The Girl At The Last

By crazypoodle

1.8M 141K 45.2K

She carried secrets like one does cash in their wallet. Seventeen year old Elaine Winters has been through st... More

The Girl At The Last
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Pictorial Extras : 1
Pictorial Extras : 2
My Works

Chapter 69

14.4K 1.1K 498
By crazypoodle


The so called Valentines Day started with me waking up in the morning like any other day, but a blissful sleep later. The kind I hadn't experienced since what felt like ages. Immediately remembering the events from last night and smiling like a lunatic to myself I strolled inside the washroom.

When I was done with morning's hygiene ritual, I started on my uniform when I received a mail from the academys official site. Apparently most of the student population decided to boycott the classes in an event to celebrate the day with their loved ones.

I bark out a sarcastic laugh to no one in particular, alone in room. Apparently it was an early thanksgiving in the eyes of young adults. And add on the equation that one of the worlds most prestigious school which penalized students when they take a day off  , was defeated by the hormonal teens vile protest.

Valentine's day is now a calender holiday for stuartians.

So it should mean something.

But what?

As if on que someone else seem to go through the same and gladly logical thought like me as a message pops up.

Polar Bear: Are they serious?

I chuckle, not bothering to change the name I had save under his number. Besides he survives the coldest of temperatures like it's nothing and at his presence the degrees drops by a notch in itself. That is till I realize how hot he looks, and how it warms me up like a bear. Hence a polar bear.

So fitting yet so cringe.

I know.

Don't judge me for the scientific analogy of nick naming my boyfriend. At least it's reasonable than honey buns, papito's and god forbid, cup cakes. I could barely imagine Alex with vanilla tower frost with a cherry sitting lonely upon his lovely head without cracking up.

Me: Seemingly.

Typing out a reply I wait for his. Even though I am just across his room, the very room that he insisted I slept yesterday night in and suggested that he take the couch. I declined.  Because I know better. I know him better. He could have been legitimately  scared that once I was out, I might  change my mind or something convincingly outrageous as such.

It's Alex and it could be anything. He has a highly imaginative hypothesis when it comes to me or his wants.

And I wish to help him heal his fears.

Polar Bear: I always knew this school was a wrong decision.

I frown. An intense wounded family pride surfacing comically. And then I realized I made fun of the same thing a minute back. And defending the administration would be an ordinance of hypocrisy.

Me: Americans!

Blaming it on the nationality. Because why not?

Polar Bear: what do they even do on this day?

At that I try to speculate, with squinted eyes and puckered lips. Apart from the physical efforts that one could carry out any day, what could make this day feel so special?

If special is the forte, to me every single day with Alex would be a valentines day. It's not like you can love and celebrate someone for a one and forget the next.

Me: No idea.

Polar Bear: Why are you replying in one words?

Polar Bear: Is something wrong?

Polar bear: No wait, I am coming in there.

At his not-a-second to spare texts, my eyes widens at what he asserted. My gaze falls at the towel I had wrapped around my body and head after the shower.

I hurl the mobile towards the mattress as soon as I heard the click of door, to which he had quite the easy access to and in spite of my existence inside he would, obviously decide to use it. Like seriously, when was his etiquette's ever normal.

The door creaked open a slit, I bolted in the direction and with my back I push the door into it's locked state with force not to be reckoned with. Shutting it for good.

"I am fine" breathing heavily I assure him aloud. I could feel the mystifying  frown on his face that is until I listened to that emotion In his voice.

"Okay" he drawls out "So let me in then"

"I can't" I say clearing my throat.

"Why?" slowly turning I wink my eyes into the peephole, to see him standing there with a demanding look with his arms crossed. I sigh at my misery.

"I just came out of shower" I reason resuming my old pose, by turning and guarding the door.

There is a pause before I felt him mumble something like "more of a reason why I should be there"

"What?" with a low edge to my voice I ask.

"Nothing" immediately he replies without missing a beat, but a little hesitant. "What's with the short replies huh?"

Pouting while clutching the towel tighter against my chest, I annihilate my own thoughts to pin point were I went wrong. I've always felt that talking was way more time saving and eco friendly than punched words. So let's be real, I stunk at texting in general. But so was he, the technical usage of full words by his side instead of the half swallowed and abbreviated messenger term  of present generation was a proof.

