One Despicable Guy by Friendl...

Par eleighjah

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When Megumi turned 16, she was officially at marriage age, which forced her to have wedding interviews in fav... Plus

Chapter 1: The Wedding Interview
Chapter 2: Life at the Institute
Chapter 3: Obento!
Chapter 4: Brotherly Love
Chapter 5: Annoying Friends
Chapter 6: One Despicable Family
Chapter 7: Yahiro's Troubled Mind
Chapter 8: A Dream in Common
Chapter 9: A Day with the In Laws
Chapter 10: Promises
Chapter 11: Together we Stand
Chapter 12: New Found Feelings
Chapter 13: For my Loved One
Chapter 14: Merry S. A. Christmas
Chapter 15: Megumi's Determination
Chapter 16: Lady in Red
Chapter 17: A Wife's Concern
Chapter 18: Walking Side by Side
Chapter 19: The Value of Money part 1
Chapter 19: The Value of Money part 2
Special Chapter 1: Our Special Days
Special Chapter 2: The New S.A

Chapter 20: Deadline

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Par eleighjah

June 16, 20 days to deadline.

The day was closer than ever. Megumi's heart raced every time she even thought about the date, mostly because she also knew there was something Yahiro was planning, and that he wouldn't tell her about. Yet, at that very moment, Megumi wasn't thinking about the deadline, but about the very dangerous familiar reunion taking place.

They were all inside of the Saiga Mansion, at the fancy looking living room, sitting around a brown round-table with cushioned red chairs around it, and everything was silence. Yahiro and she were by a side of the rounded table, although, since it was rounded, there was no way either of them could ignore the Saigas, also sharing a table with them.

Luckily for Yahiro, Akemi sat next to him and between father and son in favor of avoiding a conflict between the two. After all, she was neutral at the moment. Megumi wasn't that lucky, since she ended sitting next to Chitose, and it had been a while since her nerves around him had been fairly slim considering the great damage the kid had done in general.

The only sound anyone could hear was the sound of the living room's clock, and it's annoying 'tic' and 'toc' kind of sound, eventually followed by Yahiro's or Saku's flip of a sheet of paper since both were reading a contract. No one dared to say a thing. It wasn't a social meeting, or a familiar one, it was a business meeting, the kind of meetings Megumi hated since she was asked to remain calm and not to say a thing. Normally staying silent was nothing to her, but when it was forced upon her, it bugged her. And she felt desperately in need of breaking the silent atmosphere. Several times she tried, faking a smile and opening her lips as to say something, she at least knew both Yahiro and Saku enjoyed her voice. But with sadness she would notice nothing escaped her lips, and she would lower her head ashamed.

It had been like that for about three hours. Saku and Yahiro had both been reading the contract extremely carefully. Neither Megumi or Chitose knew what it was all about, only Akemi knew, and she was awfully nervous. Suddenly, the silence was finally broken, when Saku slammed the contract at the table.

"5 Million Dollars?" The old man yelled out of annoyance. "What the hell are we planning? A challenge resolution event or a wedding?" Saku yelled hard at Akemi, who flinched when hearing that last. Afterwards, Yahiro threw his contract to the table as well, not entirely convinced of what he read, he was actually annoyed. "Don't tell me you agree with these numbers." Saku added with hatred.

"Oh, if your greedy ego is wounded, I will agree with any number." Yahiro added, while standing up and placing both hands at the table. Megumi knew that pose. It was his 'taking a risk' posture. Yahiro was defying his father, even knowing that his father was dangerous being this close. "At any rate, you greedy old man didn't give me a wedding when I married Megumi, so you owe me that much for a show." Yahiro pointed out. "What I don't approve is the last paragraph of the contract. How can you disapprove my marriage to that extent?"

"I won't approve this marriage until I am defeated by you! So I don't acknowledge her as your wife yet!" Saku yelled while pointing at Megumi, who flinched at that last. "We will talk about your wedding when this is all over. You read the bottom lines, didn't you?" And Yahiro bit his lips in annoyance. "You aren't that happy now, are you? The contract is signed by her already! So it is official that upon signing it, there will be a wedding, whether it is to her or your supposed wife!" And Megumi grew confused, and faced Yahiro with concern. "I will pay the five million dollars for the organization of the event, only if you accept that last clause."

"You can't force me to that! That bottom line wasn't part of the deal when we began this race!" Yahiro yelled, and Akemi covered her ears not wanting to take part on the discussion. "I'm married to Megumi you damn old man! Like it or not! You can't change that part!" And Saku showed the contract to him. "I'm not doing it!" Yahiro yelled.

"So, you thought I was stupid enough not to believe in your Yamamoto ideals?" Saku laughed, and Yahiro bit his lips in annoyance. "Think again, son. While Chitose was running my company and bankrupting me, I made an investigation of my own, a contract of my own. That last page of Akemi's contract is actually mine you know. It seems like one of your friends was greedier than you expected. You don't know your friends as you thought you knew them, do you?" And Yahiro grew furious.

"Yahiro... kun..." Megumi began, and Yahiro lowered his head ashamed. "What is going on?" She wondered, and Yahiro bit his lips hard out of hatred, but took the contract, and slid it around the table until it reached Megumi's hands. "Can I?" She wondered.

"It needs your signature too anyway." Yahiro mentioned, and Megumi nodded and began reading. "At any rate... that is a gamble I wouldn't dare keeping a secret from you... it's despicable. How could you?" Yahiro yelled, and Akemi backed off and moved her head in negation. "I trusted you! I let you in! And now you arranged this?" And Megumi allowed the contract to slid down her hands and hit the floor. "I'm not signing it!" Yahiro yelled.

"Good, don't do. Coward!" Saku yelled, and Yahiro felt a vein popping at his forehead. "That means I win. And that I won't acknowledge you as a Saiga ever again, or acknowledge your marriage to this peasant." And Yahiro closed his hand into a fist, but Megumi quickly jumped and grabbed his arm before he could even try to punch Saku Saiga. "What is it? Going violent? And after it was you the one who told me some months ago that it would be more enjoyable to beat me in my own game? It seems... that we aren't that different." And Yahiro bit his lips hard.

"What did you tell her for her to sign this contract?" Yahiro added, and took the contract from the floor. "If I don't sign it. What happens to her?" And Saku smiled. "I knew it! But how? Why? I was the one doing business with her! I'm the majoritarian actionist of all her business chains! Then how did she make a deal with you? Even if you did, I control her business chains. There is no way... unless..." And Yahiro went serious. "I am a fool."

"Indeed you are." Saku mentioned. "There was one you never dared doing business with... and I owe his company." And Yahiro bit his lips hard. "Oh, but you have nothing to lose. If you beat me that is. If you win, there is nothing for you to worry about. You will have your girl, and I will acknowledge it all. You can also not sign the papers, and live your life the way you want. It is not even her who will suffer. It is him who you don't give a damn about."

"Don't tell me I don't give a damn about him!" And Yahiro sat at his chair, defeated. "Megumi... this... is not something I can decide on my own." And Megumi faced Yahiro in concern. "If I sigh these papers... and win... everything will be all right. But... if I lose... you read the contract."

