Chapter 6

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Castiel threw his sweater into the washing machine and closed the door, he pressed start and watched the machine as it filled with water and made that squeaky noise it always made when it started rotating. They needed a new washing machine. He walked out into the living room and sat down at the couch, Anna had classes today so he was all alone in the apartment. He turned on the TV to see if anything was on, but as usual, there was nothing but talk shows and cooking shows at this hour. He had the TV turned on, volume low, so he wouldn't feel so alone. He picked up one of his books and his time schedule fell out. He picked it up and looked at it. The same schedule he had had for this whole year, now it was his last semester and when he was done, he could start applying for jobs that he really wanted, like journalist or teacher, because he would have time.

10:00am – 12:30pm: English
02:00pm – 03:15pm: Advanced writing

Wednesday (every other):
08:10am – 09:10am – Advanced History
12:00pm – 02:45pm – Advanced English  

11:00am – 12:00pm: Math
01:00pm – 03:45pm: History

He placed his schedule on the table and opened his history book and started reading. He was reading something about Egypt and how they lived when his phone suddenly started ringing. He picked it up and saw that it was Dean.


"Hey Cas, so, are you busy?"



"None of your business"

Cas rolled his eyes and closed his book, carefully placing it on the couch next to him.

"Well, okay then. I just called to ask if you wanted to drop by my office and then we could go get something to eat"

Cas put one hand on his stomach, he hadn't eaten anything yet and he was kind of hungry, but he knew meeting up with Dean would lead to a conversation about the contract and Cas wasn't sure if he was ready to talk about it yet, he had only read it four times and he was afraid he had gotten it completely wrong.

"When you say it, I am sort of hungry"

He could almost hear Dean smile when he said "great, I'll see you then"

"Yeah, see you then"

Cas pulled his phone away from his ear and looked at it as the hang up button got grey and Dean's name disappeared from the screen and he was now looking at a picture of him and Anna. They were both wearing a flower crown at had one red and one blue line painted on their cheek, like they have in the military, only those are green. He thought back, that picture was taken at a concert. They had been to this festival that lasted for a weekend and that was the most fun Cas had ever had. Anna had talked him into it and after a lot of back and forth he caved and he was glad he did. They were going to do it again sometime, but lately, they had been occupied with life. This was before Anna met Michael.

Castiel stood up from the couch and headed into his bedroom to change. He didn't dress up fancy, only a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt with some band name on which he didn't really know who was. Anna had bought it for him it was comfortable. He threw his burgundy red hoodie on and slipped into his converse. He looked at himself quickly in their hallway mirror, he stroked his chin, he should shave, he had a five o clock shadow and he was unsure if he should shave before leaving to see Dean. He decided not to and started his walk down to the office building for M!. It wouldn't take him more than thirty minutes.

     Inside the lobby he saw Ellen sit behind the desk and she gave Cas a wide smile and he returned it and added a little wave.

"Good morning Mr. Novak" Ellen said and Castiel stopped at the desk.

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