
By ddlovato201

34.7K 580 427

How Emison should have been I think. Emily is intersex. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Not a chapter
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Not a chapter

Chapter 7

1.1K 20 16
By ddlovato201

2 weeks later

So we are starting to shoot today no one knows about the girls besides the director. I'm going to wait to tell them about the baby just Incase I have a miscarriage I love the new stroller Emily got the girls.

I get the girls into the stroller and I get there diaper bag I have an assistant to help with the girls while Demi is in the studio. I feel my phone vibrate I look at it it's from Emily.

Cheater: hey baby good luck on your first day I love you forever call me when you get home🥰😍😘!!

I don't ever reply to her cause I'm still hurt I call her everyday for the girls but last night she didn't pick up. I go to the studio where we are shooting and I see everyone in a group the director looks at me.

Sam: guys this is Alison she playing Fawcett!

Joanna: are those yours?

Ali: um yeah this is Shea and Brea they just turned one!

Joanna: I'm Joanna but everyone calls me JoJo.

Ali: Alison but call me Ali.

Emily: Ali!

I look up my eyes go so wide I think they almost fell out I wanted to kiss her so bad but then I remember she cheated.

Ali: what are you doing here!?

I glare at her.

Emily: I wanted to see you on your first day and I missed the twins. I thought it would be a good idea to come out and see you.
I scuff and roll my eyes I see her clench her fists she looks pissed.

Ali: I dare you!

Sam: ok so we are going to do the photo shoots and the first few scenes! So guys get into hair and makeup please!

We all walk to the makeup and dressing room.

Cyrus: hi I'm Cyrus I'll be your makeup artist Alison right?

Ali: yep!

I smile at him I take Shea out Emily gets Brea I give Shea her toys she sits on my lap.

Micheal: your kids are so cute Ali who's the father?

I roll my eyes and look at eye she is glaring at me she wants to say something.

Ali: Emily say something I dare you I will kill you! Um the father is not in the picture right know it's just me and the girls.

I wipe my tear and look at him.

Paul: I'm sorry well who needs men anyway!

Ali: I definitely don't!

I look at Emily I see a bag sticking out of her pocket I get up from the chair so quick I pull out the bag from her pocket it's weed I'm about to fucking kill her know. I put Shea and Brea in the stroller.

Ali: tell me why?

Emily: I've been stressed with you and the girls I'm sorry!

Ali: first stop yelling cause I'm not. Were you high when you ducked her?

Emily: yes!! Is that what you want to here that I turned to drugs because of you!

Ali: god Emily look at you your shit I don't want you near the kids or I'm filing for custody of the girls!!

Emily: don't ok I'll get clean I swear please!!

Ali: you better cause there's no chance your seeing this baby if your not!

Emily: ok I will I swear and that's my last bag keep it!

Ali: I'm flushing this shit!

I start to feel a cramp oh shit she walks away.

Ali: babe!!

Emily: what what's wrong???

JoJo: she bleeding call 911!!

Ali: no please I can't lose it!

Emily: baby I need you to breath I'm sorry this is all my fault I shouldnt have cheated or stressed you out baby I'm sorry!

Ali: I know baby call Demi!!

Emily: ok baby we will when we get to the hospital.

Paul: the ambulance can't get throw the lot there's to much traffic!!

Emily: JoJo Demi is coming for the girls watch them. Ok baby look at me I'm going to carry you to the ambulance.

Ali: ok!

Emily: 1..2..3. You ok?!

Ali: just go please!!

She runs off Sam is yelling at us she runs to the door but it won't open fuck she bangs on it really hard she breaks it she runs down the lot she sees the ambulance they open the doors and take me in she comes in I can't let go of her hand for the life of me I'm too scarred.

Emily: baby breath think about how much fun the movie is going to be how happy you are going to be when the girls start daycare.

Ali: ok please don't leave me I love you I don't hate you I never did please stay with me in California!?

Emily: I'll go to the ends of the earth for you baby.

Nurse: were here!!

They get us out they roll me to a room they do so many test and they leave. Sam runs in.

Sam: hey I hope your ok?