"Yeah." Megumi added and lowered her face. "If you lose... I will be forced to sign the divorce papers... and you will be forced into marrying Akira." And Megumi faced the papers, where there was a marriage registration form with the name and signature of Toudou Akira. "That's her signature... she signed that marriage registration... but why...? And when?" And Yahiro didn't know what to say.

"I will explain it to you so you understand." Saku Saiga mentioned. "Shortly after your birthday, I understood, that beating me or not, wouldn't be at all important for my son, since he had you anyway." And Megumi nodded in agreement. "So I decided to do a business with Sumire Karino, as a strategy to beat you both. Dealing with a Karino was low. I became the majoritarian actionist though, just like you always do, my son." And Yahiro faced him with rage. "But I wasn't really interested into doing business with the Karino. What I really wanted was..." And then the door of the living room was opened, and Akira entered the room.

"...To force me into signing a marriage registration document..." Akira mentioned with sadness, and Yahiro lowered his head ashamed. "Saku controls all of the Karino's business chains. Mostly schools, but there are also tourism agencies, and research laboratories. And Saku said... that he would close them all if I didn't sign the documents."

"But that's illegal!" Yahiro yelled, and Saku laughed hard. "Akira! How could you? You knew what my plan was! You know I can't win!" And Megumi widened her eyes when hearing that last, and Akira just cleaned some weak tears. "Either I beat him... and fail to my promise with Kei... losing his friendship forever, and everyone's one... or I lose... and keep my promise... but I lose Megumi in favor of you..." And Akira nodded. "This is not as simple as get divorced from you and marry Megumi again you know. There are laws... strong ones he will force me to follow. And it is either you or jail for me." And Akira breathed out in defeat. "So it is back to choosing between you and Megumi. Or ruining your boyfriend's life." And Akira nodded. "Megumi?" He wondered, and faced his wife.

"You think you can win?" Megumi wondered, and Yahiro lowered his head ashamed. "Maybe I should change the question." And Megumi did as she planned. "Do you... want to win...?" And the question caught Yahiro off-guarded. "Do you?" And Yahiro moved his head in negation. "You are too complex for me to understand." And he nodded in agreement. "We didn't know it was going to be a one try only. It's either Akira or me. Your father is forcing you to choose. It's despicable... but... I want you to win." And Megumi selfishly signed the contract. "I'm sorry... but... I don't want to lose you..." And Yahiro nodded once again.

"There is nothing for you to be sorry about." Yahiro sentenced. "I will think about something." And Yahiro took his pen, and signed the papers. "There you go, old man. Either way I will end married, and either way I want you to respect my decision and accept it. This is the last time you control me, I swear, and when I lose, or win, I want you to leave my friends alone. Understood?" And Saku smiled at that last.

"If you got friends left, Yahiro." And the pink haired teen then faced his mother with hatred, and Akemi faced away ashamed. "I told you that I was unbeatable. Yet you refused to understand, that either way, I win." And Yahiro closed his hands into fists, and walked out of the room defeated, and with Saku's words running around his brain over and over again.

One Despicable Guy.

Chapter Twenty: Deadline.

Some hours later, Akira, Megumi and Yahiro were outside and drinking some cups of coffee at a common coffee stand, much to Akira's dislike, who just faced the dark coffee with mixed emotions, mostly of disgust. But she instead faced Megumi, who refused to face back at her, and only faced a depressed Yahiro, who kept his head resting on top of his arms, and apparently, felt the burden of defeat surrounding him.

It was an unbearable feeling for both Akira and Megumi. After the challenge was over, Yahiro would end married, but to whom was a mystery. Because if Yahiro lost, Megumi would have to, by contract, sign the divorce papers. They had to agree with the contract, Yahiro didn't trust Tadashi's family, and that mistake allowed Saku to deal with the Karino family, and be left in their depth. Yahiro knew his father, and knew he could destroy the Karino family. They didn't deserve to be involved, so Yahiro was ready to place his happiness in the line for his new found friends. Even if it meant losing his best one, since Kei worked so hard to help Yahiro with the condition of him loosing.

"If I win I lose Kei... if I lose I lose Megumi... if I invalidate the contract, Tadashi is left on the streets. I hate that guy, but he doesn't deserve to be involved." And Megumi and Akira faced Yahiro with concern. "If I win I'm like my father, Kei knows it... the plan was a gamble anyway, only the gamble now forces me to lose the girl I love and married if I lose. And instead I end married to the crush I always had and gave up, but now she is in the line again. You do nothing but cause me pains." He mentioned while facing Akira.

"No, I truly believe you brought all this upon yourself." Akira added with coldness, and Yahiro felt a vein popping at his forehead. "I'm not going to enter an argument with you, much less if there is a strong possibility of ending married to you." And Megumi faced Akira with a vein popping on her forehead. "Don't you see? That's what Saku wants! He is trying to destroy you for good and all your friends. He is regaining control over you." And Yahiro slammed his forehead hard at the table. "I know how important it was for you... believe me, I know... it is so important for you, that Megumi can't know about your plan... you don't want to wound her that hard... but... it's about time you start behaving a little more selfish and decide... what's more important? I'm sure Kei will forgive anything."

"No... he won't..." Yahiro mentioned with hatred. "There is a deepest meaning in losing than winning... and I was supposed exploit that meaning in a gamble against my father, and trust his heart." And Akira lowered her head. "You know what I'm talking about, and you will explain it to her in 20 days. After all... it will be Megumi's decision if after so many ups and downs she wants me by her side or not. Because I made the calculations, and I got the tools to win. But I'm not taking that decision, Megumi will." And Yahiro stood up abruptly. "Here..." Yahiro added, and delivered his scheduling tablet to Akira. "I quit being a producer, now it's your responsibility." And Akira faced Yahiro with concern, and Megumi stood up extremely freaked out. "Until I call you... don't come near me..." Yahiro sentenced, and Yahiro walked away in depression.

"What is going on? I don't get it." Megumi spoke out in concern, and Akira breathed out in depression, took a briefcase she had been carrying the whole time, and took a contract out. "Another contract? Why is everything about contracts? It's so complex I can't understand a thing!" She complained, and Akira nodded.

"Well, it's a financial race. It wouldn't make sense if there weren't contracts." Akira explained, and showed the documents to her. "Yahiro and Kei made a deal the same day you and him got married... I didn't know about this until a few days ago. Yahiro's plan... was always to lose... because he needs to return to Kei the money, and the company, that Kei allowed Yahiro to purchase. Kei sold 51% of the Takishima Group's actions to Yahiro... so basically, Yahiro owns the Takishima Group." And Megumi widened her eyes at that last. "If I tell you more about his plan, he will hate me for life... and I don't want that, not anymore... but Yahiro is the rightful owner of the Takishima Group. And if he wins... well... let's say... Kei will never trust Yahiro ever again... because when Yahiro wins... he will be exactly like his father... a liar..." And Megumi lowered her head. "Winning or losing you will take the final decision. Kei will refuse to understand reasoning. He cut all of his familiar ties entirely, for Yahiro's sake, and Yahiro would be spitting on his effort. I'm sorry... we all miscalculated." And both girls went into silence.

