Niall Horan Imagines

By Meshabeyond

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(1) Just a collection of Niall Horan imagines written by me. © 2014 by Meshabeyond More

Niall Horan Imagines
He likes you
He's Leaving You
Bad Suprises
How Could You
Taking a break
Can't be Happening
Back Together?
Fifteen Party (Requested)
Fifteen Party
Not Ready
Never Stopped Loving you
Never meant to be
Happy 21st Niall!
It's Just acting
Update (Requests Etc)
A Perfect Suprise (Requested)
You can tell me anything
No More Pranks
Accidents in Starbucks (Requested)
Costume Love :3
How could you think that?
Best Friend(Something new)
Babysitting Wendy(Something new)
Song imagines
Better Together
Give your heart a break
Late Night Arguements
Twitter Complications (Requested)
Sickly in Love
Faith Brought Us Together (Requested)
Once in a Lifetime
Jealous Bestfriend(Requested)
Fix a heart
Honeymoon Avenue(7 Days Of Ariana)
Daydreamin' (6 Days of Ariana)
Why Try (5 Days of Ariana)
Almost is never enough (Four Days Of Ariana)
Welcome Back Daddy! (Idea)
Events & Unexpected Surprises
Informational Sequences?
Drunken Mistake
Druken Mistake (Part two)
Coach Rivalries (Idea)
New Update
Little bit of Information :)
First TwitCam
Just a little bit of your heart
Overly Coached (Idea)
Broken Without You (Inspired Song imagine)
Always & Forever (Inspired Song Imagine)
Family Concert Surprise (Something New)
Break Time (Something New)
Drunk Niall.
Mullingar & Instagram posts
Question & Answers
You Don't Know Me
Happy Anniversary + Random notes
My Everything
I think I'm in love
I'm thankful for....
Secret Love Song, PT II (AU)
Not doing it
Secret Love Song (bonus)
Miss me ?
Writing again :)
I don't love you anymore (Secret Love song part II bonus)
Cheating prank
Hi hunssss x
Survior 2
2018 updates !!
Drag Me Down

Stay with me

4.9K 77 7
By Meshabeyond

Stay with me by Sam Smith

Guess it's true, I'm not good at a one-night stand

But I still need love 'cause I'm just a man

These nights never seem to go to plan

I don't want you to leave, will you hold my hand?

Oh, won't you stay with me?

'Cause you're all I need

This ain't love it's clear to see

But darling, stay with me

Why am I so emotional?

No it's not a good look, gain some self control

And deep down I know this never works

But you can lay with me so it doesn't hurt

Oh, won't you stay with me?

'Cause you're all I need

This ain't love it's clear to see

But darling, stay with me

Oh, won't you stay with me?

'Cause you're all I need

This ain't love it's clear to see

But darling, stay with me

Oh, won't you stay with me?

'Cause you're all I need

This ain't love it's clear to see

But darling, stay with me


Your POV

Your eyes opened the light of the sun was peeking through the window, You looked around... Where the hell were you? You sat up immediately regretting it as your head started throbbing in Pain You quietly groaned before getting up from the bed The breeze hitting your body. You looked down and saw you weren't wearing any clothes.. But a long grey shirt What the hell happened Last night? You closed your eyes as you turned your head towards the Bed looking to see a guy, Blonde Hair You couldn't really make out his face because it was under the covers..

Did you really have sex with him? You didn't even know his name.. Everything that happened last night was a blur so you couldn't really remember anything.. But the fact that you got really drunk..

You quickly grabbed your clothes quietly taking the shirt off and slipping them on, Trying not to wake the guy up Once you had your clothes on you slipped on your shoes and your coat and all of your other belongings before quietly leaving Once you got outside you let out a frustrated breath you didn't know you were holding.. You looked around for your car and when you didn't spot it you became even more frustrated by the second You ended up calling a cab which took forever to get there because you didn't know where you were.

You had him drop you off at the club you were at last night so you could get your car. When you got there you thanked the man and got out looking around for your car. When you found it you got in and sighed putting the key in the ignition your head hurts and you just wanted to go to sleep. You felt horrible

You had sex with a complete stranger what is wrong with you?

You pulled out of the club and headed home.


You were at the mall with your Best friend. you had forgotten all about that night. But youv've felt like you were missing something, Someone you just didn't know who.

"Y/N!" Your best friend called you out snapping you out of your inner thoughts you looked up at her.

"Huh?" You said and she sighed rolling her eyes.

"Never mind forget it." She said continuing to eat her food. You nodded before looking back at your plate. When you felt someone tap your shoulder, You turned around your eyes locking with familiar blue ones.

"Remember me?" He asked and you stood up confusedly although he did look familiar you didn't remember so you didn't know who he was.

"Um sorry I don't know who you are." You answered

"Are you sure because I'm pretty sure I remember you." He smiled but you ignored him walking as far away from the food court pulling your friend with you.

"Y/N what are you doing he was extremely cute!" Y/B/F/N whispered/yelled at you.