Ali: yeah they haven't said anything but the cramping went away.

Sam: good take the week off to rest we'll do the scenes that your not in first.

Ali: thanks sorry.

Sam: don't be sorry get better Ali.

Paul: hey girl we all came to make sure your ok what did the doctor say?

Ali: nothing yet.

Demi: I feed the girls but there a little crabby.

There's a knock on the door the doctor comes in.

Doctor: so we did some test but I want to do an ultrasound to see.

Ali: ok.

I lift my shit he puts jell he moves the wand around he's looking really hard at the screen. I see him turn a nod then I hear the heart beat.

Ali: is that the-

Doctor: yep that's the heartbeat

Ali: baby did you hear the heart beat!

Emily: fuck again ok I can do this.

We look at her like she's crazy she stops pacing and takes my hand I see from the corner of my eye Demi's eyes almost pop out her head.

Emily: it's not mine that's why I came here. Paige lies I did a dna test it's not mine. I can do this Alison give me a second chance please let me prove it to you that I can be a good dad and boyfriend I want us to be a family please.

I sigh I look at Demi she nods I trust her I look at Emily.

Ali: fine-

Emily: yes thank you baby I'm going to rehab I'm getting my shit together-

Ali: but we take things really slow we jumped right in last time I want us to restart.

Doctor: I'll get your pictures your about 2 month.

He leaves and Emily kisses my head the guys leave Demi stays with us.

Ali: how was the studio?

Demi: I never got there I had to get to you but it's fine I go tomorrow anyway.

Doctor: you guys are free to go Alison take the rest of the week off if you start spotting call me please and have you been taking the vitamins?

Ali: yes I have thank you doctor.

Doctor: anytime come back next month and here are the pictures of the sonogram.

Ali: oh my god it's so tiny. Demi did you bring me new pants?

Demi: yep here.

Next week

JoJo: so did you get any pictures of the baby?

Ali: uh yeah here look.

Paul: it's so cute!!

Andrea: so what's up with you and Emily?

I put the girls on the floor with toys in my trailer.

Ali: she's in rehab for 3 more weeks I have not talked to her since we left the hospital.

Micheal: how do you know she's there?

Ali: Demi drove her there she's paying for it I don't know what I'm going to do I want to be with her but she cheated what should I do?

Paul: what does your heart say to do?

Ali: to be with her and run off into the sunset but take things slow.

Shea: mommy!!

Ali: yes baby?

Shea: milk!!

Ali: ok baby don't yell.

Shea: bitch!

Paul: oh shit!

Shea: bitch!

She giggles.

Ali: no you don't say that word!

I pop her in the mouth she starts to cry.

Shea: mommy milk.

Ali: here baby your bottle.

She pushes it away and snuggles into my chest. What's wrong with her I feel her forehead she feels a little hot.

Ali: can one of you look in the diaper bag for the thermometer I think she has a fever?

Xosha: here you go.

I take it and put it in her ear it beeps I look at it 99.9.

Ali: fuck!

Paul: what is it?

Ali: it's 99.9 and rising.

Demi walks into the trailer.

Demi: hey what's wrong with Shea?

Ali: she's getting sick I don't want Brea to get sick can you take Shea home please?

Demi: sure but she's sucking on your chest you going to feed her or no?

Ali: yeah I am.

I un zip the top and feed her she eats fine I think it's cause she's sick she wants to be close to me she falls asleep I look at the time it's 4:30 we finish at 8 I can pump before our breaks is over.

Ali: here take her I'll pump two bottle for her really quick before I have to go.

I hand her to Demi I get the pump from the bag I sit on the couch and turn it on.

Micheal: why do you do that aren't they 1?

Ali: I'm only doing it for her cause she's sick breast milk is good for there Immunsystem so if they are sick I can just give them this.

Micheal: have you ever tried it?

Ali: no but Emily has she says it's really good.

Micheal: can I try it?

Paul: your so gross I want in!

Ali: um ok anyone else?

JoJo: why not I'll try it.

Ali: Ok when I'm done with these bottles.