July 7. Deadline.

For 20 days, Megumi knew nothing of Yahiro, or Akira. Her husband refused to see her, and she refused to see Akira at all. She didn't know what to think, there were many secrets, and she only knew half of the plan Yahiro had. But her heart was in ruins as well, Yahiro always played to lose, and all this time she did her best effort to win, she couldn't understand it.

Right now Megumi was by Ryuu's apartment, she didn't even want to live at her home at all since it reminded her about Yahiro, everything did, including the ring at her hand that today felt heavier than ever. She even refused to continue with her idol career and went into reclusion. She wanted to know nothing about contracts, or money, or love. She just wanted time to speed up and end this for good. The end of this race was on July 8. Yahiro's birthday was the deadline, but until it was all over, she would continue suffering.

"It's... his birthday..." She mentioned with sadness, as she saw herself by the mirror, still wearing only her towel. It was 3:27pm, and she was still in her towel. "Am I a horrible wife... for not calling my husband on his birthday? Or is he a horrible husband... for lying to me once again...?" She wondered, and a tear felt from her eyes. "Again?" She wondered, and faced her face by the mirror. "I'm crying again... he... is despicable... how can he keep on hurting me and hurting me? Even when I love him so much... why is he playing with my feelings like this?" And Megumi cleaned her tears away. "It's not fun at all... why is he so... despicable...?" And Megumi then heard the door being opened, and she turned around slowly to see the teen by the door.

"Sorry... I should have knocked." Ryuu mentioned, and Megumi just cleaned her tears away. "You have been in your towel all day... we are... already late for the Saiga's party." And Megumi bit her lips in annoyance, and gave her back to Ryuu rudely. "If you are mad at Yahiro it is no reason for you to be mad at me." And Megumi lowered her head, nodded in agreement, and turned around to face Ryuu. "I heard you say that word he hates so much. You don't really mean it... do you...?" And Megumi closed her hands into fists, walked toward her dresser, took a red lipstick, and Ryuu saw something he never thought he would see. Megumi was using her lipstick to write on the mirror.

'I mean it!' She mentioned, and then threw the lipstick away, and began crying hard. Ryuu then walked inside of the room, and pulled Megumi into a hug. The girl sobbed on his chest, not really understanding a thing. Yahiro was too complex for her to understand, she wished simplicity, she wished everything would just be over already. It was unbearable.

"Hey... you know Yahiro better than anyone... I'm sure of it..." And Megumi moved her head in negation. "You do... you know his plan was perfect... something just happened among the way... but believe me. He had good intentions... I really think his plan was carefully thought through. Saku just changed the rules in the worst moment possible." And Megumi nodded in agreement. "Akira is right... Kei won't forgive Yahiro... so Yahiro will have to choose. But it isn't a choice he can make, so he will let you chose for him." And Megumi lowered her head once again. "Please get dressed... we need to go..." And Megumi faced Ryuu with determination. "Megumi... when there is love, there is always someone getting hurt... you hurt me every day you know?" And Megumi widened her eyes. "It's brotherly love... but it's love... there is no way one can't hurt the one he or she loves, just try to understand it." And Ryuu left the room, and Megumi was left there with her eyes spacing out.


"Aren't you tired of living in my home?" Sakura mentioned to Yahiro, who threw a cushion of the sofa he was resting at toward her face rudely. "Uff! You meany! I'm not kicking you out! I'm just saying you should try to relax a little. It's not your decision, it's hers." And Yahiro faced Sakura with annoyance from his resting place at her sofa. "Kei will understand."

"No he won't!" Yahiro mentioned, and Sakura flinched. "Just leave me alone." Yahiro mentioned, and Sakura refused. "I told you to..." But Sakura slapped his face hard. "Just because this is your home doesn't mean you can slap my face! I owe your company, remember?"

"Of course, Mr. Saiga." Sakura mentioned, and Yahiro flinched. "You are not your father, remember? Kei knows it. So what if you win the challenge. You readied a contract with us. We will all get our share, even Kei. If it is delayed by one day it doesn't matter, you can win and then continue with your plan."

"I wish it was that simple... but the gamble was with my father, and now there is a signed contract he can force me to follow if I lose. So losing is not an option, and if I win... I regain the Saiga name, and by consequence, everything I own... belongs to my father, and you know it." And Sakura nodded. "It was always his plan... to get richer... I was the only one losing from the very beginning. It's all in contract. If I win, the Takishima Group belongs to my father. I can't win!" Yahiro yelled, and Sakura lowered her face ashamed. "It was my gamble... never his... if I win not only the Takishima Group... but everything... will belong to him. That's why I had to lose, and if losing, I would still have Megumi, but now with that contract in the line... I lose her for good. So it's either delivering all the money I have earned in a year to my father... or losing my wife, and I don't care about money... but I care... about friends... my error was making friends."

"Oh, great, so now I'm an error." And Yahiro bit his lips hard. "There are under the water romances you know, you could cheat on Akira with Megumi." And Yahiro faced Sakura with rage. "It was a joke, just a joke, seriously you are scary when you are mad." And Yahiro didn't say a thing. "Ok, fine, you are cornered, either way you lose. Just force us into bankrupt, see if we care!" And Yahiro faced Sakura with concern. "We all knew what the risk was when we made deals with you. We all knew there was a strong possibility of being owned by the Saiga Group, and we still followed you. Even if Kei hates you, I won't hate you, I can't speak in favor of the others, but you will always have my support, idiot!" And Yahiro was left in deep thoughts. "So, I will just get used to call you boss. We will still have your protection when we are all Saiga Group, won't we?" And Sakura began walking away. "Now let's go! I am wearing my favorite dress, so move your butt and let's go to the party already." And Sakura began walking out of the room, but then felt a hand grabbing hers, and turned around to face Yahiro, who apparently was smiling warmly for her.

"Thank you." He whispered, and Sakura felt a warm sensation running through her spine. She never truly believed Yahiro would ever say something like that to her. "Megumi will make the final decision though. Let' go." And both made their way out of the room and toward their limousine.


"What? Megumi is back to using her sketchbook?" Jun asked extremely worried for his sister when he met Ryuu at the outsides of the Saiga's mansion, where a big party was being celebrated. "How come? I thought Megumi was doing great in her idol career and was losing her fear of hurting her voice." Jun continued, and Ryuu nodded.

"It's complex actually." Ryuu mentioned. "She feels betrayed. She wants Yahiro to win and be with her, but you know what that means." And Jun nodded in agreement. "So, basically, we may start calling Saku Saiga our boss... back to that horrible life of servitude I suppose." And Ryuu then felt his ear being pulled. "Ouch! What?" He complained.

