50 Shades Of Destiel

De DestielNochester

395K 10.5K 30.7K

What happens when Castiel Novak finds himself falling in love with the handsome CEO Dean Winchester and learn... Mais

50 Shades Of Destiel
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 1

47.5K 1K 4.3K
De DestielNochester

"What does it mean to be the best? It means you have to be better than the number two guy. But what gratification is there in that? He's a loser—that's why he's number two." 
― Jarod Kintz


Cas tugged nervously at the end of his sleeve while his bestfriend and roommate Anna Milton was staring him down. He had never in his life been more uncomfortable and he felt the urge to just turn around and walk out the apartment door.

"Now?" she asked "how was it?" her facial expression was tense as she grinned and her eyes were big. He red hair was resting on her tense shoulders and she looked like a lioness ready to jump at her pray. She was waiting for his answer, not his actual answer, but the answer she wanted to hear. She wanted him to tell her that it was amazing and that he had never experienced something better. Truth was, nothing had happened. The most action her friend, Meg, had gotten was a hug when he left. He wasn't interested in her that way, he wasn't interested in any girls that way and he was thinking maybe it was time to tell her. He could lie and tell Anna what she wanted to hear, but he figured Meg would tell her the truth anyway. Nothing happened.

"Anna..." Cas started and looked down at his shoes, they were a pair of old converse, they were once white, but now they had more a greyish tone to them, but he liked them, they were comfortable and he wouldn't trade them for anything "listen, I'm..." Cas sighed and moved his eyes up to meet Anna's "Nothing happened".

He quickly walked past her and into the living room, placing himself on their couch, a brown, leather couch that would make a farting noise every time you moved, which was extremely awkward when you invited new people to come over. Anna turned on her heals and placed her hands on here sides, making her baby blue shirt lift and revealing a small part of her stomach.

"What do you mean nothing happened? She has had an eye for you for, I don't know, forever and you tell me nothing happened. I don't believe it. Spill"

Cas sighed and looked down at his hands, twirling his thumbs and swallowing hard. "I'm telling you, nothing happened, because-" Anna cut him off "because?"

Cas raised his head to look at her and raised one eyebrow "If you would let me finish you'd know"

Anna let her arms fall down and she slowly made her way over to Cas and sat down beside him, she looked at him with concerned eyes "this is really important isn't it?" Cas nodded "I can see it. You're like an open book" she continued and placed one hand around Cas' shoulder.

Cas looked down at his hands again and let out a shaky breath "nothing happened, because-" he stopped himself. How was he going to say it? How would be the right way to say it? Was there a right way? He figured he might as well just say it as it is and get it over with "because, I'm not interested in her that way. Not in any girls, actually... Anna, I'm..." he swallowed hard and Anna pulled him in for a hug.

"I'm so sorry Cas" she said "So, so sorry" she pulled back and looked into his eyes "Why didn't you tell me sooner. If I knew I wouldn't have pushed you into dating Meg. I'm sorry."

Cas chuckled a bit and dried a tear, unaware that he had been crying "It's okay. Don't be sorry. You didn't know."

Anna gave him a reassuring smile "but now I do. And,"  she stood up and almost jumped a little when she did and pointed a finger at Cas "we're going out. We're getting you a hunk"

"Anna I-" she cut him of "No Cas, we are going out. To celebrate"

"Celebrate what?"

She giggled "you coming out. That takes a lot of courage and we are going to celebrate" she reached out a hand "C'mon Cas, it'll be fun. When was the last time you did anything fun?"

Cas thought about it. It had been a long time since he actually went out and did anything fun. Ever since school started he had been so caught up in all the work that he had just forgot about having fun. He had spent countless of nights with his nose buried in his books while everyone else had been out living their lives. He stood up and gave Anna smile.

"Great!" she exclaimed "Let's go"

"Now?" Cas asked "don't we have to change or something?"

"Nah, you look great, and I'm not interested in getting anyone tonight" she grabbed Cas' hand "Come on now"

     The bar was crowded and the air was thick. Cas had a hard time breathing because of all the people and the lingering of smoke in the air. Of course Anna would pick this bar, the only one where they were allowed to smoke inside. Neither of them smoked, but Anna liked the smell of it for some reason. Cas was worried that the smell would glue to his clothes and never get off no matter how much he would wash them. The music was loud and the bass was so violent that he couldn't hear the lyrics, if the son even had lyrics. This reminded more of a club than a bar, but it was called The Bar, so a bar it was. Really creative name, Cas thought to himself. He glanced over at the counter to see if he could catch a glimpse of Anna, she had been gone for fifteen minutes buying them drinks, maybe she got someone tonight after all.

Cas was looking at the people dancing in the corner of the room where the dance floor was. It wasn't big, but it was something. Cas figured they had made it that small so people would have to stand close. This whole place was just a big room for people who wanted to get laid. Cas wasn't interested in getting laid, so he sat in the booth and he had no intentions about leaving.  Suddenly Anna plumped down in the seat in front of him and handed him a beer.

"I should have worn a more skanky shirt" she said and laughed, Cas laughed too and then they just sat there in silence, drinking their beer. It wasn't much use in talking, seeing that they could barely hear each other.

"Did you hear?" Anna suddenly said loud enough for Cas to hear it.

"Hear what?"

Anna leaned over the table and Cas did the same thing so they could hear each other easier. "He's back in town. It was all over the newspapers and on TV too."

"Who?" Cas asked and Anna shook her head.

"Winchester" she said "that magazine guy that you like so much" she took a short break and grinned at Cas "now I know that you really like him"

"Shut up" Cas playfully pushed Anna back and straightened up himself.

"You do. It's so obvious. Can't blame you, he's hot" she took a sip from her beer and Cas rolled his eyes.

It was true. He liked him, he was hot. Dean Winchester, manager of one of the biggest magazines in the world. Handsome, rich and successful, he was overall perfect. Winchester was the whole reason Cas wanted to become a journalist. He wanted to badly to work for him. He was young too, only 25 years old. It was incredible, to be so successful in that age. He had been since he was only 19. No one knew how, but no one really cared. He was back in town. Last thing Cas remember reading about him was that he was moving to New York 5 years ago and he hadn't heard much about him since. Now he was back in California. Cas wondered why.

"I'm surprised you didn't know" Anna suddenly said, snapping Cas out of his thoughts.

"I've been too busy with school to pay attention to anything else around me" he shifted uncomfortable in his seat.

"I know" she pushed her bottle away and leaned over the table again "maybe you'll bump into him" she winked and Cas could feel his face flushing red. He looked the other way only to see two people making out right next to their table. He coughed a little and looked at his beer, reading the label over and over again.

"Maybe..." Cas drifted away thinking about meeting Winchester.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I feel like dancing" Anna said and jumped out of the booth "coming?"

Cas shook his head and Anna shrugged, disappearing into the crowd. He wasn't really in the mood for dancing, he was never in the mood for dancing. It just wasn't his thing. He was always off beat and he would feel so stupid and stump on other peoples feet and trip. He was so clumsy. He could barely walk without tripping, let alone dance. He moved his index finger over the bottle cap and let his mind drift off.

He could feel his cheek and ears go hot while thinking about Winchester. He had spent hours looking at pictures of him on the internet and in other magazines, reading interviews with him and he had of course bought every exemplar of his magazine. M!. That was the name M!, Cas found it weird only having one letter for a magazine name, but it was a magazine for men, so the M made sense. There was a lot about cars and boats, some facts about animals, historical facts and of course, naked women. There would be a new cover girl every month and there was always a big picture of her on the cover. She was never nude in the cover picture, she would always wear some sort of underwear and maybe covering her boobs with her hair or leaves, sometimes different types of food, but if you opened the magazine and went to the middle of it, you could see all of her. That didn't interest Cas. He read all the other articles and gave the poster away to his friend Adam, whose room was covered in posters of the nude women from M!. This was the magazine Cas wanted to work for. He wasn't interested in taking pictures of the poor lady having to pose naked, no he wanted to work with the historical pages. History had always been one of Cas' biggest interests and if his dream didn't come true, he would become a history teacher.

Cas was deep into his thought when Anna came and pulled him out of the booth "We're going home. Now!" was all she said while dragging Cas out the front door and angrily walk down the street. He was startled and stopped for a minute so he had to run to catch up with her. He placed one hand on her shoulder and stopped her, turning her around and looking into her eyes.

"What happened?" he asked worried and then Anna started crying. Cas pulled her in for a hug and she buried her face in his chest. She didn't say anything, she just cried and Cas figured something bad must have happened on the dance floor. He didn't want to ask any more questions, she would tell him eventually.