20 minutes later

Ali: ok here are the bottles you know what to do right and check her temperature when you get home please if it's 100 give her the medicine in the cabinet mix it with the milk. Also give her a nice cool bath not cold cause she can have a seizure Demi thank you for everything.

Demi: well be fine calm down bye guys!

She leaves I start the pump again I do half a bottle. I pour it in cups and hand it to them xosha is videoing it.

Ali: ok so they are try my breast milk!

They take sips and spit it out they are gagging.

Paul: that was gross Emily is a lier!

Ali: in her defense I was vegan I eat junk food know so it taste different!

Paul: why were you vegan?

Ali:um Brea had stomach issues so I have to eat healthy for her.

JoJo: oh that makes sense!

We head back I give my assistant Brea she's really good with her.

8:30 I'm almost home to see my poor baby I have a day off tomorrow thank god I park the car in the driveway I get a sleeping brea out the car and head inside.

I walk in take off my shoe's I head to the living room and see Demi with Shea on her chest all they have is a rob Shea has a diaper Demi is naked I head up stairs I change Brea I put her in her crib.

I walk back down stairs I shake Demi but she doesn't wake up I take Shea I kick Demi she wakes up.

Ali: I'm going to bed thanks for taking care of her how was she?

Demi: she was a little crabby but after the medication and bath she was good. Goodnight Ali.

Ali: night Demi thanks again.

Demi: anytime!

I take Shea to my room and lay her in the middle I put on my pj and lay with her I check her temperature it's 98.9 it went down that's good. She stirs a little I rub her tummy but she lets out a small cry.

Ali: shshshsh.

I lift my shirt and she latches on I stroke her check she falls back asleep hum her a lullaby. I used to do it when they were babies I fall asleep to her feeding.

4 am

I hear crying I open my eyes and see Shea cry. I feel her forehead she's not really worm she start coughing it sounds really bad.

Ali: ok baby lets go take a shower.

I walk to my bathroom I turn the shower on and I strip us I get in. She lays her head on my shoulder while the steam opens up her air ways. We stay in there for about 20 minutes I walk I I just leave her in a diaper I put on a shirt and underwear.

Shea: mmh mama!

Ali: mommy's here what's wrong?

Shea: mama !

I dial the rehab place they pick up.

Person: hello shady oaks how may I help you?

Ali: hi I'm Alison I'm calling for Emily Fields please.

Person: and what is this regarding?

Ali: her daughter.

Person: please hold.

Shea: mama!!

Ali: I know baby I'm calling her.

She starts to roll around I rub her head.

Emily: hello!

Ali: hey sorry for calling so late.

Shea starts to cry louder.

Emily: um it's fine what's that sound?

Ali: Shea she's sick and she's calling for you hear I'll put you on speaker.

I put her on speakerphone.

Emily: hey Shea bear!

Shea: mama!

Emily: I know baby Alison can we FaceTime please?

Ali: yeah call me.

She hang up she FaceTimes me I pick up and Shea stops crying when she sees Emily and hides in my chest.

Emily: why you hiding from me?

Shea: mama!

Emily: hi baby I heard your sick Ali what have you been giving her?

Ali: um I've been.... giving her um breast milk to help her fight the cold.

Emily: ok so how have you been?

Ali: fine what about you?

Emily: I'm good I just miss the girls and you a lot. I'm really sorry for what I did and put you throw.

Ali: I know you are.

I look down at Shea and she fell asleep I lay her next to me and get out of bed.

Ali: Brea is sleeping so don't be to loud.

Emily: ok

I got to there room and show her Brea sleeping she looks so cute. I walk out and go to my room.

Emily: can I see the baby?

Ali: yeah but there's a little bump but barely.

I go to the mirror and show her she starts to cry.

Ali: stop ok god I'm done with the crying Emily it should be me crying not you!

Emily: I know I'm getting better I can't wait to see you girls.

Ali: yeah they really miss you.

Emily: um I was wondering if we can go out sometime when I get out like a date?

Ali: I don't know Emily I think it's too soon.

Emily: what you said you wanted to get back with me in the hospital!!

