
By ddlovato201

34.7K 580 427

How Emison should have been I think. Emily is intersex. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Not a chapter
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Not a chapter

Chapter 5

1.3K 21 7
By ddlovato201

1 week later

Ali's pov

So Emily's birthday is coming up I can't wait I don't know what I'm going to do for it I think a surprise party for her. Today the girls have a photo shoot in New York so Emily and the girls and I are going to the city for the weekend.

Ali: ok I got everything for them!

Emily: did you pump baby?

Ali: yep got that all we need to do is just get dressed.

Ali: I'll get the girls baby just pack up the car please.

I walk into there room I see them in the same crib we put them in the same crib sometimes we think they sleep better like that.

Ali: hey girls it's time to get up.

I whispered I rub there tummy's they start to wake up but start crying.

Ali: ok shshshsh it's ok mommy is here don't cry.

They cry even louder I pick Shea up Emily comes running in.

Ali: I think today is going to be a crabby day for them!

She picks up Brea but she reaches for me I take her I sit in the rocking chair with them. I calm them down we change them quick.

They start to cry again I sit in the chair I feed them before we go.

Ali: it's going to be a long day.

Emily: yeah but we'll be good. Did you find out what the movie is going to be called yet?

Ali: um yeah GBF gay best friend it's going to be fun I think.

Shea starts to hit my boob she unlatches and starts to cry.

Ali: baby take her please I think I'm out on the side can you give her a bottle please.

Emily: yep I got it baby!

She goes down stairs I finish with brea she fell asleep witch is good a nice car ride. I walk down stairs Shea fell asleep we put them in the car and we head to the hotel. I look at her and whisper.

Ali: so I was thinking we can go to the zoo after the photo shoot?

Emily: yeah that's fine baby we can get some family time with the twins and girls.

Ali: yeah it's going to be so much fun.

Emily: so the baby thing I was thinking maybe we should wait till senior year like after Christmas?

Ali: well I think it's kinda late for that.

I turn and look at her.

Emily: what do you mean baby?

Ali:um I'm pregnant.

Emily: no really baby for real!?

I try not to laugh oh this prank is going to be good.

Ali: I'm for real baby shshshsh the girls are sleeping.

Emily: yes I New it how long have you known?

Ali: I just took a test before we left.

Emily: ok I can't wait to tell the girls.

Oh this is so good I can't wait till we get to the hotel.

4 hours later

We finally make it we had to stop for the girls and the bathroom. We park the car it's 12 the shoot is at 2:30 we get the stuff out and the girls. I walk to the elevator with the girls Emily has the bag.

Emily: I can't wait to see there faces!

Ali: me too!

Emily: Shea and Brea mommy is having a baby!!

Brea: baby!!

Emily: yeah a baby hopefully a baby brother!

We get to the penthouse and the girls are in the kitchen. Emily puts the bags down the girls come running over we hug.

Demi: come here Shea bean!!

Emily: I have news!!

Spencer: what happened?!

Emily: baby you want to tell them or no?

Ali: it's all yours.



Han: no way really!?

Ali: yep we are I took one this morning.

Aria: wow congratulations!!

Demi: yeah I'm so happy for you!

Spencer: congratulations!!

I go to the living room and sit on the coach with Brea I start to get sleepy I fall asleep at some point.

Emily: baby it's 2 we have to leave for the shoot.

Ali: ok let me go pee then we can leave.

I run to the bathroom I use it I run out and grab Brea from Emily we put them in the car and drive to the place. We get to the place and it looks like a wedding them.

Photo: hey you must be the twins parents?

Ali: yeah Alison and Emily your Chris right?

Chris: yes ok so we will get the girls changed and then we can get started.

We get them ready I see two girls come up to us.

Ali: hi I'm Alison!

Mad: I'm Maddison and this is Savannah!

Sav: you can call me sav

Mad: you can call me mad

Ali: call me Ali and this is my girlfriend Emily baby say hi!

She runs over with Hanna.

Emily: hey I'm Emily the baby daddy!

Han: good one!

They high five I just roll my eyes.

Ali: this is Shea and Brea there pretty good with new people.

They take the girls and they do good.

Ali: oh you girls look so cute baby don't they look cute!?

I look back and she's at the snake table with Hanna and Demi eating everything.

Emily: yep they look nice baby!

She doesn't even turn around whatever.

Aria: they are cute!

Shea: mommy!!

Ali: yes baby what happened?

Shea: milk!

I take her and I get her bottle from the bag.

Ali: can you guys save the pregnant women some food to!

Emily: sorry baby we forgot.

I walk away Shea finished the bottle I burp her she goes but with Maddison.

Chris: were going to be starting please get in position.

They start the girls are so cute I see Brea kiss Shea it's so cute.

Shea hits Brea in the face and starts to laugh Brea hits Shea back I run over to them.

Ali: hey stop hitting be nice to each other she's no hitting! Love you girls.

They start up again the girls don't fight again they take a break I try and feed them but there to busy in a conversation with each other.

Ali: baby look I think there talking to each other?

Emily: that's so funny I wonder what they are saying.



Ali: guys be nice don't yell at each other.

Brea hits her try looking at me like she's saying no.

Shea: no!!

Emily: oh shit Ali there coming for you!

Ali: hey don't yell at me little girl I'm your milk supply.

I keep feeding them they start the photo shoot with just the girls.

They do a group one with all the babies.

They finish up and it's 4 so we have time to go to the zoo. I never got the chance to take them cause we had to keep on the move.

Emily: ok lets go to the zoo!

We go to the car and head to the zoo the paparazzi is here cause of Demi we get there stroller and blankets from the trunk. We walk into the zoo the girls are loving all the animals.

Ali: look Brea elephant!

She reaches for it but I hold her back. We go to the sloth one all she does is bang on the class when we walk away she cry's for all of them.

Emily: this was fun baby.

Ali: I know we should come more often for them.

Emily: how you feeling nauseous or tired?

Ali: no I'm good baby plus I have to tell you something when we get back to the hotel.

Emily: ok baby.

We keep walking around we start to get hungry the girls are getting really cranky.

Emily: lets go get something to eat baby.

Han: Ali can we please go eat?

Ali: but I want the girls to see the rest of the zoo!

Han: we can come back tomorrow promise it's only March so no ones really come here.

Ali: fine Demi you know any places?

Demi: yeah there's this Italian place down the street come on.

Spencer: oh carmines I love this place!

I turn around I see paparazzi coming our way.

Ali: baby put Shea in the stroller there coming.

We put them in they don't like that and they start to cry we walk into the restaurant and try to calm them down.

Hostess: hi please come table for 6 and two high chairs right?

Emily: yeah thanks!

Hostess: yeah anytime sweetheart!

What the hell is she hitting on Emily oh she better walk away I will kill her.

Ali: babe can you get Shea please.

I glare at her the whole time on the way to the table I sit next to her I put Brea on my right she puts Shea on my left.

Aria: so we share everything we get here right?

Demi: yeah let's get a salad to start!

We all nod the waitress comes and and she won't stop staring at Emily.

Waitress: what would you like to get to drink beautiful?

Emily: um I would like a sprit and two apple juices for my daughters baby what do you want?

She turns to me I look at her surprised I recover.

Ali: have a water.

She looks annoyed when Emily won't look at her I grab Emily's hand and she looks at me confused. I lean in and we kiss it turns into a make out session we're pulled away by the girls yelling.

Ali: love you babe.

Emily: I don't have eyes for anyone else but you.

I turn to the girls there just yelling for no reason I get there pacifiers from the bag and give it to them.

Ali: here girls.

Aria: where did you get those?

Ali: I got them from amazon aren't they so cute?!

Demi: yeah.

Spencer: so what are you guys doing for the new baby's room?

Emily: I think we might need to move out and get our own place.

Oh shit I have to think of something oh hot it.

Ali: we don't have to move out yet we can wait till after the baby cause they will have to sleep in our room for a while.

Emily: wait really why?

Ali: cause they are babies I did that with Shea and Brea did you read any of the baby books I got you?

Emily: yes !

Ali: ok

The waitress comes back with our drinks she takes our order I get the girl soup. I start to get board I go on my phone and go on amazon I look at strollers for the girls I hate the one they have know. I find the perfect one I put it on my cart I look at the price Emily is never going to let me get it unless I give her something.

Ali: hey babe!

I rub her leg she looks at me with an annoyed face like what do you want.

Emily: what Alison?

Ali: so I was wondering if I can get this stroller for the girls please I hate the one they have.

Emily: let me see a picture.

Emily: it's nice how much is it?

Ali: 700

I mumble.

Emily: what I can't here you baby?

Ali: it's um $700 babe.

She chokes on her water and gets the tables attention I roll my eyes cause she's being extra.

Emily: nope we're not getting it.

Ali: why baby please I really like it you said you liked it too.

I do my puppy dog ears.

Emily: baby we have to save money for the new baby.

Ali: ok well about that I'm not pregnant it was a prank I wanted to get you back for what you did to me.

Emily: oh I'm so getting you back and you have to call grandma back and tell her your not pregnant.

She smiles at me god why me.

Ali: I hate you.

Emily: I love you too!

The food comes it looks so good I feed the girls there soups we finished eating we head back to the hotel we put the girls in the swing for a little.

Ali: they love that thing best thing we ever got I think.

Emily: definitely I really like it let's go see what the girls are doing in the kitchen.

We walk to the kitchen there just talking about what we're doing tomorrow.

Ali: the girls have a photo shoot tomorrow you guys can go shopping while we're there we can meet up with you?

Aria: no we'll come with you guys where are the girls?

Ali: I'm there swings there so cute they probably fell asleep.

I walk to the living room and they are knocked out we put them in the pac n play in our room. I push Emily down on the bed we make out but we don't do anything cause of the girls.

Ali: so I think we should wait till senior year baby.

Emily: I'm fine with that baby for my birthday can we not do anything I just want to spend time with you and the twins please

Ali: ok I can make that happen goodnight babe

Emily: goodnight my queen.

Next day at photo shoot

Ali: I don't like that girl with our kids.

Spencer: she looks really creepy.

Emily: baby look what I bought I thought we can start vloging with the twins. JoJo said it would be fun plus we get money if we get a lot of views!

JoJo: yeah Ali that's ok for her to do right.

She smiles at me oh I want to choke her.

Ali: whatever makes you happy baby!

Emily: great I'll think of our channel name!

She walks away I turn to Spencer she looks confused.

Spencer: why would you let her do that do you know how much work that is I read that it can split up a lot of family's and relationships.

Ali: well I won't let it get like that I know it's a lot of work you see with Emily she gets bored with things quick she'll only have it for like two weeks the most.

Spencer: whatever you say.

Emily comes running up to us.

Emily: I invited JoJo to the zoo and spend the day with us the girls love her look!!

I I take a deep breath and smile at her.

Ali: that's great baby can I have a kiss?

Emily: not right know baby JoJo is helping vlog!

They walk away god help me this bitch is trying to steal my family.

Spencer: how old is she?

Ali: 17

Emily: baby lets go to the zoo we're leaving!

Ali: ok let me put the girls in the stroller.

JoJo: no I got it I put them in for you!

She smirks at me I push her and take the stroller we start walking to the car.

Ali: I'm driving baby!

I take the keys from her we head to the zoo we take out the girls.

Demi: ok so where should we start first!

Ali: how about-

JoJo: the sharks!

Aria: ok!

We walk I take Brea out so she can see the sharks she taps the glass the shark is coming near us she starts to get scared.

Brea: NNNOOO!!!

Ali: it's ok baby mommy's here it's ok it won't hurt you.

Brea: NO!!

She cry's harder I see her reach behind me I turn around and see that bitch JoJo.

Ali: no it's ok stay with mommy.

I keep walking she try's to get out of my arms I hand her to JoJo she calms right down. I can literally hear my heart break I walk out and sit on a bench and cry.

Demi: hey Ali you ok?

Ali: no ok I'm not my own kids like her more than me!

I wipe my tears and look at her.

Demi: they love you your there mom at the end of the day they will come back to you.

Ali: really I feel like they like her more and Emily likes her more than me.

Emily: no I don't I love you baby!

I stand up I didn't know she was there.

Ali: how much did you hear of that?

Emily: all of it they do love you baby every time you walk into a room they go ballistic  don't ever think they don't cause your wrong and I love you too baby.

I hug her she's the best we walk back in and I take the girls from her.

Ali: can we go get something to eat I'm kinda hungry.

Han: sure we can go to the cafe they have here.

We walk to the cafe Emily and I sit alone away from the group we just talk.

Emily: so what should we do with the photo shoot money for the girls?

Ali: um I was thinking we can use it for there birthday and the rest for there college what do you think?

Emily: yeah we can do that.

Ali: I was thinking for after I shoot my movie we can go on vacation before school starts up just me and you so alone time.

Emily: yes are you going to take the girls with you to California or you going to leave them with me?

Ali: um what do you think we should do we can have a trade of every month?

Emily: yeah we can but are you going to breastfeed them still if we do that cause I don't produce anything.

She jokes.

Ali: no I'll stop by then they will be 1 so when they at 11 months I'll stop we can do formula for them.

Emily: so about the movie you sure you want to go?

Ali: yeah why?

Emily: I don't want you to change I'm going to miss you a lot.

Ali: I will too we can FaceTime all the time even when I'm alone.

Emily: that would be great oh I'm so going to miss those lips.

Ali: really I'll miss you little friend everyday.

She keeps looking at my face.

Ali: is there something on my face?

Emily: no it's perfect.

I blush I can't with her she so romantic how am I going to do three months without her.

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