"What do you mean horrible life of servitude?" Finn wondered, and Ryuu blushed when seeing her in her maid's outfit. "In case you don't remember, I'm already Yahiro's maid and secretary. Not to mention his personal cosplayer." And Ryuu flinched when hearing that last. "There is nothing wrong with cosplaying! It's actually... kind of fun..." Finn mentioned, and Ryuu flinched even harder. "So, what were you saying about a life of servitude for Saku Saiga?"

"If Yahiro wins he recovers the Saiga name, and we are all going to belong to the Saigas." Jun mentioned, and Finn flinched. "We all knew it would happen, and we didn't mind at all. Everything for Megumi's happiness, remember? Yahiro will still take care of us, we trust him." Jun mentioned.

"In my case, I didn't know I was going to belong to Saiga Corp." Finn added while freaking out. "It's enough with one demon! I don't want to know what will happen to me when Akemi becomes my owner! So scary!" And Ryuu nodded. "But... Yahiro will be a Saiga, so we will be back to be his employees anyway, I don't see where it is wrong."

"The problem isn't Saku becoming richer. But what it means for certain powerful family to belong to Saiga Corp." And Ryuu pointed at a limo, from which Kei and Hikari came out, both wearing fancy clothes, much to Hikari's dislike since she didn't like wearing such clothes. "Kei also signed a contract with Yahiro. I didn't know he had, I never expected it... but now it makes sense, there is no way Yahiro could have raised such fortune from scratch if he didn't have a powerful source of monetary gain. We aren't that rich, we didn't care much about belonging to the Saiga Corp. But the Takishima Group is too powerful and rich, and Saku Saiga is about to become its owner." And both Jun and Finn flinched when hearing that last. "Why would Kei accept such a dangerous scenario?"

"Because he knew Yahiro was going to lose on purpose." Someone mentioned, and everyone saw Akira arriving. "He explained to me his plan a few days ago. I'm the only one who knows the whole truth. Yahiro... was supposed to lose, but now he can't, because if he loses..." And everyone faced Akira in concern. "He divorces Megumi by contract and gets married to me." And everyone faced her in disbelief, and then they all then heard a loud sound of someone falling from a tree, and then Tadashi stood up.

"You what?" He yelled, and Akira rolled her eyes in annoyance and sweat dropped a little. "What do you mean you will marry Yahiro? He is married to Megumi-chan! And why would you even want to marry him? I mean, what about me?" And Akira blushed a little, and Tadashi did the same. "I mean... I... well... I thought you and I... but Akira!" He complained.

"I don't... know what to say... I'm sorry..." And Akira began walking away, leaving behind a worried sick Tadashi, and a group of surprised teens who couldn't even begin to imagine what was going on. "It's for your own good... Tadashi... if I don't do what Saku Saiga says... then..." And Akira closed her hands into fists. "What is worse... Yahiro?" She began. "Losing the person you love the most... or... losing a good friend...?" Akira mentioned.

"Both are horrible... but I would choose love..." Akira suddenly heard, and she turned around to see Yahiro resting his back against one of the columns at the green fields next to the mansion. The group noticed his presence, but no one did a thing and just witnessed from a distance how he and Akira began talking. "Luckily for me, I'm not the one choosing." And Akira nodded in agreement. "You were everything I ever wanted... but now... I love Megumi. And I would choose her over a faint hope of my father finding a heart." And Akira nodded in agreement. "But that would hurt you... doesn't it...? To be forced to marry me because you are trying to protect him who you truly love." And Yahiro faced Tadashi, who just faced him back with rage. "I don't think he would understand if I explained it to him."

"Yahiro... and if we end married...? What then?" Akira wondered, and Yahiro lowered his head. "It won't ever be the same we had when we were kids... a lot had happened... what if...?" And Yahiro then placed his hand at her head, and Akira cried hard. "Yahiro... I'm not a child..." She added and sobbed.

"It's not my decision... but... I will accept it..." And Akira nodded in agreement. "You should accept it as well, it is a possibility. And until it is resolved, try not to enter into a conflict... stay away from..." But Yahiro then had to dodge an annoyed Tadashi. "Seriously... and here I am trying to avoid a confrontation." Yahiro mentioned.

"Tadashi! Quit it!" Akira yelled. "You don't understand it! It's for your own good!" Akira continued yelling, but then saw Yahiro kicking Tadashi's face and knocking him out. "Yahiro!" Akira yelled, and the group reached Tadashi's side and helped the unconscious teen up and toward a bench. "You didn't have to kick him so hard!"

"I'm not going to lie. I actually always wanted to hurt him like that." Yahiro mentioned, and Akira grew a vein at her forehead. "And yet... it is my fault we are in this situation... if only I have gotten along with him... and now... both of us may lose someone dearly." And Yahiro grabbed Akira's waist. "Let's go... Megumi will seal our destiny, but for today, I want to avoid Kei." And Akira noticed Kei running toward the group alongside Hikari, and both then stopped when seeing Yahiro's cold glare. "Don't talk to me." Was Yahiro's cold reply, and then he led Akira toward the insides of the mansion and toward the dancing floor.

"Yahiro?" Kei wondered, and then faced the group, who all moved their heads in negation. "What did Saku Saiga do this time?" Kei wondered, and Hikari faced him in concern. "Let's go!" Kei added, and grabbed Hikari's hand and stormed toward the dancing floor.


"You need to speak to him! How come you ran away from him the moment he arrived to the mansion?" Sakura wondered while following Megumi all around the mansion. The now once again mute girl didn't seem to have any destination in mind. She just wanted to be alone but was there for the formalities of the party. "We didn't know you were going to arrive at the same moment we did. I know things are tense between you and Yahiro but that's not reason for you..." And Megumi breathed out in defeat, turned around, and began writing on her sketchbook. "Not the book again... Megumi..." Was Sakura's complaint.

'It was his order.' Megumi showed the sketchbook to her. 'He told me that if he wasn't the one calling me... I shouldn't approach him...' She continued. 'I don't want to approach him right now anyway... I'm scared.' She finished, and Sakura grew worried about her. 'I love him and want him to win.' She insisted.

"That's the point all along! He is planning on winning!" And Megumi moved her head in negation. "I feel so weird speaking to you when all you do is writing on your sketchbook." And Megumi grew a vein on her forehead. "Listen, Megumi. Yahiro loves you, and I'm sure he will choose you over..." But then Sakura saw Megumi's sketchbook falling to the floor, and saw Megumi's eyes drowning in tears. "What?" Sakura wondered, and then turned to face toward the dance floor. "Sweet mother of Prince Charming! Please tell me I'm not seeing what I think I'm seeing!" Sakura complained, while she witnessed Akira and Yahiro dancing a slow song. "No... wait... I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation."

"I'm sure there is... but..." And Megumi gave her back to the dancing floor. "I don't think I want to know just yet." She informed, and began walking away, but in that very moment, she crashed face first with the chest of a teen. "...Sorry..." She began, and then her eyes widened.

