Yang Xiao Long X Shy Male Rea...

Von Super_Human456

83.9K 822 487

"Final Part of Breaking the Shell" After meeting your father, you and your friends set out to Vacuo to see yo... Mehr

The Kraken Attack
Welcome to Vacuo
Family Reunion
First Day In Vacuo
Raider Invaders
Welcome Home Committee
Meeting the Mother
Raiding Party
The Pit
Breeding Grounds
Battle of the Grimm
Killing the Queen
I Want You Forever (Epilogue Part 1)
A Happy Life (Epilogue Part 2)

Morning on the Ship

21.9K 128 56
Von Super_Human456

Your eyes began to be pelted by the rays of the sunlight that shined in from the window beside your hammock. You tossed a bit to the side and tried to cover up the window. However, your muscles were weak due to yesterday's activities and the fact you also saw your father just kill your aunt in cold blood and that your father was a pirate. Ignoring that fact as you kept trying to block the sunlight from hitting your eyes.

Your hand was brought back down to your side. You wondered if it was Yang sleeping on the hammock above you trying to grab your hand. However, you began to feel some weight on your chest and you knew the touch of the hand on your arms and neck. You knew that touch. It was Yang's touch. You thought Yang was just messing with you, touching you in order to wake you up to start the day. You slightly began to fight until.

(Y/N): Yang. Go away.

You then feel Yang's hair slide along and push up and along your face. You slowly moved your head away but Yang's hair kept getting closer and soon, it went under your chin. Your eyes slowly began to open and you glanced down. Instantly, you began taking deep breath after deep breath, nearly hyperventilating. Yang was sleeping on your chest and cuddling up to you.

You kept taking deep breath after deep breath. Yang slowly began to open her eyes as the light began to shine onto her as well. She fully opened her eyes and looked over to you. She smiled and pecked your cheek and then lips. As Yang pulled away, you grabbed the back of her head and pushed her lips back down onto yours. Yang's eyes widen a bit in surprise but she also went all into the kiss. Finally, you two pulled away for air.

Yang: Well, someone wanted some lip.

(Y/N): Yeah, well, sometimes you gotta be sure of yourself.

Yang smiled. She then slowly dropped the smile.

Yang: You hyperventilated me awake, didn't you?

(Y/N): Kinda?

Yang smiled and rolled her eyes, leaned down and pecked your cheek.

Yang: Let's get going. We're almost to Vacuo.

With that, Yang got up and out of your now shared hammock. You glanced around your spot until your jacket hit you in the face.

Yang: I was using it last night. It got cold.

(Y/N): I-er-uh, not complaining.

Yang smiled and walked off. You slightly began to smile and got up and followed her outside. Walking around the ship, crewmen and women and a few other passengers pass by you as they all try to complete their tasks. You were able to catch up to Yang as she stowed away some advances from a few crew members here and there.

(Y/N): Sorry.

Yang: Nothing to be sorry about. I'm just used to it at this point.

(Y/N): I wished you didn't have to. Y-Y-You don't deserve i-it.

You and Yang stop and she places a hand on your shoulder.

Yang: We'll get through it. You're making a lot more process since we first met. (You and Yang smile at one another and she pecks you again) Come on. The others are downstairs getting breakfast.

With that, you and Yang walked on down into the lower deck. Once you both got down there, a man was thrown across a table. You both glanced over and saw Blake with her hand on her face along with Weiss and Silver. Gure and Ruby were cheering something on. Next thing you knew, Burly was on the dinning table and grabbed the guy that slide along the table and slammed him onto the ground.

Burly: Come on! Who's next?!

A man then tackles Burly off the table and the fighting continues. You and Yang walk over towards Blake.

Yang: What's going on here?

Gure walked over, seemingly tipsy and wrapped his arms around you and Yang.

Gure: I found their alcohol and gave some to Burly. (Blake grabs him and drags him off) Sorry. Being taken by a sexy deva. See ya soon.

Blake: I'm going to knock him out.

Yang: Have fun with that.

With Blake drags Gure away while Burly still fights some of the crew. You and Yang grab some food and walk back up onto deck and back towards your sleeping quarters. The room itself is somewhat cramped, but your father was generous enough to give away the rooms of the crew that you and your friends basically killed during your initial meeting. There were four sets of two hammocks around the walls. Weiss and Silver got a stack, Gure and Blake, Ruby and Burly and you and Yang. Of course, Yang has been using your hammock and less her own, not that you were complaining at all.

As you two were about to walk into the room, your father stepped out of his cabin and coughed to get your attention.

Clay: My cabin. (You and Yang glance at one another) Come on. The both of you. Let's go.

You and Yang look at one another before you both walk into the cabin. You two take seats across from your father at his desk. He places his food down and you three begin to eat breakfast.

Clay: So...how has things been?

(Y/N): W-What?

Clay: Well, I'm just wondering what's been going on. I mean...the girlfriend and-

Yang: Is that a problem?!

Clay: No, no. It's just...new to me. Last time I saw him he was just about to enter Shade. Speaking of, how is that going right now? (Looks at Yang) You met her at the Vytal festival?

You glanced around with massive concern and worry plastered all over your face. Fear was slowly starting to control you once again of that day. Yang wraps her arms around you and pulled you into a nice embrace.

Yang: He doesn't like to talk about it.

Clay: Oh...um, so the team-

(Y/N): Dead. They're all dead. I transferred to Beacon. I wanted an out.

Your father sighs and nods. The three of you sit in silence until your dad begins to eat again.

Clay: So, uh, how have the girls been?

(Y/N): M-Mom's been pretty uptight for a-a-a-awhile now. She's just...worried. All the time. I think she's really just worried about Raine and me. I don't know. But I also worry about her a lot too.

Clay: And Raine?

(Y/N): She-uh-she-uh-s-she got a teacher fired.

Clay: Fired?! For what?!

You glanced over at Yang and then back at your father. You didn't want to say it so you made a scissor like motions with your fingers and slowly began to move them towards one another until your father raised his hand.

Clay: Stop. I got it. (He leans on his hand) My baby girl is INTO girls. Well, at least I wont have any idiotic boy coming home and-you're not into-

You began to repentantly point at Yang as she also pointed to herself while slowly leaning over to try to kiss you. You slowly put a hand up and stopped her. You looked back at your father and see him with a slightly upset look.

(Y/N): Dad...are you still upset over the transfer?

Clay: Of course I am! That was good, hard earn money that now you robbed us from!

Yang: Leave him alone!

Clay: (To Yang) Stay out of this! (To You) Look, son, I'm happy you are in a better place, but did you ever consider the effect that could have on your mother? On the family?

(Y/N): (Softly) I just wanted a way out.

Clay: (Mumbling) Yeah, just wanted a way out. (Projecting) Yeah, ok.

Your father got up and walked over to his sword and got it onto his person.

Clay: We make it to Vacuo in 3 hours. I'd expect you to be ready by then.

(Y/N): You're n-not coming?

Clay: No point. Be ready.

Your father walked off. Yang got up and was about to follow but you stopped her.

(Y/N): Don't bother.

Yang: He's your father! He should care about you!

(Y/N): Yang, if this is about your mother-

Yang: I'd never told you that. How did you know about that? How?

(Y/N): It was your sister!

Yang: Ruby?

(Y/N): W-W-When we started dating, Ruby told me about your mother. I-I didn't know what to do with it so I just kept it. I'd figured you tell me when you were ready.

Yang: (Y/N). That is so-

The ship suddenly rumbled. Both Yang and you looked at one another. A screams and gunshots were heard outside. You both looked at each other again and nodded.

Yang and (Y/N): Later.

With that, you two ran outside to enter the battle. 


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