NOT a Fairytale

By ClarissaFox6

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Diamond was done with love. She has been married 3 times, and lost two husbands to freak accidents. She gave... More

Chapter 1: Back story
Chapter 2: Whoops!
Chapter 3: Stalking
Chapter 4: Shut down
Chapter 5: Day off
Chapter 6: The Date
Chapter 7: Insecurity
Chapter 8: The fight
Chapter 9: The concussion
Chapter 10: Fear
Chapter 11: Aftermath
Chapter 12: Giving up
Chapter 13: Monotony broken
Chapter 14: Engaged!?!?
Chapter 15: Game Night!
Chapter 16: Championship Fight!
Chapter 17
Chapter 18: My worst Nightmare, shopping.
Chapter 19: Engagement party
Chapter 20: Respect
Chapter 21: Motorcycles and old friends
Chapter 22: Waffle house!
Chapter 23: The coming war
Chapter 24: Wedding 'stuff'
Chapter 25: Bye Bye
Chapter 26: The day of the ball
Chapter 27: The ball
Chapter 28: Kidnapped.
Chapter 29: My week of torture.
Chapter 30: Talking and nightmares
Chapter 31: New day
Chapter 32
Chapter 33: Diamond gets drunk
Chapter 34: Bachelor/Bachelorette parties
Chapter 35: Arrival of the in-laws
Author's Note
Chapter 36: The Wedding! part 1
Chapter 37: The Wedding! part 2
Chapter 38: The Wedding! part 3
Chapter 39: Married
Chapter 40: Honeymoon
Chapter 41: Gold Key
Chapter 42: The ex
Chapter 43: The ex- continued
Chapter 44: Tricky Tricksters!
Chapter 45: Christmas and New Years!
Chapter 46: Here we go again.
Chapter 47: Two weeks
Chapter 48: Donna

Chapter 49: Nina

54 2 0
By ClarissaFox6

Diamond's POV:

It's been two months since I was announced Donna. I still have Dean in a cell. I haven't built up the strength to officially kill him yet. Yes, kill him. He will only leave in a body bag.

Anyway, I have some new girls to interview at Gold Key today. Nina, Alexandra, and Deedra. I'm in my office reviewing their applications. Nina is just turned 21, Alexandra is 26, and Deedra is 24.


"Come in!" I call out to the person.

"Mrs. Luvano, I'm Deedra." She holds her hand out. I shake it.

"The gentleman is Alex, he will be staying in here. Is that alright with you?" She nods.

After interviewing Deedra, and Alexandra, it's time for Nina.

"Mrs. Luvano?" This tiny, 5 foot even, light brown hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin walks in.

"Yes, are you Nina?" I go to reach my hand out and she flinches. She recovers herself, but her eyes find Alex. She looks nervous. Something is off.

She doesn't look 21. She looks 12.

"Y-yes I am. Uhmm, is h-he going to be in here the whole time?" She stutters and points to Alex.

"Yes, he is. He is my personal bodyguard. Do men scare you?" She seems intimidated by Alex.

"N-no, of course not! Why would I apply here if they did?" She puts on a confident sound at the end.

"Because you are in need of money." I reply coldly. I nod to Alex, to stand by the door. She gets visibly nervous.

"Wh-why is he doing that?" She starts shaking.

"Because I need to ask you some questions, and I don't want you to run." I stay emotionless, cold.

"How old are you really?" I watch her face for honesty.

"21, like my application says." She can't look me in the eye.

"Is your name really Nina Sanders?" She looks at me surprised.

"Yes, of course." She looks back down.

"I don't like being lied to. I would appreciate your honesty." She looks at me and her face is turning red, not from blushing but fear.

"I am telling you the truth! I swear!" Her voice is wobbly.

"Alex, back to the house. Notify everyone we have a guest." I stand and walk towards her.

"No, no, please don't!" She cries out, tears streaming down her face.

