Worthless (Camren)

By stubbornyouth_

213K 5.6K 1.1K

In a world where slavery is normal, Lauren will struggle with her feelings towards it, but when during an auc... More

"The Market"
"Excuse me"
"20 bucks"
"Camila, Miss."
"It's Warm"
"Dr Holland"
"Would you like to watch?
"May I sit here with you?"
"It's Camila"
"Will you be sick again?"
"Show me your hands"
"I'm glad it pleases you"
"You were looking out for me"
"I'm sorry Lauren"
"I'm so sorry I scared you"
"What if I don't want to leave ever?"
"701 - 555 - 107"
"Can I keep these?"
"I'm lucky then.."
"Lauren... thank you."
"This is where it says I'm yours."
" You're falling for her"
"Please get dressed.."
"I loved it.."
"It's your fault"
"You're here"

"We're going to New York!"

6K 141 84
By stubbornyouth_

"I'm in love with Camila."

Mike Jauregui sighed and set down his cup of coffee. "I know."

"You do?" Lauren's eyebrows shot halfway up her forehead.

"You two are not as subtle as you think you are."

"And you're not... mad?"

"Why, because you two have feelings for each other?" Lauren's dad looked at her levelly. "I would only be mad if you were taking advantage of Camila or disrespecting her in any way. Are you?"

Lauren scoffed. "Of course not."

"Are you sure? You aren't pressuring her into anything, are you?"


"What? I did just find you two in bed together."

"Only because Camila knocked on my door in the middle of the night and asked for permission to stay so she wasn't alone. I couldn't have her sleep on the floor, come on."

"Oh." Her dad looked relieved. "So you're not... you know–"

Lauren's eyes widened. "No! Oh my god, Dad, who do you think I am?"

"A teenager?"

"We've only kissed a few times since Valentine's Day – and noteven last night. I can't believe you thought we were having sex! I would never pressure him, and I..." She blushed, but pushed through. "I am not nearly ready for that myself."

"Alright, I was just making sure." Mike picked up his coffee cup and took a sip.

Lauren huffed.

Her dad put the cup down again with a sigh. "But I gotta admit, I'm not thrilled about you two."

Lauren nodded. "I know it's not ideal, considering the world we live in. But Dad, I can't help it. And you know of happy relationships between slaves and free people. Just look at Alejandro and Sara."

"Alejandro and Sara are older than you and Camila. And they met just two years before Alejandro gained his freedom; they didn't have ten years of hiding their relationship to look forward to. And even then, Sara's family pretty much disowned her when she announced they were getting married."

"You aren't going to disown me though, are you?"

Her dad looked at her wearily. "Come on, Lauren. Of course not. But you have to realize, it will make you unpopular in certain circles, sometimes extremely so. It can put both you and Camila in danger if you act as a couple in public. Even just rumors about it may cause you problems at school, or affect your future career. You've got to be aware of all that. And that's before taking Camila into consideration."

"What do you mean?" Lauren frowned.

"Well, how sure are you of your heart? You're eighteen, it's your first love, how certain are you that it will last?" The words were blunt, but Mike's face was kind. "Because there's much more at stake here than if you were dating a free girl, Lauren. Like it or not, Camila belongs to you. If things go south, she will still belong to you. What do you do then? Do you sell her, or give her away, because you can no longer stand to be close to her?" Her dad paused to let it sink in. "You don't only hold her heart in the palm of your hand. You hold her whole life. You must be sure you can handle it no matter what, because otherwise you can hurt her more than any of her previous owners did. If you're not sure, don't start this relationship. It's the responsible thing to do."

Lauren nodded solemnly. "Thanks, Dad." She stared at her untouched coffee for a moment, and then pushed it away. "Would you mind if I went back to my room? I don't want her to wake up alone."

"Sure. Just... don't make that a habit, okay? And think about what I said."

"I will. I promise."

Camila was still out cold when Lauren crept back into her room and slid under the covers. Lauren didn't try to hold her again, unwilling to risk waking her up when Camila desperately needed sleep. Instead, she lay there wide awake, watching Camila's beautiful, relaxed face and enjoying the moment. They wouldn't get many mornings like this anytime soon.

How sure are you of your heart? Her dad's words echoed in her head. The short answer was more than she'd ever been about anything before. Yes, Camila was her first love, and there were no guarantees, simply because life didn't come with any, but Lauren knew that she would never, ever knowingly hurt Camila. No matter what.

By her side, Camila whimpered quietly, her body tensing under the covers. All appearances of peacefulness were gone in an instant as her breathing quickened into panicky gasps and her face screwed up as if in pain. Lauren put a gentle hand on her wrist.

"Camila. Camila, it's okay," she murmured in a soothing tone. "Wake up, honey."

Camila startled awake, her eyes wide and scared.

"Lauren," she breathed out, relief washing over her face as she slumped into Lauren's waiting arms. "So I'm really back."

"You are. You're home, safe." Camila felt so small in her embrace; so vulnerable. Lauren never wanted to let go. But already Camila was pulling away with an embarrassed expression.

"I'm sorry I woke you last night. I should go back to my room."

Lauren caught her hand before she could slip out of bed. "You don't have to go."

"But... Lauren, what if anyone notices I'm here?"

"My dad knows you slept here. I talked to him when you were asleep." Lauren reached to stroke her knuckles down Camila's cheek, still covered with dark hair. It was longer than she'd ever let it grow since November, and softer than Lauren thought it would be. She smiled at the tickle of it and looked back up into Camila's worried eyes, not trying to dial down the affection she felt. "I told him that I'm in love with you. He warned me it won't be easy, if we want to be together, but he accepted it. So you don't have to go if you don't want to. You can stay here with me a little longer."

Camila's eyebrows rose sharply. "Really?" She asked in a small voice, so hopeful, as if this was too good to be true, which was exactly how Lauren felt, too.

"Really. I could hold you, and we could sleep some more, maybe? It's still early."

"Oh, please, yes."

Lauren grinned. "Can I be the big spoon?"

"The what?"

"Just... turn around? I'll show you."

"Oh," Camila sighed happily when Lauren hugged her from behind, careful not to press too hard against the bruises on her back, and wound her arm around Camila's tiny waist, resting her palm over her heart. Camila melted against her front. "Oh, I love it. It's like you're all around me. It feels like I'm yours."

Lauren kissed her hair. "You are, my sweet girl. And I'm yours, too. Now sleep. You need to rest."

She could happily wake up like this every day, Lauren decided some time later, as she drifted slowly towards consciousness. She wasn't sure what stirred her awake, but Camila was still a warm, precious weight in her arms, so Lauren took care not to move, eager to bask in this perfect moment of intimacy a little longer.

Then the slightest little roll of Camila's hips made her gasp and open her eyes.

Oh. So that was what woke her. She inched her hips – and her very unwelcome erection – back, her face burning.

"Lauren?" Camila whispered, sounding very much awake and more than a little awed. "You're hard."

Lauren's cheeks grew even hotter. "I know. Sorry about that."

Camila turned her head to look at her. "No, but I could help you with that. My hands are useless right now, but I've been told I'm very good with my mouth."

Lauren had to close her eyes and breathe for a moment, her cock throbbing in the confines of her briefs. Even when she could finally speak, her voice still came out breathless. "Sweetie, you're not a sex slave anymore, remember? You don't have to–"

"I know. But... I think I would like that. With you."

Lauren swallowed a whimper and, with a heroic effort of will, moved farther away from the unbearable temptation of Camila's body.

"No, honey," she said softly. "Not yet. Not like this." She put her hand on Camila's cheek and Camila turned to face her. Lauren brushed the lightest of kisses over her healing lips. "It's very, very tempting, and I am so attracted to you, but I'm not ready for that. And I want it to be special, when we decide to be intimate. Special for both of us."

Camila frowned, confused. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I want to touch you, too, one day. Make you feel good. When we decide it's time." Camila's eyes widened and Lauren kissed her gently one more time. "But not yet, okay?"

"Okay." It was no more than a whisper.

"But I want to ask you something now." Lauren took Camila's hand. "And I need you to answer honestly. If you have even the slightest doubts, take your time to think about it. You don't have to answer now, or even today. Take however long you need, or we can talk about it if you want, anything. There's no rush." She paused to take a shaky breath.

