𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕚𝕤 ℙ𝕦𝕣𝕖

By KorakaWolves

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Garfield Logan just moved to Jump City where he meets new friends and also a mysterious and strange girl name... More

Chapter 1: Pilot
Chapter 2: A Whole New Life
Chapter 3: The Football Match
Chapter 4: The Dealer
Chapter 5: Secrets
Chapter 6: Friendships
Chapter 7: Family Problems
Chapter 8: Flashback
Chapter 9: A Begining
Chapter 10: Angie Roth
Chapter 11: An Awkward Dinner
Chapter 12: Rumors Aren't Reality
Chapter 13: Rachel's Hideout
Chapter 14: Reputation Or Relationships?
Chapter 15: Jealousy Is A Bad Default
Chapter 16: Maybe... Kora?
Chapter 17: What Would I Do Without You
Chapter 19: Rae's Biggest Enemy
Chapter 20: Do I Still Love Her?
Chapter 21: The Way

Chapter 18: Hank & Dawn

406 12 1
By KorakaWolves

—In Gotham City—

Thursday January 14, 2016
In Gotham City High, three new students had just arrived. Their names were Donna, Hank and Dawn.

Gotham was a dark city. A hundred of criminals lived there. Criminals of all kinds. Rapists, murderers, drug dealers, drug lords, gangsters and the list goes on. Practically all the cops were corrupted and there only was at least 25.6% of the criminals in jail, the rest of them were free to do whatever they wanted.

There rarely ever was any light during the day. The dark grey clouds were always hiding the sun. Most of the students in G.C.H were emotionless or doing bad things like sealing drugs.

When the three teenagers entered the school, all they saw was darkness. Everything was depressive, no lights on, dark colored uniforms, weird and creepy students staring at them as if they wanted to rip their heads off. The trio gulped before walking to their lockers.

Dawn was opening hers when a girl scared her. "BOO" She laughed, an hysterical laugh. Granger glanced at the girl. On one side, her hair was red while on the other side it was blond. She had blue ocean eyes and a big smile plastered on her face.

"Who are you supposed to be?" Asked the white haired teen in annoyance.

The half blond haired teenager laughed again. "I'm Lucy, Lucy Quinzel" Dawn reluctantly shook Lucy's hand.

She gave her a nervous laugh. "Yeah... Lucy uh... hihi huh I gotta go" It was really awkward. "Oh okay then... see ya later?" Murmured the young Quinzel.

Dawn walked away from the girl and straight to her class.

—In Class—

Hank was sitting in a corner when a boy with black hair and turquoise eyes sat next to him. Hall glanced at him, making a weird facial expression. The boy extended his hand. "I'm Tim..." He ignored him. "Hum... hi? My arms starting to hurt... ugh could you at least tell me your name?"

Henry sighed in annoyance. "First: don't talk to me. Secondly: your problem. And thirdly: no 'cause if I do tell you my name you won't leave me the f*** alone... I did that before... I regretted it" Timothy stayed there, still waiting for the brown haired teenager to shake his hand, but after some minutes, he finally woke up from his trance and left the boy alone. 'Another Dick head to add to my black list' He thought.

Donna went to Tim and excused her friend's attitude. She sat next to her loner friend. "You were hard on him"

He rolled his pale brown eyes. "Troy Troy Troy... I thought that you knew me better"

"Hank... I'm serious right now. Don't you want to have friends-"

"No... I think I'm okay just with Dawn"

"And what about me?" She got angry.

He looked at her from up to down before looking away. "Don't care" Her eyes went wide and she heard one of her new classmates laugh silently at her. She gave the teen behind her a death glare and he quickly stopped laughing.

—Two months later—

Monday March 7, 2016
Hank was in his room with his new friend, Tim. It took some time, but they had finally got along. "You know that there's no... uh what's his name again?" Asked the turquoise eyed teen.

"Dick" He said it like it was poison spitting out of his mouth.

"Yes, Dick. Well then, there's no Dick to ruin your chances with Dawn anymore... why don't you ask her out?"

Hank shook his head in sadness. "No chance... she's been friend zoning me for years. It won't change like that because her ex boyfriend is living far away from her"

Tim sighed. "I was just tryin' to help"


Saturday February 14, 2015
It was Kory's birthday and she was throwing a party. The guests were Dick, Hank, Rachel, Jason, Victor, Karen, Dawn, Donna, Kyle and Kora.

