Two nights was enough (Aloha...

By fanfanfanficficfic

34K 691 1.4K

DISCLAIMER: ahhhhhhh some horny stuff 1: I'm hungry *grabs a glock* for blood 2: cringeee More

Annoying neighbour
Mini chapter/ NON canon: Trance
Afterglow limo wars
Feelings align through dancing
There you are... idiot
Midnight assault
Dont regret this
All night
Finishing what i started
Peeping Tom
Thinking of you

The King game

2.9K 69 261
By fanfanfanficficfic

The small flock of multi coloured squids walked towards the luxurious white vehicle. The chauffeur intercepts, he opened the door at the rear end of the vehicle, welcoming the inklings.

(Chauffeur: Iso Pardre)

"Ooooooo fancy~~" Goggles and Bobble cooed with sparkles in their eyes.

"You're such a little kid" Rider remarks with his usual passive aggressive, monotone voice, whilst walking with the group of squids. He was a few steps ahead of Goggles.

"I know you love me though~~" Goggles flirts innocently.Carefree.

"TCH" Rider responded, a Yellow-Green blush crept on his facials as he tightened his grip on Goggles's arm.

"Good evening sir".

The chauffeur professionally welcomed the first inkling at the door, which was Aloha. Aloha took a peek inside the limousine, excited to see something magnificent, like booze. To his surprise:

"*Gasp* ITS MY BOI ALOHA" a familiar voice gleefully shouted.

"AYO, ITS MY GIRL STAW-HAT!!" Aloha blurted out, surprised to see his fellow teammate/bestie.

Straw-hat got up from her seat next to another inkling, in a bubbly mood, she walked over to Aloha. They did their signature 'clap n hold' handshake, and greeted each other.

"What up my leader bro~" Straw-hat said in her usual joyous tone.

"Doin' good and you be lookin gorgeous homes~", Aloha compliments his FRIEND casually. As a JOKE Aloha pulled Straw-hat's hand and CASUALLY, AS A JOKE, PRETENDED to kiss it. Straw-hat giggled at the cheekiness of her leader. But someone that stood behind him took it the wrong way.

(Army: TCH!!)

Army angrily grunts, his face darkens in orange, and not the embarrassed kind. Without reconsideration, Army pinches Aloha's right arm.

"Eek!" Aloha yelped,he let's go of Straw hat's hand due to the stinging sensation.

"W-what was that for?" Aloha looked back, he questioned the tiny orange inkling, confused.

"You were taking too long, just get in the car already". Army retorts sternly, irritated at Aloha's incompetence. (Cheating ho)

"I've only stood here for like 30 seconds though" Aloha answers back obliviously.

"S-hush" Army stutters as he retorted, he realised the flaw within the excuse that he came up on the spot.

(Straw hat: I see~~~, Aloha sure attracted a dauntless one ha~~~) Straw hat smirked at her thought.

"ITS OK CAPTAIN CURRY, I GET JEALOUS WHEN RIDER TALKS TO OTHER SQUIDS TOO!". Goggles blurted out shoving himself on Glasses who was in front of him.

"W-what!?" Rider uttered, mildly shocked. But he probably felt happy knowing that Goggles has so much affection towards him. That's why he's blushing~~~.

"QUIT PUSHING!" Glasses exclaimed using his straight-man skills.

(Aloha: A-A-Army!?, J-jealous?) a bright pink blush formed on Aloha's face.


(Headphones and Bobble: how gay can these guys get?~). They thought, slightly being pushed against one another, as they were trying to get in the limousine.

"Geeeeeezz, youuuuuuu guuysss neverrrr channngee~~. Another voice interrupts the feud.

Everyone didn't recognise the slurring voice at first, until Goggles addressed it alongside Aloha, Army and Glasses.

"IT'S MASK TEAM!!" The four exclaimed in unison, startled at this spontaneous encounter.

"Louuuuuud as alwayyys ayeeee, blue team". Mask adressed mildly pleased to meet the 'interesting' team that defeated him again.

The inklings that stood behind the four (Rider, Headphones and Bobble) took whatever space they could accumulate, and peeked inside the limousine, to see what have been declared.

"Wow it is them" Headphone states in awe.

"YAY ITS MASK" giggled Bobble.

(Rider: this is going to be a troublesome ride) Rider sweatdrops.

"Yooooo~" Designer Headphones, Jersey and Full-Moon Glasses greeted them.

(Author Chan, again: their names are so long (>~<))

"Wahhhhh this is going to be off the hook" Goggles exclaimed in excitement.

"Pardon me..." the chauffeur interferes in the middle of the madness. Everyone's attention drifted towards him.

"May I ask of you all to please take your seats, the party will begin shortly after this ride, and we do not want to waste our time", the chauffeur kindly yet professionally asked of the inklings.

