Fall Out Boy- A Little Less S...

By YoungBloodFoBfan

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This is a fan fiction based on the music video "A Little Less Sixteen Candles A Little More 'Touch Me'" by Fa... More

Before: Chapter 1- Request Denied
Before: Chapter 2- When Enemies Become Friends
Before: Chapter 3- Unusual Behaviour
Before: Chapter 4- Things Just Got A Hell Of Alot More Complicated
Before: Chapter 6- Leave It To The Experts
Before: Chapter 7- Killing Vampires 101
Before: Chapter 8- Sometimes, It's Best To Do What They Say.
Before: Chapter 9- Lets Try Not To Screw Up Even More
Before: Chapter 10- What Doesn't Kill You Just Pisses You Off.
After: Chapter 1- A Not-So Success
After: Chapter 2- Time For A Rescue Mission.....Again.
After: Chapter 3- When All Hell Breaks Loose
After: Chapter 4- Payback's A Bitch
After: Chapter 5- Too Early To Celebrate Yet
After: Chapter 6- When Friend's Become Enemies
After: Chapter 7- Remember Me As I Was Not As I Am
After: Chapter 8- If I Don't Wake Up Dead
After: Chapter 9- How Many Times Do We Have To Go Through This?
After: Chapter 10- Cause We Don't Know When To Quit
Bonus Chapter- Patrick's Awakening

Before: Chapter 5- Working Progress

1.6K 54 20
By YoungBloodFoBfan

Kyle put his hands out against the wall to stop himself from falling over as he stumbled back into the manor, his blonde hair now stained with blood. It was almost sunrise and his leg still ached where that bastard vampire hunter had kicked him and distracted him from collecting Pete for his master. He snarled at the memory, he wanted to rip the hunters’ throat out with his bare teeth and let his sweet blood run down into his own, but he had to flee to avoid being an undead corpse like most of his friends had. They almost had him! They almost had Pete until that stupid hunter came along and fucked everything up! Master William won’t be happy….

At that moment, he could hear his master’s voice coming from the other room and he froze. He was too scared to face him, to tell him to his face that he had failed and that nearly the entire group had been killed. He knew his master would be very angry. Very angry indeed….

Kyle dragged his injured leg along as he made his way to the other room, his master’s study, to deliver the bad news and receive punishment when he stopped just inches from the doorway- he could not just hear his master’s voice, but another, unfamiliar voice too. He paused to listen and even though he could not tell what the second voice was saying, he could hear William’s voice clear enough:

“……my lieutenants to fetch him. He should be here soon enough.” Said William.

The other voice spoke but Kyle still couldn’t make out what was being said. It sounded harsh though.

William spoke again. “Wouldn’t it be so bad if they did kill him? It is  not like we desperately need Peter after all. If the hunters-“

Williams’s voice was cut off as the other voice spoke angrily. It can’t be one of us, thought Kyle. None of us would dare interrupt our master….

He heard William speak again. “Of course. Do not be worried. We will have Peter soon enough. I have a plan.” The end part sounded sly.

Kyle moved slowly always from the door and swiftly left the room. Who was the other voice? Why does Master William want that one stupid vampire so badly? He didn’t worry about it however; if master William said he had a plan, it meant something big was going to happen….


After the incident of the broken sink, Andy and Joe had begun to clean up the mess Pete had made, not taking their eyes off Pete the whole time. He could only imagine what they were thinking: he’s a killer, he should die, he’s not even human. Not being able to take any more, Pete had left the bathroom and shut himself in one of the bedrooms; Patrick had tried to get him to come out despite Pete’s protests and all his efforts were failing.  He must have been in the room for a couple of hours as even though the windows in the room were covered, Pete could still tell that the sun had come and gone and it was now coming close to sunset.

Pete had spent most of the day trying to get to sleep in an attempt that sleep would allow him to once again forget everything that is going on to him, but sleep hadn’t come no matter how tired he was and yet, the nightmares did and they kept on replaying in his mind like a film except it was trying to torture him: being bitten, waking up in the coffin, the feeling of suffocation, attacking and killing the other vampires, the feeling when he couldn’t see his own reflection in the mirror….and the feeling of bloodlust that was slowly building up inside his throat from not feeding all day, and the only thing around to feed off was Patrick, Joe and Andy….

Pete clenched his fists tightly against the side of his head as he looked around the room for distraction; like most of the warehouse, it had little furniture except for the basics: a large bed which he was currently sat on, a small wardrobe, a little table next to the bed where a dull lamp rested, and another small bathroom that connected to the rest of the room.

However, as he scanned the room, Pete’s eyes locked on a single corner for in that corner was a large work table scattered with tools and weapons of all sorts- including a stake.

Pete’s dark hair flopped slightly over his eyes as he turned his head towards the door for a second- he knew what Patrick would say, that he had given up too quickly and he was a coward, but Pete didn’t have a choice.

