Babysitting One Direction

By LovableLexi

28.9K 285 70

Andy was an average 21 year old who was born in the New Jersey but moved to London to be closer to family on... More

Babysitting One Direction
Ch.1- First Day
Ch.2- Second day on the Job
Ch.3- Truth or Dare?
Ch.4- Is 3 a magic number?
Ch.5- iHop Restaraunt
Ch.6- Surprise! Surprise!
Ch.7- These are the Moments
Ch.8- 4 Thursday!
Ch.9- Nandos
Ch.11-The Eye Doctor
Ch.12- Have u done it?
Ch.13- Dave ยง Busters
Ch.14- Natural Disasters
Ch.15- Sunny Sundays
Ch.16- Red Robin
Ch.17- Another Night
Ch.18- It's been a week! Pt.1
Ch.19- It's been a week! Pt.2
Ch.20- Any other Day
Ch.21- The News
Ch.22- Welcome Back!

Ch.10- Thursday night~Friday Morning

5.3K 28 10
By LovableLexi


Louis P.O.V

No, not the eye doctor please! I've never been fond of any kind of doctors since I got a shot at my physical when I was 5.

I shivered as Andy said those words. "What is it Lou?" he asked in a quiet voice, rubbing his right hand on my back in circles. "'s just..."

"What is it? U can tell me."

"I-I've n-never been to f-fond of d-doctors."

"Why is that?"


"That's alright. I will beside ur side the entire time."


He continued rocking me back and forth, rubbing my back and trying to comfort me.

Harry P.O.V

Zayn, Niall, and I were just sitting on Zayn's room, wondering when we should go downstairs.

"How about now?" ugh, Niall keeps asking that question every 5 minutes. "Maybe they will come in here." I looked over to Zayn as I said that. He just shrugged. "Let's just go, Maybe we can be some sort of assistance to them." Niall suggested. "Assistance?" I questioned. "Yeah. You never know!" and with that we headed downstairs.

"Shhh, its okay Louis." we overheard Andy talking to Louis, "It will be all over sooner then u may think." Niall, Zayn, and I dashed into the kitchen, hoping that they didn't see us. We three poked our heads out from the door looking at Andy and Louis. "What so u think he is all upset about?" I whispered. Apparently it was loud enough for Andy and Louis to hear.

"When did u guys get here?" Andy asked as we approached him. Louis was asleep laying on his lap with his head on Andy's legs.

"We've been here for only a matter of seconds. What wrong with Boo?" I responded/asked concerned. "Something is up with his eyes, I'm taking him to the eye doctor tomorrow. U guys want to come?" he replied. "Sure, why not?" Niall said shrugging as Zayn burst into fits of laughter.

"What's so funny Zayn?" I ask him. "Can't stop thinking about the prank." he whispered into my ear, Niall overheard and started to laugh to. I tried to keep it in but that didn't happen.

"Mmmm, what so funny?" Lou said in a tired voice. "I-I'm not quite sure." Andy responded to him.

"I'm sorry, it just..." Zayn started but started to laugh even harder.

Niall and I began to calm down as we saw the worried look in Lou's eyes. "Don't worry about it Boo." I said. He smiled as Zayn finally stopped laughing.

"I think I will take a nap." Andy said randomly, standing up and walking towards the room he was staying in.

We all followed him.

Andy P.O.V

I walked to my room as the boys were following me. I wonder what they did this time.

I opened my door and walked over to my bed.

As I sat down I felt something damp under me. I stood up and felt around. I saw....white? Wait, back up. It's wet and it's white. Plus I sleep here and I'm a guy...

Wet + white + guy= cum???

Did I have a wet dream last night or something? No, Niall would have said something. Or was he trying to be polite and not mention it? Maybe this is a prank.

"Hey Andy," Harry said entering my room. I quickly pulled the covers back over, but they all saw it. "What cha go on ur bed?" Niall asked as he pulled the covers away. Zayn and Harry gasp as Louis and Niall chuckled a bit. "I didn't, I swear!" I said putting my hands up in defense. "What ever u say man. I mean, u r the only one who has been coming into Liam's room since he left. Maybe a ghost did it." Zayn stated as they all started to laugh. I rolled my eyes, it was a prank! Thank the heavens. "It's a prank, isn't it?" I asked looking at them as they were all laughing so hard that they were turning red. "Okay, u had ur fun, now let me sleep." I said, climbing into bed. "have a nice nap." was the last thing I heard.


It was 11:30 PM when I awoke. The boys must be asleep. I really didn't want to get out of bed, but I needed to check on them. I slumped out of bed and walked out of my room.

I heard laugh as the I smelled a strong scent of alcohol. "Oh my," I mumbled to myself, "boys will be boys, no matter what."