"O-oh" the squad squeaked in a mouse like voice. They felt embarrassed.

The rowdy squids realised the scene they've caused, soon enough they all went inside the limousine, the chauffeur closed the door behind them. Immediately their eyes lit up in awe. The seating arrangement was aligned with the outline of the car instead of the classic seat arrangement that faced forward, leaving a mildly large, carpet, walking gap in the middle.

(I have no idea how to describe a limo's seating arrangement, so the best you're going to get from me is: "go google an inside of a limo")

There was a miniature beverage bar located at the side where Mask was sitting, it was decorated with a fancy looking vase with red and white roses, highlighted with white neon lights infused with the stand. The limo was made out of brown marble-like material, the lights were slightly dimmed, creating and adult-like/ vintage feeling, it was as if they were in an eco friendly night club. The passenger seats were made out of high quality leather that looks super comfortable to sit on, there were even neon lights underneath the seats that lighted the pathway.

"Awahhhhhhhh so cool" Goggles beamed in admiration.

"No kidding" Headphones agreed.

"How exciting!!" Bobbles blurted out.

"Oi keep it down" Rider scoffs at the blue clads, ordering them not to create a ruckus.(mother material)

(Mask team: so loud) they spoke inwardly as they sweat dropped.

After the limo appreciation moment was over, everyone took their seats.

"Um..." Army glances around, he somewhat had a hard time figuring out where to sit.

(Army: where should I sit?, um, who should I sit with?, definitely not Goggles, then who—-)

Army's train of thought was interjected by sudden tug on his small, delicate hand. Out of the blue, he was pulled down onto his ass.

"Woah!" Army yelped as he stumbles backwards. A small jump was caused whilst coming in contact with the seat. Army's eyes was locked upon a slightly tanned hand, the palm larger than his, long slender fingers, it made Army feel strangely at ease, as if he was being protected by someone special, a familiar touch that remains a special spot deep within Army's conscience. Their fingers intertwined.

(Army: This feels familiar—)

Army twitched, he knew who it was, he remembered the warm and affectionate touch well.

Without thought, he immediately perked his head up, just as he thought,
it was Aloha.

"Howdy~~🎵", Aloha inserts seductively.(shhhhhhh no lemons yet)

"Err—" Army sounded nervously.

The two glazed at each other. Army's cat like orbs glistened like a luminescent pearl within the deepest depths of the seas. Captivation caught Aloha tongue, he couldn't help but stare deep into the adorable orange inkling's orbs.

(Aloha: So pretty—- MATE!?)

Aloha flinched, realizing the stare off between Army and himself. He covers his face with his other hand. It burns. Aloha avoided eye contact with the latter inkling. For if he continued, his heart might get ripped out of his chest.

"Er—", Army flushed harder, he avoided his gaze also.

"Attention folks, we are about to head to the New Albacore Hotel, are you all ready?" The chauffeur called out to the chaotic bunch through a speaker.

"AYE SIR!!!" The energetic group of inklings exclaimed, they punched their fists in the air, all pumped up. Exhilaration, excitement, the hunger for adventure radiated amongst the clads, for this night will be a night to remember,

or a night to forget.....

The chauffeur smiled in approval, he ignited the engine, the car grumbled a soft and soothing rumble, and off they went.

(10 minutes later~~~)

Straw-hat was seated next to Full-moon Glasses and began chatting away. Everyone else too, the limo was filled with soft laughter and disappointed looks given to Goggles fondling with Rider's man titties.

"GOGGLES WHAT THE FAQ!?!" Shouted Rider in the most bashful and flabbergasted tone he could create. A violent shade of yellow-green blush splattered on his facials.

"ITS AN S-CUP!!!!" Goggles declared whilst groping Rider for everyone in the limousine to hear.



(Everyone in the limousine: Why though?) everyone slumped, The atmosphere darkens.

Meanwhile Aloha was just chatting with the other limousine patrons (who wasn't infected by the Goggles/ Dumbass plague).

Of course he was one of the inklings creating most of the commotion, since he's a cheery pink clad with a lot of things to say. But Army appears silent.

The two sat at the back with the others surrounding them, which made it easier to interact. Aloha sat on the right next to the window while Army was seated beside him.

"Ah—, Mmph!" Army opened his mouth only to shut it again. Army spun his head to the side, he faced away from Aloha.

"Hmm?" Aloha noticed how tense his orange buddy was. He grew curious of his friend's timidity.

"Yo~~, you ok?, you seem tense" Aloha questioned the clad curiously in his confident demeanor, a jolt he received as a response.