"Don't what?" I ask her. "I'm taking you back to my house."

"Don't take me. I'll go away, you won't ever see me again." She is sobbing.

"Nope, you are coming home with me." I pick her up over my shoulder. She starts beating on my back. Screaming at me to put her down, and she promises to be good.

I know I seem heartless, but this girl seems troubled, and not even 18. I am taking her for her own good. We get out the back, so she doesn't attract attention. I put her in the SUV, and Alex gets behind the driver's seat.

"Stop! Let me go!" She starts punching me. I grab both her wrists.

"If you don't stop punching me, I'm going to do something I regret." I warn her. She stiffens up, and sinks into her seat. I let go of both of her wrists.

Arriving at the mansion, she looks at the house in awe, then fear.

"Are you going to try to run?" I ask her. She shakes her head no.

"Good, because if you try I will catch you and carry you." I warn her again. She nods.

We get out of the car, and I lead her into the house.

"Kitten! Why and who is our guest!?" Roman yells at me. He walks in and I hear Nina whimper in fear. She starts backing up to the front door. She is going to bolt.

I grab her wrist. "No running remember?" I point at her, and give her a glare. She nods.

"Roman, this is Nina. She has lied to me about her age, and name. She claims she is 21." Roman gets an understanding look.

"Ah, I see. Want to find out who she is?" He smirks at me, and I nod. I turn to Nina.

"We will not hurt you. I know I have scared you, but we will not hurt you. Do you understand?" I speak sternly to her. I still have ahold of her wrist. She shakes her head no.

I sigh. "Nina, you are our guest. Yes , I took you against your will. Yes, you are being forces to stay here, until we figure things out. However, you will be treated with respect, and never harmed." She just shakes her head.

"Pl-please let me go. I'm sorry for what I have done. I'm sorry, just let me go." She begs.

"Roman, send someone to get clothes and shoes for her. Enough for a week. Please." I glance over my shoulder to Roman. I see Bella standing upstairs, looking worried. The maids have all stopped to see what is going on.

"Bella, do you think you could pick a guest room and draw a bath for Nina here? One of the special guest rooms." Our 'special' guest rooms, lock from the outside. I don't want Nina running. Bella nods, and takes off.

"Come on Nina." I try to gently lead her. She doesn't budge.

"You can walk, or I'll carry you." She still doesn't budge. I sigh.

I pick her up bridal style. She immediately starts fighting me. I set her down, and try to lead her again. She still doesn't budge. I pick her up over my shoulder. She starts screaming and yelling.

I can hear people whispering. See the maids and guards talking.

"The show is over, don't you have something better to do than whisper about your Donna?" I call out. I'm beyond frustrated.

"Maria? Would you please fix something for Nina, she is nothing but skin and bones." Maria gives my the bright smile and nods.

Our staff know I'm not ruthless without a reason. They just have never seen me take someone.

We get to her new room. Bella is standing there. She gives me a concerned look, which I shrug off. I set Nina on the bed.

"Nina, you have a bath drawn. There should be some clothes set out for you when you finish. Your bathroom door doesn't have a lock, but your bedroom door will be locked. I'm sorry for whatever you have been through. I'll be up with some food for you, shortly."

She glares at me, and then slaps me. I heard Bella and Alex gasp. I chuckle.

"That's fine, Nina. I deserve that for taking you."

Leaving Nina, I go to our tech guys. I have them pull up the footage from Gold Key. We run her picture.

"Ma'am, she is a missing child." Tony, one of our tech guys informs me.

"What?" I learn over to see sure enough. She is a missing 13 year old girl, from New York. Her names is Nina Vonip.

"Search her medical records, school records, everything. I want to know why she ran." My blood is boiling.

Nina's POV:

This woman is going to send me back to him! That is why she has taken me. Or they will sell me. She can't find out who I am. I'm Martin Vonip's step-daughter. He gave me his name, but I was never good enough to be his daughter.