Camila squeezed her hand. "Lauren? You're making me nervous."

"Oh, no, honey. It's just that I am nervous, because... well, I just wanted to ask if we could be girlfriends."

In the silence that followed, Lauren could hear her own heart pounding for the interminable seconds as Camila stared at her with her lips parted.

"Like Taylor and Selena?" Camila whispered eventually.

"Yes." Then Lauren remembered Selena's words about their sex life and hurried to add, "Except, slowly."

The smile started in the corners of Camila's lips and quickly spread to her entire face until she was beaming at Lauren. "Yes! Yes, I'd like that very much."

"But if you have doubts–"

"I don't. I would love to be your girlfriend."

Lauren let out a relieved breath. "Thank you. Of course, we'll have to be careful outside but here..." she broke off and pressed a soft kiss to Camila's lips, "We're safe here."

Camila whined when Lauren pulled away, tilting her head for more, but all Lauren allowed herself was another quick peck.

"We better wait a few days until your lip heals," she said, rubbing her nose against Camila's, Eskimo style. "I don't want to make this split open again. But I promise to kiss you as much as you want then."

It was shocking how normal this day felt; as if the past week hadn't happened at all. Camila was hardly leaving Lauren's side – even when Lauren studied for the tests she'd missed during his absence, Camila sat curled up in the armchair with a book, pretending to read while mostly just watching Lauren with an adoring expression. Lauren couldn't stop glancing at her with a smile.

After lunch, Camila asked her for help with shaving – her hands were still bandaged and stiff, and so Lauren sat her down on the stool and carefully worked the razor until Camila's legs were smooth and soft again. The intimacy of the process felt even more striking now that they were girlfriends. She still couldn't even think the word without her heart speeding up.

It was time to tell her family.

Except her dad must have talked to Clara and Chris already, because they didn't even blink when Lauren wrapped her arm around Camila's waist as they settled to watch a movie that afternoon. Only her dad's eyebrows twitched up in a wordless question, and Lauren nodded, a silent yes, I'm sure. The answering nod was both an acknowledgment and, Lauren felt, a reminder of the responsibility he was taking upon herself. Then Mike turned back to the TV.

Camila fell asleep with her head on Lauren's shoulder ten minutes into the movie. Lauren shifted carefully to tuck her comfortably into her arms and spent the next hour and a half relishing the closeness, her heart full to the brim with the joy of having Camila back, safe and whole and her.

Of course, hoping that everything would be easy and seamless was unrealistic.

"All right, girls," Lauren's dad said as soon as they sat down to dinner that night, looking between Lauren and Camila. "Let's set up the rules. No unauthorized sleepovers, and if you're in a bedroom together, the door stays open, understood?"

Camila, still looking sleepy just a minute ago, snapped to wide-eyed attention. "Yes, sir."

Lauren rolled his eyes. "Okay."

"Don't make that face, Lauren, you know it's the same for Chris and Lucy. And you and I are going to have another talk later, too. As soon as I gather some..." He rubbed his head, "materials."

Lauren frowned, but then the understanding dawned and her jaw dropped. "You mean...? No. No way, we're not talking about that."

"Believe me, I'm not looking forward to it either."

Lauren gulped.

But even the prospect of a sex talk with her dad couldn't dampen the bliss of spending the evening stretched out on her bed with Camila, with the door wide open, holding hands as they each read their own book and traded gentle kisses in between pages. And nothing was better than being able to go into Camila's room before bed to kiss her goodnight.

Lauren was back in her room and getting ready to go to bed herself when Lauren knocked on her door. She came in with a hesitant expression, carefully closing the door behind her.

"Listen, do you want me to cover for you now, when you and Camila want to... you know? Sleep together or stuff?" Chris whispered conspiratorially. he looked uneasy, and yet plowed bravely on. "Because I can. Just tell me when."

Lauren felt strangely moved. "I think we'll be fine. I'm not going to do anything that needs covering; not yet anyway. But thank you for the thought. If you need anything with Lucy, of course..." she broke off.

Chris shrugged. "Thanks but... Lucy's not very... open to that."