Myron, Kory and Kora's father, came with the cake. "Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday, Happy birthday, Happy birthday to you" Everyone sang. The red haired girl squealed. A big smile on her face, she blew the candles. 'I wish for Dick to love me' She wished.

Anders then looked up at her childhood crush and she saw him and Dawn staring at each other with pure love in their eyes. Of course, Kory was jealous, but Dawn wasn't like Kitty, she was a cool and kind girl and also a really good friend, she wasn't going to ruin her friendship with the white haired girl because of a simple crush. Then, there was Jason and Rachel. Granger, Hank and Donna knew that there was something going on between these two, but the others strangely hadn't noticed, or maybe they just ignored it.

Anyway, an hour later, it was the time for the gifts. Karen and Kyle each brought her the same green and purple dress. Jason gave her a pink hairbrush with a big diamond on it. Vic gave her a beautiful t-shirt of the NASA. Rachel gave her friend a pink and blue scrapbook, Hank got Kory a card for her favorite store and Dawn bought the girl an amazing pink dress. Finally, Donna gave her a pair of diamond earrings. "Dick?" She asked.

He sat next to the red haired teen and he gave her his gift. She opened the little white box and gasped as she saw a magnificent and really expensive diamond necklace. It was real diamonds and there was also a pink quartz ring in the box. Again, it was real, not a recreation of the mineral. "Friend Richard, this is beautiful. Oh my lord, I lo-thank you" She hugged him. At the moment she realized that she was going to say 'I love you', she instantly stopped herself. Kory knew that what she had with the boy, wasn't as grandiose as his and Dawn's thing.

After that, everyone started dancing and partying. Dick was looking at the others, standing next to the counter. "You're not dancing" The teen looked at the person beside him, it was none other than his crush.

"Nah" He shook his head as a laugh left his mouth "Not my kinda thing" The girl made a Don't-Play-Dumb-With-Me face.

"Ha ha ah" Dawn gave him a fake laugh, mocking him. "I saw you dancing earlier, so don't you dare tell me that you don't like to dance" They chuckled.

"Okay okay, I'll dance, but only... if you dance with me" Dove, as they often called her, gladly took the boy's hand and started dancing with him.

Meanwhile, Hank was staring at the two with pure hatred in his eyes that were a way darker color than their usual pale brown. Kyle stood next to him, drinking a coke. He glanced at Hall and then at who he was staring at, making him say "aaaaaww" in understanding. "Agh c'mon Hank, don't ruin the party with your stupid jealousy... It's Kory's birthday, can't you at least do this for her, she's your friend bro" He rolled his eyes and continued to stare at Dick and Dawn.

"Yeah and it's valentines day... I can't even confess my feelings because of that dumbass" He walked away and into one of the bedrooms to be in peace and away from the others.

"What ya thinking about" A voice said. Hank looked up, it was Donna. She sat next to him and he sighed in defeat.

"It's Dove-"

"Hawk! Why can't you just confess to her... I'm sure that she loves you too"

The boy huffed. "Really funny" He said sarcastically. "She loves Dick okay! Not me... for her I'm just the big brother who doesn't want the guy she loves to break her heart"

Troy placed her hand on his thigh. "Don't lose hope Hawk... I'm sure that it's just a simple lil crush, nothing more" The brown haired teen frowned.

"What I have for her?" She rolled her hazel eyes.

"No silly, what she has for Richard... Don't worry about this, just enjoy the party" She left the room, leaving him thinking about the whole situation.

Hawk and Dove is what the others called them since Dawn's hair color was the same one as a dove's feather and in his old school, Hank was part of the football team, The Hawks.

End Of The Flashback—

Meanwhile at Troy's, Dawn and Donna we're sitting on the couch. Granger did missed Richard, he was her first boyfriend anyway, but she still had to admit that she was developing feelings for the Hawk. "I'm just so confused... I mean, I do love Hank, but... is it just as a friend or is it really like way more than just a friend? Like I still like Dick, but it's not the same since-"

"Hey whoa whoa whoa" Started the black haired girl, leaving a chuckle escape her lips. "Calm down Dove" She sighed. "You know... your relationship with Dick was more like a... hum... a first crush? You've known Hank since you were kids... he knows you more than anyone, even your own self. And you know... it often happens to people to fall in love with their best friend"

"In movies, yes. But that's the real life. In the real world, Donna... If I tell him that I kinda like him... he'll reject me and he won't want to be my friend anymore" Troy was staring at the girl with wide eyes and a smile on her face as she was trying to hold on a laugh from coming out of her mouth, she was mocking her. "It's not a romance movie, the two friends don't finish together, no... that's way to cliché. He'll just make fun of me and-" The teenager couldn't hold it anymore and she started laughing out loud, making Dawn angry, sad and confused. "Are you even listening to me?"

