Ripper: An Indoraptor Story βœ“

By EkemWrites

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Fight or Flight
The Enemy
The Lost
Falling Apart
Before The Storm
Returning I
Returning II
The Memory
Palo Alto
The Monster
The Fallen
The Nightmare
Against All Odds
The End
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1.8K 67 57
By EkemWrites

I was on the run in the morning.

It's been many hours since I had fled Colfax, and many hours since I faced the most horrifying night of my life. Never had I ever endured so much grief, so much death, and so much destruction to terrorize me inside. It seemed as if the whole world of mine had suddenly been brought down to its knees by one single force. Nothing had been more tragic than to watch an entire family, a happy family, be slaughtered in cold ruthless blood just to get to me. And with InGen still on my tail and desperate to end me for good, I had no reason to stay and mourn for my losses.

The heavy heart I carried of Colfax, California had long been ignored from my mind, but ingrained inside me remained the happy and doomed faces of the family that saved me that one afternoon oh so long ago. Each one of them reflected a toxic memory that could never be forgotten no matter how vicious I wished to become, or how desperate I wanted the pain to end. At times I would hear their sad and miserable voices echo my name alongside the distant winds of the American desert, fearing that their souls would never rest unless I fall first. But alas, it was my fault they all ended up like this. I put them all in harm's way.

Including Belle.

Poor sweet little Belle. She was the youngest and most innocent creature I've ever met. I'd recall when her face would bloom like a thousand sunflowers in the summer starlight above, and her dress would flutter like butterflies in the wind. Eyes sparkled and her teeth would gleam, and the feeling of her little tiny fingers against my nostrils made my snout throb. Nothing could dare combat her innocence and beauty like the way it tormented me at this very moment while the memory reigned on, until all I could think about was her.

All I could think about was how horrible it must've felt when she boiled alive in her bed.

I felt like a coward and an insult to abandoning her, and the past. It didn't seem right for me to leave them to such a tragic fate and not suffer the same consequence. If I were to die I should've done it alongside them, or way before I had ever met them.

Perhaps the world would make sense if I remained impaled on that Trike. Perhaps life would be better if I stayed dead.

My current injuries still oozed fresh blood from the deepest of wounds, leaving a large trail of splattered memories that dried in the sun and against the warm asphalt beneath me. My blood temperature rose higher and higher as I wandered through the empty desolate highway, wheezing quietly as my muscles twitched and leaked more liquids. A soft boom of thunder rocketed overhead, signaling the beginning phases of an incoming rainstorm. But alas that didn't matter, for now- my soul had been drenched in a rain of sorrow for far too long.

How much longer until I die? I asked.

My mind, perplexed from the odd and threatening question, just frowned and seemed to denounce my statement just to satisfy itself.

You're fine, it said back, You're hallucinating old friend. You just need shade, that's all.

I need to die for what I did, I swallowed, feeling my stomach churn and lurch at the words, I'm not hallucinating, I'm being truthful because I am guilty.

We're not finished yet, my mind snarled, we came all this way for a reason. You cannot escape your destiny when you're this close! Use their deaths to enlighten you, Ripper, to encourage you to push on. But don't let their souls hold you back!

So now you accept them as a part of me, I slightly whimpered, Earlier you wanted me to kill them. It seems as though you too can't choose a side.

I side with you Ripper. I'm never against you, nor will I let you fall, dear friend.

I continued walking through the torrid world, groaning as another strong heatwave pummeled my spine, hot enough that at one point I somewhat believed my back was lit on fire. At times I went onto my two hind legs, easing the pressure on my shoulders, wondering if it'll help. It didn't really make any difference besides increasing the rate of my spilling blood, turning the thick gooey beads into a watery drizzle.

About a half hour had passed before the sounds of another intersecting highway roared in my ears. Except this one seemed more alive than the one I trekked upon. In spite of the pain and the anguish I had endured, enough curiosity bestowed on me allowed a chance to examine what laid waiting in the distance. I lifted my head to stare downwards a few meters away from a long bridge where numerous cars of all sizes dashed willingly across the vast desert horizon. Some of them drove to the right, heading to the clear blue skies ahead where the end of the world laid waiting. Another group drove left, slow and calm unlike the others while a dark storm brewed in the distance of their destination.

The sights were overwhelming enough, for I'd never seen an interstate so close to my location. Then again, I didn't really see its purpose so much as to watch and listen for the beeps, howls, and rumbling noise given off by the cars. Nearby this highway were three signs my eyes had picked up, flapping in the storm winds with their green reflectors glowing brightly. But it was dim enough for me to see, and being an indoraptor I was lucky enough to read it in the human language.

"Sacramento and San Diego, California," I muttered, sniffing the first pointed sign from afar with a sigh. I looked in its direction, realizing it headed right back from where I had escaped from. I didn't believe Wu could be hiding there where a population of a million humans or more could reside. In fact, if this were to happen I would've never found him in time- or a quite unlucky scenario- become the center of a human conflict.

I glanced at the other sign and sniffed it in surprise, seeing how the road moved south toward the blazing sunlight afar.

"Tahoe National Forest," I grunted before snorting, knowing that I'll find nothing there besides a few tasty morsels and wild mammals hunting about. Besides, I knew that a person like Wu wouldn't hide in a forest, for I would've killed him easily. But there was a third sign heading in the same path as the first, but instead, the road of its path curled diagonally towards the raging storm cloud in the distance.

"Palo Alto, California," I whispered.

I felt an odd feeling grow inside me when I mentioned this place. It was old like the others, but rather than being still a working area, the InGen company there was abandoned for years. But it wasn't significant because of its demise, or it's downfall thereafter the first Jurassic Park. It was significant because of an old faint memory, a past life that sank into my bones and clouded my charred lungs.

I was born there.

A sharp bark, not that of a dog or of a person, pierced the air, and not a moment later a quick whiz swished by my snout, startling the once quiet atmosphere I had previously invaded. The gunshots, as I quickly realized, rented the still country air - too powerful to be a backfiring car or a crash on its own. The noise reverberated into my eardrums, reminding me of the danger I was still in ever since I left Colfax. Though there wasn't any need to worry or tremble; I didn't need to guess a thousand times to know who it belonged to.

Large black cars and trucks tore up the dusty landscape in the distance as they surfaced onto the true blackened asphalt a mile away, screeching and growling as they slowly sped toward me on the rippling horizon. I stood still, watching in awe as more bullets flew past me, interested in seeing how desperate these men were by going so far outside their limits to kill me, even when their numbers were significantly low.

But for the first time in days, the humans had successfully put me in a conflicted position, for when I turned around with a small smirk more gunshots sounded from the opposite side of the bridge as two more black trucks thundered toward me with their eyes blazing.

They don't give up! I snarled in annoyance, backing up and wincing as some of the black stones skimmed my flesh, when will they learn?

It doesn't matter now! My mind snarled in the realization of being trapped, they're coming! Either you put an end to them or they end you.

I looked around, suddenly becoming more frantic as several quick shots were near-misses, and as I crouched there I wondered where I could possibly go. Now there were options, countless options in fact that coursed through my mind, but none of them seemed honestly safe for me to exert.

The desert was the worst option of all, and of course, running into the vast open space of tarnish sand and cacti was the same thing as committing suicide. I learned from that mistake ages ago when I dragged myself around the wasteland hungry, thirsty, and tired.

The second thought wasn't the best either. Taking shelter or fighting the herd of humans was an even dumber decision, and I sincerely doubted that I could possibly survive that.

But jumping off the sounded insane. But if luck was on my side, just maybe, I could land on something that'll take me to Wu's location.

Unfortunately, that idea made me panic as well.

Oh no, My heart sank, recalling what had happened with the coyotes from many weeks before, way...

It's the only way, My mind responded, they're coming. You have to make a choice, Ripper.

I'll die!

Just do it! My mind snarled, What else is there to lose?!

My life! I screeched. I stared at the blackening storm rumbling above and the cars racing upon the thick black racetrack and whimpered even harder. Death was all around me, watching me from above and excited in knowing that I had doomed myself. But there, where the cars drove toward Palo Alto, I spotted one lone white trailer truck approaching from the distant lands to the bridge. My internal stomach lurched several hundred times, watching my idea go to play in my head.

And hearing myself land with a sickening splat.

I hesitated to move when I saw the SUVs in clear sight, curling my tail underneath my crotch and trembled.

I had to do this. There really was no other way.

And so, after another few terrifying seconds of swallows, prayers, and clenches, I took off in a sprint, tearing across the bridge like a dying dog and panting heavily as I neared the edge.

"NO!" A voice roared as more shots were fired, but by the time they began to strike my hide and pierce my flesh, I had already lunged off the bridge.

An into thin air.

My entire stomach lurched when the ground vanished beneath me, and for a brief moment, all I saw was the asphalt awaiting my arrival, a landing spot I envisioned had been festered with roadkill since the very beginning of mankind, and would claim yet another victim. But in my surprise, the truck and white trailer had arrived rather quickly after I began my descent, speeding down the runway as my claws crunched inwards into the flat metallic sheet.

I lost my footing in seconds, yelping in horror as I slammed into the exterior roof of the trailer, flipping about before digging my claws into the metal. But it was a hopeless attempt, for not only did it fail, but I helplessly watched myself get dragged to the edge of the truck as the bridge I had hopped off of began thunder toward me, a wall I knew would end me if I didn't act fast.

I didn't need to.

My talons had dug several rips into the top metallic frame in a desperate attempt to slow myself, but it was at the edge of the trailer when my claws finally took hold of the truck before my body could topple over. I squealed and cried out, ducking my head as the rest of my body, aside from my anchors, jerked at the edge while the concrete bridge zoomed over me with a brief second of darkness. When the light returned, my body had regained control of itself, relieving me as I clutched the rear of the trailer, wincing slightly as the vehicle continued to drive across the highway toward Palo Alto.

My yellow eyes swung to the bridge where the black cars had stopped, but rather than fold as all my enemies had done in the past, the cars reversed, spun their wheels, and skidded downhill to rejoin the new highway where I was located.

Damn it...

I snarled in anger, infuriated to see them confidently persistent over eliminating me. Thus, I decided to save myself before they could arrive.

Groaning in constant pain, I began dragging my dangling damaged skeleton and swishing tail to the top hatch of the trailer truck and dug my claws into the metal scars to hold myself together once again.

Being upon a moving object severely limited me to fight. There was no way I could attack these devils without striking the pavement in a bloody display, let alone destroy myself. Nonetheless, it seemed stupid to jump again since the first leap was indeed extremely lucky, and any other I wished to complete wouldn't deliver the same chance of survival. I was forced to stay afloat on the truck, watching coldly as the black cars rumbled closer and closer like raptors searching for wounded prey. Their side windows lowered and men in army suits and helmets poked their heads out like worms to stare at me.

They descended again, then signaled their monstrous cars into the middle lane where the truck was before doing the same action, this time carrying large artillery guns strapped to their vests.

"Oh no."

Instinct suddenly grabbed hold of my heart and limbs before I dove into the metallic ground, screeching as the thunderous roar of gunshots rocked the skies above my head, spraying and indenting the white painted metal in all directions and locations. The truck, oblivious to what was occurring, swerved violently in fright, enough that I had almost toppled right off again.

Stupid human, I snarled, growling toward the front of the truck before turning my head again. Another large stream of bullets were fired at me before I scrambled forward, jerking my head low to avoid the shots.

But then, aside from bullets, the men took a different action.

One lone SUV approached the left flank of the truck, keeping a steady pace as both roared down the highway, and with one small tilt, the car bumped against the truck.

"What the hell man!" The driver of the truck roared, glancing angrily at his side view mirror, "Watch it!"

The SUV bumped again, harder this time that the trailer trembled in fright and skidded against the tar the wheels lumbered against, sending a painful scent of burning rubber to torch my nostrils.

I had to get out of here. There had to be another way out of this.

I scrambled to the edge when the coast was clear and moved my claw down to a jiggling piece of metal hanging loose. The weird object quaked in the rushing air, and due to my curiosity of this metallic flap of flesh, I tugged it. The trailer unhooked its central line and out of surprise, the doors sprang open, throwing huge bushels of paper and cardboard objects into the air. The enemy cars swerved from the flying pieces as I dragged myself into the trailer, gasping upon recognition of what had been hiding in the truck during this small scaled battle.

I was surprised when I found myself staring at a large glowing red vehicle entrapped within the confinements of darkness. Its frame shook and rattled from the rumble of the highway, causing the front of it to rise and fall. I wandered over it, crouching low so I could slide to the back of the car in protection. Even during this action, I couldn't hesitate in sniffing the glowing object, noticing that it smelled clean and fresh like fruit, and all while the stormy winds outside tore through the open trailer it's harnesses suddenly unstrapped, making the wheels bounce. Its surface glowed like red thick blood, coated around the rims and body of the sports car as the dying sunlight above the incoming storm flickered weakly against it.

I can use this, I thought, finally hopping in the back of the car as more outbreaks of bullets splattered the trailer wall behind me. I had a plan, a stupid one, but inside I knew it would work, despite how much carnage was bound to be revealed from this. Outside, the doors thrashed wildly ahead of me and as I curled my body against the rear of the vehicle I began to grunt and yelp from the mere heaviness of the car upon my shoulders.

Roaring and snarling, my black claws dug deep into the earth as I pushed against it, feeling the red machine slowly slither out the trailer as it was rained upon by more bullets. I growled and winced all the way, strong enough that moments later the end of the car topped from the edge and lifted up. I gasped as the back of the car struck my chest and knocked me backward, allowing me to watch in utter silence as it fell into the highway.

I could only guess all hell broke loose.

There was no human scream. Only the terrible agony of destruction dominated the roars of this highway and overpowered the booming roar of thunder above. The first sound was that of a red metallic chassis smashing into the windshield of the black SUV before being bashed over the concrete tiles nearby. The sound of its flesh ripping apart was almost as deafening as the first drops of rain that began to downpour. An inferno of red fire exploded as the second the car collided with InGen's own, expanding a newborn ball of flames and a blasted fist of gray smoke. A moment later there was yet another explosion behind the first wreck. Another unfortunate car plowed into the burning wrecks, flipping over and over off the track while the others slowly screeched alongside the runway upon it's back before it too burst into flames.

I thought I had finished them as the outside world went dark, thundering and rumbling as rain continued to pitter and patter all around me.

But peace only lasted a brief moment.

The SUV I had forgotten on the opposing flank of the truck drifted into my front vision before me, but rather than kill me in the dark flapping trailer, one human, a man who's dark and furious face I could clearly remember, shot something black and circular underneath the moving trailer. I heard the sound of metal clashing together and felt my stomach lurch, unsure what he shot, or why the SUV he was driving was shrieking to a halt.

I had no time to react. No time to prepare myself for what madness would unleash before me.

The metal flooring beneath me suddenly bulged upwards as I grasped it, feeling something warm dig into the intersection connecting the driver to the trailer. The bulge vanished for a moment, before suddenly erupting like a popped vein, blasting the back of the truck upwards as if a rocket had launched.

Almost immediately after the explosion, the tossed trailer jerked and flew up and in sudden fright, my entire body got thrown into the ceiling. The world flipped once before another collision happened, whereas the trailer, now detached, struck the ground hard. My torso and head smashed violently up against the back wall while my arms and legs were flailing, searching for somewhere to hold and stop the sickening movement my body was experiencing. The world must have kept flickering its figurative light switch because my vision kept flashing from bitter darkness to blinding orange light. The only sound that filled my ears was the smashing of glass mixed with the distinct crackles of my own bones. I was too stunned to scream as I was tossed about inside the trailer, struggling to comprehend the ground to the black skies.

I had almost depicted my life would end in that very trailer. I could almost see it happen, envisioning my own corpse splattered against the walls inside it. But despite the vision that seemed too true to be fake, everything around me suddenly turned into light. I was flung through the air, shrieking in horror before the whole side of my body slammed into the windshield of another vehicle, accidentally crushing the driver.

And even while the car, now driverless, continued to move, I refused to even open my eyes. Limp and painfully lifeless, I remained in my position, feeling the soft rain above slam against my injured body.

Now I knew how it felt to be vulnerable.

Get up! My mind roared painfully as another flash of lightning split the moist sky, wake up now!

My ribs, I whimpered back, feeling something white and sharp strangely sticking out of my soft underbelly, my ribs...

Get up! Or they'll win!

I groaned again, slightly lifting my head as the damaged car I laid on began to slow. Fear overcame my senses, returning me to reality as I looked backward, seeing just a large pillar of smoke from the old truck I had resided in earlier.

I'm going to die aren't I, I croaked, clutching my chest as the bloody white bone continued to dominate my view beneath me, I can't feel my lungs anymore...

But my mind had other interest.

Walk it off and move! It snarled while I trembled, stunned from the sharp pains inside, They're not done with you yet, and they'll mow you down unless you get up!

I growled slightly, straining to ignore the white bone still in sight, and yelped, trembling as I pushed to my legs. From the rear of the decreasing car, only one surviving SUV continued to dash after me, planning to ram the car I stood upon. A school bus was arriving on the side, and as far as I know, that was my last option to make.