They both nodded their acknowledgment, equally uncomfortable with the topic, dropping it with relief. What needed to be said had been said.

"Okay, just wanted to let you know that, you know. I have your back." Chris shifted his weight and reached for the doorknob. "G'night."

"Thank you, Chris . That means a lot. Goodnight."

The most difficult part of being in a relationship proved to be hiding it from the world. Now that they were allowed to be openly together at home, it was exceedingly hard for Lauren to remember not to reach for Camila's hand when they were walking outside, not to allow herself all the little affections that had become natural for them. But most of all, it was nearly impossible to look at and talk to Camila as a slave now.

"Listen." Normani grabbed lauren's arm and unceremoniously marched her aside from the picnic table where Camila, Dinah and Harry were currently having a great time talking and laughing over their lunch, under Hailee amused eye. "You've got to be more careful. I get it, she's lovely, but tone down the heart eyes. That old guy over there looks about ready to tear you a new one."

Lauren  looked around, frowning. Sure enough, a sour-faced bald man in an ill-fitting suit was staring at him with a furious look. Lauren shrugged.

"I'm not doing anything."

"That's what you think. You're treating her like a girlfriend."

"I haven't even touched her!"

Normani rolled her eyes. "You're treating her like a secret girlfriend that you're trying very hard not to touch. Stop that. You'll get us all in trouble."

Lauren sighed. "Okay." She scuffed the toe of her shoe against the signpost they were standing by. "Is it that obvious?" She asked after a moment. SHe'd told Selena and Taylor within the week since Camila and she had become girlfriends, but she hadn't been planning to tell anyone else. She'd even made Chris swear not to reveal her secret to anyone – especially not Lucy.

"Duh." Normani scoffed, her expression softening as she looked towards the table where Dinah was practically dancing in her seat. "I get it, believe me. I do. Your secret is safe with me. But you have to be more careful. Your girl is better at playing her role than you are."

Lauren looked at Camila, flushed and effervescent with joy and so, so beautiful, and forced her face into a neutral expression. "I know. She's amazing, isn't she?"

Normani just rolled her eyes.

It was the first week of May, rain was drumming against Lauren's bedroom window, and they had fifteen more minutes before anyone else would be home. They had already spent the better part of an hour making out, but it wasn't nearly enough. Not when Lauren had Camila shirtless on her bed for the first time – all that smooth skin, Camila's muscles trembling sublimely with pleasure, the flush of arousal spreading over her face and down her chest as she panted and moaned softly under Lauren's caresses.

It was so easy to get lost in Camila's stunned, unrestrained reactions, so easy to want to give her everything – more touches, more kisses, more attention, everything that she'd never had before. And Lauren had only just finished mapping Camila's bare arms and torso with reverent hands. She needed a few more hours to get her lips thoroughly acquainted with every inch of that golden skin above Camila's waist.

They didn't have hours, and there was so much Lauren still wanted to do.

She mouthed at the nearest patch of naked skin, which happened to be the crook of Camila's neck. Camila whimpered breathlessly and arched into her, seeking more contact. Within the last month they had perfected a position where Lauren was on top – the way Camila seemed to prefer – but with her hips safely to the side, to avoid temptation or embarrassment. Now, as Lauren ducked down and shyly brushed the tip of her tongue over one pebbled nipple, Blaine moaned and suddenly pressed into her, frantic, her hips twisting in a desperate search for friction. The hard bulge of what could only be Lauren's cock dug into Camila's hip, making her gasp.

Everything slowed down then, the urgency pushed into the background for a moment as Lauren stared at the picture of perfect abandon underneath her: lips kissed red, eyes darkened and hazy with want, every move, every line of Camila's body showing desire, bliss, pleading for more. How many times in her years as a slave had Camila been allowed to have this?

Slowly, deliberately, Lauren moved her hips so that she was fully on top of Camila, and muffled a groan against her shoulder. The pressure on her aching erection made the heat coil tight in her balls, already so close.

"Okay?" She managed, and Camila nodded fervently.