"Sorry but... we need to know what will happen." Ryuu mentioned, and then he pulled Megumi into the dance floor. "Sorry Sakura, I'm taking her for a dance, and I'm forcing Yahiro to take a decision." And Sakura nodded in agreement. "I don't like doing this to you, Megumi. But we can't wait for Yahiro's birthday to be over. The Saigas arrived." Ryuu informed, while pointing with his face at the stairs leading to the second floor, and at Saku, Akemi and Chitose, who reached a balcony like end, from which they saw Yahiro dancing with Akira. "We don't feel like allowing Yahiro to make up his mind, for everyone's sake."

"Why am I always the one not knowing the full story?" She wondered, and Ryuu lowered his head, but still lead Megumi closer to Yahiro and Akira, but someone beat him to it, and he crashed with them. "Eh?" Megumi wondered.

"I'm sorry but... I'm afraid I need to get the answers first." Kei informed, and pulled an already dizzy Hikari toward Yahiro's side. "You didn't think you could escape me, did you?" Kei wondered, and both Yahiro and Akira flinched and faced him. "You two are plotting something. I don't need to be a genius to know it. What did Saku Saiga do this time?"

"Other than ruining my life?" Yahiro wondered. "Sorry but I'm not in the mood to punch another friend." And Yahiro began leading Akira away from Kei and Hikari. "We can't let him find out about this! It would mean him forcing an answer out of me." Yahiro whispered.

"I know but there is someone else being forced into wanting an answer." Akira mentioned, and spun Yahiro around so he could see Ryuu leading Megumi toward their direction. "I don't think I will be able to resist witnessing Megumi's pain. What is Ryuu thinking?"

"He is doing what he thinks is right, and that is convincing me into following my heart. But I'm not going to take that decision." And Yahiro spun around, and escaped Kei and Hikari just in time. "Listen, the decision doesn't concern me. You know it. I explained the plan to you, it is her decision." Yahiro insisted, and Akira nodded in agreement.

"And what if that decision leads me to you?" And Yahiro felt a vein popping at his forehead. "Please Yahiro... I'm nor rejecting you..." She blushed. "We both had a crush on the other, but things have changed. You can't expect me to get used to that idea so fast. There is a possibility, a strong one." And Yahiro then spun Akira toward a different direction, and they both ended evading Ryuu and a worried Megumi who didn't want to face Yahiro just yet. "You love Megumi, I love Tadashi. But we are both whiling to do a sacrifice. Are you sure you want to leave that decision to her? Would you truly... accept her answer...?" And Yahiro bit his lips hard.

"Curses! Explain it to Kei if that's what you want!" Yahiro added, and before Akira could understand what was going on, she felt Yahiro leaving her arms, and felt Kei accidentally taking hers. "Tag, you are it!" Yahiro added and then grabbed Hikari's hands, confusing the girl. "You don't complain and just play along!" Yahiro ordered, and spun Hikari around until they dodged Ryuu and Megumi.

"I don't get anything of what is going on here." Hikari mentioned. "Is this a challenge or something? Because it surely feels like one." She continued, while she allowed Yahiro to lead her out of confusion. "I'm getting dizzy."

"Akira!" Kei suddenly yelled to the now worried girl. "Do you mind explaining to me, what is going on? I saw Yahiro kicking Tadashi's face." And Akira gulped hard. "What did Saku Saiga do? Explain it to me. This situation is worrying me." And Akira moved her head in negation. "You and Yahiro... I got a bad feeling... what is going on...?"

"Sorry Kei... but... it's either you or me..." And Kei blinked twice at that last. "And I can't take that decision either, so I will trust in Megumi as Yahiro is..." And Akira somehow managed to get close to Yahiro, she saw Ryuu moving his hand trying to grab his shoulder, but Akira let go of Kei, grabbed Ryuu's hand, and began dancing with him, accidentally leaving Megumi behind to dance with Kei. "Ryuu! Quit messing with us! We need Megumi to take a decision without your interference. My future is also in the line you know?" And Ryuu bit his lips hard.

"What about Megumi's happiness?" And Akira lowered her head. "Listen Akira, I'm all fine being Saku Saiga's puppet. I understand Kei's involvement and loss as well. That's why I need Yahiro and Megumi to talk this over carefully. It's not fair for Yahiro to be the only one with all the burden, and Megumi always being left in darkness. Both need to talk this out."

"And they will. But we don't want Megumi taking a decision influenced in anyone's comments!" Akira explained. "You got a point, Ryuu, and I do understand it. But the only one having the final word is Megumi. It's either her or our happiness, we can't have them both, Yahiro was playing a very one sided gamble and lost, Saku Saiga will never change. So I'm not going to poison Megumi's mind with my beliefs and wishes. I will let her chose, and I will accept either answer. Yahiro will either be: my friend, or my husband. And you will have to deal with it too." And Ryuu bit his lips in annoyance. "I'm sorry... forgive me."

"I forgive you... but..." And Ryuu began pulling Akira toward Yahiro and Hikari's side. "I need to make sure, that Yahiro speaks to Megumi first. Regardless of our differences, we are both friends. And I want him to take the decision that hurts fewer victims."

"Megumi... do you have any idea of what is going on?" Kei wondered, and Megumi didn't know how to reply. "Tell me something then... do you... know about Yahiro's plan for tonight?" And Megumi flinched a little.

"I... I..." She began. She was fighting the urge of breaking into tears. "I just know that Yahiro wants to lose because of you... but that I need him to win or he will lose me..." And Kei raised an eyebrow at that last. "Please... Kei... I'm begging you... I love Yahiro... and he loves me too... please... whatever is going on please don't take him away from me! He is going to lose because of you and I don't know why." And Kei faced Megumi with confusion, a look not used to be drawn in his face. "Please... Kei..." And Kei didn't know what to say. "I just want us to be together... is that so hard to understand?"

"It's not hard, but... what does Akira got to do with...?" And then Kei froze there, and bit his lips hard in annoyance. "I'm sorry but... I need to make sure things are very clear..." And Megumi blinked twice at that last, and felt Kei spinning her around until reaching Yahiro and Hikari. "Forgive my intrusion!" He added, and suddenly, both Megumi and Hikari were dancing together, and that freaked both out, and then everyone witnessed Kei and Yahiro dancing together. "Save yourself the jokes and just tell me what is going on!" Kei added in annoyance.

"Fine! We will speak, but quit crushing my hands, will you?" And Kei noticed he was hurting Yahiro by pressing their hands in the dancing pose. "By the way... who is leading, you or me?" He wondered.

"I told you to quit the jokes, Saiga!" Kei yelled, and slapped his hands away from Yahiro's, and both ended face to face in the middle of the dancing floor. "We made a deal... remember...? You were supposed to lose." And Yahiro bit his lips hard. "I'm not going to allow the Takishima Group to be absorbed by the Saiga Financial Corporation. I thought I could trust you!"

"You don't know the full details!" Yahiro yelled, and Kei faced him with rage. "You don't get it. It's not even my decision, we agreed on it. It's hers. I'm not going to choose between the girl I love and the friend who sacrificed it all to give me a damn chance. I owe you that much! So get it into your brain. Whatever happens... it's not my decision!" And both Kei and Yahiro faced one another. "So... we finish the dance or what...?" He broke the moment, and when he did, Kei relaxed and took a deep breathe.