Aloha turned to face Army, a cold shoulder he obtained. Army had his head to the side,he rested it against the seat, avoiding Aloha's question and Aloha himself, it was as if he was hiding something. Aloha grew more suspicious, worried even. Army usually doesn't hide anything that's bothering him. If he feels uncomfortable, he would say it, attack, go to the doctors, manual it, or he would pull out a wooden spoon from who knows where and whack his problems away. (Aloha was once whacked by Army's mysterious spoon).

Aloha wanted answers, he peered over to Army which he received the identical scenario as he did before.

"Hey?" Aloha nuzzled his hand on Army's waist.

"Eep!?" Army trembled.

(Aloha: he's so fragile...)

Aloha's eye twitched, He was mindful enough to notice that Army body was limping at that moment, as if something sucked the energy out of him
(Lenny face). He used that as an advantage, he turned his body to face Army's, he knelt inner leg on his seat, he loomed his right hand around Army's body and turned him around by force.

"Something wrong Army—" Aloha's eyes widened.

Army was pouting as if he was about to confess to his high school crush, and didn't know what to say. Bright orange imprinted on his charm, ears lowered like a sulking puppy, eyes avoiding Aloha's, his body tensed even more.


Aloha's face was splatted in pink, completely and utterly. Aloha was a mess.

He needed to keep his cool though, he wouldn't want to show his future boyfriend that he was a flustered mess.
(Author Chan: Lol, boyfriend)

He took a deep breath and asked:

"Are you ok?".


Army did not reply, Aloha just gave up, if Army didn't want to say then he guess he cannot force him any further.

"*sigh* it's ok if you don't want to say, but if there's anything—-"

"Y-You" Army brought something up in the middle of Aloha's sentence, stuttering.

"Eh?" Aloha stopped, he continued listening, what did his small friend have to say?.

"You've" Army's face darkens in orange, his eyes was teary, and his mouth was shaking. Aloha gulped.

"Y-you've b-been h-h-h-holding my hand this whole time..."


Aloha's features was embedded with an ever so glowing pink , he was taken back, his heart started to pump up his boiling blood like crazy, eyes and mouth open agape. Realisation smashed him like the titanic colliding an iceberg. He held his left hand up to see what Army had described. Their hands were locked together. Aloha was holding Army's soft, petite hand the whole time.

(Aloha: .... soft). Lost in his thoughts, on a small degree, Aloha squished Army's small, pale skinned hand.

Army's eyes widen. Mouth and body quivering as if he was a time bomb, that was about to explode. The only sounds he could manifest were weak and squeaky.

"Um..." Army whimpered weakly.

Army's voice played as a waking call that snapped Aloha back to reality with Army's hand still in his grasp.

"O-oh right, sorry!", he stuttered nervously. With that said, he finally lets go of Army. Army's cat like reflexes immediately kicks in, he pull he back with his two hands cupped on his chest.

(Army: OH MY COD, OH MY COD, OH MY COD, WHAT WAS THAT!?, HE WAS HOLDING MY HAND, I WAS HOLDING HIS, WHY DIDN'T I TELL HIM FROM THE BEGGING—- did I?—N-N-NO D-DEFINITELY NOT) He freaked out internally, he tilted his head down avoiding Aloha's field of vision.

Meanwhile, Aloha began to inwardly beat himself up.


With at goal at mind, Aloha began to fake laugh, in order to make the situation less uncomfortable, which backfired as the it only got more awkward.

"Mmm", Army glares at him spitefully, but in the deepest depths of his conscience, he definitely wants Aloha to hold his hand again, and so did Aloha.

Army's scowls intensify, making Aloha more flustered, he swore that he saw a predator like aura coming out from Army, with flames surrounding him. He had to defuse the situation somehow, so he said what came to mind first.

"Sorry, it was just your hand was so soft-, WAIT NO—" Aloha cups his hand on his mouth, as he glows in a deep shade of pink, his pupils shrinks in surprise.

"HEH—!?" Army flinched, his face flushed in orange.

"W-W-WHAT!?" Army blurted out.

"I mean—-".

"HEY GUYS, LETS ALL PLAY A GAME!" Straw-hat announced with a snickering Full Moon Glasses next to her. Interrupting Aloha's excuses.

Aloha and Army dropped the topic and faced the rowdy squid.

(Honestly they definitely needed that because if they continued one of them might—- no scratch that, they both would've blown a fuse).

The limousine patrons gave Straw-hat and Full Moon Glasses their attention.

"What game?", Glasses was the first one to pipe up. Curious eyes laid upon the jolly duo.

"Well... heheheheheheh". The female inklings held each other's hand while the other pointed up in the air.

"THE KING GAME!!!!!" they declared in unison, eyes shut, with a huge smile on their faces.

"What...", the clads glared at them, unamused. Aloha tried his hardest not to glance over at Army, Army did the same.