I walked down the steps and into the living room. "Why r u guys...Louis?" at first I thought that it was going to be all of them but it was just Louis. "Blumawahhhahahahacha." he mumbled. "What?" I walk over to him and took a seat beside him. "Why r u drinking at this hour?" he took another long swig then answered. "Harry went to bed, Zayn went to the bathroom and probably feel asleep on the toilet, and as for Niall, he went to ur room to see if u were still awake at...I don't know, 8:30 PM then wondered into the kitchen and I haven't seen him since."

"That doesn't answer my question though."

"I had nothing better to do Liam."

"I'm not Liam."

"yes four."

"no...wait, what?"

"Sugar! Aww. Honey honey!"

"Come on Louis, let's get u to bed."

"Only if I am with u."

"How drunk can u get in a matter of moments any how?"

"I would like that with a side of chips please."

I rolled my eyes as I opened his door to his room seeing Harry sleeping there peacefully. "Awwww." Louis slapped me. "Ow," I rubbed my cheek and lead him to my room instead. "My Hazza!"

"He can be ur Hazza, but he's my responsibility at the moment."

"Can u be my responsibility?"

"Uh, no?"

"So u haven't do it before?"

"done what?"


He smashed are lips together as he shoved me against the wall. Drunk Louis was the most confusing person I have ever met in my entire life. First he's not as he's drunk enough.

"Louis," I moaned. He slips his hand into my pants, under my boxers and starts to rub his hand against my crotch. "Please...Lou...don't..."

"Don't what Li?"

"I'm Andy."

"Li's twin?"


"Is that so? U both have one kidney?"


"So u can go hard core, right?" he whispered in to my ear. I gulped and tried to pull away but he began to give me love bites down my neck.

He dragged me over to the bed and climbed on top of me and started to giggled like a mad man. "U haven't done it, have u?" he giggled. "I have."

"not with a guy."

"I...uh...u need ur sleep for tomorrow." I quickly said, jumping off the bed and heading towards the door until a hand grabbed my wrist. "But I wanna play." he said giving me a puppy dog face. "No Lou. Maybe another time...or not." I said pulling him off of me. He stood up and followed me. ""

"I won't."

"what will make u?"


"I will do anything u would like."

"Have sex with me tomorrow."

My eyes widened. He's drunk, he won't remember. I hope.

"Fine. Now sleep in bed." I said pointing to the bed. "Okay. I can't wait for tomorrow." he said in a flirty and giggled as he flopped backwards onto the bed.

I closed his door and headed down to the kitchen were I was told Niall was.

"Niall? Hello? Any one down here?" I whispered-yelled. It was midnight and everyone was asleep except me. Maybe if I was lucky Niall was awake and he didn't need me to carry him to his room.

I looked around until I saw Niall laying on the counter beside the fridge. "Oh Niallar." I picked him up and headed off to his room. He was sucking his thumb like he was 2 or something. Adorable.

After setting Niall down in his bed, I went of to search for Zayn.

I walk into the bathroom that spilt Zayn's and Harry & Louis's rooms.

"Zayn?" I whispered, walking in. I turned on the lights to see Zayn sleeping in the bath tub with a....razor blade in his hands? That's strange. Then I saw some dried up blood on the sides of the tub. Maybe he wouldn't like it if he knew I found out? I think he would prefer me to find then Harry, Louis, and Niall all at once.

I took the razor from his hands and set it down in the sink.

I picked up Zayn and set him down on his bed and tucked him in.

"Ugh, what a night." I mumbled to myself, "Now, where do I sleep?" I looked around deciding which bedroom I'll stay for the night. "Zayn is to moody in the mornings, Louis will rape me if he remembers..."

"How about me?" I heard Harry's voice. "Harry? What r u doing up so late?" I run over to him. "I heard voices."


"I can't back to bed either, I'm to scared."

I knew about him and Niall's bet but the look in his eyes we mixed with tiredness and fear. "Okay."

We walk into his room and climbed under the covers. Harry cuddled close to my chest as we both drifted off to sleep.

Louis P.O.V

I woke up with a huge headache. "Ugh, what happened last night?" I looked around to see I was in Liam's room and I started to remember what happened. "Did I really ask Andy that?" I questioned myself, "Maybe it was just a dream, I'll see how he reacts later."

I walked downstairs to get some breakfast.

"Mmmm, pancakes!" I over heard Niall say. "Niall!" I heard Hazza shout, maybe Niall kept trying to cook faster or something.

"Hey lads." I said cheerfully. "Hey-NIALL!" Harry said slapping Niall's hand away from the hot pancakes. "Oww, Hazza." he whined, "Why'd ya do that?" "Why did u do that?" I asked taking a seat next to Niall. "Well, first I don't want it make a gazillion more and second, Andy, apparently, tucked us all in to our beds last night. I think it would be nice if we do something special for him." Harry explained. "For tucking us in?"

"Yes, boo. He did it for all of us!"

"But weren't u already in bed?"

