NOT a Fairytale

By ClarissaFox6

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Diamond was done with love. She has been married 3 times, and lost two husbands to freak accidents. She gave... More

Chapter 1: Back story
Chapter 2: Whoops!
Chapter 3: Stalking
Chapter 4: Shut down
Chapter 5: Day off
Chapter 6: The Date
Chapter 7: Insecurity
Chapter 8: The fight
Chapter 9: The concussion
Chapter 10: Fear
Chapter 11: Aftermath
Chapter 12: Giving up
Chapter 13: Monotony broken
Chapter 14: Engaged!?!?
Chapter 15: Game Night!
Chapter 16: Championship Fight!
Chapter 17
Chapter 18: My worst Nightmare, shopping.
Chapter 19: Engagement party
Chapter 20: Respect
Chapter 21: Motorcycles and old friends
Chapter 22: Waffle house!
Chapter 23: The coming war
Chapter 24: Wedding 'stuff'
Chapter 25: Bye Bye
Chapter 26: The day of the ball
Chapter 27: The ball
Chapter 28: Kidnapped.
Chapter 29: My week of torture.
Chapter 30: Talking and nightmares
Chapter 31: New day
Chapter 32
Chapter 33: Diamond gets drunk
Chapter 34: Bachelor/Bachelorette parties
Chapter 35: Arrival of the in-laws
Author's Note
Chapter 36: The Wedding! part 1
Chapter 37: The Wedding! part 2
Chapter 38: The Wedding! part 3
Chapter 39: Married
Chapter 40: Honeymoon
Chapter 41: Gold Key
Chapter 42: The ex
Chapter 43: The ex- continued
Chapter 44: Tricky Tricksters!
Chapter 46: Here we go again.
Chapter 47: Two weeks
Chapter 48: Donna
Chapter 49: Nina

Chapter 45: Christmas and New Years!

39 2 0
By ClarissaFox6

Diamond's POV:

So, Dean was 'handled' I went down to the cells a couple times. He begged me, pleaded with me, to make them stop. He apologized, and begged. Then I gave him my best smile. I told him it was too late, and the next time he would see me, I would make them stop. He thanked me. It's almost Christmas now. Roman said we can do Christmas with my family, but there is a New Year's eve ball, we have to attend.

"But, Roman, please?" I begged him.

"No, since when do you beg? I have made up my mind. You are going!" He said firmly, leaving no room for discussion.

He wanted me to go buy another dress. I didn't want to, I told him to just order me one, and I didn't care. He has refused, said I have to go.

"Fine, but no sex for a week." He scoffs at me.

"Like you could go a week with out it!" He smirks back.

"I have other ways to satisfy my needs. A week won't hurt me." I cock my eyebrow at him.

"No wife of mine will use anything but me, to satisfy her needs!" He grabs me and starts tickling me. I hate being tickled!

"Take back your threat, and get a dress, then I'll stop!" He tells me.

"Never!" I try to wiggle free from his hands. He tickles me more!

"Fine! I give! I'll get a dress, and have sex with you!" I stops tickling after I said fine. He leans down, and kisses me.

"Come on, we have to go! Christmas with your family!"

It was Christmas eve, and we exchanged gifts with his family, before we left.

After Christmas with my family, that I dragged Levi to, as well. I had to buy a dress. Roman told me I couldn't get black. "Any color, other than black." He said. I rolled my eyes. "You wear it too much." He attains. I rolled my eyes again.

I got a purple floor length, strapless gown. In silk. It had a rhinestone belt, and flowed away from my hips. I made sure it had a slit, as I wanted a gun on my thigh, easily accessible. Roman rolled his eyes at my antics.

"You don't need a gun! You have me, Alex, Tom, my dad, your brother. We all have guns." He explained, to which, I rolled my eyes.

"You know I don't like relying on other people for my safety. I know you will keep me safe, but I like having the extra security." I winked at him. He gave in.

The ball was held at a hotel, that Roman and I owned. Yes, most of his legit businesses he had put my name on as co-owner. He told me, in case anything happens to him, I will be set for life.

