Chapter 15: Second kisses and flirty goodbyes, Jess POV

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Jessica's POV

I was kind of glad to be off the ride, but sad at the same time cuz if we had been up there longer, i could've kissed Louis for longer. I was still in dreamland over our kiss, i couldn't believe it had happened. i mean we had barely met 24 hours ago, and yet, it felt like we had known each other for years...oh, and HE FREAKING KISSED ME!!!!!! And he told me i was beautiful!! i couldn't wait to tell Maddie. But as i looked over at Lou, he seemed a bit distant, like he was thinking about what had just happened. Did he feel something when we kissed? Is he scared of what his bandmates will say about it? Sooo many unanswered questions!! I thought as we walked towards our respective cars. We were almost to our cars when i felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to find Louis grinning at me and before i could say anything, he pulled me in behind the nearest car for another kiss, this one more heated and passionate than the one in the gondola. I threw my arms around his neck and before long, my hands were tangled in his hair and his hands were resting on my waist. When we finally broke apart, i was grinning ear to ear, but i was blushing like mad, again. Louis just chuckled. "I love that i have that effect on you, the blush on your cheeks is really compliments your eyes...and i meant what i said have no idea how beautiful you are and don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise" he said, brushing my hair away from my eyes. i couldn't help but giggle, "We'd better get to our cars, the others might start to wonder...but here's something to remember me by", i said flirtatiously as i gave him a lingering kiss on the cheek, "Text you later" I saw his cheeks start to redden and he smiled. I gave him a little wave and headed over to Maddie's car

Trampled by my love of One DirectionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