She nodded. "I-it's just that... t-that-Oh my god I can't even say it" She was about to tell her about Hank's crush on her, but she knew it wasn't a good idea.

The birdie frowned in confusion. "You're weird Donna, you're really weird"


Monday January 11, 2016
Dawn was in her bedroom, packing her things with Dick's help. The two of them were extremely sad, they didn't want to leave each other, their relationship couldn't end like that, right? Richard thought about it for a long time and when he made his decision, he walked closer to his girlfriend. "Dawn?" She hummed a 'yes'. "You know... a distant relationship is complicated and..." He looked away, anywhere, but her dark brown eyes and her pale face.

"Are you... leaving me?" He shut his bluish eyes close.

Grayson finally decided to look at her. The tears were treating to come out, but she tried as hard as she could to keep them from doing so. He took her hands in his. "I think that we should break up... anyway you're leaving for what? 2 years! I rarely even go to Gotham these days, Bruce practically never brings me there with him anymore... If we stay together I think we won't be able to live our teenage years to the fullest if we keep on wondering if we really even are in a relationship or if the other found someone else. That would be stupid... to stay together like that wouldn't be the right decision. We have to go our separate ways... I'm sorry Dawn, but... that's for the better. I'm doing this because I care for you, because I like you" She nodded in understanding.

"I understand Dick... it's hard, but it's true. We can't be together... not like that" He nodded too.

—End Of The Flashback—

Saturday March 26, 2016
Hank was having a panic attack. It was the day where he was finally going to ask his Dove on a date. He was pacing back and forth in his bedroom with Timothy trying to calm him down. "She's going to say no!"

He groaned in exasperation. "Hawk! I told you she likes you and you know that they all call me a detective, you know why they all say that I am a detective. I can see it in her attitude, the way she talks to you, the way she's looking at you, the way she blush when you compliment her-she likes you!"
Drake was really tired of that, he had been standing there for at least an hour, trying to help his new friend. He looked at his watch. He was in a hurry since he had a date with his girlfriend, Stephanie. "Look can you do this alone, I'm kinda in a hurry right now" Henry hummed and Tim picked his phone before running out of the house.

Some minutes later, Hawk was standing in front of the girl's house. He knocked three times, she opened. "Hey Hawk, what are you doing here?" He grinned at her, a nervous grin.

"I-I-I know it may sound stupid and it's okay if you say no but... Do you want to go out with me?" Her mouth was wide open.

"Uh Li-ike a-a date?" He nodded hesitantly. "Really?" Hall nodded again. "Huh O-Of course I'll go on date with you" The two birdies smiled happily.

Hank brought her to the movie. They watched an horror movie. Dawn was often hiding her face in his arm, her hands were grabbing his arm tightly. "Don't be scared. As long as I'm here, no one will harm you in any way... and certainly not these ones" He pointed at the big screen. She chuckled a little, but when she glanced at the screen, she screamed in fear. The boy silently giggled.

The young white haired teenager looked up at him with a small smile. "Thank you Hawk" She then hid her face again. He chuckled again. "Ya welcome Dove"

Tuesday April 5, 2016
The time passed and Hank decided to bring the girl to a beautiful lake in an immense park. It was late at night. They kept on laughing together as they raced to the magnificent lake. Dawn arrived first. Hank then caught her and twirled her around.

He placed her back down on the ground and he looked straight into her eyes. Hank knew that it looked cliche, but he still wanted to have his first kiss with her like that. So he got closer and closer and closer to her lips until he closed the gap between them. It was a slow and passionate kiss. They pulled away panting. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Granger nodded excitedly and he kissed her again.

What are you're thoughts on this chapter? Good or Bad?

If you have any ideas for this story, I would be really glad to know them😁

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