She's getting mad.

Ali: I wasn't thinking then I said that I'm sorry but I still need time bye Emily.

I hang up before she can answer I cry myself to sleep.


Demi: get up we're going to Disney!!

Ali: why I'm tired!

Demi: oh well let's go the twins are dressed and ready I feed them.

Ali: ok give me 20 minutes.

I head to the bathroom do my morning routine.

I walk down stairs and see the girls running away from Demi.

Ali: hi my sweethearts you look so cute!

Brea: mommy hugs!

I bend down and give them hugs.

Ali: you guys are going to be big sisters!

I don't think they know what's going on but then they start running around screaming "big sister" we get ready and leave.

Ali: I'm driving!

Demi: uh fine but I'm driving back!

Ali: my kids are in the car no your not.

We strap them in and head to Disney I've never been so I'm really excited.

Demi: so who were you on the phone with last night?

I shift in my set should I tell her.

Demi: tell me Alison.

Ali: um Emily.

Demi: what were you talking about?

Ali: um Shea was crying for her so I FaceTimed her after she went to sleep we talked she wants to take me on a date when she gets back I said no that I'm not ready.

She nods

Demi: that's understandable.

Ali: she got mad cause I said that I forgave her and she thought we could get back together.

Demi: so what changed?

Ali: It's just I'm still hurt from what she did but I love her.

Demi: I know you do.

Ali: should I give her another chance?

Demi: I can't tell you what to do I think you should do it when your ready just cause you have kids doesn't mean you have to be together.

Ali: yeah.

2 hours later

Ali: that was a long ass ride shit!

We get the girls out and put them in the stroller I put sunscreen on them and some on me.

Demi: I'm paying don't fight me.

Ali: fine thank you.

We get passes so we can skip lines.

Demi: I invited some friends so you can meet them.

Ali: that's fine.

Sara: Demi!!

They run to each other.

Demi: this is Alison and Shea and Brea.

Sara: hi I'm Sara you kids are so cute!

Ali: thank you!

Demi: lets go on rides!!

Ali: I can't go one rides I'm pregnant remember.

Demi: true well go see the princess after a couple of rides with the kids.

We go on rides the girls are loving it we head to the castle park it's so nice.

Shea: mommy!

Ali: yes baby?

Shea: up!

Ali: push the stroller please?

Demi: sure

I pick Shea up she seem to be better she probably needed to get out the house.

Ali: you having fun baby?

Shea: yes mommy!

Ali: good baby!

We keep walking to the castle we wait on line Shea is getting restless.

Shea: mama!

Ali: I know baby she's coming back.

Shea: mama!!

She's pointing behind me I turn around and see Emily. She walks to us I put Shea down she runs to Emily she picks her up and spins her around. She kiss her face Shea really missed her Brea did too but she's more attached to me.

Ali: what are you doing here?

Emily: I got out early I wanted to surprise you.

She try's to kiss me but I move away she looks at me and rolls her eyes.

Brea: mama!!

Emily: hi baby.

Demi: guys come on we're up next!!

I think she's more excited than the girls.

Demi: hey Emily!

They hug and talk for a little I just ignore her we get to the princess the girls are going crazy.

Ali: guys come on say cheese!!

They smile I take the pictures we go to the gift shop I get the girls mini ears.

Ali: I want to get a picture of them in front of the castle!!

Emily: yeah good idea baby!

I roll my eyes and walk towards the castle with the girls I know Emily is trying no to kill me but I don't really care.

Ali: ok hold them up and I'll take the picture.

Demi: let me see the picture!!

Ali: look they look so cute!

Emily: let me see.

Ali: look.

I huff and that sets her off.

Emily: ok Alison I'm done what's up with you?!

Ali: nothing it was supposed to be a family day I'm just annoyed!

She looks hurt she nods and looks at me.

Emily: last time I checked I was family without me they wouldn't be here just suck it up ok cause I'm here for 18 plus years.

Ali: whatever Emily I'm hungry come on girls.

I take them to get something to eat I get a pizza for us Emily sits across from me starring at me.

Ali: what is there something on my face?

She shakes her head.

Emily: no i just noticed that your freckles are cute.

I try not to blush but I know my face is as red as a tomato. We just keep eating I look at Demi and she looks annoyed.

Ali: hey what's up?

Demi: nothing just Hanna and I are in a fight.

Ali: what's going on?

Demi: she thinks I'm not coming back after the summer.

Ali: are you coming back?

Demi: yeah I'm coming I love her I'm taking time off after the album is done no tours.

Ali: I'll talk to her when we get home.

Demi: thanks Ali.

Emily: so what other rides we going on.

Demi: I'm doing some roller coaster with Sara.

Sara: yes!!

We get up and walk to the roller coasters Emily stays with me the girls are taking a nap in the stroller.

Emily: how's the baby?

Ali: fine I'm not showing yet so that's good.

Emily: so I was wondering if we can have a movie night just me and you after we put the girls to sleep is that ok?

Ali: um I want to talk to you instead so yeah.

We don't talk any more for the whole day we drive home I let Demi drive I was to tired we get to the house I give the girls a bath.

Emily: dinner is ready!!

We walk down and Emily cooked dinner it's really good we put the girls to bed and head to my room.

Emily: what you want to talk about?

Ali: um I've been thinking.

Emily: don't hurt yourself know.

She jokes I glare at her so she knows I'm serious.

Ali: what you did really hurt me I just don't know why you didn't tell me you wanted attention but that's in the past in the future I want you to come to me.

Emily: I will so where do we stand?

She grabs my hand I pull away and sit on her lap. I kiss her and pull away I smile at her.

Ali: does that answer your question?

Emily: yep!

Ali: but we're taking things really slow so no sex what so ever if I see you rubbing one out I will make you wait longer.

Emily: I'll be fine but I know pregnant women get really horny when they are pregnant.

Ali: shut up I did just fine with the twins.

We get change and head to bed she pulls down the covers and pulls my shirt up her head is leveled with my stomach.

Ali: what are you do-

Emily: sh I want to talk to the baby. Hey there I'm your mama I know things have been crazy for a couple of weeks you might have heard things but I just wanted to tell you that no matter what I love you so much and your siblings. I love your mom the most but don't tell them that they might get jealous. I love you baby so much stay safe and don't give us scares again please.

She kisses my stomach it tickled I laugh she starts to tickle me.

Ali: stop!

Emily: not until you kiss me and say that I'm the best.

Ali: fine I'm the best.

Emily: nice try.

She keeps tickling me I can't breath.

Ali: your the best.

I kiss her she stops and she lays next to me.

Ali: FYI the baby doesn't have ears yet so it didn't hear anything 2 more weeks and it will.

Emily: what do you want it to be?

Ali: I wouldn't mind another girl.

Emily: same but a boy would be great.

Ali: yeah goodnight.

Emily: night

I fall asleep on her chest.

Next week.

I feel pressure on my stomach and movement I one my eyes I see Brea sleeping on my stomach. Ok how does she get put her crib this is the third time this week and it's only Wednesday.

Ali: baby.

I whisper to her she doesn't wake up I shake her nothing. I grab a pillow and hit her.

Emily: ow what the fuck!

Ali: shshsh.

I point to Brea she looks at me confused.

Emily: how does she do that she's a ninja I swear.

Ali: I know what should we do we lowered the cribs so what know?

Emily: I don't know I think it's a faze.

We hear the door open but we don't see anything we hear a giggle it's Shea she goes to Emily's side she brings her up to the bed.

Ali: good morning Shea.

Shea: norn.

She can't really pronounce words good yet but she's getting there.

Emily: she's just as bad as her sister.

I laugh Demi comes in she lays in the bed too.

Ali: yes please come in.

Demi: it's my house bitch.

Emily: she's right baby.

I laugh at them.

Ali: so I have to go to set today I have to leave in 1 hour I have to get the girls dressed.

Emily: I'll get them dressed and make breakfast just get ready.

She kisses my head and she leaves I wake Brea.

Ali: baby wake up.

Brea: no!!

She snuggles right into my vagina I jump back and she starts to cry.