     Back in the apartment Cas made Anna a cup of tea and handed it to her. She was sitting on the couch with a blanket wrapped around her. She took the cup and gave Cas a weak smile before taking a sip and placing the cup between her legs.

"What happened back there?" Cas asked as he sat down and placed one arm on the back of the couch.

Anna sighed and turned her head to look out the window "just some creep being nasty. Nothing big really, I just, got uncomfortable. That's all"

Cas tilted his head slightly and let his hand slide from the back of the couch and down to Anna's hand. She quickly turned her head towards him and Cas could see a tear escaping the corner of her eye and making its way down to her lip. He used his other hand to remove it with his thumb.

"Was this creep Michael?"

Anna frowned and nodded before she started sobbing and Cas pulled her in for a hug, holding her tight.

Cas swore he was going to kill Michael. He was Anna's ex-boyfriend and he had been all sweet and nice to her until one day when he forced her to sleep with him and then a week later he cheated on her with Naomi. Anna of course broke up with him and then he decided to become nice again, buying her flowers, showing up at the door with presents and inviting her out for dinner. Anna forgave him and then he did the exact same thing. If there was one person on this planet Castiel couldn't stand it was him and he thought to himself that Michael was lucky Cas didn't see him, because he would have beat the shit out of him. Castiel didn't think of himself as a tough guy, but he could throw a punch if he wanted to. Cas was still holding Anna, stroking her hair, rocking her back and forth, trying to comfort her, until she fell asleep. He gently laid her down on the couch and pulled a blanket over her. He kissed her on the forehead and walked into his bedroom, closing the door quietly, trying not to wake her.

     The next day he woke up by the sound of a glass hitting the floor and shattering into a thousand pieces. He fumbled out of bed and rubbed his eyes, yawning at the same time. He slipped into a pair of grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt before walking out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. He saw Anna sitting on her knees picking up the pieces of the broken glass. Cas slowly walked over, carefully, trying to avoid stepping on any glass.

"Everything alright?" he asked Anna and she nodded, fully concentrated on getting all the pieces. "Do you need any help?" Castiel offered, but Anna shook her head and gestured with her hand for Castiel to leave the room. When he turned around to leave her alone he caught a glimpse of her phone lying on the counter. He picked it up and read out loud.

"Please, Anna, baby, take me back. I love you so much. I will never hurt you again. Your Michael"

Anna's head shot up and she was quickly on her feet, looking at Castiel, begging with her eyes, but Castiel just continued.

"I don't know... Michael... Can I trust you?"

"Of course you can. I love you"

"I love you too. I'll meet you later."

"Sounds good baby"

Castiel placed the phone back down, eyes glued to Anna. Neither said a word and you could feel the tension. Anna's breath was quick and her hands were shaking. Castiel was calm.

"Cas... I-" Anna started but Castiel cut her off "Are you serious?" he shouted and Anna jumped, the pieces of glass fell out of her hands.  "Yesterday you said he was a creep and now you're saying you love him and you're going to meet him. I can't believe you right now."

Anna looked down, ashamed.

"What's wrong with you? You know he will just hurt you again. He's not good for you. You can't actually-" Cas continued but didn't get to finished before Anna blurted out "I love him okay! If you had ever loved or understood love you would have understood this. A potato understand more about love than you!" she ran by him, picking up her phone in the process, and out into the hallway and picked up her shoes "if there's anything, you can call, I'm going to be at Meg's" and then she was out the door, leaving Castiel in the kitchen with the glass spread all over the kitchen floor. He sighed and started cleaning up Anna's mess. Like ha always did and it seemed like this time it would be more than just this glass he would have to clean up.

     Later that day Cas was walking down the busy street, he didn't have any classes today so he decided to just take a walk, clearing his mind. Anna was being ridiculous. She will never find true love if she keeps going back to Michael, Cas thought for himself. He pushed his hands down in the pockets of his jeans and looked at all the people around him. Some man dressed in a suit dropped his phone and Cas believed he just yelled every swear word that existed. He laughed a little and kept walking. A woman was wiping ice-cream of a little boy's mouth and an old couple was walking hand in hand carrying one white plastic bag each. Castiel wanted that, someone to grow old with and still be in love with after all those years. He smiled at the old couple as they passed him and they smiled politely back. After walking for a while he found himself outside the office building for the magazine M! on Grand Avenue. He must have been walking for at least half an hour to get here. He just stood there, eying the place up and down. He wanted to work there so badly. He was just about to turn around and walk away when he his eyes caught a man in a black suit walk out from the elevator inside the building. It was him. Castiel's body froze and he was just staring at Dean as he walked through the lobby, waved at the lady behind the desk, as he walked out the front door and over to his car, a black Chevrolet impala, 67' it could look like, Cas wasn't really into cars, but he knew brands and the age of the model on most cars, then he drove away.