"Yes. Yes, Lauren, please, ohyes–" Camila's moan broke off into a shocked gasp as Lauren rocked down into her, once, twice–

And then Camila's wetness was pulsing against hers, her mouth open in a silent cry and hands grasping for purchase against the shirt on Lauren's back. It hardly took anything for Lauren to follow, one more press and all he could do was cry out into Camila's shoulder and come, holding onto her for dear life and shaking with the intensity of it.

The clear-headed realization of what they'd just done came as soon as Lauren caught her breath. Her face was hidden in Camila's neck, and she was almost afraid to look up, not sure what reaction to expect. She'd thought their first time would be different – planned and special and– okay, it did feel special, but it was supposed to be planned.

But then Camila kissed her temple and sighed happily, and Lauren leaned up on her elbows to look into her  honey-bright, smiling eyes.


"Hi." Camila beamed at her. She looked happy, sated and a little dazed. "That was amazing. Better than I ever thought."

Lauren frowned. "It wasn't your first orgasm, was it?"

"No, it happened a few times before. But never with someone else, and it never felt so good. I'm all tingly." She laughed softly, reaching to cup Lauren's face.

Lauren kissed her lips, just once. "Me too. Thank you for this."

Camila looked at her shyly. "So... is this what it's going to be like when we have sex?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm allowed to have pleasure, too?"

"Oh of course you are! Sex should always feel good for both people participating. So if anything we do is not good for you, I want you to tell me, okay?"


"Promise?" Lauren kissed the tip of Camila's nose, and Camila laughed.

"I promise."

The beeping of the alarm set for five minutes before her dad's return broke the blissful bubble. Lauren sat up, her heart accelerating again, but for entirely different reasons.

"Oh shhh–. We need to change." Wincing, she crossed to her dresser to grab two pairs of underwear. There was no time for Camila to get her own from downstairs. "Here, go to my bathroom and put these on. Drop yours into my hamper and I'll do laundry later. I will change here."

Camila hurried to the bathroom, spurred on by the panic in Lauren's voice. They had to make themselves presentable, and if Lauren wasn't mistaken, there were at least a few hickeys to take care of... She scrambled to kick off her pants, reaching for the tissues.

They were in the kitchen, starting dinner, when Mike came home fifteen minutes later, thankfully held back by something at the garage. Lauren only hoped he wouldn't inquire about the scarf tied artistically around Camila's neck.

But a minute later, any thoughts of hickeys flew right out of her head.

"Lauren? You've got mail." Her dad put a large, thick envelope with the New York University logo on the counter. His smile was huge and excited, but Lauren just froze. By her side, Camila glanced at her  curiously, then went back to peeling carrots, humming happily.

"Oh," Lauren stuttered. "Um. Could you put it in my room? I'll look through it later."

She turned back to the cutting board. From the corner of her eye, she could see her dad's expression cloud for a moment as she looked between him and Camila. Then he nodded with a forced smile.

"Sure." He left the kitchen, nonchalantly holding the letter with Lauren's future inside like it wasn't a bomb ready to rip apart the happiness they'd been building together for the last month.

Lauren slid up to her room later that night, when Camila was busy helping Clara with the dishes. She ripped the envelope open and scanned the contents. Congratulations, you've been accepted!! A purple folder with brochures. Information about financial aid and dorms.

She'd gotten in. She would be moving to New York this summer, to study arts at her dream school. Her life would finally – really, truly – begin.

Lauren knew she should feel ecstatic. Instead, she just felt numb.

"So are you in or what?" Her dad's voice sounded from the doorway.

"I... I am. I got accepted." Lauren looked up at him, cold spreading through his chest. "I'm going to New York."

"So why do you look like somebody died? Sounds like a reason to celebrate to me."

Lauren shook her head, frantic. "No. No Dad, not yet, please. Don't tell them yet."

Her dad sighed heavily. "It's about Camila, isn't it?"


"You want to take her with you." It wasn't even a question.

Lauren hung her head. "I can't imagine leaving her behind."

Mike came in and sat heavily on the edge of the bed by Lauren's side. "You know we can't afford that."

"I know." Lauren passed him the page she was holding. "See the price for the 'slave premium' dorm room? That's basically just a single with an added cot for the slave. And there's no financial aid for slave accommodation."

Her dad whistled. "That's almost twice as much as a bed in a shared room."

