The Gray Sisters: Family Matt...

By angel48183

160K 6.6K 1.8K

Lex and Piper are ready to settle down and have a family of their own. After celebrating the wedding of Mic... More

Please wake up
It isn't fair
Who are you?
Have you lost your damn mind?
New surroundings, sort of
The heart leads the way
Sage advice
Meeting the infamous Grammy Gray
Human emotions
Unexpected help
Getting to know you
It's all good when you're conspiring together
Lock them up, boys and girls!
Getting to know Piper
When you come back to me
Love never dies
Damn son, you need to get a move on
Making up for lost time
Unsettling news
Planning a winter wedding
We cordially invite you to Lex and Piper's wedding
A Gray celebration
Honeymoon nightmares
Settling into married life
Boy or girl?
Welcome to the family Payton Gray
Life is crazy until you realize the raincoat broke
Here comes baby 2, Parker Gray
Family problems
Fearing love
You've got to be kidding me
So far, so good
Letting go with love
Live, laugh, and love
Five is enough
A new love
A surprise
A whole new generation of Gray antics with the Gray Family

First day of school

3.6K 162 36
By angel48183


Piper and I left the boys with Ma while we took Payton to school the first day. We met his teacher, who seemed nice. Let's hope Payton is kind to his teacher.

On my first day of school, my sisters and I sat in the principal's office after we tied up the teacher. She promptly quit after that. Yeah, don't ask what we did, because we were terrible.

We walked in as the teacher greeted us, and Payton looked at both of us. "Later, Ma and Pops," Payton told us as he walked away from us. Piper and I looked at each other, confused.

"When did I become a beverage?" I questioned her.

"Beats me." She shrugged as the teacher greeted us.

"I'm Mr. Hathaway. Don't worry, Payton will be in good hands." He smiled.

"It's not so much him that I'm worried about as it's you," I commented as Piper elbowed me. The teacher looked at us strangely as we shrugged.

Since Payton was adjusting to his surroundings, we left. I figure if they call me, it wouldn't surprise me. I dropped Piper off at the bakery and then picked up the boys.

I walked into yelling.

"Patton and Paxton, you leave Presley alone! Parker drops that donut!" Ma yelled as I walked in to find the twins trying to pounce on Presley and powder sugar all over Parker's mouth.

"Seriously?" I exclaimed as they all stopped and looked at me.

"Hey, Pops," Parker grinned.

I shook my head as I walked over to the twins and peeled them off of Presley while Ma cleaned up Parker.

"Sorry, Ma, I told them to behave," I apologized to her.

She chuckled. "They remind me of you and your sisters. How was dropping Payton off for his first day of school?" She questioned me.

"Oh, you know, we're chopped liver," I shrugged as she giggled.

I looked at my other boys. "What am I going to do with you four?"

"Go see, Ma." Parker shrugged as I gave him a look. He was astute for his good, and he did everything early. The other boys developed liked most kids did, but not Parker. He was brilliant for his age.

I got all their stuff together and loaded them up in the car, then took them home. They kept me pretty busy until I could go pick up Payton. The only problem is that the twins fell asleep and I couldn't find anyone to stay with them long enough, so I could pick up Payton. Piper's stuck at the bakery because they got slammed with customers.

I went into panic mode, trying to find someone to pick up Payton. While I was trying to deal with this situation, someone helped me out without me knowing.


I finished up at work as the last student left when I packed up and started to leave to go home. I walked out of the school and saw Greg with Payton.

"Greg?" I said, getting his attention.

"Hey, Kaiden," Greg greeted me.

I looked at Payton. "Hey, buddy. Where's your dad?"

"I don't know. Pops said he would pick me up," Payton answered with a shrug.

I looked at him; Lex would never forget Payton. Something must have happened. I called him. After the first ring, he picked up.

"Kaiden?" Lex frantically asked.

"Lex, is there a reason Payton is still at the school?" I questioned him.

"Piper got swamped at the bakery, so my ma had to help Piper and Dad. The twins fell asleep, and I can't find anyone to stay with the boys," he spoke in a panic tone.

"How about I bring Payton home?" I asked him as I heard him sigh with relief.

"Kaiden, I would owe you big time," he told me as I agreed. I hung up and slid my phone into my pocket. I looked at Greg. "Lex's tied up with the boys and they swamp Piper. I can take him home."

"Are you sure because I can wait until Lex can come and pick him up?" Greg asked me.

"You probably have a wife to get home to now. I don't want to keep you," I commented as I took Payton's hand from him.

"No wife," he mentioned as I looked at him while Payton watched us.

"Okay, girlfriend," I corrected myself. I forgot some people don't marry.

"No girlfriend either, I think my ex-boyfriend would notice," he casually said as he smiled.

"Oh, well, uh," I stammered, not knowing what to say.

"Kaiden, it's fine. I don't hide the fact that I'm gay; I don't talk about it either. Most people get weirded out when they find out, so I don't discuss my personal life," he assures me. It was true. Greg never really talked about his personal life to anyone. I assumed he had a girlfriend or wife.

"Okay, we will go," I mentioned as I held Payton's hand as we turned and walked to my car. It's a good thing that I had a car seat for Kaxon, or it would royally screw me. I buckled Payton into the car seat and then got into the front seat.

I drove him home as he asked, "Do you like my teacher, Kaiden?" His question took me by surprise. How does a kid like him know these things?

"Uh, well, I'm not sure. Why do you ask?" I inquired.

"Well, Ma and Pops act weird around each other like you and Mr. Hathaway did," Payton mentioned.

"Payton, adults, are that way when they like someone," I reasoned.

"Not me, girls have cooties," he replied, making a face.

"One day, you will think differently," I commented to him as he stuck his tongue out at me. Cute kid, you have there, Lex.

I brought him home, and it relieved Lex that I did. We talked for a bit as his boys played.

"You know, if you need someone to bring Payton home, I could help you," I offered as he stopped helping Presley and looked at me. "It was just a suggestion," I shrugged.

"Does this have anything to do with a certain kindergarten teacher?" Lex asked me, arching an eyebrow.

"What? Nope," I responded as he gave me an 'uh-huh' look. "I finish with relationships and love," I told him as he kept looking at me. "Stop looking at me like that, it will not happen," I commented as I turned to leave. I heard him chuckled as I closed the door behind me.

Sure, Greg was handsome, but I refused to get involved with someone. I might get another Mitch, and I didn't want that. Not after what I went through with Mitch. As far as it concerns me, it was too risky. I was better alone.

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