Chapter 18: What have I done?! Louis POV, Niall POV

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Louis POV

I hit send on my phone and then buried my face into my hands. What the hell have i just done?! I've probably made the only normal girl i've met in a long time hate my guts and think she was a rebound from my relationship from Eleanor! She probably thinks im a total asshole! Half those words and phrases i used weren't even true! I don't want to be just friends, i think i love her! I may have just made the biggest mistake of my life!! My eyes started to well up with tears. Suddenly Niall appeared at my doorway, "Hey, we're ordering pizza, you want any?" I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes and shook my head, "No thanks man, im not really that hungry to be honest" i said, my voice cracking a little. "Hey, are you alright? Your mood's kinda gone downhill since we got home" said Niall, sitting next to me on my bed, his voice full of concern. I quickly shook my head, "I-it's nothing, really", i said turning away from him to look out my window. Niall patted me on the shoulder sympathetically and proceeded to walk out of my bedroom.

Niall's POV

One look at Louis told me something was DEFINATELY wrong...he NEVER turned down pizza! I'm pretty sure it has something to do with that girl Jessica. When i had been sleeping in the van on the way back to the house, i swore i could hear Louis and Liam arguing over Jessica and the best way to break the news to her. I assumed they were talking about the fact we were gonna be touring the country, promoting our album. Something must've happened between Lou and Jess for Louis to be arguing so passionately about it, otherwise it wouldn't have affected him this much. I mean Maddie and I had planned on keeping in touch, but only as friends, even though i had a massive crush on her and i was sure she liked me. I didn't dare mention it to the lads, considering i'd probably get the same speech from Liam that Louis probably got, even though Maddie and I never acted couply in front of them. Guess I'll just have to wait and see how this all pans out...

Trampled by my love of One DirectionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora