The Doll-A TAWoG Fan-made Epi...

By SynthMusic

5.8K 117 81

Christmas has just ended and everyone is relaxing from the stress of the holiday season...that is everyone bu... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Six
Bonus Chapter: Ending Theme

Part Five

606 15 1
By SynthMusic

*Song starts*

Adele let out a blood-curdling scream as the two brothers stared in horror. 

     "What do we do now!!!" Darwin yelled into the walkie talkie, his voice cracking in fear. 
"Just try to find a place to hide and whatever you do, don't  let her possess you! Anais and I will be right there!" Carrie called back. She and Anais nodded and they quickly ran down the basement stairs, abandoning the video monitors.

     Gumball and Darwin ran quickly, trying to find a place to hide. Gumball then saw a pipe-line that was big enough for him and Darwin to fit through. "Quick, in here!" He said and the two boys quickly crawled inside, breathing heavily. They then heard footsteps walk towards the pipe and whimpered in fear. 

     "YoU'd beTteR cOmE oUT, yoU pUnks!" Adele's distorted voice echoed through the room. Gumball began to hyperventilate and Darwin quickly put a hand over his mouth to keep him from making any noise. "Shhh!! You're gonna make her hear us!" He whispered as quietly as possible. "Well, what else am I supposed to do?!" Gumball yelled quietly while crossing his arms. "Plus, the last thing I'm pretty sure both of us want is for us to be possessed by some demon who looks like she was born in an insane asylum!" Gumball then heard a growl behind him and his tail twitched in fear. 

" just poked a bear, mate!" Darwin squeaked.

     The two boys yelled as Adele picked up the pipe telepathically and threw it on the floor with a loud bang. Gumball and Darwin tumbled out and quickly ran to the other side of the room. "Darwin! Gumball! Where are you?!" Called out a voice. Gumball gasped. "Anais!" He and Darwin ran towards the sound of the voice and sure enough, Carrie and Anais were at the base of the stairs.



"Darwin, are you hurt?"

  "No, just traumatized is all." 

Carrie hugged her boyfriend close. "We have to get out of here, now!" She yelled sternly. 

"Oh nO yOu dOn'T!" The quartet gasped and turned around. Adele slowly floated towards them, her black, unruly hair flowling. "I'M nOt FiNisHed witH yOu yeT!" She snarled. 
"Adele, please, just let it go!" Carrie yelled. "We understand that  you are mad, but it's been 144 years! " 

"NO!" Adele retorted, her eyes glowing in rage. Anais held on to her two brothers for comfort. "I've bEeN dOoMeD to lIve a LiFeTiMe of DamNAtIoN in LiMbO, aNd I wILl nOt waSte a SinGle mOmeNt tO fInD My kIlLer! He tOoK EVERYTHING aWaY fRoM me...." Her eyes scanned the room until they landed on Anais. "....aND nOw, I'Ll take everything aWaY fRoM yOu!" 

"Wha-Hey! Let me go-mrph!" Anais gasped as Adele pulled her towards her telepathically and covered her mouth with her hand. 

"No!" Darwin yelled! "Let go of our little sister!" He ordered. 

    Adele laughed evilly. "HA! oR WhAt?!" She mocked. "You're gOnNa cAlL tHe police oN mE?! BeCauSe I"m pReTty sUrE thAt ThEy're nOT gOnnA falL foR A rePorT inVoLViNg tHe kiDnAppIng of some 4-yeAr-oLd buNny bY soMe,...wHaT wAs thAt yOu caLleD mE?" She turned towards Gumball and her eyes filled with rage. "oH, YeS!" She cleared her throat and her voice changed to Gumball's very own. "'Some demon who looks like she was born in an INSANE ASYLUM!!!!

Gumball let out a nervous laugh, and a huge lump slowly slid down his throat. 

Adele began to caress the frightened bunny, who whimpered in fear. "I'Ll bE TaKiNg CaRe oF tHiS oNE wHiLe yOu GuYs trY tO fiNd A waY oUt." She said, smiling slyly. 

"W-what do you mean??" Darwin stammered.

