Saving The World While Fallin...

By nickii_96

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chaper 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 33

29 0 0
By nickii_96

The next time I woke up I was in the comfort of my own bed with no recollection on how I got there. I slowly tried to sit up and noticed everyone was gathered around me like I was dying.

“Whats up” I asked attempting a smile.

As if I had suddenly announced I had ten more minutes to live Lala burst into tears and excused herself.

“What just happened?” I asked not completely understanding her outburst of tears.

“Lala woke up yesterday and we filled her in on what you did for her” Shan told me

“So” I said not seeing the point the was trying to make 

“Look in the mirror” Whitney offered up as some type of explanation

I stood up and walked over to my full body mirror. I couldn’t believe my eyes. What stared back at me was terrible. On my chest was a life sized bruise of Lala. We must have fallen a lot harder than I had thought. I touched it gently and winced inwardly at the pain it caused.

“Its like my own personal tattoo of Lala” I said trying to make light of the situation.

“Turn around” Shan said making a motion with his hand.

I slowly turned around and little bruises littered my back. Those must have been from the rocks I fell on top of. My million dollar body was not looking good at the moment. I would definitely need to keep a shirt on for awhile. A knock on the door caused us all to turn. I did my best to try and quickly put on a tank top but each movement hurt.

“Can I talk to Ryan alone please?” Lala asked with her eyes cast downwardly to the floor.

“Whats there to talk about?” I asked forcing a smile through the pain.

“Thank you” she said then sat on my bed and patted the spot next to her.

“What are husbands for” I said smiling her

“I owe you my life” she said looking me in the eye

“A kiss will do” I said completely serious.

“Later” she said thinking I was joking.

I stood up and held my hand out for Lala. Hand in hand we walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Of course I had a goofy grin on my face because she was touching me. I just couldn’t help it.

“Good talk im assuming” Whitney said noticing my grin.

“Something like that” I said still smiling

“So Ryan I feel like I should take one for the team and give you a sponge bath since I know your in pain.” Whitney said with a wink

“I am not showering with all these bruises” I said just imagining the discomfort.

“Hence my sponge bath offer” Whitney said with the roll of her eyes.

“Who giving who a sponge bath” Shan said walking in the room

“Lala volunteered to help him bathe tonight” Whitney said quickly saving herself.

“So there is something we need to discuss” I said getting serious since everyone was at the table.

“Which is” Lala asked.

“Our next move” I said anxious to continue the search for my mom.

“I think we should wait and go after Alex before she goes underground” Whitney said

“Well I think we need to find my mom now” I said

“One issue at a time”

“And my mom is first” I said getting slightly angry.

“We need to get the others first before they disappear.” Whitney said standing up and getting louder.

“We can do that after we find my mom” I said standing up and getting twice as loud.

My anger was definitely getting the best of me. I heated up just a little and the sudden change in temperature caused me unbearable pain. I did the only rational thing I could think of. I grabbed Lala from behind and pulled her to my chest. Her body immediately reacted to the change in temperature and cooled us both down. I sighed and then made a mental note to keep my emotions in check. As much as I was loving the no space between us I had to let her go before little Ryan woke up and caused trouble. Even though she made no effort to move I dropped my arms from around her and focused back in on the conversation.

“Whitney and Ryan the both of you need to cool it.” Shan said with an authority we had never heard before.

“Whitney your being selfish. We have our parents. He doesn’t. So heres the plan we find his mom then return to our normal lives. They may go underground but they have to resurface to come after us again. So until then we wait.” Shan said with finality.

Whitney grabbed Shan by the hand and led him upstairs without a word to anyone. While Lala went to my mom’s room.

“What about my sponge bath?” I yelled after both girls.

“Come on babe” Lala yelled back.

I didn’t know whether I was more excited from being called babe or the fact that Lala was going to wash me naked. Either way I skipped off toward the bathroom.

“Ryan before you even take anything off put these on” Lala said tossing me my swimming trunks. 

“Really we‘re married” I said quickly dropping my pants.

“Ryan stop” she said then turned around.

I chuckled softly to myself while slowly removed the rest of my clothing and placed the swimming trunks on.

“All done” I whispered in Lala’s ear trying to be seductive.

“In the water then” she said pointing at the water ignoring my attempt to seduce her.