"I'm not going to dance with you." And Yahiro nodded in agreement. "You are going to wound me... very deep, Yahiro... I gave it all for you, and now you stab me in the back? I certainly, didn't see this outcome. But I need to know... why?" And both Kei and Yahiro heard a sarcastic clapping, and both faced Saku Saiga at the second floor. "Is there a way you can give me a fast explanation?." Kei wondered.

"Later tonight... I swear you will all have the answers you desire. Right now however... I'm not in the mood of doing complete explanations." Yahiro mentioned, and both faced Saku Saiga and remained in silence.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Allow me to break this embarrassing moment between my son and his childhood friend in favor of explaining the real reason, behind me and my son spending 5 million dollars each to arrange this party." Saku mentioned, and everyone went into silence, while a painting at Saku Saiga's back was suddenly replaced by a graphic. The picture was a television after all, and no one had noticed until them. "Exactly a year ago, during my son's birthday party. We entered into a conflict. A conflict, which lead me to strip my son from the Saiga name. He defied his old man, and his old man punished him. After all, we parents are better than our sons, are we not?" And no one said a thing, Akemi next to him just lowered her face ashamed, and Chitose felt a horrible feeling hitting his chest. "He challenged me however. He wanted to recover the Saiga last name, and there was one condition. In exactly one year from then, he would have to take the fortune of a Yamamoto brat, and create a bigger empire than mine. And today, we are only a couple of hours from my son's birthday to be over, and here are the numbers of our race!" And Saku faced the television, and his smile faded. "What are these numbers?" He yelled, and noticed a red line growing in par of a blue one. The difference between the lines was very slim, and the blue one, which was Yahiro's, was growing little by little, but faster than the red one. "What is the meaning of this?" He yelled while facing Akemi.

"It's called public embarrassment, honey." Akemi added while backing off. "I told you not to show the numbers on screen. Yahiro is a financial genius after all! Only time will say if he will beat you in time, but tomorrow, he will definitively be ahead. I tried to warn you!" Akemi explained, and Saku then faced Chitose.

"Uweeeeeh! It's not my fault!" Chitose began. "Nii-chan began doing some very strange investments! How was I to know?" And Saku closed his hands into fists. "He hadn't won yet! It is an online monitoring of the money acquisition! Anything could happen! Only time will tell for sure!" And Chitose faced both growing rates. "Why is Nii-chan's line growing faster than mine?" Chitose wondered.

"Because he is a financial genius!" Saku yelled. "But it doesn't matter anyway. You know what will happen once you win, my son. I clap your efforts." Saku added, and Akemi for once smiled and clapped as well, and an annoyed Chitose clapped his hands in defeat, and suddenly, everyone in the room began clapping, and Kei began as well, and that only wounded Yahiro.

"I haven't won yet!" Yahiro yelled. "You want an answer? She will give you an answer, but not me." Yahiro yelled, and then walked toward Megumi, who then flinched and began backing off. "I'm sorry but it's time you take a decision." And Yahiro took her hand, and then took Akira's one as well, they all then saw the others approaching, but Yahiro rudely stopped and faced them all. "It's none of your business!" He yelled, and everyone froze there. "We are going to end this for sure... I swear... but we need to move fast, in only an hour it will be January 8 and my birthday will be over." And Megumi nodded in agreement.


"For once I'm really lost here." Kei added upon arriving to a small room, where there was a round table, and cushioned chairs. "It was the place where Megumi signed the contract 20 days ago. You beat him. The numbers don't lie. I'm certain you will reach the beating him point in about 30 minutes." Kei added.

"Then Megumi got 29 minutes to decide." And Kei crossed his arms in annoyance. "Everyone listen... this is the complete version of the story, and the real reason for me to compete to lose, and not to win." And Kei, Akira and Megumi all sat at a chair. Yahiro in the other hand didn't sit down, he was that nervous. "When Megumi sealed that challenge with my father, and gave me 50% of the Yamamoto's fortune, I knew that regardless of what I did, I was going to lose. There was no way of winning, the Saiga Group was too powerful to even try... but... Megumi wanted my family to accept me... that's the reason of why you made such a reckless offering... you just wanted me... to have a real family." And Megumi nodded.

"And I still want to." Megumi added. "They are all... despicable... I said it, they all are... but... they are not evil... they are just greedy..." And Yahiro doubted. "I could live with Yahiro owning nothing... I don't care about money... I care about my friends... I care about you... I never really needed to win... but now... it's all too confusing to me." And Yahiro lowered his head ashamed. "What's so wrong with winning? Why playing to lose?"

"Kei is the only reason I was able to stand a chance." And Megumi faced Kei, who for once felt ashamed. "I had hopes... in my father changing if I managed to teach him a lesson. Beat him in his own game for at least a miserable second, so he knew I was better than him. That's all I needed, winning for just a moment, and then losing, and teach him that I am not like him."

"Yahiro... prepared this..." Akira mentioned, and took from bellow the table the contracts the members of the Special A had signed. "These contracts... were sharing utilities contracts..." And Megumi faced the documents. "All that Yahiro needed was to win for a single second, and then these contracts all our friends signed, would take part on the contest, and divide the utilities of the Yamamoto Entertainment Corporation between the members of the group. We would all have our share, ultimately resulting in Yahiro's defeat. But he would have proven his point, beating his father, at least if it was for a mere second, and then losing it all. The Yamamoto was going to go back to the same place it started from, he made the calculations."

"Why?" Megumi wondered, and Yahiro faced her with concern. "I mean... why losing on purpose? We were aiming to win... we all... worked so hard for it..." And Yahiro moved his head in negation. "What's wrong with winning?"

"Yahiro becoming a Saiga again." Was Kei's explanation. "Upon his victory. His status as a Saiga would be restored. And all his belongings would immediately belong by right to Saku Saiga, ultimately making him richer and the owner of all our companies. Including the Takishima Group." And Megumi widened her eyes. "It was our agreement. I would sell most of my company to him, so he would have the right amount of money to invest and have a possibility, whether it was a minor one. If he wins, and recovers the Saiga name. My company will belong to Saku Saiga. That's why he needed to lose, to save not only mine but everyone's companies from his control while at the same time stating a point to Saku Saiga. Yahiro is better than his father... and not only that, he is not like him. Winning for a mere second... it was all we needed and then lose. But... you changed your mind... why...?"

"It wasn't my choice. " Yahiro explained. "I didn't invest into business chains from one of the members of our merry band because I didn't trust him enough... he was too dense. He wouldn't take business seriously. He was a dangerous investment I couldn't afford." And Kei began understanding. "Tadashi's market was always available for investing. The Karino Corporation was left out of the map of investing on purpose. But my father invested on the Karino's... and became the majoritarian actionist... and with that power, he blackmailed Akira." And Kei faced Akira, who lowered her face in concern. "I miscalculated... I'm at fault for all this..."

