Lights, Camera, Harry // l.s.

By aussie_direction

2.7M 128K 137K

❝ I really hope you don't expect me to do anything. Because I won't. I don't care. Cry all you like but when... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
100K WHAT?
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Character Ask (TheQuestions)
Character Ask (The Answers Part 1)
Character Ask (The Answers Part 2)
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
The End

Chapter 28

29.4K 1.4K 1.5K
By aussie_direction










Harry’s POV

I managed to get home alright, but once I got there, I most certainly was not alright.

The drive was painful to say the least.

My phone was ringing constantly from an unknown number and I had no idea who it was.

Plus, I knew I would let down my guard the moment I talked to someone, whoever it was.

I could feel the tears brimming at the surface, but I was trying my hardest to hold it back.

I didn’t want to waste them on someone who didn’t care.

I’m sorry I left, I just couldn’t do it anymore.

I care about you, but it’s not working out.

I just don’t share the same feelings you do.

Please don’t call me. It’s better this way.



It was as simple as that.


One word and we were done.

All the happy times we’d shared together.

All the movies we watched, late nigh cuddling, dinners we’d shared, presents we’d bought.

Even though it was only a couple of weeks, I really did like him.

And to have him dismiss my feelings so quickly, it really hurt me.

I unlocked the door to the apartment and kicked off my shoes violently at the front door.

I trudged straight down to my room, ignoring the shouts from my roommates and Ash.

I nearly ran down the hall, past where I saw the three boys surrounding the TV and towards my room.

Of course Ashton was there, he seemed to always be around lately.

Well, whenever he wasn’t with Cal.

“Harry!” I heard him shout out just as I slammed the door to my bedroom.

I huffed and dropped my bag before throwing myself down onto my bed and burying my head in my pillow, finally letting my tears out.

I cried and cried, blocking out the knocking on my door.

I felt like an absolute crybaby. A pathetic human being that I was that upset over something so small and apparently trivial.

“Harry?” Ash’s muffled voice called. “You okay, man?”

“Go away, Ash.” I called back, my voice surprisingly strong.

“I-I just wanted to talk to you for a sec, make sure you’re okay?” he replied.

“Ash, I’m clearly not fine,” I snapped. “Leave me alone.”

“Please Harry, let me in?” Ash asked timidly. “I know you need to talk about it. C’mon man, we can talk it out.”

I sighed and wiped my face.

He was right and I knew it.

I needed, I wanted to talk to him about it, but the fact was, I was embarrassed.

I felt so stupid that I had let Luke in and he had done this to me.

I was just starting to open up to him, finally let my heart open again and he has shoved it all back in my face, humiliating me.

I felt like a complete and utter moron.

And now I was lying on my bed with a broken heart, yet again.

Slowly, I got up and moved towards the door, wiping my face with the back of my hand.

I opened the door to see Ashton standing there, arms open with a sad smile on his face and a block of chocolate in his hand.

“C’mere.” He said as I stepped into his arms and pulled him inside, shutting the door behind him.

And that is why he was reserved the role of best friend.

He knew me so well. Ever since college, he knew me so well that he knew exactly what to do in any situation.

He really was the best.

I sniffled on his shoulder as we sat down on the bed and he pulled back to look at me.

“Oh Harry, what’s happened?” He asked.

I gulped and looked down, pulling he crinkled piece of paper from my pocket and giving it to him.

But I refused to cry again.

I didn’t want to waste more tears over him, even thought I knew there were floods more waiting to pour out.

I held it together as he read.

“What a dick.” Ashton said once he was done, looking up at me with a very surprised face. “This is so horrible. What the fuck?”

I chuckled a little at his outburst. “I know,” I said. “I found it on my dressing table after work today.”

“And he left it there?” Ashton asked, still looking at the paper.

“Yeah.” I replied. “I mean, I think so. He was there, and then all of a sudden he wasn’t but this note was, so, uh, yeah, I guess.”

Ashton nodded to himself.

“This is so weird.” He commented. “He seemed so nice all those times Cal and I double dated with you guys.”

“Yeah,” I scoffed. “I thought he was…”

“Eh,” Ashton shrugged. “You’re better off without him anyway.”

I smiled and wiped my nose.

“Really.” He continued. “You are. You’re gonna find a nice guy one day and live happily ever after.”

