By daddy-styles

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"Lovers and madmen have such seething brains Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend More than cool reason eve... More

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496 18 13
By daddy-styles

Saturday's. Filled with sleep and food. I'm also off work today so that was a plus. Starting my lazy day off early, I went downstairs to get something to eat. Instead, I found Liam and my parents.

"Heyo." I greeted, sitting at the kitchen island with Liam.

"Mornin'." My dad said, handing cinnamon to my mom.

"What're we eating?" I asked

"Oh they only cooked for me, sorry." Liam joked, smiling widely.

I playfully hit him in the arm, before hearing my phone chime.

H: Are we working on our project today?

M: nah not today im gonna relax. tomorrow fs.

Harry and I had worked on our project Thursday and Friday, and I needed a little brain break.

H: Fs?

Me: for sure

H: Okay. I will see you tomorrow Lena.

I set my phone down, settling on watching cartoons on my phone until the food was ready.

"So what're everyone's plans for the day?" My mom asked, sitting down on the other side of the island with my dad.

"I'm going to the mall with Soph. Which reminds me, Lena, wanna come?"

"No thanks. I'm probably gonna invite Bailey over to take a nap." I replied, taking a bite of the french toast my parents made.

"Don't you just love how productive our daughter turned out to be?" My dad laughed.

I mimicked him, sticking my tongue out and he did the same.

"What about you mom, what're you doing today? Any banks to rob?" Liam asked.

"Haha very funny. I actually plan on furniture shopping for the attic." She smiled and my dad dramatically sighed.

I loved times like this because it wasn't always this calm. Liam and I were both adopted by the absolute best couple. Of course, times get hard and we have our arguments, but I couldn't have asked for a better situation.

Me: come over today?

B: sheesh thought you'd never ask. omw

Bailey just lived down the street, so it shouldn't take long and she had a spare key. When she walked into the living room in a onesie and bunny slippers, I lost it. She crossed her arms, waiting for me to finish, and checking her nonexistent watch.

"Is there an issue, ma'am?" She questioned, before joining me on the couch.

"Nope, not at all." I pursed my lips together to keep from laughing again.

She rolled her eyes before joining me under the blanket I had, and soon we became an intertwined mess. Liam was the first to leave, going before Bailey got here, and now my parents were leaving.

"Interesting outfit Bailey." My dad came down the stairs first, attempting to keep his laugh hidden as I did.

"I don't know why I put up with this family." She whined, fake crying.

"You really should go into theatrics." My mom appeared suddenly.

"I know, huh?" Bailey replied.

"Alright we'll be back in a hundred years because your mother takes forever. Don't burn the house down, don't eat all the food, and no boys is all I ask." My dad spoke.

"What about parties?" I asked.

"We all know you two are way too lazy for that." He laughed, and left with my mom.

He wasn't wrong.

Soon Bailey and I fell asleep, and it was dark in the house other than the glow from the tv. I didn't know if anyone was home, but the only sounds were coming from the tv and Bailey's snoring. I checked my phone, seeing a couple messages.

L: Staying over at Soph's, see you tomorrow ugly

Me: good stay away

H: At what time will we be working tomorrow? I have church

Me: 5 work?

H: In the morning?
H: I just told you I had church I have to be up by 8 and out the house by 10

Me: yes harry 5am
Me: obviously i meant in the afternoon
Me: i can't even wake up on time for school what makes you think i'd get up at 5

H: Oh, my apologies. Yes, 5:00 works then. Should I meet you at the bookstore again?

Me: yeah.
Me: might i ask
Me: what're you doing awake at 11 at night harold

H: With all due respect, my name is Harry.
H: I am studying.

Me: for what?
Me: and why don't you use contractions over text?
Me: you text like my grandpa

H: An upcoming test for a summer program.
H: I do not believe in the use of contractions over text it is unprofessional.
H: Also, no I do not.

Me: summer is nowhere near
Me: but whatever gramps.

H: I need to take the test now in order to even apply.

Me: ooookay whatever you say jose

H: I thought my name was gramps?

Me: it's late go to sleep. goodnight buddy

H: Goodnight Lena.

Jonathan: Do you work tomorrow?
J: Do i work tomorrow??