Castiel just stood there, watching in the direction Dean Winchester had just driven away, he was completely frozen. He had never been this close to Dean, never had he thought he would ever get this close to him. He could still smell the cologne from when he walked past him. It was a strong sent and it had burned  itself into Cas' nose. He could feel a tingling feeling in his fingertips and his heartbeat was fast. He closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. He had been so close to Dean Winchester, he could have just reached out his hand and touched him. Then Castiel started thinking about touching Dean and he had to shake his head to avoid those types of thought. He couldn't get a boner in public and he could feel one was growing. He coughed a little and started on his walk back home, all the way, thinking of Dean.

     Cas put the key in the lock to open the door only to find it unlocked. He slowly opened the door and yelled "Anna?!" but no one replied. He closed the door gently behind him and kicked of his shoes and walked slowly into the living room only to find Michael and Anna making out on the couch. "What the hell?" Cas blurted out and both Anna and Michael jumped. Anna quickly stood up and walked towards Castiel.

"Cas, please don't-" Castiel pushed her aside and glared at Michael.

"Get out!" Cas commanded and Michael gave him a confused look. "Why?" he asked "Anna want's me here and last time I checked this was hers apartment too"

Cas clenched his fists. It was true, part of it. It was originally Castiel's apartment, but he had invited Anna to live with him. She paid half the rent and did as much around the apartment as Cas, but at the end of the day it was still Cas', but there was no way he could pay for it alone.

"I don't care if Anna want's you here. You have your own place. Use it! I don't want to walk in on you two making out. If you absolutely have to be here, then use Anna's bedroom." Castiel had a really hard time keeping himself calm, all he wanted to do was slam Michaels head against the wall.

Michael slowly stood up, both hands up in the air, eyes never leaving Cas. He walked around the little brown coffee table and over to Anna. He gave her one quick kiss before heading for the door. "Wait!" Anna shouted and then turned to Cas "You're an ass, you know that" and with that both her and Michael was gone.

Cas sat down at the couch, head in his hands. He was so done with Anna going back to Michael all the time. He thought to himself that this time he wouldn't support her when it all went downhill again, but he knew that he would. He cared to much for her not to and he knew she would have been there for him no matter what.

     Later that night Cas was sitting on the couch, drinking tea and surfing on the internet. He was searching for a job. He was working part time at a little diner, but he would be done with school after this semester and he didn't want to work in that diner for the rest of his life. He wanted to be a writer for a magazine, mostly for M!, but he would take anything he could get and then maybe he could work his way up. He was scrolling though some adds when he saw one that caught his attention.

Magazine M!, now hiring interns. Unpaid internship, with the possibility of a spot in the team as a secretary. Apply now, uptake May 16th.

Cas looked at his calendar, May 5th. He still had time. He clicked the link and read about the internship, before sending his resume. Now all he had to do was wait.

He couldn't believe he had just done that. Sent his resume to M!. He wanted to tell Anna about it, but she was probably still mad at him for what happened earlier, he probably should apologize. He picked up his phone and texted her.

To Anna:
     Anna. I'm sorry for what happened earlier. :(


Text received.

From Anna:
     It's okay. I understand. No bad feelings. We're cool.

Cas smiled for himself, she had never been the type of person to be mad for a long period of time. Now he could tell her.

To Anna:
     Do you want to know something cool? I just sent my resume to M!. They're hiring interns for a unpaid internship.


Text received.

From Anna:
     Oh my God! That's awesome Cas! Good luck! They'll pick you I just know it! :D

Cas replied with thank you and put his phone back at the table. He was staring at the computer screen. He still couldn't believe he had just done that. First he sees Dean Winchester, not did he just see him, he smelled him and he couldn't get the smell of his cologne out of his nose and now this. Castiel closed his eyes and prayed for them to pick him. They had to pick him.

