Trampled by my love of One Di...

By lilmissoverdramatic

5.7K 55 5

Jessica Lewis is your typical One Direction fan...until one night at their concert in LA changed everything... More

Trampled by my love of One Direction
Chapter 1:The concert: Jess's POV,
Chapter 2: Backstage and the aftermath, Louis' POV
Chapter 3: The next morning, Jess' POV
Chapter 4: The explaination, Louis POV
Chapter 6: Unconventional thoughts? Louis POV
Chapter 7: Awkward much? Jess"s POV
Chapter 7, Part 2: "Geez guys, way to make this awkward!" Louis POV
Chapter 8: Fangirling on the inside, Jess's POV
Chapter 9: Smooth operater, Louis POV
Chapter 10: Conversations and text messages, Jess's POV
Chapter 11: Fanboying on the inside, Louis POV
Chapter 12: Meeting up and branching out, Jess's POV
Chapter 12 part 2: Dictating and seperating, Louis POV
Chapter 13: Ferris wheels and secret fears, Jess POV, Louis POV
Chapter 14: Safe in his arms, Jess POV, Louis POV
Chapter 15: Second kisses and flirty goodbyes, Jess POV
Chapter 16: Daydream vs Reality, Louis POV
Authors note
Chapter 17: Just friends?! Screw that! Jess POV
Chapter 18: What have I done?! Louis POV, Niall POV
Authors note
Chapter 19: 5 and a half weeks later...Jess POV
Chapter 20: Confessions, Louis POV
Chapter 21: Love?! Really?! Jess POV
Chapter 22: Well well, what do we have here? Louis POV, Jess POV
Authors note-Last AN, i swear!!
Chapter 23: Just friends huh? Niall POV
Chapter 24: Hmm feisty...Louis likey Louis POV
Chapter 25: One year later Louis POV, Jess POV
The end? No way!
Sequel in progress
Good god, i hope no one judges me for how 2012 alot of these references are

Chapter 5: Singing in the shower, Jess POV

226 4 0
By lilmissoverdramatic

Jessica's POV

"Wait a sec, did you just say your flat?! im in your house?!" i said, not daring to believe it. This kind of thing only happens in movies or my wildest fantasies...the ones where i get swept away by... Suddenly i realized that i must have a really far out dreamy look on my face cuz Louis was chuckling again. "Yes of course our house, where'd you think we'd be, some random shack in the woods? And they say Americans are supposed to be with it" he said with that sexy accent of his. "Oh shit, my friend Maddie is probably wondering why i didn't come home last night...she probably thinks i just ditched her last night...i'd better text to tell her im okay and to come get me...whats the address to this place anyways?" i asked Louis urgently. Before he could answer, another voice chimed in. "Can we trust that she won't tell everybody where we live?" Liam Payne of One Direction was leaning casually against the doorway, eyebrows furrowed in concern. "Oh relax Daddy direction, i just need her to come get me, thats all...then i'll be out of your hair..." i said, rolling my eyes overdramatically. Louis, who had been holding back chuckles, had started laughing at my "daddy" comment. "Hey guys should i make up an extra plate for our guest? Is she awake now?" an adorable Irish accent chimed in. Niall's head was peeking in the room and he was staring in fascination at me. i grinned at him, i can see why Maddie likes him, he's so adorably Irish "Yes Niall of One Direction, i am awake, i would love if you could make more breakfast and if someone could provide the address to this place... please?" i said as sweetly as i could. With that, Niall bolted off to the kitchen to finish making a second helping of breakfast. I could hear him arguing with Harry about what sounded like orange juice. Liam just grumbled and left the room. Louis provided me with the address and told me to tell Maddie to use the back door. "Don't mind Liam, he's just super protective of the band...Do you need to shower or anything? Im sure you'd love to get the smell of asphalt and teenage girl desperation off you" said Louis, chuckling again as he placed his hand lightly on my shoulder. As he did, i felt as if a slight jolt of electricity had gone through my body. "I'd love too, but i have no other clothes to change into" i said lamely, shrugging my shoulders. I wonder if he felt that jolt as well? But his poetic voice interrupted my scattered thoughts "No problem, just grab some towels from the closet and i'll take care of the rest...i'll just leave the ice pack on the nightstand for you" Louis said with a wink as he left the room. I just sat there for a minute trying to soak in what was happening. Me, Jessica Lewis, in the house of one of my fave boybands, One Direction, about to use a shower they probably use everyday...wait no, get a grip, no fangirling...but when he touched my shoulder, i swear i felt a jolt of electricity...but thats crazy, he would never go for not even famous enough or pretty enough for him... i thought sadly as i grabbed towels from the closet and went into the guest bathroom. I noticed there were ipod speakers there, so i went and grabbed my ipod from my purse(i brought it to listen to on the bus ride to and from the concert), plugged it in and hopped in the shower, blasting 1D's(what else?) "One Thing"...

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