Stefan And Elana get Their Ha...

By faithboken

18.3K 370 22

13 and up should read this . it's about stelena gets there happy ending some how read more to find out how. More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
author notes
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
wedding day part one
wedding day part 2

Chapter 23

242 5 0
By faithboken

The next day at the boarding house
Elena walks downstairs

Damon: where are you going

Elena: I'm getting more of my stuff from my house to bring it over here and to warn Jeremy

Damon: ok but I want you to come back as soon as you can

Elena: ok

The next day At Elena's house

Elena walked up to her room to pack

Elena: What should I bring with me to help Stefan get his humanity switched back on?

Jeremy walks into Elena's room

Jeremy: What the heck happened?

Elena: Well Stefan made the deal with Klaus and well Elijah is trying to run the town. I'm getting more of my stuff to bring it over to the boardinghouse.

Jeremy looked at her phone that was on her dresser

Elena: jer have you seen my phone

Jeremy: it's on your dresser

Jeremy walked out of her room and back into his room

At a bar in New York

Stefan: I'm going to get some air. 

Stefan took out his phone and called Elena 

At Elena's house

Elena saw who had called her and she answered it 

Stefan said nothing. 

Elena: Stefan if this you remember I love you I need you to hang onto that. 

Stefan hung up the phone 

he stood outside there for a bit to get his thoughts together. 

Bar in New York

Klaus,  why is your phone going off mate?

Stefan: I don't know I think Damon might be trying to call me

Klaus:  how does it feel to be a ripper again? 

Stefan: awesome why do you care

At Elena's house 

Elena ran into Jeremy's room

Elena: hey Jeremy I have some good news

Jeremy: what is the good news

Elena: Stefan called me 

Jeremy: so Stefan wants to be saved

Elena: yes but I'm gonna go tell Damon

Elena Vampire speeds to the boardinghouse

At the boardinghouse

Elena: Stefan just called me 

Damon: He went off the rails, Elena.

Elena: it was him. Damon, I know it was because of the sire bond.

Damon: how did you know I was gonna ask if it was him 

Elena: Mind-reading powers 

Police station

Elena: I'm gonna go ask Liz to pinpoint where the call from 

Elena walked to the sheriff's office

Liz: Hey Elena, what can I do for you today?

Elena: can you pinpoint the text I got from Stefan

Liz: Who is Stefan again?

Elena: Damon's brother Stefan Salvorte. he goes to high school with me Caroline

Liz: I still don't know who you are talking about Elena

Elena takes out her phone and shows her a picture of her and Stefan. 

Liz: oh now I remember where he went off to.

Elena: I need you to somehow pinpoint the text I got from him, please

Elena hands her phone over to Liz

Liz pinpoints the text

Liz: He is in New York.

Then she gives Elena her phone back

Liz: Why is he in New York?

Elena: he went to Elijah's brother Klaus because of some deal they made

Liz: I hope he is ok.

Elena walked back to the boardinghouse

At the boardinghouse

Damon: well where is my little brother now

Elena: New York

Lexi: I'm going to go and help him Damon you stay here

Damon: no I'm going I know Stefan more than you do Lexi

Elena: Stefan told me he wants more than just the three of us to help bring him back so why don't we bring Caroline Bonnie and Tyler to help get him back?

Damon: fine.

Elena and Damon walk upstairs to Elena's room

Elena walked into the room

Damon locks the door so she can't get out

Elena: why did you do this Damon what did I do to you?

Damon: it's nothing you did it's something that just has to be done because I'm protecting you from the worst side of my brother

Elena: Damon you don't know how to help him because every time he goes off the rails. You were not there to help him and well now you can't help him because he just doesn't like you being around him. After all, you made him turn it off in 1912. He told me all of this because he trusts me more than you.

Damon: you do what you are talking about 

Damon slams the door locks it and walks away from the door

Elena: ow ow my head again!

Elena just started to cry 

 Downstairs in the boarding house 

Lexi: you know darn well that once Stefan finds out what you did he is going to be mad at you. Don't you think about running after him? Damon, you never have been able to help him when he is the ripper. you let it happen in 1912 and I'm the one who saved him. Damon, you are not capable of helping anyone.

Damon: Yeah, I'm capable of helping someone. I'm going to go help my brother. So I can leave town because all I'm hearing right now are bad things about me and things in my past I have done that I'm trying to fix.

Lexi: Damon it's not gonna work tho every time Stefan turns into the ripper you never were there to help him and now you want to help Grate but Damon yelling and throwing fits at Elena is not gonna help the case when Stefan finds out what you have done. See I get it you want to help but the way you are choosing to go about it is all wrong. You can't be a jerk all the time when people try to help you.

Damon just stood there for a moment then he just ran off to go and find Stefan.