"*Ahem*, I'll explain the rules", Full-Moon started.

(Author Chan: imma shorten up the names bc I'm too lazy to type them down).

"So everyone who's participating will have to draw out a popsicle stick, in which Straw and I have prepared for this occasion". Full-Moon's glasses glinted, while Straw pulls out a plastic cup filled with popsicle sticks from her hat.

"Why the hell was that in your hat!?" Rider and Mask retorted.irritated.
(friggin straight mans)

"Anyway" Full Moon brushes it off.


"Each popsicle stick is labeled from numbers 1-12, she grabs a popsicle stick from the cup. Whoever gets the popsicle with number 1 on it, gets to be king!". She explained while showing the inklings a popsicle with number one and a crown labeled on it.

"Whatttttt", everyone's eyes narrowed, sweat-dropping, except for Goggles and Bobble though, they were excited.

"Ohohoho, now whoever gets king will have the privilege to command anonymous numbers to do whatever they want, allow me to demonstrate". With that said, Straw pulled out a popsicle stick from the cup and shows it to Full Moon.

"Ok, I command number 5 to do the chicken dance!". Full moon ordered pointing at Straw.

"Oh no~~, I'm number 5, I guess I have to do the dance~~", Straw sarcastically answered. Straw then got up from her seat, folded her arms inwards, lowered he posture and started to flap away.

"Buck, buck, buck!" She jokingly demonstrated.

"Errrrrrr" the clads stared blankly while the happy duo (Bobble and Goggles) just laughed away.

"Since there's a lot of us, the maximum numbers you can order should be 4"

"Yeah!, and the commands has to be something spicy~~~" Straw cooed.

"This does seem like a fun idea" Headphones agreed on playing.

"YEAH" Bobble and Goggles pumped the fists in the air.

"I don't mind" Glasses stated with a half grin.

"I'mmmm going to make you guysssss jump off the limo while it's still runninggggg" Mask remarks in sadistic way.

"That's cruel—" Designer and Jersey responded.

Aloha and Army took their time to determined their decision, as they were not in the state of mind to think or say anything. Then it clicked.

(Aloha: Wait, if I just go along with this Army might get in the heat of the moment and forget what had just happened. Sounds like a plan!)

(Army: If I naturally take part in this game as if nothing had happened, Aloha might get so immersed in the gameplay and forget what happened. Right let's do this!)

They both clenched their fists.


"Ok lets do this!!"

They sounded in unison, desperate to avoid the awkward situation they've just gone through.

"Um—". They did the terrible mistake of looking at each other. In an instant they looked away from one and other with an embarrassed expression.

"Tch, this is dumb" said an irritated Rider

"So you're not playing?" Full Moon asked, unsurprised by his course of action.

"No" He sternly replied.

"Boooooooo, how boring" Straw mocks him.

"Shut—" Rider stops in the middle of his sentence, he felt Goggles's hand on his ass.

"Dude what the—!?" Rider's face was flushed with Yellow-Green. Goggles took the opportunity to whisper in Rider's ear. His eyes widen as legs began to quiver in need~.

"O-ok" he agreed like a sulking little girl.

"YAY!!" Goggles cheered.

"Awesome!!", the two female inklings exclaimed in glee.

"So that's everyone" said Aloha.

"Yeah.." Army states alongside.


(TIMESKIP Bc I'm too lazy to keep writing, btw if there's some typos, it means that I was in a huge rush to get this chapter over and done with lolz)

The girls had taken a stick and passed it around in a circle.

"Ok here comes the ultimate reveal~~".
Straw excitedly called out.

"On 3, we reveal who is the King"
Everyone nodded, some were interested to see who gets to be king ,and the one or ones to gets ordered, while the others just wanted to get it over with.

"3...2...1, WHO'S THE KING?"

"I AM!!" Bobble jumped out from her seat.

In a blink of an eye, every inkling had a look a terror on their facials. If this sweet looking being could reference hell then who knows what kind of madness she can put everyone through.

(Everyone: please spare me) they prayed to Cod.

"Ehehehehehehehhehe~~" she giggled in her usual happy manner, but something within those soft giggles sounded menacing to all the inklings around her. Except Goggles because... he's Goggles.

"Ok~~, I command number 4 to mount on number 6's back and play Sea horsey!!" Bobble exclaimed.

"GAH" Everyone gasped, whoever number 4 and number 6 were, they prayed for their safety.

"GAK" Headphones and Mask resounded for the limousine patrons to know that they were the chosen ones.

(Silent pause)

"I-I'm sorry Mask..." she said whilst sitting on his back.

"Let's never speakkkk of thisss" Mask replied to her, hunched over on his knees, biting his pride.



Everyone couldn't contain their laughter and bursted out laughing. Others sweat dropped.

And so it began...

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