"No Y/B/F/N He was creepy." You stated and she rolled her eyes.

"Okay well I'm gonna go I'll talk to you later." She informed you and you nodded.

Okay bye !" You dismissed her before continuing to walk around the mall. You walked into a Boutique and looked around before running into someone.

"I'm so sorry!" You apologized before realizing it was that same guy. You sighed rolling your eyes.

"Why are you acting like you don't remember me?" He asked

"I don't know what you are talking about now can you please stop stalking me" You responded sharply.

"I'm not stalking you Y/N" He stated and your heart stopped.

"H-How do you know my name?" You questioned shakily.

"Are you seriously gonna act like this? I thought that night- Never mind." He snapped walking away from you.

What night?

You were sitting at the bar in the club. You raised one finger up signaling for the bartender to get you another drink she nodded as you sat there, you had a bad day.. And you were stressed you just needed a break from reality, you were single because Every time you even thought about trusting a boy with your heart it always backfired. Some how you would always be the one to get hurt.

"Here you go" The bartender said putting the glass on the table you thanked her before picking it up to drink it. You were on like your sixth glass when you felt someone tap your shoulder you turned around to see a guy, He was really attractive he wore a gray shirt with black skinny jeans on with a ripped hole on his knee he had blonde hair and blue sparkling eyes. He cleared his throat snapping you out of your gaze.

"Hi" He greeted you and you watched him thinking that he would have some sort of Flirty joke or something but nothing he just stood there uncomfortably.

"Is that all?" You asked surprised.

"Should I have said more?" He questioned and you shook your head.

"No I just I thought-Never mind" You said  and he chuckled.

"I'm Y/N" You introduced yourself before smiling at him.

"Niall." He informed you and you nodded.

"Well Niall take a seat join me on the wild side." You joked just as the bartender sat down another drink he laughed before taking a seat on the stool that stood beside you.

"I couldn't help but notice how gorgeous you are." He said and you took a sip of your drink before looking back at him.

"Thank you." You smiled

"So how are you?" He asked and you shrugged

"Eh could be better" You stated and he nodded holding his finger up.

"white whine please." He ordered and she nodded smiling at him You raised an eyebrow at him.

"Fancy." You stated he didn't say anything. as the girl brought him
The drink he gave her a hundred and she thanked him before asking him for an autograph you sat there confused.

"What is going on?" You asked and the girl looked at you and gasped.

"You didn't know? He's from one direction the band." She informed you and your eyes widened. As you grabbed your glass and gulped it down.

"Excuse me." You said before getting up from your seat and as soon as you got up all those drinks hit you as you stumbled walking away from them two. You took your heals off and when you heard Niall call your name you ran out of the club tears falling down your cheeks. He was famous why the hell was he even talking to you, was that some sort of bet, you didn't even know him so why were you crying well you were drunk and over emotional. You just wanted to go home.

"Y/N wait!" He called from a distance you turned around and sighed before continuing to walk away. After about five minutes of walking forgetting where you parked your car you gave up and stopped as a car pulled up.

"Get in." Niall said after he rolled down the window.

"No." you refused him crossing your arms.

"Y/N your drunk please just get in." He begged and you rolled your eyes before getting into the car.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" You asked sharply glaring at him.

"What do you mean?" He questioned keeping his eyes on the road.

"Your famous Niall. You can have anything you can take anything why are you even talking to me I'm not even close to your level. You matter I don't." You stated and he scoffed.

"I'm still human Y/N just because I'm NiallHoran from One direction doesn't mean I'm above anybody I still have feelings. I'm just the same as you." He explained harshly. Like he was hurt you even said something like that. You immediately felt guilty.

"I'm sorry" You apologized.

"I'm just not used to any boy being nice to me I'm used to being played and boys using me." You said and he nodded understanding.

"I understand and I'm not like that I'd never treat you badly. Ever you don't deserve to ever be played or used you deserve to be treated like a Princess. Because that's what you are a princess. And a beautiful one at that." He told you and you couldn't help but smile like an idiot at his words. He was so sweet and caring and nice.

"Thank you Niall you don't know how glad I am that I met you." You said.

"No problem love I just hope you don't forget tomorrow you are drunk as hell." He joked and you laughed looking out the window.

"Hey Niall where are we going?" You asked

"We are going to my place." He answered and you looked at him.

"Why? Can't you just take me home?" You asked harshly.

"If you want me to then I will I just thought since your Car is back at the club that you could just stay at my place for tonight and then I'll take you to your car in the morning." He told you

"Oh sorry." You apologized for what seemed like the hundredth time tonight.

"It's okay Y/N I'm not gonna rape you or anything okay you can trust me." He assured you and you nodded as he parked his car into a driveway in which you suspected to be his. You watched him as he got out of the car, coming around and opening the door for you.

"What a gentleman." You joked and he chuckled picking you up, you gasped in surprise.

"Niall!" You squealed and he laughed as he walked towards the door. He opened it and walked in turning the lights on, you were still struggling for him to put you down but he was just enjoying it laughing at you. When you got into a room he sat you down on the bed.