At Bonnie house

Bonnie: hey Carolin have you seen Elena today

Caroline: no I have been with Tyler and doing more research on the battle with Merida and Peter

Tyler: has anyone seen Damon

Both: no

Bonnie: we should check on Elena

At the boarding house in Elena's room

There was a knock on the door

Lexi: Thank goodness it's you guys. I need help. Damon is being a butthead and locked Elena in her and Stefan's room. I don't want to make him mad even more. Elena and I said things to make Damon super mad. Damon left to go and try to save Stefan but we told him it was not gonna work. Can one or two of you go and get Elena out of her room?

Bonnie and Tyler walked upstairs

In Elena room

Elena: This is not gonna help. What the heck are they doing to Stefan tho?

Elena fell back onto the floor

They ran down the hallway to Elena's room

Bonnie: Elena, are you in there?

Elena: yes Damon went after Stefan and locked me in are room I need blood

Tyler: where do you keep the Blood bags at?

Elena: stairs in the basement, there is a cooler the blood is labeled human and animal blood please hurry tho Tyler

Tyler ran down to the basement and grabbed a bag of animal blood for Elena


Bonnie, I'm gonna pick the lock to get you out of here

Elena: Is Lexi still here and is Caroline here as well?

Bonnie: yes they are downstairs

Elena: I would have texted you guys but my phone died. I forgot to get my charger when I was at my house.

Tyler finally made it back upstairs with the blood bag and Bonnie got the door unlocked

Bonnie: Are you ok now?

Elena: yes I'm fine but we need to hurry and find Stefan before Damon does something stupid to make him not want to come home.

Bonnie: I'm gonna call Alaric and ask him to get a van and drive us down to New York.

Elena: ok

Bonnie calls Alaric

Over the phone with Alaric and Bonnie

Alaric: who is this?

Bonnie: it's Bonnie Elena friend you met a few months ago

Alaric: so what do you need

Bonnie: I need you to get us a van and drive us to New York to save Stefan

Alaric: ok and I have weapons to take down a vampire if you need them. we can't kill hauls  because then bad things happen

A few minutes later

They are standing outside of the boardinghouse

Elena: what do we do about Klaus?

Tyler: We can't use the white Oaks stake to kill him or all vampires all over the world will die. I learned that from the research I did.

Elena: I could shock him then turn me and Stefan invisible

Jeremy: are we seriously going to fit in one van

Elena: yes we are and there is a lot of room in it so we can fit a cooler and Stefan too. Alaric is getting the van now he should be on his way here.

Caroline: so that means we can skip school for one day now

Elena: remember Elijah shut down the school

Caroline: yes sorry I forgot

Lexi: I'm coming with you guys and I'm gonna need help after we get Stefan back.

Elena: we could all the help we can get anyways 

A few minutes later Alaric showed up with the van

Alaric: I got the van

Elena: Everyone is here right?

Everyone gets in the van to go to New York

Bar in New York

Klaus: hey Stefan are you ok?

Stefan: yeah why

Klaus  are you sure you want to go back now

Stefan: no I don't want to go back home now because I'm having too much fun

Klaus: ok but have you seen my sister Rebekah

Stefan: she over there feeding on someone

Damon looks around the bar and sees Stefan

Stefan: I will be right back

Damon: I need you to come with me now and well you're not gonna like what I did

Stefan: out of my way Damon.

Stefan pushes Damon

Stefan: hey bartender can I have some beer

Damon: I broke the promise I made you in saying that I would protect Elena for you

Stefan: whatever I don't care what you did to her

Damon smacked Stefan in the faces

Stefan: what the heck was that for

Damon: I want my brother back so I can be the bad one

Stefan just walked away from Damon

Klaus  Walked up to Damon and told him to go

Damon vampire speeds back to Mystic Falls

Stefan grabs his phone and texts Elena never mind

In the van on the way to New York

Elena looked at her phone saw the text and started to cry

Caroline noticed Elena was crying

Caroline: what's wrong Elena

Elena showed her the text

Caroline: what does he mean by never mind

Elena: it's means he doesn't want us to save him but we gonna save Stefan

Alaric: does anyone have a plan

Elena: I do but just wait until we get to the hotel

Alaric: ok

A few hours later hotel in New York

Elena: The plan is that we go to the bar and blend in. We all are gonna have a vervain dart on us. If Stefan comes up on you guys then vervain him and get Lexi, Tyler, and Alaric to help you back him to the van. text my phone so I can make a hologram copy of Stefan to trick Klaus. once we see the hologram Stefan makes a run for the van.  

Everyone: ok

At the bar in New York

Everyone walks into the bar

Stefan: Hey Klaus, why don't we get out of here?

Klaus:  no like it here

Stefan sees someone and compels them to come with him but it doesn't work.

Elena: hey Stefan I missed you

Stefan: Elena, how are you here?

Elena: saving you from Klaus 

Stefan: why would you do that?