     Adele chuckled and snapped her fingers. Immediately the room around them began to catch on fire. Gumball gasped and then yelped as his tail began to catch on fire. He quickly put it out and looked up at Adele, his blood boiling in rage. 

"GoOd LuCk..." Adele waved and teleported away with Anais.

     "NO!!" Gumball screamed out and tears filled his eyes. He turned towards Darwin and Carrie. "We have to get her back!" He growled. "How!?" yelled Carrie. "It's literally boiling in here! Plus, the oxygen is decreasing as we speak, so if you guys stay here any longer, you'll die!" 

     "Then we've gotta act fast!" Darwin suggested. Carrie nodded and conjured two oxygen masks out of thin air. "These will let you breathe in here," She said quickly. " and don't worry about, me." The two boys stared at her, confused.  

"Remember? I'm dead. I literally can't be affected by anything!"

     "Oh, yeah, right." Gumball realized. He and Darwin looked at each other and nodded in unison. "We're coming for you, Anais." Darwin muttered.


Anais, groaned and opened her eyes slowly. "Wha...where am I?" She muttered groggily. 

"SImpLe." replied a distorted female voice. "I've hidDeN yOu. SomeWhere wHeRe yOur brOthErs wIll nEveR fInD yOu."

     "Release me! NOW!!" Anais yelled in protest. She tried to get up, but couldn't. "Wha-huh?" She looked behind her to see that Adele had tied her hands behind her back. Anais grunted and tried to break free. 

     "Oh, STrUGglInG's nOt goNNA hElP, SweEtHeArT." Adele crouched down and held the bunny's chin so her eyes met her gaze. "I'T oNlY mAkEs iT WorsE..." She chuckled evilly and got up. "What do you want from me?!" Anais whimpered. Beads of sweat began to form on her forhead due to the heat in the room. 

     Adele, slowly circled Anais. "HE tOoK EveRytHInG I lOvEd AwAy FrOm Me." My FaMiLY ,My FRiEnDs, PeOpLe THaT I LoVeD. BuT nOw, iT AlL CoMeS dOwn tO tHiS... " 

     By now, it seemed almost impossible to breath. Anais began to cough uncontrollably. "P-please, s-someone...-h-help.." She tried to stay awake but the smoke from the flames continued to restrict her lungs. Anais' body grew limp and slipped into an unconscious state. 


    "Anais!!!" C'mon, sis! Where are you?!" Darwin called, his voice muffled from the oxygen mask. "Any luck?" He turned towards Gumball, who was looking underneath some burnet pieces of wood. 

     "No, nothing!" Gumball replied in a panic. Darwin whimpered and drooped his head. His eyes then widened as he saw a door in the corner of the room. "Wait! We haven't looked there yet." He grabbed Gumball by the shoulder and pointed to the door. 

     "That must be where Adele's keeping her..." Gumball growled deep in his throat and retracted his claws. 
"Wow! Dude, I've never seen you use your claws like that." Darwin said. 

    "Huh? Wow!" Gumball looked at his paws and retracted his claws again. They looked pretty sharp, as if they could cut through  sheer glass. "I never really thought about it." He chuckled and pounded his hand into his fist.  "Figured I'd use these one day."  He and Darwin  ran the door and was about to open it when Darwin pulled his arm back. "Wait! Don't touch it! If you do, you could burn your hand pretty badly!" "Then how do we get in?!" Gumball yelled dreadfully. 

     "Stand back! I got this!" Darwin saw a small pipe on the floor and picked it up. He then ran to the door and with all his might, hit the doorknob with it. Gumball flinched a little and then his eyes widened in surprise as Darwin opened the door within seconds. The boys made no hesitation and went inside the room. Immediately, they saw their sister's limp body sitting in the middle of the room.

     "Anais!! No!!" Gumball screamed in horror and ran over to her body. He saw the ropes around her hands and used his claws to cut her free, being careful not to scratch her. Darwin's eyes filled with tears and he quickly summoned Carrie as the fire began to die down. "Carrie, teleport us out here, now!!" Carrie nodded. Gumball picked up Anais' body and Carrie teleported out of the basement and into the boys' bedroom.  

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