The man inside the car roared as the SUV accelerated, and pure fear overcame my actions, forcing me to take one daring leap up to the white ceramic top of the bus. The landing wasn't perfect, but alas I had gained control of the top when I struck the bus belly first. The rain had made my limbs flail, dragging me across the top in a bloody stain while my tail and claws dug in to keep me balanced. The car I had stood on earlier was crushed into nothing by the InGen truck, flipping widely on the dusty side of the highway as it too was broken into a flaming inferno.

Keep going, my mind huffed as I wheezed, noticing a blurry wet sign of the city once again float over me, We're almost there-

"Die!" The knifeman in the truck snarled, pulling out another gun and firing shots after bloody shots through his own windshield.

This time, I wasn't capable to dodge any of them, and with one silent whimper, I closed my eyes and prayed that my flesh was strong enough to resist the bullets. My whole flank was struck, twitching and spasming as bullets struck and splattered my flesh all over the place. I screamed and screeched, almost falling off the bus before my hooked claw caught the edge of the bus by pure luck.

I felt that everything I was doing was just from pure luck.

My body was growing weaker and weaker, and I didn't know how much longer I would last. In fact, I didn't think I would last the day, let alone the hour if I did survive.

The man in the truck snarled, lifting his weapon higher as his aim was straight and true. But enough anger and fury had raged inside me, and being so injured and damaged, I had no other option.

"I'll show you no mercy," I hissed through a bloody spat. Snarling and furious, I spun around, eyes blazing in pain, grief, and darkness, and without hesitation I thundered down the white lane of the bus to the last remaining SUV, roaring as I lunged off its very edge.

The man who had used Emma as a bodyguard was in there alongside his brother, watching me slowly lunge toward him. I was horrified when he yanked out his knife from the hidden sheath as fast as he could, screaming one last battle cry before thrusting upward into my gut.

The pain was excruciating but not as powerful as the last SUV's ultimate demise The man who I landed upon was crushed instantly, his fate still unknown, but the knife had stabbed deep into my underbelly. The landing itself crushed the engine, and with its chassis now fractured and it's wheel lost in touch, the car had no other option but to flip itself upside down. I lost my footing against it, screeching in horror as the SUV tumbled downhill, slamming into the metal frames constantly as all of us were thrown into the dark and dense forest. The destruction only continued in there, forcing the car ablaze in a violent landing before exploding into a fiery inferno of debris and death.

And just like that, it was all over.

Silence cluttered my ear holes as I laid there, eyes closed and heartbeat thumming into silence. The rainstorm had paused, allowing the car to roar as it burned alive, and I could only guess who became victims of the crash.

But I didn't have to.

The car was empty.

Injured, damaged, and weakened, I found myself still standing and walking even after the horrible crash I had endured. Gallons of blood was leaking from my chest where the knife had dug, and my flanks were covered in several deep holes, almost as if I had been impaled by more than one Triceratops. I had no mind as of now, no thoughts or feelings. My hopes of being impenetrable and unstoppable had faded, and without any hope of healing from this, I just kept walking, bleeding heavily as I strained to find help in this forest.

I can't, I eventually said, slamming my body into the side of a tree with a soft roar, I can't go on. I'm sorry.

Don't give up now...

I'm not, I whimpered, spurting out blood from my trembling maw, I just can't go on. My body's been damaged too much. Death will take me shortly.

You cannot stop here. This is no place to die. There is no place for you here.

Well, it's rather quiet, I clicked softly, watching my vision slowly fade, It's nice and quiet. Peaceful even. Can't you hear the birds?


Don't be upset now, I croaked, tearing up, I tried old friend. I tried so hard to make us proud. But I can't defeat Wu this time. You were right about me. All they see is a monster. That's why they tried to kill me.

Ripper don't...

I'm sorry...

Close to death, I lifted my head and roared as loud as I could, feeling the earth quiver and the trees shake from the might of the bellow from my throat. It wasn't long before I stumbled, collapsing on my side and convulsed twice.

This is it then, I whimpered, staring up at the stormy skies, But I'm ready this time.

But I didn't expect death's claws to feel cold, let alone touch me on my snout. But when I looked down at my snout, I didn't see his hands, but rather a human hand.

"Pokey is hurt," A strangely familiar voice croaked, forcing me to look up at the blurry image before me. But as I laid awaiting death, the image strengthened itself, and there, before my very eyes stood someone I thought I'd never see again in my life.

"B-Belle?" I croaked once, trying to raise my snout to touch her. But nothing happened. I felt my eyes closed and darkness enveloped me.

And all I heard was dead silence. 

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