To Love A Fighter

By XxUnkn0wn14xX

669K 18.3K 2.4K

~FIRST BOOK TO THE 'Loving A Fighter' SERIES!~ **The second book is out!** Meet Skylar Bradley, not your typi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Authors Note

Chapter 13

18.8K 585 34
By XxUnkn0wn14xX

Tree 1...

Tree 2...

Tree 3...

Jock 1...

Jock 2...

Cheerleader 1....

Cheerleader 2....

Cheerleader 3....

Cheerleader 4....







Main: Skylar Bradley

I smiled to myself and heard some girls around me groan in frustration.

Turning away from the bulletin board, I walked happily to my seat where Jeremy was smiling "Hey Sky"

I smiled back "Hey Jer"

He looked at me funny before chuckling "Nice name"

"Thanks JerBear, I made it just for you!!"

He groaned while I laughed and looked towards the teacher who didn't even notice us talking.


**Two days later**

I guess I was making absolutely no progress with Nate, because he still ignored be a bunch Exocet when I tried making small talk, he actually answered for once.

Today during lessons, he didn't glare at me, so I think he's sick..

Lunch came around and Nate still didn't pay any attention to me.

Jeremy kept talking to him and I stayed silent until he raised his head and I saw a slash with dried blood above his left eye brow.

"What the hell?" I asked, standing up and leaning over to him.

I also noticed that Nate had dark bags under his eyes from lack of sleep and he had a black eye along with a cut lip.

He backed away and I glared "Nate! What the fuck happened?!"

He looked over at Jer who looked nervous and I sighed.

"Come on guys." I said, grabbing my stuff and leading them to Nates car.

"What are we doing?" Jeremy asked.

"Go to my house." I told Nate.

He didn't say anything but started the truck and drove away from the school.

In two minutes we were parked in front of my house and I motioned the guys to come in.

Leading them down to the basement, I walked into my bedroom and went to the bathroom to get my first aid kit.

When I walked out, Nate was siting on my bed while Jeremy was sitting at my computer desk leaning back in the chair with his phone out.

I climbed on the bed with Nate before bringing out some disinfectant wipes before bringing it to his slash.

He hissed before moving his head and I glared.


He got the message and held still while I cleaned the wound and then put some medicine on it.

"You need to sleep." I sighed, motioning Jeremy out as I walked towards the door.

He was about to object, but I glared at him and he shut up.

Jeremy and I walked out to the game room and I asked "What happened to him?"

"I don't know"

His eyes looked away from me and I knew he was lying.

"Jeremy?" I growled.

He looked at me and sighed "He got into a fight."



We sat in an awkward silence before Jeremy's phone went Off and his eyes widened.

"Hey Sky, I gotta go, ill see you guys tomorrow, okay?"

I nodded my head and watched as he waved and walked back up the stairs.

That was weird..

Turning on my Tv, I started watching some scary movies.


It has been seven hours of Nate sleeping and me watching scary movies non stop.

I'm currently on The Woman In Black and I'm scared shitless.

This movie is scarier then I thought.

Just as the guy sht the door and I saw the ghost, someone grabbed me from behind and I screamed.

Nate burst out laughing and instead of glaring, I gaped.

I actually caused Nate to laugh?!

Nathaniel Knight laughed because of me, Skylar Bradley?!

What world is this?!

He noticed my expression before calming down until he was only smirking.

"You hungry?" I asked, standing up.

He nodded his head and followed me up the stairs before we came to my kitchen and I noticed that his bags were barely there, but his bruise and cuts still looked pretty bad.

Ignoring them, I grabbed two pot pies and shoved them into the oven for five minutes before grabbing two bottles of water and giving one to Nate.

"Thanks" he smirked.

I looked down at my hands and felt heat coming to my cheeks.

Why the hell am I blushing?!

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