Chapter 8: Fangirling on the inside, Jess's POV

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Jessicas POV

Harry Styles just whistled at me! And did Louis just throw him a dirty look because of it? Is Louis jealous? No way... That's nuts! He's not interested in he?

But then Louis' voice interrupted my thoughts, "Geez Harry, way to make her feel uncomfortable! Sorry about him, want some food love?" he said gesturing towards the dining room table, which was loaded with food. I realized how hungry i was and muttered a "yes please". i took the ice pack away from my head and placed it on the table before loading up my plate and sitting down...i had been eating for a few minutes when i heard a knock at the back door. Niall jumped up and went to answer the door. All of a sudden, i heard a shriek and a thud. It suddenly dawned on me that Maddie was the one at the door and that she probably fainted at the sight of Niall answering the door. i quickly dropped my fork and ran to the back door where i could see Niall looking curiously at Maddie. "Is this your friend Maddie? i didn't mean to make her faint, honest" he said sheepishly, staring at his toes. I sighed as i patted Niall on the shoulder, "Don't worry about it Niall and yes this is her and you were the last person i wanted to answer the door cuz i knew she would react this're her ABSOLUTE favorite member of 1D. You're the only one she talks about and all she's ever thought about is meeting you" i said, bending down to check Maddie's pulse. Out of the corner of my eye, i noticed Niall staring at Maddie and he caught my eye, he started to blush slightly. Was Niall just checking out Maddie? She would sooo be loving that! Maddie began to stir, i motioned for Niall to leave, which he did, swiftly. "Hey Jess, i think i must be going nuts! I swear i just saw my 1D crush, Niall Horan, answer the door! Am i losing it?" she asked with all sincerity. Behind Maddie's back, I noticed Harry and Louis peeking around the corner, giant smirks on their faces. I threw them both a dirty look before answering, "No Maddie, you weren't imagining it...that WAS Niall Horan of 1D, this is their house...i'll explain it all later" i said as realization dawned on her face. "But you absolutely CANNOT tweet, text or facebook this address out...i swear, Liam would probably kill you..." i said as Maddie started to hyperventilate, "C-can i, like come inside?" she stammered as she glanced hopefully down the hallway. I shrugged my shoulders and motioned for her to come in. I led her to the kitchen where the guys were waiting. "Guys, this is my friend Maddie, Maddie, i'm sure you know who these lovely lads are" i said as she shook each of their hands vigourously, lingering with Niall the longest, blush evident on her cheeks. I noticed blush twinging on Niall's cheeks again. He so likes her! He made eye contact with me briefly and i gave him a wink and a nod...

Trampled by my love of One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now