We had decided that after a year of marriage, we would start a family. We decided to go with a surrogate, since I would be such a high risk pregnancy.

Entering the ball, we were announced. This was a Mafia gathering, so Roman was introduced as Don, and I as Donna. Since I am his wife, it basically makes me their Queen, if he is their King. It's a title, although most think, I am just a stripper who Roman has happily shared his legal businesses with, and I am a Gold digger. We agreed that it would stay this way, until Dante was dealt with. Then we show everyone, that he isn't the only ruthless one in the family.

"Remember, you aren't the badass, just the Don's stripper turned wife." He whispers in my ear. I look at him, and flash him my bright smile.

Introductions, and conversing, business deals. I was to act as the supportive wife, with no say in the mafia's world.

"I see your wife has finally learned her place. She has kept her mouth shut for once!" One of the elders, with greasy slicked back hair spoke. It made my blood boil.

I pictured, a thousand ways to end his life with a flick of my wrist. It calmed me down.

"My wife is very outspoken. It's one of the reason's I fell in love with her. However, she has learned there is a time and a place." Roman spoke diplomatically. In order to soothe the men, and let me know that the time wasn't now, but soon it would be.

"So, the wild woman can be tamed. It's good to see you cousin!" Dante joined the group. He always left me uncomfortable feeling.

You may be wondering how we kept my blow up, of The Ball under wraps. It was a rumor spread throughout the family, that Roman punished me for my outburst. However, he killed the man for disrespecting me.

Dante was staring at me. I suddenly felt the need to be submissive, which I hate. Part of this uncomfortable feeling.

"Dante! Long time no see cousin!" Roman responded. Ignoring Dante's comment about me.

"I cannot believe your wife went from wild woman, demanding respect, to being silent." He made another comment. I could feel the anger radiating off Roman. I squeezed his arm a little, and then rubbed it with my hand.

"Yes, well that is what communication will do." Roman calmly responded.

"Yeah, communication. How much did you pay her?" Dante asked. I gasped, audibly. My blood was boiling.

"You don't pay women, nor talk to them. You punish them. That's the only way they learn!" Greasy haired elder spoke again. I gasped again, audibly louder this time. I was taken aback. I looked at Roman, my blood was boiling, but I felt the need to cry. I felt weak, useless, broken again.

I couldn't stand there, I calmly excused myself to the gentleman. Then ran, literally ran to a bathroom. My breathing was unsteady. I couldn't figure it out. I wasn't having a panic attack, but I was hyperventilating. I heard the bathroom door open, and tried to compose myself as much as possible. I'm the Donna, no one can see me weak, especially lower ranking women. Bella had explained it to me.

Women seeing me as weak, meant the men saw my husband as weak. We weren't weak. I turned to see who walked in, and it was a beautiful natural blonde, she had fair porcelain skin. She was wearing a bright red dress. She has on bright red lipstick. She had a 'Jessica Rabbit' figure. Sex appeal oozing from her, with a tinge of innocence on her face.

"Donna" she bowed her head, slightly.

"I didn't mean to disturb you. I apologize."

"You didn't just touching up my hair and makeup. We must always look presentable." I smiled at her. She gave me a shy smile back. Lole I said, touch of innocence.

"Oh! Ok. That's just what I needed as well." She acted like I side tracked her. Something seemed off. Although, it could be because the last event we went to, I was kidnapped. I shake off the feeling.

Roman's POV:

Dia had excused herself from the men, and ran to the bathroom. They were mocking her, and making my blood boil. Saying she couldn't handle being Donna, Dante saying the most.

Little did they know, my sweet Kitten was the best suited Donna, they would ever meet.

"She will never meet the role of Donna, if she runs away crying!"

She didn't run away crying, she ran to stop herself from beating your ass, or shooting you! Fuckers!

"Gentlemen. My wife will not be disrespected. She is your Donna, whether you approve or not." I say sternly.