He walked over to the weapons table and let his fingers curl around the harsh wood of the stake and with it now in his grip, he walked back over and sat back down on the bed. He had considered going out there and attacking one of them until the other two would be forced to kill him, but this way, he could die as a person rather than an evil-being.

Pete sucked in a deep breath. Even if he wanted to cry, tears wouldn’t come. He knew he had to do this now before he became just like the others which he defiantly didn’t want. Even death was better than the alternative.

This is it…

And that was when Andy’s voice drifted into the room:

“Okay, um, Pete,” Andy said as he begun to enter the room. “Joe’s coming back now with a coffin for you to sleep in and Patrick thinks he’s come up with a way to help-“

Andy’s voice was cut off as his eyes fixed on the stake in Pete’s hand.

Andy cleared his throat. “Um, Pete? What are you doing?”

Pete didn’t look up at Andy, and instead kept his gaze on the floor before squinting his eyes shut. “What does it look like I’m doing?” he said, his voice quiet.

At that moment, he felt the stake being forced away from his hand and looked up to see Andy next to him, with it in his own hand. For a second, Pete thought Andy was going to use it to kill him instead but he was mistaken when Andy went to put it back on the table, his eyes following the slow movement as the stake was being put further away from him.

Shit. What the hell is with these hunters? Are they saving vampires now?

“Are you insane?” Andy moved towards him, sitting down next to Pete but Pete hastily moved away when he caught a slight smell of Andy’s sweet rich blood….

“No, I’m not insane! I’m a vampire!” Pete screamed at Andy. “Why can’t you understand that I don’t want to be one? That I don’t want to be a bloodsucking monster? That I just want to die! Just a couple hours ago, you wanted to kill me!”

Andy looked slightly stunned. “Yes, I understand, I’d feel the same way-”

“Then why don’t you let me kill myself then? Isn’t that what you would want for yourself?” Interrupted Pete.

“Maybe, but….” Andy paused. “You saved my life. No other vampire in hell would ever do that. And Patrick’s right, we can trust you. We want to help.”

Pete tried to ignore Andy by lifting his knees up and burring his head between them and wrapping his arms around as if to shield himself. Why can’t you just piss off and leave me alone?

“This isn’t one of those vampire brooding things, is it?” asked Andy, to which Pete stayed silent.

He felt Andy whack him on the leg with his hand. “Hey!”

“Seriously! Stop with the moodiness, Jackass!” Andy said. “Look, I don’t care if you’re a vampire. Neither does Joe and I’m sure as hell Patrick doesn’t care either.” In which case, you’re a bigger dumbass than I thought, Pete thought before Andy continued: “Like I said, we’ve decided we want to help.”

“Help me? How the fuck could you help me!” Pete shouted bitterly and lifted his head to face Andy. He knew he was baring his fangs at him but he didn’t care. “It’s not like you have some miracle cure to make me human again!”

Apparently, Andy didn’t seem to care either. “First of all, don’t be a dickhead. Second of all, I might not have a cure, but you defiantly don’t want to be like one of those other vampires, right?”

Yeah right, Pete thought. Like you can help me. And yet, a slight feeling of hope seemed to form inside of him.

At that moment, Andy got up off the bed and moved towards the table where he picked up a glass cup that wasn’t there before with a red coloured liquid inside- not blood; it looked too thick and a lighter colour to be so. Pete must have been so focused on the stake that he didn’t see Andy bring the glass in with him.

Andy moved towards Pete and held out the cup towards him. “Patrick made this.”

Pete hesitantly took the glass in his hand and looked down at the liquid inside which looked like a blend of some sort rather than just an ordinary drink. Pete took a whiff of it and smelt a strong smell of garlic, but what else was in there he couldn’t tell. “What is it?”

“I don’t know.” Replied Andy, to which Pete rolled his eyes. That’s reassuring. “Patrick wouldn’t tell me yet, but he said it might be able to help control your bloodlust or something like that.”

Anything that would potentially help Pete at the moment was good enough for him and he raised the glass and took a big gulp on the contents; it was thick and burned in this mouth slightly as it ran down his throat from the garlic and whatever else was in there but Pete swallowed through the miniature pain and as he did so, the thirsty and dry feeling from lack of blood in his throat seemed to ease up a little bit. It’s working! Within a matter of seconds, Pete had managed to drink all of the contents of the glass, which then he handed back to Andy. “Um…” he wasn’t exactly sure what to say. “…thanks?”

Andy smiled. “Don’t thank me. Thank Patrick.” Andy begun to move off the bed. “Speaking of Patrick, he wants you to come out of this room. He thinks he’s found something else.”

Pete groaned. “Like what?”

The corner of Andy’s lips twitched into a smile as he grabbed Pete by the arm. “I guess we’ll find out.”

And with that, Andy began to pull on Pete’s arm to lead him elsewhere. Pete groaned again and even though he could have easily fought Andy off, he was in no mood to and let himself be dragged off the bed. Don’t these vampire hunters understand the terms ‘fuck off’? Pete thought as he let himself be lead away by Andy out of the room.

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