"Your annoying" You laughed as you fixed your dress.

"I didn't want you to stumble like you did earlier and fall." He said and you rolled your eyes playfully.

"I'm guess you don't drink much." He stated

"Nope. Just had a bad day needed an escape looks like I'm fine now I mean I met you my day went from bad to great." You said your words coming out slow you were tired.

"Hey can you get me some water please?" You asked and he nodded leaving the room. When he came back he smiled at you before handing you the cup.

"Thank you" you said, he nodded leaving the room.

You took a sip before standing up and looking around the room.
Niall then came back into the room, you turned towards him to see he had changed he wore sweats that hung low and he was no longer wearing a shirt. You spilled the water, You couldn't even concentrate right now. But you snapped out of whatever it was you were in when you felt the cool water hit your body. You gasped as you looked down at your dress, it was wet.

"Great." You said sighing.

"Here take this" Niall said throwing a shirt your way. You caught it before looking at it confusedly.

"What am I suppose to do with this?" You asked

"You could try putting it on maybe?" He suggested and you rolled your eyes.

"Your Lucky I like you Horan." You teased sticking your tongue  out at him.

"Your such a Child Y/N" He said coming over to you.

"Yeah?" You asked his arm snaking around your waist you blushed before looking away.

"Mhmm." He said putting his hand on your face forcing you to look at him. His blue eyes locking in with yours as he leaned in you started to giggle causing him to stop and look at you confusedly before clearing his throat He back up a little the room was filled with silence Causing it to get really awkward,

"Uhh you should probably go change" He stated nervously letting you go

"Yeah oh yeah right" You agreed walking away from him when you got to the door you turned around.

"Where is your bathroom?" You asked

" It's on the left as soon as you walk out." He answered and you nodded before leaving the room. You signed before smacking yourself on the head.

Why did you have to ruin the moment?

You and your stupid drunken state, You are never drinking again.

You Went into the bathroom and slipped off your dress before slipping the shirt on. It was loose but comfortable, It also smelt really good Like cologne, And soap it was nice. After you were done you went back into the room to see Niall holding a cover and reaching the grab a pillow.

"What are you doing?"  You asked confusedly.

"Um I'm getting covers and a pillow?" He answered more as a question.

"No I know what you are doing Niall but why are you doing it I mean couldn't we just Share the bed  its big enough for the two of us." You said and he shook his head.

"As much as I would love to share a bed with you Y/N I don't want to take advantage of your slightly drunken state"

"I'll just sleep on the couch and you'll sleep in here." He said now it was your turn to shake your head.

"Its totally fine Niall I'm completely okay with sharing a bed with you."You said sitting your dress Down and going over to turn the Lights off.

"Yeah but your drunk and I don't want-"

"Just get in the bed Niall!" You interrupted him turning the lights off. He laughed as you made your way over to the bed. You managed to climb on it and get on the opposite side of the bed. Your back towards Niall.

 "Goodnight Y/N.." He mumbled you could tell he was almost sleep you turned towards him watching him as his lips parted.

"Night Niall" You said kissing his forehead before turning back around.


You snapped out of your weird flashback/Vision and saw Niall leaving the store You had remebered you didn't have sex, It was just Niall being such a sweetheart it warmed your heart..

"Wait Niall!" You called and he turned around looking at you confusedly as you ran up to him.

"Thank you.." You said

"For what?" He asked

"For not taking advantage of me For not using me for not being the person I thought you were when we first met." You answered

"Umm Your welcome?" He said before turning back around you stopped him again by touching his arm his back faced at you he just stopped not turning around.

"I'm not really good at this, and I'm sorry for leaving you that morning.. I was just scared I didn't know what to do and Now that I remember I want to make this work make us work. Because Niall you are the best man I've ever met in my Life I like you so much Your so sweet and loving and caring and you smell so good And I'm not letting you go. I know you don't love me But we can try we can get to know eachother and learn to love eachother. Please stay with me I'm sorry Niall I'm sorr-" You were interupted by Niall turning around and smashing his lips into yours not hard but gently and passionatly, Butterflies were flying around your stomach, and there was magic a spark that you've never felt before. You smiled as your hands roamed though his hair.. You knew you were missing someone and It was him Niall Horan You were missing Him.



You were at the Club smiling as you took another drink..

"This is for my Beautiful Girlfriend Happy One Year princess" He annouced from the DJ system you smiled blowing him a kiss as the music started to play he came down and you called the bartender. When she brought you your drink you felt someone tap your shoulder you turned around meeting eyes with your gorgeous boyfriend.

"Hi." He greeted you recalling when you two first met you looked at him waiting.

"Is that all?" You questioned and he laughed shaking his head.

"Wanna Dance?" He asked holding his hand out you gladly took it nodding as he guided you towards the dance floor he held his hands on your waist as you wrapped your arms around his neck He leaned in to kiss you, he breathed before letting go.

"I Love you" He told you smiling as you swayed to the beat.

"I Love you too" You said before pulling him in for another kiss.



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