"No... it is me who is at fault." Akira mentioned. "I love Tadashi... Yahiro... and did what thought was best for him." And Kei faced Akira. "I signed a marriage registration form... for a marriage with Yahiro Saiga... Saku said he would bankrupt all of the Karino's business chains if I didn't... he threatened Yahiro with doing the same if they didn't sign his last contract. If Yahiro wins... he is back to be a Saiga and Saku will acknowledge Megumi's marriage to him. But that will leave the Takishima Group under his control, just as all our business chains." And Kei nodded. "And if Yahiro loses... Megumi would be forced to sign the divorce papers... and Yahiro to sign the marriage registration with me..." And everyone lowered their heads.

"That damn Saku is truly a demon." Kei added, and Yahiro nodded. "You read the contract?" And Yahiro nodded. "Was there a loophole?" And Yahiro moved his head in negation. "Akemi? She wrote the contract? Why?" And Yahiro bit his lips hard.

"The witch surely fell in love with my father for real." And Megumi understood she was also at fault. "Kei... I meant it when I told you... that I wasn't going to take this decision." And Kei faced Yahiro. "Either way... someone will lose... my father will make sure of it. I read the contract, it was very carefully written. And if I don't keep my part of the deal and marry Akira and are faithful to her. I'm going to jail. My father doesn't care as long as he beats me and becomes richer. So it is either sacrifice my happiness... or save you all from belonging to my father."

"Either way we all lose." Megumi spoke out, and Yahiro faced her. "You tried your best... Yahiro... I... forgive you..." And Yahiro's eyes watered, while Megumi signed the papers. "But I'm not forgiving Saku that easily." And Akira cried as well. "He won't have... a single penny... of our hard effort..." And Akira cried hard, not really believing what was going on. Megumi signed the contract of sharing utilities, sealing Yahiro's defeat. "Please take good care of Yahiro-kun... Akira..." And Megumi sobbed, and Akira hugged her hard. Yahiro also lowered his head. He was done for, Megumi had renounced him, he had lost. All for the welfare of his friends.

"...I don't even know what to say any more..." Kei began. "We lost... he... he defeated us all... unfairly... but... a defeat is a defeat..." And Yahiro nodded, and Kei placed his hand at his shoulder. "Thanks for leaving this decision to Megumi... it was... the hardest one ever... and we will all have to live with it..." And Kei took Akira's hand, and the young woman faced him. "Let's leave them both alone for a while. I doubt they will want to see one another after this... and you still have to make the bank transfer... we only got ten minutes left." And Akira nodded, and followed Kei out of the room.

For a while, there was silence. Megumi even fought her tears and refused to show weakness, even if it was a lame effort which would result in her cleaning her tears once again. Yahiro just faced the floor, and lay on his sofa, with his hands around his head, desperate, not knowing what to do or say.

"I am... despicable..." Yahiro mentioned, and Megumi let a strong sob be heard but then moved her head hard in negation. "I gave you hopes... I gave you dreams... and all for what...? For this? I know I need to move on but I don't know how." And Megumi stood up. "I'm going to divorce you... and I'm going to marry Akira... it's like a dream come true but in reality is a nightmare... a bad dream... it's horrible... and to believe I was all smiles and teasing... now nothing is left."

"I love you." Megumi mentioned, and Yahiro was surprised, and turned to face Megumi with tears falling from his cheeks. "I don't care about anything. Hurt me all you want! I will always love you! It doesn't matter how strongly you pierce my heart!" And Megumi continued crying, and Yahiro didn't know what to do or say. "Pain... is also part of loving someone... is it not...?" And Yahiro nodded. "Then I want to feel pain forever! That means I will love you forever! Am I right?" And Yahiro moved his head in negation. "I'm not going to forget you... I was... the happiest woman ever..." And Yahiro moved his head in negation faster. "I'm still going to be your precious idol... am I not...?"

"Just shut up already!" Yahiro yelled, and pulled Megumi into a kiss. The girl was surprised, but then pushed the kiss back. "I don't want Akira. Let my father send me to jail if he wants! I want to be with you." And Megumi moved her head in negation. "Why?" He yelled.

"Because I love you so much as to see you suffering like that." And Yahiro lowered his head. "Eventually... your heart will recover..." And Yahiro bit his lips hard. "Mine will too... I swear... but you will always have a place inside... it will take me years perhaps... but we will both move on... please... just smile..." And Megumi faked a smile, but her tears betrayed her. "Just smile please... just... try to smile... please..." And Yahiro moved his head in negation. "You are so cruel... you just have to smile..." And Yahiro kept on refusing. "...Please..."

"Even if you beg me I can't!" Yahiro mentioned, and Megumi nodded in agreement. "Damn him... I hate him... I hate him... I hate him... I hate him... I hate him..." And Megumi hugged Yahiro, and he hugged her back, and both ended embracing one another with all their heart.


"Unreal! He is going to win!" Akemi mentioned, and Saku smiled at that last. "There are still five minutes left, but he is only a thousand dollars away from beating us... Yahiro is truly, a financial genius." And Saku nodded in agreement. "Honey... please... call it quits... don't do it, money is not that important."

"Oh... but respect is... and that boy needs a lesson." And Saku smiled, when 500 dollars were left for Yahiro to defeat him. "We all win... I am now the richest man in the world, and my son got his wife. Everyone won in the end." Saku mentioned, but then the blue line showed a great loss, and time was up, Saku had won. "What just happened?" Saku yelled.

"It seems like smart minds DO think alike." Kei added while arriving next to his table. Everyone was in silence. "You were playing to lose... and so was Yahiro... but both couldn't lose together. Yahiro, lost in purpose to allow his friends to be spared from falling into your dirty claws." Kei mentioned, and every one of the Special A faced the screen with concern. "Now. You are at the same place you always were, since Yahiro owes no money at all. He donated it all, to give jobs to the many workers Chitose fired when he bankrupted those many business chains." And Chitose was surprised. "Yahiro wanted to tell you this when he lost to you, but I'm going to say it in his name." And Kei approached Saku's face. "I'm better than you!" He yelled, and Saku was surprised. "Now... if you will excuse me... I'm leaving... it is a disgust to be in the presence of such low life as you, Mr. Saiga... since even if you have all the money you want. Your heart is horrible, not like his." And Kei walked away proudly, after yelling Yahiro's message to his face.

"I'm ready to sign the marriage form... father..." Akira mentioned with tears in her eyes, and then noticed Tadashi facing her at the distance. "Please take good care of me." And Saku then saw both Megumi and Yahiro arriving. The girl then walked slowly to his table, signed the divorce papers, and then walked toward Ryuu, and once reaching him, she hit her forehead against his chest, while Ryuu just hugged her hard. Jun joined in the hug, and so did Sakura. Kei reunited with Hikari, and the newest Takishima noticed the hurt stare in Kei's eyes. Everything was silence.

"I hope you are happy... father..." Yahiro mentioned, and took from the table a contract Saku had been carrying the whole time, and from it, Yahiro took out the marriage registration form. "Shall I use the Saiga name now?" And Saku nodded in agreement. "Good... we are officially married... Lady Akira Saiga..." And the girl nodded in agreement, while facing the registration form. "What now?" He wondered.

