hitman || jeongchan

By maxsluvr

440K 29.6K 24.5K

❝so what now? you're just going to kill me?❞ chan is a hitman jeongin is his target bang chan + yang jeongin ... More



9.9K 676 794
By maxsluvr

group (4 people)

today, 14:30

seungmin hyung
> guys we need to talk
> can you two meet with me and felix at the front gate rn?

jisung hyung
> talk about what?

lix hyung
>wait jeongin's not here he can't meet
>why did you stay home today?

just felt like it <
what do you wanna talk about? <

seungmin hyung
> since you're home let's all meet at jeongin's house?

jisung hyung
> ok

i'm not at my old house <
this is my new address [attachment]<

seungmin hyung
> when did you move??

while ago <
see ya guys later <

Jeongin sighed and placed his phone on the coffee table, then turned around to face Chan. He was sitting on his lap, again.

"My friends are coming over." He said.

"Hyunjin and Jisung?" Chan asked and removed his eyes from the tv screen so his full attention was on the younger.

"Jisung yeah, but not Hyunjin. It's Seungmin and Felix."

"Oh, the friends that followed us to the mall?" Chan laughed.

"They followed us to the mall?"

"Yeah, when I bought you your phone."

"So that's how they knew about us going to the mall..."

After about ten minutes, Jeongin heard the doorbell ring. Chan was upstairs getting ready to go to work.

Jeongin went to the door to open it, but then realized something. He's been in his pyjamas all day, which is just his boxers and one of Chan's shirts, he has his own pyjamas, he just prefers the older's clothes instead.

"Whatever." He mumbled then finally opened the door.

"Hi guys." He said once he saw the three of them standing there.

Jeongin opened the door wider for them to come in then walked to the living room.

Once they were all sitting down, it was quiet, so Jeongin decided to speak first instead of sitting in awkward silence.

"So, why did you guys want to meet?" He asked.

"I wanted to talk about us, all four of us." Seungmin said and Felix just nodded in agreement.

Jeongin just stayed silent and listened to what he had to say.

"Well first of all I'm sorry for trying to stop you from being friends with that asshole." Seungmin folded his arms.

"For fucks sakes Seungmin would you stop calling Hyunjin an asshole?!" Jeongin rolled his eyes. He just got here and right off the bat he was pissing him off.

"Well he is one so-" Seungmin started but Felix stopped him by giving him a slight nudge.

"We're not here to argue about if Hyunjin is an asshole or not, we're here to say that we're sorry and don't like the situation our friendship is in right now." Felix said. "We want to go back to how we used to be, before all this."

"I mean that would be nice." Jisung shrugged.

"Yeah, it would be nice if someone stopped trying to control everything I do and who I be friends with as if they were my mother." Jeongin folded his arms.

"Jeongin would you stop being so petty for once?! I only do these things because I care about you!" Seungmin said.

"Well why do you care so much?! like I know, we're friends. Great. Friends care for each other." Jeongin started. "But I don't see Felix and Jisung caring so much about this like you do."

Seungmin sighed. This wasn't how he imagined how he would confess to the younger. Especially not in front of Jisung and Felix.

"I care about you so much because I li-"

"Innie I'm gonna leave now."

All four of them look over to the staircase and see Chan walking down and damn did Jeongin ever think he looked hot.

Well, Jeongin always thinks the older looks good when he goes to work, but today he was just exceptionally hot.

"Oh, Channie hyung." Jeongin got up from the couch and followed him to the garage door, leaving his friends for a sec.

"Were you guys arguing?" Chan asked as he was putting on his shoes.

Jeongin watched and leaned against the wall. "I guess."

The garage door was down the hall from the living room, so they wouldn't be able to hear their conversation.

"Well if someone decides to start throwing hands, you better win." Chan laughed.

"We're not gonna get into a physical fight, hyung." Jeongin giggled.

"Well, I hope you guys solve your problem." Chan said. "I'm gonna get going now."

"Okay, bye." Jeongin sighed.

The older turned around to walk out the door, but then stopped and faced Jeongin again.

"Bye Innie." He smiled the kissed him on the cheek.

He was about to move away, but then Jeongin cupped his face and softly pressed their lips together.

"Bye hyungie." He smiled with his cheeks becoming flushed.

Chan blushed. That definitely caught him off guard, once he recovered from the shock, he leaned in and gave him a kiss again.

"O-okay, go now hyung." Jeongin blushed, avoiding eye contact.

"Alright, I'll go, after just one more?" Chan smirked.


Jeongin leaned in and kissed Chan for the third time.

"Now leave!!" He said, his face probably as red as a tomato by now.

"Alright, alright." Chan laughed then finally left out the door after saying bye one last time.

Jeongin, turned around and began walking back to his friends. He fanned his face as if it will help the redness go away.

He turns the corner then all of a sudden bumps in to Seungmin.

"Seungmin hyung?! What are you doing here?" Jeongin asked, a bit startled that he was over here and not in the living room with everyone else.

"I uh- was uh- just looking for the bathroom." He said.

"Oh, the bathrooms over there." Jeongin said and pointed to another door the opposite way.

"Okay- thanks." Seungmin said then went away.

"Weird..." He mumbled then went back to Felix and Jisung.


I haven't been to school these past two days cuz I'm sick then there was a snowstorm and school was cancelled so I've just been bored at home writing all day 🤩🤪

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