Elena: I need you and your brother needs you.

Stefan: I'm done playing the hero

Lexi walks up

Lexi: Stefan we need a hero now and not someone who is like Damon right now.

Stefan : like i said i'm done being the hero 

Lexi: we need a hero and not a jerk so get it together

Elena: Stefan we need you, it's not the same without you.

Stefan: no I'm not coming back home I'm trying to save the whole town and you.

Elena: I know but we need you now because you might not have a home to come back to.

Stefan: what do you mean

Elena: Meet me outside.

Stefan: Klaus is yelling for me. I have to go.

Elena pushes the vervain dart into Stefan

Alaric walks over and helps Elena

Elena makes a copy of Stefan

Everyone saw the hologram of Stefan and made their way out of the bar 

Outside the bar in New York

Elena: I got his humanity switched back on somewhat. Also, Lexi helped me out

Lexi: Let's say he is not as far gone as I thought he would be tho.

Alaric: how did you do it so fast

Elena: when he saw me then I said we need him back home

Bonnie: what do we do now

Alaric: get out of here and stop at a hotel somewhere

Everyone got in the van

Elena pulled out a vervain dart out of Stefan.

A few hours later

Stefan: where are we?

Elena: It's ok we are on the way back to Mystic Falls.

Stefan: what happens if Klaus finds me? 

Elena: he can't because Bonnie put a spell on you so you can't be tracked down. We need help because Mystic Falls has been a mess the rest of Klaus's siblings have moved into town so we have certain places we can't go to.

Stefan: They are still figuring out how to get your blood Elena.

Elena: That is why I'm scared out of my mind of what happened to me.

Bonnie: all of us here have been living in the boardinghouse.

Elena: But no worries, no one is in your room besides me.

Stefan: Who is trying to take over the town?

Elena: Elijah took over the town because he wanted to make sure that we did not find you because then he would put a spell on all of us to forget you so we would go out of town to get you back. Elijah was not gonna be able to find us because we had Bonnie put a spell on us. Elijah also thinks that I'm in love with him I don't why but just does think that I like him but I love you, Stefan.

Stefan: Is he still alive since you took away his bad side?

Elena: He is alive for now.

Stefan: how is he alive

Elena: it's a long story

Stefan: I'm sorry if you got hurt it's because Klaus was trying to kill me here and there because he was mad at Rebekah so he took it out on me instead of her. Well, she tried to kiss me but I refused to kiss her. So she also hurt me to

Elena: we need to hurry up to get back to town

Alaric started to drive faster

At the boarding house at Mystic Falls

The town looked different from when they left

Jeremy: I'm glad you guys made it back.

Alaric: what happened while were gone?

Jeremy: Elijah took over the town, Matt almost died and Jenna has gone crazy since you Left. I'm not ok because Elijah is making up some stupid rules and rumors.

Stefan: I'm back now.

Jeremy: but how do you bring back to help us?

Stefan: Easy because Elijah doesn't know I'm back and well there are a few things I have learned to get rid of Elijah from our town.

Jeremy: what is the plan to get Elijah out of area town

Stefan: The plan is for Elena to convince him to leave her alone and that will buy us maybe a few minutes to come up with something. Worst case, me and Elena go on the run. I have other ideas but it's harder to do. Well, Bonnie could spell him to forget the town and what he did. I don't think that will work because he is an original vampire and if we kill him then all over will die. We are not sure what the bloodline of the original vampires, Damon, Lexi, and Elena are from. We know that Katherine turned on us and she was turned by someone named Rose but we don't know who turned Rose.

Bonnie: There is one problem with the second plan, it is crazy.

Caroline: What is the harder plan?

Stefan: Try to sit and talk to Elijah to see what his ultimate plan is for the town. I have not figured out who he would want to sit and talk to besides Elena. It's not me since he still thinks I'm with his brother. It's not Damon because Damon is a hot-headed person. It's not gonna be Lexi because he could see that she is working for someone or that she knows something. It can't be Bonnie because then he could ask her something about being a witch. It could be Tyler or Caroline. But I still don't trust the idea of them talking to Elijah about his plan. What happens if Elijah doesn't want to sit and talk to them and then he also wants to know something in return? But what do we tell him?

Elena: ok but let's do the first idea. I have a feeling it might work better.

Lexi: why don't we just have Elena use her powers on him

Stefan: I don't think that one's gonna work, Elena has never used her powers on vampires yet and I don't want her to risk it.

Tyler: Why don't we just have Bonnie use her magic on him? I mean the witches hate him.

Bonnie: Tyler I could but there are bad things that will happen if I do

Elena: let's go with the first idea but what happens if the Bonnie spell doesn't work then? I will be ok to go on the run unless we figure out something else to get Elijah out of town. Damon you have given the townspeople vervain so they can't be compelled anymore. I don't want my aunt compelled to forget about me. 

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