"Roman, you may be Don, but we still have to accept her. The elders do. We haven't! She is not our Donna!"  Geary, the one Dia calls greasy hair, says. He is right. The elders have to accept Dia as the Donna of the family. Yet, they can't until we handle Dante.

"Excuse me, gentlemen. I have to find my wife." I went to look for Dia. I sent Isa into the bathroom she went, but she wasn't their.

"A blonde told me, the Donna" she used air quotes. "Left the restroom after finishing her makeup, and fixed her hair."

I thanked Isa, and called Alex. He said he hadn't seen her. I felt like it was the last event all over again.

Alex and I searched, we couldn't find her. Alex found another guard and said that Dia had gone home. I checked my phone and had a text from her.

"I'm sorry, my love, if I stayed I would have upset you. I went home, don't worry, I took a guard."

I took a deep breath, and showed Alex.

"That's not how she texts. She wouldn't be afraid to upset you. She would have said to not kill people. She wouldn't have taken just anyone. She would have taken me. She would have told you in person!" Alex was fuming, but he was right.

"Who could have taken her!? She had her gun, and knives!?" I yelled at Alex

"A woman. She would let her guard down with a woman. You see how she is with the girls from the club, she mother's them." He was right, again. A woman had taken her.

Dia and I had set up a deal, that if she went missing, I would drop off radar, so they couldn't ransom, or contact me. She knew that people would try to use her, against me. I love my wife. So incredibly intelligent.

"Alex, tell Antonio he is in charge. I have to lay low." I whisper to him. "No one is to contact me, except Dia, Levi, and You. Understood?" He nodded.

Diamond's POV:

*in the bathroom still*

This blonde girl, was watching me fix my makeup, and hair. I still had an uneasy feeling.

"Donna?" She asked, really timidly.

"Yes?" I answered back, firmly.

"Can you help me?" I looked at her when she asked for help. She wets a rag. "The man I'm with, was supposed to pay me for one date, I'm an escort, non sex, or supposed to be. Anyway, that was a week ago. He, he" she wipes the damp rag on her arm, and shows me a handprint bruise. Her wrists have ligature bruising.

"Oh you dear child. Yes, let's get you out of here now!" I respond immediately.

"Thank you, but he is right outside the door. He won't let me leave. Will you just send this to that address?" She hands me a letter. I look at it, while she covers her bruises again.

Filthy, vile, scum of the earth people. They think they can own another human! Makes me go cross eyed angry.

"You are getting away from him. Tonight, right now." I inform her. She looks at me shocked. A smile tugs at her lips.

"Thank you thank you, thank you!" She hugs me.

"Come, follow my lead. Let's talk about your designer shoes!" I wink at her.

We begin conversing, and walk out of the bathroom, with elbows linked. We start walking away from the bathroom, when I hear someone clear their throat.

"Excuse me, Donna" the man behind me sounds brave. Only my husband speaks to me like that. Cold, distant. I turn to face him.

"You have my girlfriend on your arm, I would like her back." He states. Void of emotion.

"My apologies, however, I was taking this ball to get to know all the women under me. We were just about to go grab a drink" I look at the blonde, "non alcoholic for you right?" She smiles and nods.

"Sorry, but we have to be leaving. You two can get to know each other another time." He takes a step towards us, she squeaks.

"Do not. This is for your benefit, do not come closer." I warn him, standing firm. She looks scared out of the corner of my eye. He smirks.

"Your guards aren't here, what are going to do? Scream?" He smirks some more. I roll my eyes.

"I don't need guards, nor my husband to save me, certainly not against one womanizing man." I cock an eyebrow.

Use your mouth not weapons Diamond. Do not draw too much attention to yourself. I remind myself. Again.

"It isn't just a womanizing man. It's also a sly baiter, Donna." I wear the blonde tell me. I hear foot steps behind me. I go to grab my knife, but I feel a needle in my arm. I fight to stay awake.

I hear the blonde laughing. "Awe, poor Donna got baited, by me! I will be the best baiter ever! Night night, Donna" she cooed, then darkness.

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