     Anna was hanging over Cas' shoulder as he opened his mail. He had been checking his mail for a reply from M! ever since he sent his application. It was now May 16th and if he had no mail today, there was no chance he would ever get one. Anna held tight on his arm, resting her head on his shoulder as they waited for the screen to load.

He covered his mouth and Anna screamed, hugging him tight. He kept staring at the screen. He couldn't believe it.


From: dean.winchester.ceo@mmagazine.com

Topic: Internship application

Date: May 16th 2014 , 09:03am

To: Castiel Novak

Dear Castiel Novak. We have read your application and we are happy to inform you that you have been chosen as one out of twenty for an interview for the internship.

Your interview date is May 18th , 10:00am at the office building for M! magazine.

Dean Winchester
M! magazine Inc.


"Oh my god Cas! You got in!" Anna squealed and hugged her bestfriend so tight he could barely breathe. He released her grip and let out a small laugh.

"It's just an interveiw. I haven't gotten anything yet" He said trying not to get his hopes up, this could go either way.

Anna playfully punched his shoulder "you won't get anywhere with that attitude".

"You're right"

Cas let his yes focus on the computer screen. He read the mail over and over again and just in case, he saved Dean Winchester's email as Dean Winchester. He might have use for it later. Anna saw what he did and giggled, earning Cas' attention.


Anna leaned back into the wall and closed her eyes "You're so hot for him Castiel".

"I am not" Castiel said trying to sound offended.

Anna just laughed, eyes still closed and then she leaned forward, staring at Cas. "You need new clothes!"


Anna jumped off from the armrest on the couch and picked up her keys and her phone "you need a suit. You can't go to that interview in your old jeans and hoodies. Come on. Don't you want to look your best for Mr. Winchester?" She teased.

Cas threw a pillow at her and she laughed.

"You know you do. For all you know, he might be into guys too"

"I doubt it"

"Come on Cas, I'm serious. They won't choose you if you walk in there looking like a homeless person"

"Excuse you?"

Anna sighed and pulled Cas off the couch, she forced him to put on his shoes and then they left the apartment.

     Walking down the busy street again, Cas was looking at all the people, taking notice to every little detail. Anna kept talking about school and how easy it was and how much free time they had. Cas didn't pay much attention and suddenly he was pulled into a clothing store.

"We're here!" Anna exclaimed and started looking at suits.

Cas looked around, feeling very uncomfortable, they lady behind the desk gave him a judgmental look and he looked down at himself. He was wearing a pair of old sweatpants and a black hoodie and of course his white and grey-ish converse. Anna had just dragged him out of the apartment, not giving him a chance to change and now he was standing in a fancy suit store looking like some homeless man. He shifted nervously on his feet and his eyes started searching for Anna. He eventually found her at the end of the store holding a black blazer.

"What about this?" she asked and Cas frowned, he had never really liked suits that much.

Anna sighed and turned around and walked over to the judgmental lady behind the desk.

After a lot of back and forth Anna finally got Cas to try on a black suit, white shirt and a blue tie. She almost had to drag Cas out of his converse to get him to put on the patent leather shoes. Cas looked at himself in the mirror and Anna was standing behind him grinning. He turned around a few times and fixed the blazer at least a hundred.

"Now?" Anna asked and clapped her hands together.

"I don't know..." Cas hesitated for a moment and moved his feet to look at the shoes. "I don't really like suits"

"I don't care" Anna turned to the woman "We'll take this one"

Cas kept staring at his reflection and the more he looked at it, the more he liked the suit. He could get used to this, it didn't look that bad. He turned around to close the curtain to change back into his own clothes when he saw a beige trench coat hanging on the wall on the opposite side of the room. He walked over to it, almost in trance, and without thinking he put it on and walked back to the mirror. Anna looked at him and walked over to where he was standing.

"Cas?" she asked and Cas turned to look at her "It suits you. I say we take this one too"

Cas nodded and let his eyes drift back to his reflection in the mirror. He liked this.

     After paying for the overprized suit and the all too expensive trench coat they decided to get something to eat and ended up at a little café not far from their apartment. They didn't anything more exciting that day. Anna kept talking about how Cas would walk into Dean's office wearing that suit and they would fall deeply in love and get married and have children and every time she mentioned it Cas would change the subject, because he didn't want to think about something that would never happen. As far as he knew, Dean Winchester was straight and there was no way he could change that. Castiel didn't think of himself as something special, just an average guy, not someone who could turn a straight guy gay.