Ali: come hear baby.

Demi: you guys seem on a good root.

Ali: slowly but sheerly Brea what's wrong.

She doesn't answer me she just snuggles deeper into my neck if that's even possible I think she's having a clingy day.

Ali: ok baby mommy has to take a shower so why don't you go with mama.

Brea: no mommy!!

Ali: great ok so we'll get ready together.

I take her to my bathroom and put her down she starts to have a tantrum it's to damn early for this.

Ali: Brea stop mommy is right here ok I'm turning on the water why don't you take your clothes off?

I turn around and turn the shower on I feel her cling to my leg almost making me fall I un rap her arms from my leg.

Ali: Brea what is wrong with you why are you being like this today!?

She looks like she's scared something must have happened to her I bring her into a hug I take off her clothes and diaper I take my clothes off. I check the water it's warm not too hot for her we get in and shes playing with the water.

Brea: a haha!!

Ali: be careful baby please.

She sits under my leges I wash my hair and body quick and sit down and wash her.

Ali: so baby you want to tell me what's wrong was it a bad dream baby?

She nods her head and leans into me I finish her up and we get out I see her clothes on the bed I lotion her up and put her diaper on.

Ali: mama did a good job putting your outfit together baby.

I walk to my closet she jumps on the bed she falls in the process and start to cry.

Ali: it's ok baby come help mommy pick an outfit.

I check the time I only have 10 minutes till I have to leave I run down stairs with Brea in my arms I take my pregnancy pills.

Ali: so you are going to keep Shea today I'll take Brea pack up food for us we'll eat on the road.

Emily: why can you take both?!

I stop and look at her.

Ali: why are you meeting someone?

I still don't trust her.

Emily: no baby I'll have a day with her what's up with Brea anyway?

Ali: she's just having a day don't worry I'll see you later bye.

I kiss her and kiss Shea I grab the diaper bag I'm about to leave when she says the words.

Emily: love you baby!!

Ali: yeah baby.

I run out fuck why did she have to say that in strap Brea in and head off to set. I get to set and grab Brea I run in with her on my hip. I walk into hair and makeup I give brea her fruits.

Paul: hey girl you just get here?

Ali: yeah you?

Paul: yep everyone has a hangover so they should be here soon.

Ali: you guys went out again geez.

I laugh.

Paul: girl you should come out with us!

Ali: nope I have kids and I'm pregnant I go to bed at 8 o'clock I'm a mom I can't stay up any longer.

Paul: then why don't we go over to your house tonight like a sleep over?

Ali: yeah sure!!

Paul: hi Brea!!

She runs to me and holds her hands up.

Brea: mommy!!

Ali: sorry she's having a day.

Paul: where's Shea?

Ali: with Emily we almost had a fight this morning.

Xosha: about what?

Ali: shit you scared me.

JoJo: hey guys what's up?

Ali: I told her to take Shea today and she was like why can't you take her? Like bitch she's your kid too I looked at her and said why can't you are you meeting someone? She shit right up and took her she gets me mad sometimes.

Xosha: do you trust her yet?

Ali: no I just wish I could forget about the cheating but I can't.

JoJo: it takes time trust is earned not given.

Ali: that's true anyways you guys are coming over for a sleepover tonight.

Xosha: ok I can't wait!! Hi Brea bear!!

She try's to take her and Brea has a heart attack she hits me in the boob.

Ali: fuck!! Brea stop ok you need to calm down. Your going in time out for 5 minutes.

Brea: no mommy!!

She hits me in the face I spank her twice and put her in the corner.

Ali: stop and don't move unless you want another spanking!!

I look at my boob and it has a bruise fuck.

Ali: Cesar can you cover this please?

Cesar: yeah just sit down and relax.

I look throw the mirror and see Brea trying to leave I get out the chair.

Ali: Brea what is wrong with you today stay in that corner!!

She stays for the 5 minutes Cesar covers the bruise.

Ali: I need a break so bad!

Xosha: we can tell girl how do you do it I would have killed her?