"We deal with it." Akira cried and kissed Yahiro softly, making the deal official toward the many witnesses of the event. "Happy birthday... honey." She mentioned, and Yahiro nodded. Every one of the Special A was heartbroken. Especially Megumi, who just bit her lips hard and refused to turn around to witness it all.

"What the hell do you think you are doing, stupid son?" Saku suddenly yelled, and Akira curled inside of Yahiro's arms, as wanting his protection. "Kissing a woman who is not your wife? You should be ashamed! I should punish you for that!" Saku continued yelling, and both Yahiro and Akira exchanged looks. "What do you have to say in self-defense, Yahiro Yamamoto?"

"Self-defense?" Yahiro yelled out of hatred, and with a vein popping at his forehead. "You are the damn greedy son of a greedier woman who forced me to get divorced and sign the marriage registration form to marry her! I don't get it! What the hell do I need to do for you to finally realize you are destroying me?" He yelled, and Megumi faced Yahiro as he released all his stored anger. "I don't need this... I don't need your jokes... I don't need anything..." And Akira faced Yahiro with concern, as he began storming away, but before he did, Saku's giant hand trapped his shoulder. "Leave me alone!"

"Shut up, stupid son! I'm not done with you! You still need to tell me what you are going to do to apologize to Megumi for kissing another girl in a social meeting. A girl who got no relations with the Saiga family at all!" And Yahiro then saw how Saku Saiga began tearing both, the divorce papers and the marriage registration papers apart. "I don't see any document that declares you aren't married to Megumi Yamamoto. Do you?" And Yahiro was confused beyond understanding. "So, what are you going to do to compensate her? Money is not a problem. Father will help you with the expenses." Saku mentioned, and Yahiro faced Megumi, who faced back at him.

"A wedding." And Megumi's heart froze. "A real wedding... American style... because Megumi saw a dress she liked... with white flowers on her skirt's ends..." And Megumi covered her mouth, trying not to cry her emotion away. "A honeymoon." And she nodded several times. "We are going to the beach... are we not?" And Megumi continued agreeing. "No business... just a honeymoon... only she and me..." And Megumi continued nodding. "Every day I will tell her I love her... there will be no day I don't tell her those words." And Megumi couldn't help her excitement anymore, and she began sobbing out loud. "Every day I will take care of her... always... and I will keep on teasing her... every day... because I love her embarrassed face..." And Megumi nodded in agreement once again and began running toward Yahiro.

"Despicable!" She yelled and hugged him hard, and the couple shared a moment in front of many close friends, family members, and a lot bunch of strangers. "I love you." And Yahiro nodded. "Don't ever let me go you meany! I don't want anyone else!" And Yahiro nodded. "And Akira! You stay away from my husband!" Megumi yelled, and Yahiro laughed hard at that last and pulled Megumi into a kiss.

"Fine, fine. I'm staying away." Akira mentioned while cleaning her tears, and facing a more than confused Tadashi who couldn't understand a thing of what had just happened. "I already have someone I love dearly." She mentioned and smiled toward Tadashi, who then faced Ryuu and Jun, and then at Finn and Sakura, and when noticing everyone was all right with the idea, he nodded in agreement, and smiled for Akira, forgiving her.

"You tore the papers apart... but... why?" Yahiro mentioned, and Saku just made a mockery and began walking away out of annoyance. Akemi just smiled at everything that had just happened, and faced her son with a smile on her face. Chitose was confused, he sort of disliked the whole idea, and so he just stormed away with disappointment and rage. "Old man?" Yahiro began, and then he felt Megumi elbowing his stomach. "Uff!" He complained, and then saw Megumi running toward Saku's side, then grabbing his hand and forcing him to stare at her, and once he did, Megumi hugged him hard. "That was unexpected." Yahiro admitted.

"Thank you... father." Megumi added with a sweet tone of voice, and in that very moment, Saku rubbed her head softly before pushing her away calmly and returning to his room. Megumi was then hugged hard by Akemi, who was more than glad to know everything turned out for the better, and she began kissing Megumi's cheeks several times. "Mother?"

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I caused you both a great deal of pain." Akemi added, and Yahiro faced his mother with a vein popping on his forehead. "You kissed Akira, did you not? I at least granted you that wish you stupid son!" And Yahiro blushed with a mixture of rage and embarrassment.

"And what makes you think I wanted that?" He yelled, but Megumi never cared and just hugged Yahiro hard. "Aren't you mad for losing all our fortune?" He wondered, and Megumi moved her head in negation. "Even when I placed all my hopes in a nearly impossible gamble?" And Megumi moved her head in negation once again. "You cried... a lot... I'm never forgiving me myself for that last." Yahiro mentioned.

"Then make it up for me by always been there for me!" She added cutely, and Yahiro smiled at her. "Yahiro-kun... are you... having fun...?" She wondered, and Yahiro blinked twice at that question, and breathed out in defeat at Megumi's insistent remark.

"Now I am." He explained, and Megumi nodded several times in agreement, or at least it was like that until Akira interrupted the moment by hugging them both and hitting her face against their own, much to Megumi's dislike who was still mad at Akira for kissing Yahiro. "You are going to get me in troubles, are you not?"

"Sure I am. I hope you left some stored money for you and didn't just give it all away as utilities to your other companies, boss." Akira explained, and Megumi faced Akira in concern. "Saiga or Yamamoto, I think your father won't be messing with us anymore. You are still our boss, even if our companies are richer than yours now." And Yahiro nodded in agreement. "And as your General Advisor, Mr. Yamamoto. I think it is about time you take some vacations for your wedding and honeymoon!" Akira mentioned, and Yahiro sweat dropped. "Ow I'm going to bankrupt you for kissing me." She teased.

"You didn't seem to complain!" And Akira blushed, and Megumi faced her with annoyance. "At any rate, I leave the preparations for the wedding under your care. A promise is a promise." And Akira nodded in agreement. "By the way, my plan had a stage two in case it worked." And Megumi blinked twice in concern and made an odd face at him. "It's not something wrong at all. Don't give me that face." And Megumi nodded in agreement. "I quit as CEO of the Yamamoto Entertainment Corporation. In exchange of a life as your Producer, Idol-chan!" And Megumi smiled hard at that last. "Akira, you are my CEO, keep the company running, and don't bother me unless it is extremely needed." And Yahiro threw his agenda at her.

"Ah? Why me? What about Kei?" The girl wondered while pointing at Kei, who then delivered his laptop to her, grabbed Hikari's hand, and began walking away. "Very funny, Yahiro! You are going back to work after vacations? Are you not? Yahiro! You can't leave your company under my care! That's unfair!" Akira complained once again. "What about my studies? I wanna be a famous designer!" She yelled.

"Then turn The Yamamoto Entertainment Corporation into a designer's company! I don't care! I'm free!" And Akira just smiled at Yahiro, while seeing him leaving with Megumi, and smiling for her, being finally free, and earning his well-deserved carefree life-style.


A/N: Epilogue is next! ;)

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