     "I'll pick you up when you're done. Okay?" Anna said to Castiel before he closed the car door and waved a goodbye to Anna. She mouthed good luck and then she drove away. Castiel turned around and looked at the building. He took a deep breath and tried to clear his thoughts before walking towards the front door, opening it and waling in.

The air inside the building was cold, they probably had air conditioning, and there was a red leather couch in one side of the room, with a black coffee table in front of it with some magazines spread across it and a big green plant on the left side. There wasn't really any outstanding smell, it smelled clean. He slowly walked over to the front desk and the lady behind it smiled at him. She had brown hair that reached her shoulders and her name tag read Ellen Harvelle. She looked like she was mid thirty.

"May I help you?" she said, her voice was soft and a little raspy.

"Uh, yes. My name is Castiel Novak, I'm here for the internship interview"

Ellen looked down at her computer and Castiel was so nervous he just wanted to run out the door and call Anna. He tugged on his shirt collar and when Ellen looked up she gave him a comforting smile.

"Just go to the elevator and take it up to the fifth floor. Mr. Winchester's office is at the very end of the hall" she gave him another smile and Cas smiled politely back.

Before he entered the elevator he looked back at Ellen, only to receive yet another smile.

     The elevator door opened and Cas stepped out. A man, probably around fifty years old rushed by him and almost knocked him over. Cas apologized but the man mumbled something about paying attention while walking away. Cas rolled his eyes and started walking down the hall. His heart was beating fast and he didn't know where to place his arms or how to move them, it also seemed like he had forgotten how to walk, because he must have tripped at least six times on his way over.

A young man, skinny, with light brown hair walked out of Dean's office and closed the door. As he passed Cas they exchanged a smile and Cas turned around to look at the young man before he disappeared into the elevator. He took a deep breath and walked over to the office door.

Dean Winchester CEO

Castiel read the sign on the door over and over again before placing his hand on the door handle and slowly opening the door. This was it. He was about to meet Dean Winchester. He felt a little starstruck as the door opened a revealed the office. The walls where white and there was a huge window on the east wall, showing off the whole outside, like a picture and on the west wall there was at least twelve diplomas and a few pictures of some cars. All the furniture were black, expect for the metal lamp in the corner. Right next to Cas there was a black leather couch and a green plant, similar to the one in the lobby. On the wall in front of him was a bookshelf covering the whole wall, filled with books and in front of it was a big black desk and behind it he could see Dean Winchester sitting, staring at him. Cas felt as if he was eying him, checking him out, but Cas shook that thought out of his head and closed the door.

Dean Winchester gestured for Cas to sit down at one of the chair in front of the desk. Cas, who had forgotten how to move his feet, stumbled over and almost tripped and had to support himself on the back of the chair so he wouldn't fall to the floor. He could see Dean Winchester crack a smile as he slowly placed himself in the black leather chair with a metal frame. Dean Winchester looked at his computer and closed it quickly after, folding his hands at the desk and let his eyes fall on Cas.

Castiel looked straight into Dean Winchester's eyes, he knew the color, hazel green, but they were more hypnotizing in real life than in the pictures. Cas couldn't make himself look away from his eyes and then he realized that Dean Winchester was looking back into his eyes and his stomach dropped. He swallowed hard, but still he couldn't look away. He didn't want to look away.

"So" Dean started, without break their eye contact "Castiel Novak, right?"

Cas nodded.

"You're here for the internship?"

Cas nodded again.

"Okay, so, do you have any experience with writing?"

Cas nodded once again and Dean laughed.

"You know, this will be much easier if you answer my questions with words."

Cas coughed a little and finally managed to look away from Dean Winchester's eyes, but now he didn't know where to place them, so he looked at the desk. There was a closed computer, black of course, a tiny flag, some pens and some paper, and of course a name sign that read Dean Winchester CEO.

"Are you nervous Novak?" Dean asked and snapped Cas out of his thought about what could happen on that desk if-

"Y-yeah, a little" Cas managed to say, trying to avoid looking into his eyes.

"Don't be, I won't bite" Cas looked at Dean and he was giving Cas a crocked smile, showing some of his white teeth. Cas felt his stomach drop again. He nodded and looked down at his lap.

"You nod a lot, well, it's cute" Dean said and leaned back in his chair.

Cas' head shot up and his eyes were big. Did Dean Winchester just call me cute? He thought to himself and Dean was once again giving him that crocked smile.

