Honey's Sweet Baby Sister (Ou...

By kate_inspired

113K 2.5K 352

Kaito is the only girl with her brothers Mitsukuni and Yasuchika. Also she's the middle child. She was given... More

1-Call me Ki
4-Haruhi is a...
5-Balls and Physicals
7-Resort Wash Up
8-A Beach
9-Lobelia and Blondes
10-House Visits and It
11-News and Calls
13-Malls and Family
14-Ropes and Halloween
15-An Apprentice and a Maid
16-Our Fair
17-Lets be in rythm together
18-Curtains and Graduation
20-The Future
Hidden: The Siblings Series
21- Distance (10k bonus chapter)
Hidden: Other Ouran

6-Drama, Fights and... Pianos

7.1K 152 15
By kate_inspired

Kaito's POV

I walked into the host club. I saw a girl speaking in a French accent. I stood baffled by all the stuff she was saying. The twins being basketball stars, Tamaki being a lonely prince. Haruhi being a bullied honor student by Mitsukuni... The baby faced thug? What?! And Takashi being his lacky friend. Again what?! Kyoya already being perfect?

The girl approached me, "Hi I'm Renge." I nodded, "H-hi." The twins approached me. "Renge." Kaoru said. "This is..." Hikaru said. "The only girl the host club needs." Both finished.

Renge stomped her foot, "I'm your manager!" I took that as my cue to leave, "Bye." Tamaki looked at me, "But... Please don't leave." I turned and looked at Tamaki, "It's fine Tamaki."

Renge smiled, "Ah hah! She will be the babe! She'll be never know love. But she'll be adored!" I weakly smiled, "Um... I-I'm not a part..." The twins cut me off, "She's Honey's little sister." Tamaki smiled wide eyed, "That's it! From now on Kaito will be part of the club too!"

I glanced at him, "Tamaki I'm not..." This time Kyoya cut me off, "Hmm, that'd be interesting." Mitsukuni said, "That's brilliant! But... what would Ki do?" Tamaki said, "Well I don't know. Kyoya?" Kyoya asked, "Kaito can you cook?" I shrugged, "Kind of..." Kyoya said, "You'll be a fine chef."


The next day I was dragged outside after school. I watched the scene in front of me. I saw Mitsukuni with Takashi and Haruhi in the rain.

The twins had their arms wrapped around my shoulders dragging me around. The twins pushed me away and Renge came up to me. Renge smiled, "I'm so happy you could make it Kaito senpai!"

I stood against the brick wall after being handed a script. Who wrote this? "I'm called a babe. But what if I can't see my beauty? How am I supposed to know?" That's bad, I'm not going to say this.

Then comes Tamaki's lines of, "Oh but you are such a babe. You're beautiful no matter what." That'd actually be nice to hear... Wait, what am I thinking?

I saw Renge dragging Haruhi past the corner of the school. I felt my curiosity strike and make me follow them. I dropped my script beside the wall and followed them. As soon I got there I saw someone pushing Renge. Based on it... I got behind Haruhi. And then it was like dominos... Renge into Haruhi then me.

Taking the brunt of the blow hurt. I bit my lip. I felt myself hit the film equipment. I heard some cracks. That's not good. Yet it can't be to bad, right? Haruhi kneeled forward, I glared at the guys. The guys eyes widened in horror, "H-Haninozuka's s-sister!" I went to go torwards them but my legs bucked and I fell onto my knees.

I tilted my head and smiled, "Now, I want you out of my sight." Then Tamaki ran over grabbing one by the collar. Mitsukuni grabbed the other. His hair had fallen over his eyes and I could feel the anger radiating off him.


After that Tamaki threatened them. Mitsukuni had reluctantly let the guy go and came over to me. Kyoya smashed the film camera and Haruhi gave Renge a speech. I readjusted myself and went to stand up.

A shooting pain went through my back and chest. Well I'll be here for a while. Renge had dragged of Haruhi with Tamaki and the twins following them. Mitsukuni asked, "Kaito, are you okay?! What's hurt? I need to know."

Kyoya came over to me, "How are you hurt?" I turned so I wouldn't face Kyoya. Yet that made it to where I was staring right into honeys eyes, "Kaito, tell us." I gently smiled at him, "I'll be okay." I heard Kyoya sigh, "Kaito I can't fix you without knowing what's wrong. Let's go to the club room."

