The Outsiders Preferences

By Russianbueller13

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Just as the title says... More

The Outsiders Preferences
How You Met
How He Asks You Out
First Kiss
First Fight
How You Make Up
The Walk of Shame ;)
Celebrity He's Jealous of
The Socs Get You
When You're Drunk
You Wear His Clothes
I'm Pregnant...
A Baby Makes Three
He and Your Child Fight
First I Love You
Author's Note
He and Your Child Make Up
A Soc Hits on You
He Hits You
Picking Up the Pieces (He Hits You Pt. 2)
Your Dating Another Member of the Gang
Slipping Away
When He's Sick
Single Mom
What He Calls You
When You're on Your Period
Uptown Girl
Sk8tr Boi
Single Dad
Getting Caught ;)
You're One of the Gang's Sister
King of Wishful Thinking
When He Cheats...
When He Cheats (Part 2)
Another Boy is Your Ex
Your Song
Face Down
His Tears
A1 Dad Moment
Move Along
Coming Home
Marry Me

Lips of an Angel

3.8K 26 1
By Russianbueller13


It's funny that you're calling me tonight
And, yes, I've dreamt of you too

Pony thought he was still dreaming when he heard your voice on the phone. It had been so long since he'd heard your lips saying his name. It sounded just like he'd remembered. It pulled him back to when he was 16 and you would call late at night. You'd whisper his name like you weren't sure he was there. He'd stay up all night talking to you. Even after you fell asleep he'd keep talking because you'd once told him that you slept better that way.

Your voice pulled him back into the present as you said, "I'm sorry I called so late. I just... I had a dream... About you."

Pony stayed silent, his heart in his throat. He'd thought so much about what he'd say if you ever spoke again. He would tell you how much he missed you and how he regret everything that had happened. He knew he'd hurt you but you'd done just the same. The both of you had gone round and round hurting each other until there was nothing in your relationship to save. Until all you could do was walk away and save yourself. It'd left you both shattered. All Pony had been left with were the memories... and the dreams.

"I'm sorry, Pony, I shouldn't have called."

"No, it's okay," Pony finally forced out "It's just funny."

"What is?"

"I dreamt about you too."


It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet

Coming from the lips of an angel

Dallas had never believed in angels or heaven. He was firmly rooted in the real world, what he could see and touch. Until he met you. From the first word he was under your spell. He'd never believed in miracles or that he could be saved. You looked at Dally and didn't see his sins or his past. You saw him as a human, a blank slate that hadn't been ruined yet. You saved him like the angel you were. You took his demons to battle and slayed every single one of them. And whenever he felt another one coming back to drag him back down all you had to do was take his hand and say his name. It pulled him back, kept him tethered.

And so, sixty years after you had met when he laid on his deathbed with you right beside him, he didn't fear going on. He was sad that he would leave you behind, but he didn't fear that there was nothing on the other side. He knew there was a heaven because that's where you were from. And he couldn't wait to go there.


Well, my girl's in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on

Darry knew he was scum. That he was the worst of the worst. A total dirt bag and yet he couldn't put the phone down. Not with you on the other line speaking so soft and quiet. Apologizing for calling him. You both knew it was inappropriate. On the other side of the door Darry could hear his wife moving around putting away dishes. He gripped the phone harder. He knew he should have hung up, should've put the phone in the cradle and gone back to her. He should've hugged her and kissed her. He'd promised to love her and only her. But he couldn't. Someone could've put a gun to his head and he wouldn't have put the phone down.

It had only been one night and the other girl had gotten pregnant. He'd never meant to cheat on you but it had happened and he was stuck. He'd married the girl like he was supposed to and raised the baby girl. He told himself he was moving on from you. That he was happy with his wife. But then you called and he knew that his marriage was a lie. He never mentioned it to anyone but there were mornings when he'd look at his wife and wish so desperately that it was you. That you were the mother of his child and you had his last name. But he knew it could never be. And all he'd ever get was this phone call.


Honey, why are you crying, is everything okay?
I gotta whisper 'cause I can't be too loud

Soda was trying to be quiet. Pony was asleep in the bed beside him so he was whispering. He could barely hear you but he could hear the tears in your voice. He wanted to ask you so many questions but he remained silent and just listened to you. You were so upset and he tried to whisper words of comfort to you the best he could but then he heard Pony starting to wake up. Without thinking he hung up the phone and slipped out the window. He ran through the streets and in a matter of minutes was outside your window. His heart broke when he saw the tears staining your cheeks. He knew in that second that he should've come over the minute he heard your sad voice. You flung yourself into his arms and he held you as tight as he could. He let you cry and cry until there were no more tears. And when there were no more tears he still held you. He was still whispering but this time it was sweet, soft reassurances. Soda knew he would do anything he could to make you feel better.


But, girl, you make it so hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel

Steve had sworn up and down that he would never cheat. He'd been cheated on before and he never wanted to inflict that pain on someone else. He just couldn't do it. But then you entered his life. At a time when he needed you the most but he knew he couldn't have you. He was with Allison and he liked Allison. She was funny and smart and played the guitar. On paper she was his dream girl. But you, Steve had never felt like this with a girl. He'd never wanted something as bad as he wanted you. But he couldn't leave Allison. She was so in love with him. He knew that his leaving would destroy her and despite his tough guy attitude he was secretly a gentle soul. So Steve settled for Allison and forced himself to be happy with Allison. But every night he dreamt of your lips on his and every night he struggled to remain faithful but it was hard because you really did have the lips of an angel.


And does he know you're talking to me?
Will it start a fight?

Johnny hadn't thought of the consequences. He wished to God that he had. He didn't think it was that big of a deal but now, now he knew it had been. He'd just wanted to talk to you. There wasn't much that made him happy but talking to you, that made him the happiest he'd ever been. He laughed to the tune of your voice, and smiled. He'd never got the courage up to touch you. Not even a hug. For Johnny your voice was enough. But for your boyfriend it was too much. He didn't like you talking to Johnny. It had started a fight. Shouts led to a hit led to more. And somehow Johnny found himself touching you for the first time so he could hold your hand while you lay in a hospital bed. He wanted to touch you just once before he went to kill your boyfriend. The heater hung heavy in his back pocket. He couldn't believe your boyfriend had hit you just for talking to Johnny. But he would make damn sure it never happened again.


Hearing those words - it makes me weak
And I never wanna say goodbye

"I love you, Two," you whispered. Two smiled and held your hand a little tighter. His knees shook and he struggled to stand. His knees shook and he wanted to collapse. He was doing his best to hide the shaking of his hands. So he clasped your hand as tight as he could. He tried to ignore how small and thin your hand felt in his. He hated that this felt like good bye. He hated even more that he knew this was good bye. Of all the ways he feared saying good bye he had hoped it wouldn't this way, in a hospital without family and friends. A totally sterile environment had never been what you wanted. But the car had struck you both and while Two walked away just fine, you weren't so lucky. He didn't want to say good bye. He couldn't. But he knew he had to. 

A/N: Miss me?

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