That's a good thing since, I would reply to I am having a preferably sad case of diarrhoea rather than a heart felt ILYSM.

But to get him moving on from the spot I do the one best thing I extremely ace at, other than academics, computer, art and okay, I should clam up now. What I meant was lie.

I lie.

"I was too baffled by your long texts, you don't talk much and when I saw such lengthy words it took me by surprise. So I was adoring it rather than replying at them" I say with a tone of appreciation. He took his esteemed time to absorb the nonsense in my reason. But delivered his view which almost made me want to tear open the door and pinch his cheeks with ardor.

"Strange. I always thought I converse with you more than anyone else"

That's because you do.

I can even picture the subtle lines of worry on him as i roll my lips inward to stop myself from smiling.

I hear him sigh in what I could name as pure failure.

"Be ready by seven, I want to take you somewhere"

"Where?" listening intently I wait for his reply.

"Since it's you, lets do something productive. And as for what and where? You'll know that soon anyways" detecting the hint of mischievous smile on his utterance I open my mouth to protest but clamp them shut as I hear his fading steps.

With my head swirling with all possibilities I get dressed, but as soon I do so I hear a knock. Expecting it to be Alex again I swing the door open with a brow raised in sass.

The sass dissolves faster than the ice cube in a cup of boiling water as I am met with fuming Riley who gathered her sleeves by the elbow either on at a time, the high messy bun on her head told me that she came here all prepared.

Prepared to bombard me with the attack of the year for ignoring her for almost a week. Since the party. For reasons even I can't fathom.

Lack of time, too much mess of life or borderline scared of how she would react after ascertain time that I had ignored her, which resulted in more of  is until today.

"I-I can explain?"

She nods intimidatingly, slow and in the honor of my pathetic plead.

"Explain" she tests it softly with vileness in her accentuated accent. For a moment I think we could sit down and talk this over a cup of tea. Even though we are not British. Because tea is certainly a British thing to do. "Nice try" she adds.

That's when I take a step back as she proceeds one inside. Two of such more repetition and then we are in a full blown chase across the room.

Is this how Nathan felt when I used to hunt him down with a spatula in hand? If so, god forgive me of such cruelty.

But another thing that pops in my head, that was remarkably anti femisnistic was-

Where is Alex when you need him?

"Not the bat" I warn in the most terrified tone I ever heard from my own vocals as I stood on bed.

Riley drops my trustful baseball bat panting, I smile a little as we had understanding now.

"You're right" she gulps a mouth full of air with her hands on her waist "No bat, My fists are enough of you"

And then it began again,

It lasted for a very, long time that can put the once upon a time of fairy tales to shame.

I laid on the mattress on my stomach, flushed glow and sweat of exertion coating our face's greasily as Riley lay beside me facing the ceiling.

I escaped without a scratch and that counts as victory.

But I don't miss the short anger that still swirled in Riley's eyes as I watched her from side, my chin propped upon my arm as She distantly stared above.

"What happened?" i ask her softly, though I may be aware of a bit of it.

She attempts to shake her head with a fake smile in denial.

"Don't even bother" I warn her.

Bringing an arm behind her head she looks at me.

"I fell in love and got my heart broken. Okay" she whispers as I sit up straight. I look down at her strongly. She scowls probably not expecting such abrupt action from me.

"Get up"


"I said get up" I instruct her as she does so.

"Now begin"

She breathes calming her nerves down, looking at her hands and then at me.

"It's Mike" I nod motioning her to continue "I don't know when it happened. Since we met in Lee's party he had been annoying me like crazy. i hated his mere existence. But deep inside hating him felt wrong even though it was the most logical thing to do"

I smile sadly, feeling her emotions closer than she could believe since I had been through it. The dire need to hate Alex when all it did was brought out my affections for him more.

"It was the day of pool party when after coming back I came here to Deal with Alex, to show him that you were not alone" She shudders as if even thought of it scares her now, but to me, I felt the warmth seep onto my heart to imagine little kitten trying to justify a situation with a Lion.

Well, what happened to polar bear?

Shaking my head I focus on Riley, who had this uneasy look on her face.

"Mike stopped me before I could've done something stupid. Took me to his room and handed me his cat. Said that it should help me tame my wrath. And that I should let you both figure out the problem"

Although it was a sweet gesture by Mike and I should completely let Riley carry out the story entirely. I still ask the most idiotic yet obvious question.