“No” I said just imagining how painful it would feel.

“I promise its not hot” she told me as she stuck her finger in as to prove her point.

“Its steaming” I said watching the steam arise.

“Its warm”

“Then you get in” I said being stubborn.

“I have a better idea” she said

She leaned over the tub and placed her hand in the water. Slowly the top surface started to ice over. Then she smashed the ice successfully creating me an icebath. Now that I could definitely deal with. Before I could even talk myself out of it I hopped in. I sighed in relief as my body started to go numb. This was almost a perfect moment.

“Join me wife” I said closing my eyes.

Without responding to me she disappeared into the other room. Moments later she returned in her skimpy bathing suit from the hotel. Of course this time I liked it a lot more now that I was the only one seeing it. She stepped in the bath tub only to sit across from me.

“Ryan” she started

“Yes” I said giving her my full attention

“Come here” she said holding her hand out to me.

Naturally I assumed she was reaching for my face to remove something off of it like she has done many times in the past. Only this time was different. Once I placed my face into her awaiting hand she brought I closer and closer to her face until our lips were almost touching.

“Remember that kiss you asked for earlier” she asked me

I could barely register that she was even talking to me. All I could feel was her breath on my lips and it was starting to turn me. It was taking all my will power to not close the distance between our mouths.

“Yes” I responded after what seemed like hours.

“Do you want it now?” she asked her eyes dropping toward my lips.

“Yes” I responded

“Hey Ryan where are the…” Shan started as he walked into the bathroom ruining the perfect moment.

“This is definitely what it looks like.” I said catching an attitude that he ruined the moment.

“Your secrets safe with me. Now where do you keep condoms?” he asked getting back to the reason he interrupted us.

“For what” I asked stupidly

“Umm I don’t know safe sex” Shan said trying to be funny.

“Duh Ryan” Lala said with the hint of a smirk on his face.

“In my nightstand but I only have XL which may not fit you” I said before sinking back into the water.

“What the hell is that suppose to mean?” He practically yelled at me.

“Bro I‘ve seen your stuff not that big.” I said nonchalantly. 

“I wasn’t even hard” Shan said getting loud.

“Sure.” I said not caring

“I bet your wife wasn’t complaining when she was looking” Shan said smugly

“Don’t bring me into this” Lala said

“Too late your already in it” Shan said

“We all know what‘s going to happen when I get upset so leave Shan” I said trying to stay calm and keep my cool

“You cant just insult my ego and then walk away we both know that’s not how a man‘s pride works.” Shan told me

“We both know the truth” I said almost forgetting to keep my cool.

“How about we settle this now.” Shan said

“How” I asked

“Let Lala judge.” he said as if he was commenting on the weather.

“Or Whitney” I  said knowing it would upset him.

“Whats taking so long?” Whitney walked in the bathroom whining.

“They are seriously having an argument over whose dick is bigger”  Lala said with the hint of a smile.

“That one‘s easy I‘ve seen both” Whitney said shrugging nonchalantly

“Then please enlighten us” Shan said as he wrapped his arm around Whitney possessively

“it’s a tie same size” Whitney said just trying to keep the peace.

“That’s impossible” I said seeing right through the lie.

“Im serious” she said still sticking to her lie.

After studying her face for a moment I decided to let the matter drop. I couldn’t take the ego hit if it turned out Shan was indeed the bigger one. Right before Whitney left she leaned over the side of the tub and whispered something to Lala.

“Care to share the secret” I asked feeling left out.

“Like you don’t already know” Whitney added with a wink

As soon as they left I sunk down lower in the tub and began to relax.

“Come on Ryan we need to get you to bed” Lala said standing up

“I don’t want to. Im not ready” I said whining like a little baby.

“We need you well rested so we can go searching for your mom” Lala said as she toweled herself off.

I reluctantly left the tub and patted myself dry. Instead of making the long trek back upstairs to my room I decided to just crash in my mothers bed for the night. I snuggled in under her sheets knowing this was the first and last time I would ever have the opportunity to sleep in her bed.

“Im headed to my room” I vaguely heard Lala say

“Come get in” I said half sleep already

I felt the bed dip then felt her cuddle in next to me. Within in seconds I fell completely asleep to a dream I wanted but didn’t like the ending.



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