I decided to take a bath. I have had two flashbacks since she took me. I want to run, but her security is so much tighter. What did she call herself? Donna? What is that?

This bathroom is amazing. Its huge. Even though I'm a prisoner, this is more like a princesses room. They will treat me nice for a while, then they will beat me. Just like he did. Or they will sell me off, once they are tired of me. I bet my clothes will be skimpy.

Getting out of the bath, I see clothes laid out on the bed. A baggy tshirt, leggings, a bra, and underwear. Not skimpy, but comfy.

I hear a knock. "Nina, are you dressed?" I hear her voice.

"Yes." I sigh and respond back. I hear her unlock and open the door. She carries in a tray of food.

The tray has fruit, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, and bacon. It looks delicious, they probably drugged it.

"You think the food is drugged?" Did I say that outloud?

"You had a look on your face. Here, I can't eat the oatmeal, but I will eat some of the eggs, and bacon. Okay?" She seems gentle. Not like she did before. I watch her eat some of the eggs, and bacon.

Diamond's POV:

I watch Nina snatch the tray, and start eating. She is terrified. This poor child. I sigh.

"Nina, we need to talk." She looks at me, and her face says it all, fear.

"Your name is Nina Vonip, right?" She looks terrified. Oh no. She nods.

"Your dad is Martin Vonip, right?"

"Step-father." Sha snaps.

"He leads a gang in New York right?" Her eyes wo wide. She starts shaking her head no.

"Why, how do you know that?" She has teams streaming down her face.

"We have resources. Nina, were you beaten?" I take a deep breath, and hold it. In fear of what she might say. She just nods.

"Is that why you ran?" I exhale. She shakes her head no.

"Why did you run?" She starts sobbing.

"He was" she starts but starts sobbing harder. I can't help myself, I grab her and pull her into a hug. Mothering her. She is startled at first, and then hugs me back and sobs.

I look behind me, and see Roman standing there. His jaw is clenched tight. He was listening, he saw the file. The hospital records from the time she was two. Her mother's death certificate. She has been abused for 10 years. She has been missing for almost a year.

Her tears are soaking into my blouse, but I don't care. She needs to cry. I stroke her damp hair. Her sobbing calms down. She pulls back and looks at me, anger in her eyes.

"He was going to sell me. He told me I was useless. He was going to sell me to the Italian Mafia!" She spats, with anger in her voice. I look to Roman, with determination in my eyes. I want the man who was going to buy her!

"Roman, find him." My voice is like venom. He knows, he may be the Don, but he always looks to me to make the final decision. We are a team, partners.

"What?" She barely whispers. "No, please don't I can't go!" She starts sobbing again. I stroke her hair.

"Sweet girl, you won't be going anywhere. I want him to find him, so he can answer why he would buy a sweet 12 year old girl." I say softly.

"You won't give me to him?" Her voice wobbles in disbelief. I smile at her.

"No, of course not sweetheart." I brush some of her hair out of her face.

"Wh-what d-do y-you want?" She stutters. I give her a curious look. What do I want? Does she mean with her?!

"Wh-w-what d-d-d-do you w-w-want with m-me?" She is on the verge of tears again.

"I want you safe, happy, well fed, and loving life." I tell her sweetly.

"What do you want in return?" Her words almost knock me down. This poor girl thinks I want something from her?

"To let me in, to let me be your friend, or caregiver. Nothing more." She looks at me like I've grown three heads.

"Not to clean, or do dishes, or to be someone wife or play thing?" She questions, with hope and fear in her eyes. It makes my blood boil to know she thinks someone would want her as a play thing.

"No! You can learn to cook if you want, you can learn to clean if you want, and you can be a wife when you meet the right person. You will never, ever be a play thing." I tell her the end sternly. She jumps and grabs me into a hug.

"Thank you, please don't send me back." I was surprised by her. I hug her back.

"I would never send you back sweet girl. You are mine now. No one will ever hurt you again."

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