"Okay, we'll do it like this. I will ask you some yes and no questions, because you are obviously very nervous, and you just nod for yes or shake your head for no, got it?" Dean leaned forward over his desk and folded his hands in front of him again.

Cas nodded.

"Good" Dean smiled and opened his laptop again.

     The interview took around frothy five minutes and Dean asked simple yes or no questions and Cas nodded or shook his head to everyone. Dean would repeatedly give him that crocked smile at Cas could have sworn that at some point he winked at him. Making Cas' stomach drop for the third time. Dean's questions came to an end and Cas got ready to leave when Dean asked one final questions that made Cas' heart almost stop beating.

"Do you want to go get something to eat?"

     Back home in the apartment Cas kicked of his shoes and threw his trench coat on his bed before walking into the kitchen, when he saw Anna sitting on the kitchen table tapping the keyboard on her computer. She's probably talking to Michael, Cas thought and opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water. He hear Anna's laptop being closed and the sound of a chair being dragged across the floor filled the silence, the fridge door closed and Anna was staring right at him.

"Where were you? I waited for you, but you never came outside. I was worried sick about you. You didn't answer your phone either."

Cas walked past her and sat down at the kitchen table, Anna did the same thing, eyes glued to Cas.

"I was out eating lunch" Cas said, not meeting Anna's stare.



"Whit who?"

Cas lifted his head and smiled "Him"

Anna tilted her head, not completely sure about who Cas meant.

"After the interview" Cas continued "he asked if I wanted to go get something to eat"

"After the-" Anna stopped halfway through her question and yelled out "NO WAY!"

Cas just grinned and nodded, holding the bottle of water in front of him.

"Tell me everything"

Cas shrugged "Well, he asked, I managed to nod, and he took me to this restaurant, a fancy one. We ate, talked and then he drove me back here. Nothing more"

Anna squinted at him "I don't believe you. I mean, I believe the lunch part, but not the nothing more thing you just said. Cas? Spill!"

Cas could barely hold his excitement as he said "We're having dinner tomorrow"

Anna squealed and ran over to hug Cas.

"I'm so happy for you Cas. You're like dating Dean Winchester now" Cas hugged her back and he couldn't stop smiling, he was, sort of, dating Dean Winchester.

     Later he was sitting in the couch on his computer while Anna was watching some horrible reality show on TV, when he got mail. Anna turned her head at the sound and when she saw Cas' smile she ran over to read it with him.


From: Dean Winchester

Topic: Dinner tomorrow

Date: May 18th , 11:09pm

To: Castiel Novak

Great interview today, also, great lunch. We're still on for dinner tomorrow right?

Dean Winchester
M! magazine Inc.


Cas looked at Anna who mouthed reply and Cas started typing.


From: Castiel Novak

Topic: Dinner tomorrow

Date: May 18th , 11:14

To: Dean Winchester

Thank you for the lunch, it was great. Yes, we are, if you still want to.

- Castiel Novak


"You're so dating him now!" Anna said and playfully pushed Cas' head to the side.

"Maybe..." Cas replied.

"Maybe? Hello! Lunch today, dinner tomorrow. That's two dates. There's no maybe here"

Cas just laughed a little, then he got a reply. Scared to open himself, Anna did it for him.


From: Dean Winchester

Topic: Can't wait to see you again

Date: May 18th , 11:26pm

To: Castiel Novak

Of course I want to. I'll pick you up around eight, if that's alright with you Cas.
Is it okay if I call you Cas?

Dean Winchester
M! magazine Inc.

"Hey! That's my nick name for you" Anna pouted and Castiel laughed, bending his head back.

"Not anymore"

Anna crossed her arms over her chest, trying to look angry, but it didn't take long before she smiled and Cas started typing.


From: Castiel Novak:

Topic: Cas

Date: May 18th , 11,34pm

To: Dean Winchester

You can call me Cas if you want to. Eight is fine.

- Castiel Novak


From: Dean Winchester

Topic: Goodnight

Date: May 18th , 11:44pm

To: Castiel Novak

Goodnight Cas. See you tomorrow.

Dean Winchester
M! magazine Inc.

Cas closed his computer and after talking with Anna about his dinner date with Dean for hours he finally went to bed, not able to stop thinking about those hypnotic hazel green eyes and that crocked smile. Dean Winchester was even more perfect than he could have imagined.

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