"Mike has a cat?"

As soon as it was out, I felt like the worst best friend of the century. But when she nodded with a snort, I know we both were not normal in head.

"What happened then?" I ask, my tone all serious and firm.

"I handed him his cat back and said I'll leave and not bother Alexander. Because by that time I realised he probably felt worst already. I did try to leave for a moment and the next thing I know is we were making out"

My mouth gaped open as she blushed blinking. But by the way she kept chewing on the insides of her cheeks it was evident that I wasn't going to like what she's about to say next.

"The next day he told me it was a mistake, and now he's engaged to Hailey. End of the story" she shrugs tearing up even though she tried her hardest to remain composed.

"Oh Riley, it okay you can cry. Let it out" I hug her as she sobs.

"I know it was just the time. But I can't take him away from my mind." I comb her head with my fingers. Feeling my gut wrench with the desire to tell her how much he shares the same emotions as her and how helpless he was.

"You know what will make this better?" I offer as she stays silent, in a motion that I had her attention.

"A movie?"




And so I teach her how to kill zombies imagining them to be Mike. And for the first time I was on lead since it wasn't Noah or Nathan I was playing with or against. By four we had devoured junks to its limits. Empty boxes of pizza, cans of coke and popcorn littered around.

Nathan would be so proud.

But not Alex.

After our screams and adrenaline solely directed to screen subsided, we sat in silence.

That is till I decided to give her what she waited for.

So I spill it. Everything that happened last week. Minus the portion were I found out that my financial status was quite a lot _ lot humungous than an average Americans anticipation.

For the whole time her face changed dramatically into awe, gag and fish pouts. By the end she had her eyes opened up wide as sausers while I frowned.

"You have a date by seven?" She screams getting on her feet dusting the crumbs of cookies that I never share with anyone from her lap.

She slips down half way but crawls back up.

"What are you doing? And no it's not a date. We are going outside" I point out the statement.

She stares at me as if I grew a beard in that given span of period.

"That's a date you dumbhead"

"He said we are doing something productive" I try again.

She stops short as she rummages through my wardrobe which seriously lacked the dately materials that she was desperately searching for.

"Are you sure what he said was productive and not reprodu_" she laughs as I throw an empty can of coke in her direction which she effortlessly dodges. All read skinned i puff my cheeks. The mere thought of her suggestion itching my nose.

she looks at the wall clock, the digital numbers read five thirty. There must've been something about it that should've irked her, as she started freaking out.

"Oh god. We don't have time"  with that she began again.

Five minutes to seven I was dressed in a high waisted jeans and black top with grey denim jacket covering my arms. A combination I never knew I had. Riley curled my hair, which I had never tried before and even with minimal make up my skin glowed with happiness.

Like the face of a girl who had found the purpose of her life.

I looked great.

She wiggles her brows asking me of my opinion. To credit her work with best compliment I whistle with a wink.

And then there was a knock at the door.

This time it's Riley who whistles with a glance to the clock.

Sharp seven.

"Someone's really desperate" she teases me while walking confidently to the door and opening it.

I go and stand behind her right on the time to see Alex's smile falter at the judgemental but stoic stare of Riley on him.

"Break her heart. I break you" she hissed taking a step forward. But I look down to see her hands shake on the side.

Smiling I place my hand on her stiff shoulder.

What if Noah wasn't here? Riley seem to do what would've and always been his job perfectly well as Alex plays along with a nod accompanied by a comforting smile.

She moves to side letting me finally move to join him.

The effort to look good, was so overpowered by the little dress up by his part.

Dark washed jeans, white shirt and a brown jacket. That's all it took him to kill the sensible speed of my heart beat.

And his intoxicating fragrance.

How did I even ended up with someone as him?

"You both can go all lovey dovey on each other once I close this door and resume with fortnite" with a distant voice Riley mumbles followed by the sound of door hitting close.

We barely look away from each other.

He takes my appearance in from head to toe, his orbs diluting by the second as he takes a step closer and pulls me to him.

I place my hand upon his chest while he keeps his at the small of my back and says the one thing that stated that his condition was no better than mine.

"This" his gaze runs over my face timidly, slowly as if memorizing every last detail of it. "-is not good for my heart"

Even if he had failed to mention it. The place where my palm laid firmly upon his chest said it all. I felt it all.


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