Ali: takes a lot of work the old me would have done way worse so she got off lucky. I think something happened to her last night I woke up and she was in my bed laying on my stomach.

JoJo: did you check the baby monitors?

Ali: no I'll do that know actually.

I go over to the corner and take her out.

Ali: are you going to behave know baby?

Brea: yes mommy I sowwy.

She hugs me I pick her up and get my phone from the diaper bag. I open the baby monitor app and go throw the footage and I stop it's like 3 am when I see someone enter the twins room. I see they going to Breas crib they take her out and she starts crying they just watch her cry.

I fast forward they turn around and look at the camera and take out a paper. "Cute baby watch your back -A". I get a text.

Anonymous: love the baby but cry's too much see how easy it was to get in the house bitch watch your back kisses -A

Ali: no!!

Paul: what's going on?

Ali: I have to go home I have to see Emily !!

Paul: what's happening?

Ali: someone broke into the house and scared Brea last night I have to call Emily!!

Paul: ok calm down and call her don't panic.

I fail her number.

Ali: baby pick up please!

It keeps ringing.

Emily: hi you reached Emily Fields please leave a message after the beep if your not Ali they I'm not calling back!

Ali: baby call me know please call the police!!

Paul: ok we're coming with you.

Ali: lets go Brea come on!

Sam: where you going?!

Ali: I have to get home someone broke in I'm sorry!

We all run to my car they get in I speed to the house I try to call Emily but she call me I pick up.

Ali: oh my god baby are you o-

A: oh Alison you thought you can get away from me how dare you bad doll.

Ali: I swear to god if you hurt them I'll-

A: you'll what you can't do anything!!

Ali: please don't hurt them ok I'll do anything!!

I speeding so bad right know I'm flying throw red lights.

A: sorry I got what I came for Emily would like to talk to you.

Ali: baby stay calm I'm coming please!

Emily: baby I'm sorry I love you so much tell Brea I love her and Shea I love her.

Ali: no your going to tell them that ok!! Baby I love you so much I'm going to come throw that door and tell you face to face ok baby!!

Emily: I'm not at the house baby I'm sorry!!

The line goes dead.

Ali: baby please Emily!!

I pull up to the drive way and and run in to the house I see Demi and she's tied up I untie them.

Ali: where is she!!?

Demi: I'm sorry Alison I did everything I can!

Ali: no she's here this is a prank I'm going to find her!!

I run up stairs and check all the room I get to the girls room it's trashed like there was a fight there blood everywhere.

Ali: Emily where are you please don't do this!!

Demi: Ali she's gone they took her I'm so sorry!!

Ali: no I just got her back please I didn't get to tell her I loved her when I left!!

Demi: Ali please we'll find her!!

Ali: how the fuck we going to find her A would not give up that easy he's going to torture her for what I did!!

Demi: what did you do!

I stay quiet I can't stop the tears I run down stairs to the kitchen looking throw the cabinets.

Demi: what the fuck did you do Alison!!

Ali: I left ok I left A told me not to and I did I wanted to do the movie so bad I didn't know he would do this ok!!

Demi: he could have taken Hanna why didn't you tell us this!!?

Ali: I had a plan ok I was going to fix this I didn't want you guys to worry!

Demi: we're past that shit Emily was fuck kidnapped it could have been Hanna!!

Ali: but it's not it's Emily the love of my life you don't know what we have been throw you weren't there last year!! Hanna got hit by a car I went to the hospital to make sure A did kill her!! It's all my fault I know god I need to find her without her I'm not a good person!!

Demi: were going to find her I'm going to call the girls have my private jet fly them in and we're going to find her. We called the police there on there way.

Ali: how did A leave in a car or on foot!?

Ali: I'm a car we Frye's to fight him off for as long as we could I swear Ali!!

Paul: Ali breath we're going to find her ok!!

Ali: what if we don't the baby will never know her!

Xosha: yes it will cause we're going to find her!

Ali: call Caleb know he's in California he'll know what to do!

Demi: ok.

Later that day.

Ali: come in.

Caleb: ok I can track her phone from here!

Ali: ok please hurry!

Hope you like it😊😊

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