"I guess most people who can afford to own slaves in college don't really have to worry about money."

"Lo... I wish I could help you with that, I really do. But you know you're gonna have to work to help support yourself, and if you add Camila..."

"She could work too, though. Right?"

Her dad sighed and put down the accommodation brochure. "I know of a few businesses that pay their slaves like we do, but they're all here in Ohio. I don't know anyone in New York, and they don't exactly advertise this kind of thing. Maybe you can find a place for her to work once you're there, and she can join you in a few months? I can put her in the garage until then, so she can save some money and get trained."

"But... how can I tell her I'm leaving her behind? No, I've got to find a way." Lauren's voice broke slightly.

"I can ask around, but I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you." Her dad squeezed her shoulder.

"Maybe... maybe you could talk to Selena's mom? She manages a restaurant chain that spreads over several states, maybe she knows someone? Heard about something?" She paused and bit her lip. "Selena and Taylor are in the same situation we are."

Mike sighed. "Okay. Get me her number, I'll see what I can do. And in the meantime... you really don't want to tell anyone?"

"Not yet. Please."

"Okay." He stood up and walked to the door, but turned back to Lauren before opening it. "But I'm not letting you give up on college if this doesn't work out. We'll try what we can, I promise, but if there's no way to take Camila with you, you're gonna have to go alone."

Lauren nodded through the stinging in her eyes. "I know."

The three days until her dad's meeting with Selena's mom had Lauren on edge. She alternately hoped for the best and expected the worst. From Selena's text messages she knew that her mom didn't have any contacts in New York herself, but she was searching through the grapevine of carefully selected friends and acquaintances to gather information.

On the day of the meeting, Lauren and Camila had three hours to themselves in the empty house. Normally, they would use the opportunity to steal some rare moments of intimacy, but that afternoon, even the urgency of Camila's perfect lips and her hands sneaking shyly under Lauren's shirt didn't work. Lauren just wanted to hold her – as close as possible, for as long as she was allowed. The possibility that in a few short hours she would have to tell Camila that she was leaving for New York without her was looming dark and heavy.

Camila didn't miss her dampened mood, but after the second time Lauren answered her gentle inquiries with kisses instead of words, she didn't ask anymore. As the afternoon ticked by though, she grew quiet, clinging to Lauren as if she knew she could be ripped away from her.

Finally, the car door slammed shut in the driveway. Lauren was up in an instant, Camila following her out of the room.

Lauren's dad didn't say anything about the visit as he entered the house, but he smiled at Lauren with a tiny nod of his head, and it felt like an immense weight falling off Lauren's chest. She hugged Camila right there in the living room and picked her up, twirling her around before kissing her soundly on the lips.

"Oh, I love you so much."

Camila looked at her, utterly confused. "I love you too."

It wasn't until after dinner that night that Lauren had a chance to ask her dad about all the crucial details. Clara had asked Camila to help her with changing the sheets in all the bedrooms – Lauren suspected she knew very well what was going on – while Lauren sat down in the kitchen with her dad, cups of tea in hand, to talk.

"She's a really nice lady, that Alice," her dad said. "Really helpful, too, especially for a kid she'd never even met."

Lauren nodded. "We always seem to visit when she's out."

"You better fix that now and go thank her personally. She moved heaven and earth to find the place, and I think it will be good."

Lauren forced her restless foot to stop bouncing and immediately started tapping her finger against the tabletop. "Tell me."

"Okay, so there's a diner. Funny thing is, it's right on Broadway, and it's kinda famous among the theater crowd. Camila can start there as soon as you get to New York. Right now they need kitchen help, but if she proves herself, she can become a waiter with time."

"And they free their slaves, like we do?"

"Most of them, yeah. They mostly buy mistreated entertainment and domestic slaves, and set them free within five to eight years, depending on position. But sometimes they also hire slaves whose owners want to help them gain their freedom. Camila will be an exception because she'll be earning her keep working there, not her freedom. They weren't too happy about that." Mike made a face and sipped her tea. "I had to spend twenty minutes on the phone with the owner, assuring him that you're not going to abuse that, taking the money for yourself. He only really believed me when I told him all about our own business."