Me: why don't you know your own schedule?
Me: no i don't work tomorrow
Me: im not sure if you do
Me: dummy

With that, I decided to go to bed. It was late. Getting up, I threw a pillow at Bailey and she grunted.

"If you want to sleep in a bed tonight you better come now because I'm locking my door." I called.

She groaned and got up, dragging her feet up the stairs.

Bailey and I slept in till 4 and it felt great. I had no idea who was home or what anyone was doing, but it felt good to be unbothered. I grabbed my phone, looking at the time. Bailey got up and stretched.

"Good afternoon." I laughed.

"What time is it?"


"I gotta go or I'm gonna be late for work." She groaned.

"I can drop you off and you have clothes here so." I shrugged. Might as well pass time.

"This is why we're friends."

Bailey got dressed, fixing herself up in the bathroom, and I stayed in bed deciding not to get ready until I got back. Bailey got ready around 4:20, and she had to be at work by 4:30 so it worked out. We marched down the stairs to the garage where my car sat, hoping in.

"I think I'm gonna leave early." She yawned.

"You only work 5 hours."

"Shut up. I like to sleep."

Our job was only 5 minutes away, so I didn't mind the drive. Arriving at the shoe store, I let Bailey out.

"Thanks, I love you, bye!"

"I love you too, see you tomorrow!"

I drove back home and hopped in the shower. Throwing on some jeans and a t-shirt I left the house, heading to the bookstore.

It was 5:15, and Harry wasn't there. I decided to roam around, finding new things to read. The only other people in here were the cashier and a younger boy about 14 or 15 looking at fantasy books.

(Harry's Point of View)

It was now 5:45 and I still wasn't at the bookstore. My mom was supposed to drive me, but we ended up stopping at the store and now she's talking with some woman she met in the store. I checked my messages, feeling worse and worse with each one. But I was too scared to reply. I'm not sure why but I was.

Lena: hey, sorry if you're waiting i took a while getting ready. on my way now

Lena: im here where are you?

Lena: running late orrr?

Lena: could you just like tell me when you're coming? i could probably go back home for a bit if you need a few hours

Lena: ok look idk what's going on but if you're not coming could you just tell me? i would much rather be home in bed

Lena: ok im done now just lmk if you're coming or not.

I honked the horn, trying to signal my mom's attention. She turned and gave me a mom glare before turning back with a smile and continuing their remodeling conversation. Getting out of the car, I walked up to my mom and tapped her.

"M-mom Lena is w-w-waiting f-for me. I h-have t-to go."

She nodded, before checking the time. "Oh my goodness, why didn't you remind me earlier Harry?"

I sighed to myself, before going back to the car and waiting. She got in shortly after, driving me to the bookstore Lena was waiting at.

"Okay, just call me when you're done. But don't stay past 9, you have school tomorrow!" My mom called as I got out. I gave her a thumbs up, walking in the bookstore.

I spotted Lena in the back, in the same spot as usual, reading some book she found. Slowly, I walked up, fidgeting with my hands.

She looked up, and looked back down at her book.

"Lena, look I-I'm sorry. M-m-my m-mom w-was t-t-talking a-and s-s-she l-lost t-track o-of t-time." I tried to explain. You can't even talk dumbass how are you gonna explain.

"I just wanted to show you what good communication is. I communicated to you that I was 10 minutes late, I communicated to you that I was on my way, I communicated with you to see where you were, and I communicated with you to tell you I was still here. The least you could've done was text me and tell me you were running late I wouldn't have minded but no instead you left me sitting here like an idiot when I could be at home. Have a good night, Harry." She spoke softly, but each time she mentioned communication, it came out harsher than the last.

"I-I know b-b-but I d-didn't wanna t-t-tell you I w-w-was c-coming w-when my m-m-mom was still t-talking. I-I'm s-sorry I r-r-really d-didn't m-mean to."

She looked at me, before gathering her things and getting up. "I did my work for the day I did two people. Now it's your turn and you can work alone like I did."

And with that, she left the bookstore, leaving me alone and feeling bad. I sat down, taking my things out. Since I was late, I'd do more work. I don't know why I didn't just text her. You're stupid.

ok but was he wrong or did she overreact?

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