"Yeah, so?"

"U were already tucked up and cozy, didn't look like u were going anywhere."

"Maybe I woke up in the middle of the night."


He bit his lip and turned back to his making of the pancakes. "Why?" Niall questioned sneaking a pancake into his mouth. Oh Niall.

Zayn P.O.V

I woke up to the smell of pancakes bed? Wasn't I in the bathroom last night? I knew I feel asleep in the tub. But how...ANDY!! Oh snap! Now what will he think of me? "This day can't get any worse." I mumbled to myself.

I slumped out of bed and headed downstairs for some breakfast.

I walked in without anyone noticing until Harry...

"Never mind. Pancakes are-Zayn what happened to ur arm?" Harry said frozen staring me. "Wha?" I said then looked at my arms. My eyes grew wide as I hid them behind his back. "Nothing, nothing at all! I don't know what ur talking about?" I said nervously. They looked at each other then back at me. I was about to leave the room when Andy appeared.

"Morning boys." he greeted as he took a seat next Louis. Lou gave him a weird look making him shiver a bit. "Pancakes for chu, pancakes for chu, and pancakes for chu," Harry said passing everyone plates of pancakes each, "No pancakes for chu." he said skipping over Niall. "Why not?"

"u weren't patient."


"Don't growl at me."

"But I'm hungry Hazza."

"How could u be? U have bee taking them from behind my back everytime I turn around."

"Because u wouldn't tell us ur dream!"

Andy almost choked on a sip of milk he was taking. We all looked at him.

"What?" he said looking behind him as if we were looking at something behind him. "R u okay?" Lou asked putting an arm around him causing him to shiver. What is up with Andy and all thing shivering?

"I'm fine. Can u read something for me?" he asked Lou. "Sure." "What does this say?" he asked holding up a pop tiger magazine. "It's says..." Lou squinted at the paper trying to read what the cover story was.



It was from when we went to the KCA's.

"It says..." Lou began, backing away from it then getting closer to it again. "U don't know what it says, do u?" Andy asked. Lou shook his head. "Ur appointment is at 11:00." Andy said, "u guys coming?"

"But that's lunch time." Niall said calmly. "That's a no, I'll stay with him." I said. "I stay with them." Harry replied. "Okay then, stick together-"

"Can we go to Nandos?" Niall cut him off. "Sure, we'll meet u there." Andy said getting up and leaving the kitchen.

"So, what did u guys do last night?" I asked trying to break the silence. "Sleep" Harris responded.

"Drink." Lou said.

"Eat." Niall said plopping another pancake into his mouth. "How about u?" Lou asked. "Sleep." I said. I could tell they didn't believe me. "Really. Then what happened to ur arm?" Harry questioned. "Why did u wake up in the middle of the night?"

"I heard voices." we all look at him like he had three heads of something. "What? I heard Andy mumbling to himself." "I thought u said it was a dream?" Louis pointed out. "I didn't say anything about a dream."

"yeah u did."

"no I didn't. Niall did."

"Don't blame me! Zayn did it!" Niall argued as he pontes towards me. "How does this situation land back on me! I don't even know what ur talking about!" I argued.

"Oi," we all shot are heads around to see Andy standing in the door way, "Can u guys please not argue, it's up to him if he wants to say." he stated. "Did u put me in my bed last night?" I asked. "Yeah, u were laying in the bath tub, Louis was drunk, Niall was a sleep on the counter next to the fridge and Harry was already a sleep." he answered. "Why were u a sleep on the counter Niall?" Harry chuckled. "I was hungry...the I was tired...then I fell asleep." Niall explained. "Since that's settled, Louis go get changed," he said pointed to the door, "we leave in one hour!" "Yes sir Andy sir." Lou saluted and ran out to go get changed. "when will u be back?" I asked. "12 to 12:30 PM. 1 will be the latest." he said, "Meet u guys at Nandos, yes?"

We all nodded as he left the kitchen and headed out the door.

"Poor Lou, he never liked the doctors." Harry said breaking the silence. "Why?" Niall asked. "He told me that when he was like 5 or something he went to do his physical. They gave him a shot and hated it, now he has always been afraid that they will give him another one." Harry explained. "Oh." was all I could say.

"We any way, should we pull another prank on Andy?" Niall asked. "Anyone got any ideas?" I asked. "Maybe we shouldn't, he'll have Louis to deal with when we get home and call Liam." Harry stated. "Oh yeah, how about tomorrow?" Niall asked. "Maybe, we have to see about r schedule for tomorrow, I doubt that we have anything tomorrow though." I stated. "Can we play Mario Cart?" Harry asked randomly. "Sure." I responded. "Let's do it." Niall responded.

We walk into the living room seeing Andy dragging Louis by the ankles out the door. "Bye boys." Andy waved as they left.

"So, 12 we head to Nandos?" I asked, they both nodded.


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