I took a deep breath and as soon as I stood up my knees buckled again. Yet this time I was caught. Then moved till Mitsukuni was packing me like a baby. I felt my face heat up from embarrassment, "P-Put me down! I can walk."

Takashi glanced at me, "No, you'll hurt yourself." Mitsukuni said, "You know he's right Ki-chan." I sighed as he packed me all the way to the host club. I glanced at Kyoya, "So you hurt yourself." Mitsukuni frowned, "Hey is she going to be alright?"

He sat me down on the couch and Kyoya felt my back. He sighed, "You tensed your muscles didn't you?" I sighed, "Yes." He spoke, "Well you didn't break anything. That's the good part. But your muscles are still tensed. So you can't really move them." I lowered my head, "T-Thanks for telling me."

I saw Mitsukuni come over and pick me up. "You don't have to pick me up. I'm fine." I told him. He smiled at me, "It's no problem, I'll take you home Kaito. I'll pack you, don't worry I won't drop you." Takashi and us walked out of the club room.


I walked into the host club, "Hello." I smiled towards Haruhi noticing she was only a few feet away. I gently walked towards her, "Haru..." I got cut of by fan girls rushing in, "We're so sorry Haruhi. We made you wait." Guess I wasn't brave enough...

Haruhi smiled at them the nodded to me before taking them off to a table. I went to talk to Kyoya, "Now how am I supposed to cook?" Kyoya stated, "The kitchen is the door to the left of the changing room cabinet." I nodded, "O-okay."


I brought sandwiches to the twins table. They began playing a game which made me confused. "Which one of us is Hikaru?" They asked after switching a lot. Left? The girls all thought he was on the right though. Haruhi walked by and her and me got roped into it. So they switched around again. I smiled, I'm sure I know.

She pointed at the twins. "This ones Hikaru and you're Kaoru." I said, "Yeah." They told us we got it wrong. I smiled weakly, I guess that their voices don't give them away. But I was pretty sure the first day I realized Kauro's was higher.

Haruhi said, "No I know I'm right. You may look alike but you two act very different." I nodded in agreement with her. They sound different for me. Then they began demanding a explanation on why. They were really surprised we could tell the difference.

Haruhi started to tell them how she could tell the difference as I walked away. After I got to Kyoya with food there were loud noises. I turned around to see the twins throwing stuff at each other really fast.


After a little bit, like a week I was at the club again. Today it was only me and the other hosts. The twins were grinning at Haruhi, "So we'll get to come to your house if we make up." They then hugged each other. Haruhi stared at them in horror.


I glanced at the boy that had just run in. "King, I want to be your apprentice!" Of course Tamaki ended up accepting. I feel that this boy isn't her for all girls. One? The boy I found out is named Shiro.

I stared at him and Tamaki today. I let out a big breathe. Shiro stated, "She doesn't look like a mermaid she looks like a carp!" Tamaki started fumbling and I could feel the girl getting upset. Soon enough the girl ran away in tears. Tamaki went silent.

Soon enough Shiro started trying to define everyone. Haruhi as a cross dresser. Then he eventually got to me, "Someone has to have a crush on her. She's the quietest and calmest out of all of you!"


Renge came out declaring Shiro the naughty boy type a few days ago. Yesterday me and the club stood watching him. He sat beside this girl, Hina, that he has a crush on. I had leaned back into the wall listening to the beautiful music yesterday.

Today Tamaki was yelling. Then I looked at the cause, Shiro stealing his customers. And it was the end of club time so Shiro got a kiss on the cheek from two of the girls. I watched as Kyoya lead the girls out. Then Shiro grinned, "Bye guys!"

He left then eventually everyone had left but me and Tamaki. I said, "Y-You're great at playing piano Tamaki." He grinned, "Thanks Kaito." I said, "Why d-do you call me Kaito i-instead of Ki?" He said, "Cause I do believe you will go beyond my expectations." I said, "Umm thanks."

He went to the piano and started playing a sweet love song. I went and sat beside him. He said, "You are so captivating princess." I said, "T-thanks." I smiled lightly away to the music. I mumbled, "Your such a great musician, I love this song."

Tamaki's POV

I gently hummed, I love you. She said, "You capture me in your music." I said, "Thanks that means a lot Kaito." Why do I always feel different around her. She's like an average guess. Is it different cause she's Honey's little sister? It has to be.

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