Life With A Stepmom

By RantingGingerGirl

232K 1.8K 288

Hanna's parents recently divorced. Her father is already engaged to someone, but Hanna doesn't know anything... More

Hanna (And Her Punishment)
Rose (And Victoria's Spanking)
Rose (And Her Very Own Spanking)
Rose (And Hanna's Bad News)
Hanna (And Bad Boy Hunter)
Rose (And Hunter's Punishment)
Hanna (And Her Chat with Rose)
The Calm Before The Storm
Heather Disciplines Hanna
Rose And Hunter's Punishment
Heather Calls Rose
Victoria Hears More
Rose Talks To Heather And Ryan
Ryan Receives A Proposition From Heather
Heather Talks To The Kids
Heather Punishes Victoria
Hanna Gets Spanked By Her Real Mom
Bedtime Spanking
Heather Gives An Unexpected Spanking
Heather And Rose Walk In On A Punishment
A/N: Important Information
Rose Talks To Hanna
Victoria Goes To a Party

Rose And Heather Come Up With A Plan

2.1K 22 8
By RantingGingerGirl

Everything had been going great the next few weeks. The girls were coming home straight from school and working on their homework. They were doing really good during cheer practice. They were both paying attention in my class. Ryan has been gone for a week because of his job, and he's supposed to be home tonight. All of my classes are going good today, but during my prep hour I got a call on my cellphone. It was from the principal's office, so I immediately answered it. They said that I needed to come down to the office to have a meeting with the principal about one of my daughters. After I ended the call, I headed to the principal's office. When I walked into the waiting area, Hanna and Hunter were sitting down by each other. Looks like I'll be seeing Heather again today.

As I walked past Hanna and Hunter, I gave them a pretty harsh glare. They both looked scared for their lives. Right as I sat down by Hanna, the principal opened the door.

"Heather is already in here, so why don't you come in to?"

I followed her into the office and shut the door behind me. I turned and sat down by Heather.

"Hi, Rose. It's unfortunate to keep meeting like this."

"Yeah, I wish it wasn't like this. Ryan is coming home today and I didn't want to have to tell him that we've had any problems."

The principal then spoke up, "I'm sure you're wondering why both Hanna and Hunter are in trouble today. They were caught sluffing today by the secretary when she went to go pick up her lunch. They were at a diner sitting in a car with their hands all over each other."

Heather then spoke up, "So, what are you going to do about this?"

"Sluffing is not a matter to suspend them for, so I was thinking a month's worth of detention would be good for this. Rose is the teacher that is actually in charge of detention this school year."

I spoke up, "That sounds fair to me. Detention is going to be the least of their worries when they get home tonight though."

Heather spoke up, "Detention is fine with me too. I'm sorry about all of this. We'll make sure it doesn't happen again."

The principal spoke up, "I'm going to go talk to Hanna and Hunter now to tell them what is going to happen. You two can stay in here and chat while I go talk to them."

After the principal left, Heather and I started talking.

I spoke up, "I didn't know that our kids were dating each other."

"Me neither, but it sounds like it's more than just dating. I don't know what I'm going to do. Hunter just doesn't care about being punished anymore. I don't even think this will phase him at all."

"Ryan is not going to be very happy when I tell him tonight about Hanna either. Ryan and I have to discuss every punishment for the girls before I go through with them, which means that Hanna is going to have to wait until Ryan gets home to receive her punishment."

"I know that you still have to talk to Ryan about all of this, but maybe we should punish each other's kids. We're clearly not getting anything across to our own kids, and I think it might do Hunter some good to have a good hard spanking from you."

"That sounds like a great idea. Let me call Ryan real quick to see if he would be okay with it. That way Ryan doesn't have to be angry when he gets home."

I dialed Ryan's number and pressed call. He picked up after the first few rings.

"Hey babe, what's going on? It's the middle of a school day."

"Hanna has got into some trouble at school today. She was sluffing and making out with Hunter Robinson, Heather's son. I know that we're supposed to discuss any punishments before I go through with them, and I didn't want to make you go through that when you get home."

"So, what do you think should happen?"

"Well, I'm here with Heather right now, and I think she came up with a great idea of what to do. She said that we should swap kids to discipline them. She will take care of Hanna, and I would take care of Hunter. Would that be okay with you?"

"That sounds good to me. Thank you for calling and talking to me about it. I'm sure that both of them are going to be regretting ever sluffing."

"Thank you for trusting in me. I love you, and I'll see you tonight."

"Love you too. Bye, babe."

Heather spoke up, "So, what did Ryan say?"

"He said that he is perfectly okay with us doing this. How do you want to do it?"

"I usually come and pick Hunter up from school every day, so why don't I come to pick up Hanna instead. I'll take her to my house to punish her, and you can take Hunter to your house to punish him?"

"That works fine for me. Let's go tell them what is going to be happening. I don't think they're going to be too thrilled about this."

We both got up and walked out of the principal's office. The principal had already left, and it was just Hanna and Hunter out there.

Heather spoke up, "You two should know that you are both in big trouble. We have both already discussed your punishment, and it's not normally what would happen, so you two better listen close.

Both Hanna and Hunter looked up at Heather.

"Rose and I have discussed this problem, and we have decided to take care of each other's kid. Hunter you are going to be going with Rose today after school to her house. She is going to punish you there."

Hunter's eyes lit up with fear.

I spoke up, "Hanna you are going to be going with Heather today after school to her house, and she is going to punish you. She will pick you up after school gets out. So unless you two want to be in more trouble, you better head to your last class of the day."

Both of them hurried and shuffled out of the office.

Heather said, "I'll see you tonight then."

Heather and I both walked out of the office and said bye, then parted ways. I headed to my classroom for my last class of the day. Hanna, Hunter, and Victoria are all in my last class. I gave the students a project to do, so I could grade some papers. Once the bell rang, I excused everyone except Hunter.

A/N: How was this chapter? Are Hanna and Hunter going to regret sluffing?

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