Unwanted Son

By Corruptprophet777

309K 3.5K 3.9K

This is a retelling of the story No thanks, I'm good https://www.wattpad.com/user/observer213 I got permissio... More

Accidents Happen
A Free Bird
A Bird Caged
Broken Wings
Birds Of A Feather
Birds Eye View Part 1.
Birds Eye View Part 2.
First Date/Last Date
Bull-Riding +18
A Bitter Betrayal
Meeting CVFY
A Baby Bird?
Behind The Vale
Behind The Vale Pt. 2
Behind The Vale Part. 3
You Really Thought That Would Work?
Off To See The Wizard... Part 1
Off To See The Wizard-Part 2.
Unwelcome Reunions
I Wonder What Happened To...
Weiss Is Waifu
Vulnerable Isn't Weak

Drinking Away The Pain

10.7K 146 217
By Corruptprophet777

Hawke POV:

It's been a month since Mercy left! A whole damn month that I spent sleeping, drinking, and fucking away our memories together! Emeralds been a big help with one of those and not so much with the others. I drank the last of the booze last night and honestly all I remember from last night was crying and then doing it with Emerald. Speaking of her where is she?

I look around before feeling a weight on my lap. I look under the blankets and see a fully nude Emerald asleep with a big smile on her face and a red ass that still has hand marks on it... damn she is one kinky bitch! I can't help but admire my handiwork for a moment...

But as much as Emerald is helping me I can't stop thinking about her... love sucks...

It hurts... I love Mercy, more than almost anything but I had to let her go! First Roma left after we spent t-that one night together.... Of course she took a week later with half the company fund and Neo, they left me all alone... at least I have Emerald! But Oum I need a drink!


Hawke POV:

I've been looking for a decent bar now for three fuckin hours! Not a single one in this damn city! But I have heard rumors of a new place. This new "Club" is supposed to be THE place for those who are looking to drown their sorrows. From what I heard it's called "The Birdcage"

(AUTHORS NOTE: No not the Robin Williams one)

It sounds like the perfect place but I. CAN'T. FIND. IT!

I was about to give up when I heard a whimper coming from a back alley. I look and see a group of men grabbing some faunus women and shoving them into a van. I could take those guys but what if there are more girls wherever they're taking them? I gotta follow them!

They speed off down the street nearly hitting a few people, luckily I "borrowed" a scooter from a guy and "acquired" a helmet from his passenger. The van seems to not know that I'm following them. They make a final turn before leaving the city and going into the countryside. Wherever they're taking those girls I doubt that it's good! The van suddenly stops in a field and the men hop out of the van, one of them seems to be talking on a radio...

My thoughts were interrupted when a bullhead goes over head and parks beside the van. The cargo hatch opens and the faunus girls are quickly taken inside, before the bullhead takes off I throw a tracker on it! I then realize I have nothing to chase a bullhead with....

I look around and see an old farmhouse with a barn, and inside the barn is....

Me: Perfect!


I may or may not have stolen a crop duster, but in my defense it's for a good cause! I don't think that excuse would hold up in court though-


What the heck is that!?

I look around and it was my scroll. I look an see Emeralds picture, this is just what I need right now!

Me: Hello~

Emerald: Where are you!? I have been calling you for an hour!

Me: Ah yeah sorry about that my I'm kinda out of our coverage area! Also why were you calling?

Emerald: 1. Because you had me worried and 2. We got a new contract!

Me: Yes! What's the job? Who's the employer? What's the pay!?

Emerald: We're supposed to track down whomever's been kidnapping faunus around here, the employer is the White Fang and we get 10 million lien!

Me: Ok sooo I may or may not already tracking some kidnapped faunus and- wait, did you say 10 million lien?

Emerald: Yep~

Me: I am so buying something absolutely ridiculous with that much money!

Emerald: Find the faunus first! Impulse buying later!

Me: Ok Em talk to you later, Lots of love~

I then hang up

Emerald POV:

Senpai loves me~

Hawke POV:


Ugh I get the feeling I just made a Yandere very happy...

Anyway I've been following these assholes for over an hour now and I still can't figure... Holy Shit

I watch as the clouds part and there in front of me is a flying ship of some kind. It's bigger than a bullhead, it almost looks like a repurposed Atleasian warship! Wait a minute...

I fly in to take a closer look at the name of the ship

The Birdcage

Mother fucker! Well I was looking for this place anyways but what is that bullhead full of faunus doing here?

?: Come in light aircraft. Identify yourself and state your intent!

Me: This is Captain H in a 1989 crop duster. Just enjoying the beautiful Mistral weather!