Lauren nodded. "So he cares about his employees. That's good."

"That he does. He knows about your relationship, mind you, and will likely be keeping an eye on you to be sure you don't mistreat Camila. He pays well, too, so Camila's wage should be enough to cover the additional expense of her accommodation and food, with a little left over. But–"


"She won't be able to save the money this way. She won't have the fund that would let her gain freedom in five or even ten years. You have to be aware of that – both of you. You have to tell her before she makes her decision."

Lauren frowned. "I know but... at least we'll be together, right?"

"Not officially. In everyone's eye's, she'll be just a slave. Without the option of freedom, you may never be able to change that."

Lauren took a shaky breath. "I think... I mean, it's obviously her decision, but I think we can worry about that later. So much can change in the next ten years, and as soon as I can afford it, I'm going to set up the freedom fund for her myself anyway. But for now, being together has to be enough."

Her dad nodded. "I just want you both to know what you're getting into. Okay, do you want to go talk to her so that we can finally celebrate tomorrow?"

Lauren pushed away her barely-touched tea. "Yes, I'd better do that. Can we close the door? Not to do anything... you know. Just–"

"I know. Sure, go ahead."

Before she left to look for Camila, Lauren stepped around the table and hugged her dad tight. "I love you, you know?"

"I love you too, kiddo. Now go, talk to Camila. Tell Chris to help your mom instead."

Cross-legged on Camila's bed, just the two of them, alone and undisturbed, Lauren took Camila's hands, stroking her thumbs over her knuckles.

"Camz, I want to talk to you about something important," she started.

Camila nodded, her wide eyes concerned.

"I got accepted into college. Starting in August, I will be studying in New York." Lauren could actually see Camila's heart breaking right on her face, and she hurried to add, "I was hoping you could go with me."

"What do I have to do?" Camila whispered, holding onto her hands like a lifeline. "I'll do anything, just tell me."

"Well, we're both going to have to work in New York. Are you okay with that?"

Camila nodded."Of course. Will you... want me to service other people?" She asked, a tiny little frown between her brows, and Lauren sputtered.

"What? No! No Camz, of course not. You would be working in a kitchen, in a restaurant. Maybe with time, you would help with serving food, too. Is this something you could do?"

Camila's eyes lit up. "Yes! Of course I can, I love helping in the kitchen. Oh, it would be so good to work again, to help. I will do my very best, I promise!" She beamed at Camila, then her expression grew serious. "But will I get to see you at all?"

Lauren frowned, confused, then realized: all her life, Camila had always worked where she lived. She reached to cup Camila's smooth cheek. "Of course you will, honey. We'll be living together. We will only have one small room, but it will be just the two of us."

Camila's eyebrows shot up. "I'll live in a room with you? All the time?"

Lauren smiled. "Yes. You will wake up next to me every morning if you want to, and fall asleep with me every night, and I'm sure we'll have plenty of time together in between, too. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes!" Camila laughed wetly, a squeaky little sound that made Lauren's heart expand. "I can't believe I'll be allowed to be so close to you!"

"Well, you'll have your own bed, too, if you prefer that." Camila looked at her as if she was talking crazy, and Lauren smiled and squeezed her hand. "But... Camila, this is important, and you have to know this before making your decision: New York is expensive, so we won't be able to save money to set you free. Not yet, anyway. If you stay here instead, work at the garage... you'll be free in ten years. But if you go to New York with me, it may take longer. Maybe much longer."

Camila shook her head. "I don't care. I don't want freedom. I just want to be with you."

"Don't you want to think about it first? It's a big decision – new place, big new city, new responsibilities. We'll both be busy, we won't have much space, you won't know anyone there at first... I need you to be sure. I want you to be happy."

"I am sure. I am yours, my place is with you, always. Wherever you go." The calm certainty in Camila's eyes was everything Laueen needed. "Are you sure you want to take me?"


Camila bounced and climbed into her lap, kissing Lauren with such enthusiasm they fell over to the bed, holding onto each other with matching grins.

"So... we're going to New York?" Camila asked giddily.

Lauren laughed, joy bubbling out of her. "Oh my god, we're going to New York!"

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