Reconnected (Tokio Hotel FanF...

By Midnightriter

28.6K 443 49

Sephora lives a semi-normal life. I mean she lives with her mom, when she's in town, but more rather than no... More

Prologue- Wir Sterben Niemals Aus (We'll Never Die Out)
Ch 1- Durch den Monsun (Through the Monsoon)
Ch 2- Hey Du (Hey You)
Ch 3- Geisterfahrer (Phantom Rider)
Ch 4- Kampf der Liebe (Pain of Love)
Ch 5- Lass uns Laufen (World Behind my Wall)
Ch 6- Vergessene Kinder (Forgotten Children)
Ch 7- Screamin'
Ch 8- Strange
Ch 9- 1000 Mere (1000 Oceans)
Ch 10- Schrei (Scream)
Ch 11- Sonnensystem (Dark Side of the Sun)
Ch 12- Attention
Ch 13- Leb die Sekunde (Live Every Second)
Ch 14- รœbers Ende der Welt (Ready, Set, Go)
Ch 15- Fรผr immer jetzt (Forever Now)
Ch 16- Komm (Noise)
Ch 17- Schwarz (Black)
Ch 18- Automatisch (Automatic)
Ch 19 [Part 2]- Humanoid (Humanoid)
Ch 20- An Deiner Seite (Ich Bin Da) (By Your Side)
Ch 21- Heilig (Sacred)
Ch 22-Wenn Nichts mehr Geht (When You're at a Loss)
Ch 23- Nach Dir Kommt Nicht (There'll be Nothing After You)
Ch 24- Ich Bin Nicht Ich (I am not Me)
Ch 25- Reden (Talking)
Ch 26- Rette Mich (Rescue Me)
Ch 27- Hilf mir Fliegen ( Help me Fly)
Epilogue- In Your Shadow


528 11 1
By Midnightriter


The viedo on the side is German, sorry.  I couldn't find the English perfomance of the song, but the English lyrics and song will be in part 2 of the chapter.


Zwischen die Welten/ Bin ich gefangen/ Koordinaten unbekannt/ Halt mich, sonst fall ich/ Halt mich/ Ich will mein Herz nicht/ Ich will den Schmerz nicht/ Ich will meine Kopft nicht/ Will den Scheiss nicht/ Will den Dreck nicht/ Will nicht


Take me all the way/ Release the pain/ I've thrown myself in too many worlds/ Foolish, and I know, loneliness hurts/ Hold me (I'm drowning)/ Hold me/ I'm done with senses/ I'm done with reasons/ I'm done with questions/ I'm done with hearing/ I'm done with feeling- Tokio Hotel- Humanoid

Ch 19 [Part 1]

January 11, 2011 

Tears wouldn't fall anymore. My eyes stayed dry, but it was useless to erase the painted tear stokes that engraved my skin. I kept swallowing the dry sockets in my throat, yet the pain lingered.

I paced the floor of the white tiled room. White. White. White. Everywhere I looked was bland, with the exception being a disgusting, pale, aqua green as a curtain to separate one room from another. The walls were bare. Only mobile machines hooked into the outlets lining the barrier between this room and the next.

I felt trapped; in my mind; in this room; in my life. Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. A black hole vacuuming everything in its sight to leave nothing behind.

With plethora amount of energy, I turned around. My eyes snapped closed so I wouldn't have to see my mum just lying there. Yet the image flashed across my eyes as I've seen her in this dull room. And with the dull room came incomplete thoughts, depressed and spiritless. I couldn't imagine her smile, her laugh, or even her lake green eyes that held wise truth to them. Pain. Indescribable pain - all I saw, though, heard.

Squeaking, the door opened slightly. "May I come in?" an authoritative voice asked, though it reaming timid as to not scare me.

"Sure." My voice lifeless voice stayed at a constant monotone level.

"Ms. Roseznwig," addressed the voice, clearly to the only other awake human in the room, me.

"That would be my mother. I go by Sephora."

"Ok, Sephora," he said keeping a cool tone, "your mother as you know-"

"-went through surgery for internal bleeding," I interrupted, pivoting my feet to view his full face. "I already know everything. Just because this is your first visit to the room while I happen to be awake, doctor, does not mean I am uninformed."

My eyes in the days that had passed, burned with a cold fire, building from the tension, sorrow, and bleakness. The natural alighted blue, stained gray with streaks of navy blue accented by the circles dipping into my face.

"I didn't know you had been told. My apologizes Sephora. And I'm sure you know the coma your mother is in is self-induced. From the brain trauma caused by the crash, her body needs time to repair what we cannot."

"I realize that," I snarked. "Now leave." As an after thought, I added, "Please?"

"I'll be back to check in later," he said glancing at his clipboard. Flipping pages while scribbling a few notes. "Oh, I forgot to mention, there is someone outside waiting. He claims he is family."

"Just leave. It's not a good time for either my mum or I."


Ok, extremely short chapter. I realize that. It's only the first half, but I know I wouldn't be able to finish it by tonight. Since it is the Twin's birthday I wanted to upload. Although, ironically, they don't happen to show in this chapter. It's not the best birthday present for them as this is a bit depressing chapter but you will find out more.

I'll try my hardest to finish the second half of this by Monday that is my goal. And there is a possibility I might come back to edit this.


Even if they don't know it, Bill and Tom have changed my life along with the rest of the band.

Until next time 


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