?: Unidentified aircraft, divert your current course or we will be forced to shoot you down!

Me: Shoot me down!? Now, that's not very sociable!

?: Final warning, divert course or you will be grounded!

Me: You're not my dad! So I'm gonna take my chances pal!

?: We're clear to engage!


Me: Did you just shoot at me? Oh now I'm gonna have to fuck up your shit!

I nosedive onto the deck of the ship

After " landing" I walk around taking out any guards that get in my way

Me: You guys really need to hire better security! I mean what if some psycho came aboard and started shooting up the place? Now that would be unfortunate!

?: Will you shut the fuck up?

Me: NO! I like to talk jackass!

?: Someone kill this prick and get those fucking faunus to shut up please!

Me: Oh so you're the guy in charge of this little establishment? Ok now I know who to kill!

?: Oh shit....

?: P-please don't kil-

He was suddenly interrupted by an incredibly handsome man blowing his fucking head off!

Me: I'm sorry but I'm not fluent in little bitch! Now where's the cargo hold? Ah there it is!

?: You ok up there boss?

Me: Yeah this place is under new management!

?: Holy shit that's a lot of blood! L-look I'm just a bouncer I'm not paid nearly enough to deal with this kind of shit!

He backs into a corner along with most of the staff

Me: Where are the faunus?

?: W-what?

Me: What's your name?

?: Uh well most people call me NIGHTMARE!

Me: Right... and who's this pale fellow?

NIGHTMARE: Oh that's the bartender, his name is Steve White and for the record he's an albino!

Steve: Yeah fuck you dude!

I point a shotgun in his face

Steve: Never mind

Me: Ok now I'll not ask again. WHERE. ARE. THE. FAUNUS?

Steve: T-they're in the cages down stairs! The keys are right over there!

Me: Well congratulations Steve, you get to become a liberator today!

Steve: W-what?

Me: Did I stutter?

Steve: N-no you didn't!

Me: Good now grab the keys and go unlock the cages!


They then went to do as instructed. As for me I went to the boss's office and went through the files. As it turned out the Bird Cage was going to be a private club where the wealthiest and elite of society could do whatever they wanted to the faunus on board. They could torture them, RAPE them, anything for the right price... Gods there are children here... luckily it seems this place isn't due to open for another month, so I can take some comfort in that.

I look around and realize it would be a waste to destroy or abandon this airship-

Steve: S-sir we released them, all 83 of them!

Me: Good I have an announcement to make!

I walk out to the balcony and see all the people on the deck of the airship

Me: Hello there! My name is Y/N Hawke owner and CEO of Y/N Hawke Industries! I was contracted by the White Fang to find your abductors and to kill them! Which if you look around I have obviously done! Now I will give you all an option... I know that most of you men and women were homeless, jobless, and or hopeless soo.... as I am now the owner of this fine establishment, I offer you all jobs! You don't have to, if you want I can prepare a bullhead to take you back to wherever you came from but, do you really want to go? Do you want to go back to the streets? To the horrid living conditions? If you stay here I guarantee you three square meals a day. You all will get your own rooms, you all get paid! All you have to do, is follow me... now who wants to have a place to finally belong?

Everyone: WE'LL FOLLOW YOU!!!

Me: Well ladies and gentlemen... Welcome to the family!


I called Emerald and told her what happened, she was happy that we had a new base, and even more happy that we can go wherever we want now. I also contacted the White Fang and they were pleased that a human lived up to his word. They as one would expect took in the children and any who had second thoughts of staying with me. I wasn't angry and said that they were welcome to come back anytime.

Emerald and I used the 10 million we got from the contract to refurbish the ship. Instead of tacky pastel colors and carpeting we turned it into a Ultra dance club. I figured with the new look it deserved a new name.

Emerald: So what are you gonna name it then?

Me: Well you know how you wanted to have sex in the sky?

Emerald: 'Blushing' Y-yeah!?

Me: Well say hello to the Mile High Club!

Steve: Are you serious? That's the new name?

Me: Hell yeah!

NIGHTMARE: I like it!

Steve: You would!

Me: Why did I keep you to instead of killing you?

Steve: Mostly for the booze and comedy relief....

Me: Just get me a beer!

?: Make that two~

Steve: Comin right up!

?: Well hello handsome~

Me: Hello sexy~

?: Mmmm I think we'll get along just fine mister...

Me: Hawke. Y/N Hawke

I say while kissing her hand

?: Oh~ Well my name is Eve. Eve Stier.

(Authors note, that's Ada Taurus in disguise)

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