and moved placing Kla on his lap holding him close. Kla ran his hands up in his wet hair. Ice pulled back and looked up at him ''That's five times now, but you still have yet to tell me...''

''Of course I have feelings for you'' Kla said looking back at him. He reached up and placed his hands on Ice's face again ''After all you have done for me and helped me through. How could I not.'' 

Ice pulled him down and kissed him deeply then hugged him ''I didn't know if I would ever get to see you again after that night. I waited here for a year hoping I would get to see you, but you never came with Bunny again. Then Dong left for China and I was thinking then that maybe we weren't meant to be together'' he laid his head on Kla's shoulder. 

Kla sat there on his lap laying his head on Ice's head hugging him back ''Ice'' he said softly. 

Ice looked up at him ''You can't ever leave again'' he said.

''I won't'' Kla said smiling at him then kissed his forehead. 

Ice flipped them over and laid Kla on the bed kissing his neck. Kla blushed hard and ran his hands along the top of Ice's back and over his shoulders. Kla laid there tracing his finger over one of the tattoos that went from Ice's back, over his shoulder and to the front of his chest. Ice sat up and watched him then looked at him ''Does it bother you'' he asked.

Kla sat up and kissed the tattoo softly ''Not at all'' he said smiling up at him only to have Ice claim his lips again pushing him back down to the bed and started to have his way with him.

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