I shoved his shoulder playfully at his sappy remark but hugged him all the same.

He really was my best friend and I loved him for always being there for me.

“I mean it.” He finished as I put my head on his shoulder.

“Thank you.” I replied. “Now gimme some chocolate.”

Ash laughed and handed me the block as I scooted back and leant against the bed. Ash did the same and I grabbed my laptop, opening it and finding a film to watch.

“What are we watching?” Ashton asked me with a grin.

“Disney? Please?” I replied. “I’m really in the mood for a cute film.”

“Sounds great,” he said as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close.

I smiled gratefully and pressed play on Tangled, my favourite Disney movie and grabbed some chocolate.


I woke up the next morning with chocolate on my face, my laptop lying sideways on the bed and my head on Ash’s shoulder.

I must have fallen asleep during the film last night at some point and Ashton clearly stayed the night.

I groaned as my alarm filled the room and I rolled over, elbowing Ash in the back as I did.

“Turn it off.” He whined as I moved around, trying to find my phone so I could do as he asked.

He rolled over to face me as I sat up, scrambling around to find where the incessant noise was coming from.

“Got it!” I called triumphantly as I fell back down into bed and unlocked the phone.

“Good, now turn it the fuck off.” He complained, turning away from me.

I laughed at him, knowing full well about his stupid morning moods and decided to get up and get ready.

“Oomph. What the fuck man?” He moaned as I crawled over him and he moved to look to me through squinting eyes.

“I have work.” I told him as I shoved his shoulder jokingly. “Now get out of my bed, you lazy fuck.”

“Fuck you.” He replied as I opened the curtains and he groaned louder. “So much light.”

“Yes, yes there is light you fuckwit.” I laughed at him, opening the door. “I’m gonna shower, when I come back, you’d better be up.”

“Whatever.” He said as he closed his eyes again.

I shook my head and left to go to the bathroom.

As the warm water rolled over my body, I thought about work.

I wanted to push Luke from my head and just move on with my life, so I wanted to get to work and just get distracted.

I wanted to see Charlotte and tell her about everything and I wanted to see Liam as well. He had been proving to be a good friend and he was really nice.

 The only think I wasn’t looking forward to, was Louis.

He had been laying off for the past few days and I couldn’t help but feel like something was coming.

I turned off the taps and stepped out, wrapping a towel around myself and heading back to my room.

As I went, I noticed the apartment was empty.

I frowned. Usually Will and Jack were sleeping on the couch at this hour of the morning after a heavy night of beer and football.

“What time is it?” Ashton asked as I went back inside.

“Half 7.” I replied.

“Ugh. I’ll just hang around and lock up when I leave, how’s that?” He asked.

“Fine.” I replied, picking out some clothes. “But make sure you do.”

I pulled on my outfit of choice and left the room, Ashton following behind.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed a banana for breakfast.

“I have to go.” I told him.

“I’ll see you later.” I called out as I stumbled down the hallway with my things, pulling my shoes on and leaving the apartment.

Once I got down to the parking lot, I found my car and climbed in.

However, once I tried to start it, I found the battery dead.

Just my luck.

“This is bullshit.” I cursed under my breath as I put my phone to my ear.

I called Charl and asked to get me, which she agreed to do, so I stood out on the footpath to wait for her.

Once she rolled up, I jumped in and I was on my way.

“So Luke dumped me.” I said after we’d exchanged hello’s.

“WHAT!” she shouted.

“Yeah, he left me a note yesterday saying we were over, and wouldn’t return any calls or texts so, yeah, we’re done.”

“I’m sorry…” She replied and I shook my head.

“I’m done being sad.” I answered. “I’m okay.”

“You sure?” She replied and after countless reassurances and many bad words uttered about him, she finally shut up about it.

I guess I was grateful for it. It let me know she cared and after all, that’s all I wanted.

Someone to care about me.

She really was a good friend to me and I loved her for that.

She was the best friend I had on set and she was always fun to be around.

I loved hanging out with her and she was very comforting at times when I needed her.

I was very thankful to have met her and I knew she was going to be in my life for a long time.

“And we’re here,” she announced a few minutes later as we pulled in.

I sighed.

“Another day at work.” I said looking at the set’s front doors.

“I’ll say.” She replied and with a light squeeze of my hand, we went in together, ready for what could be one eventful day.

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