Baby Scars (Ashley Purdy)

By RocksidePrincess

30.3K 1.2K 135

Scarlett was a depressed 21 year old girl, she has been filled with vile fear of her mother and the fear of l... More

The Abandoned
The Decieved
The Burden.
Fallen Angel
Second And Sebring
Sugar, we're going down
Trade Mistakes
Lonely Girl
Nobody's Hero
Rum or Whiskey?
New neighbors, new problems
Sleep Tight
New Me..
The Bike
I Believe, That We All Fall Down Sometimes..
Have You Seen this Girl?
The Future
I am your worst nightmare.
I can't take another heart break.

The Only Exception

1.2K 67 2
By RocksidePrincess

I jumped into the mosh pit.

Andy yelled at me telling me to get back on stage to finish the song.

"Fuck off!"I growl and look through the mosh pit throwing people out of my way. Eventually I find her.. laying there lifeless. "Oh scarlett.."I whisper and pick her up. She was so light. Like a human feather. But she looked broken. But so full of life at the same time. I take her to the nurse and she lays Scarlett down putting ice on her forehead and shoved an advil into her mouth with water. I sigh getting flashbacks of two years ago..

If she wakes up I want her to see me first. I wanna tell her I'm in love with her. Even if I barely know her.

Oh scarlett..

Before I know it she was awake and she was staring at me. Those dark blue eyes I've come to love just staring at me... Scarlett sits up looking around "Ashley? W-what am I doing here?"

Scarletts POV

All I remember was, BVB concert at warped, I locked eye contact with Ashley and then got pulled into the moshpit.

It was a hellhole as people pushed me around and I was knocked down and someone kicked me in the face knocking me out. I hate moshpits. I love them but I hate them.

Soon enough I heard someone yelling my name. I could almost recognize that voice. W-was it who I thought? Ashley? How could he care after I rejected him two years ago? How could he still fucking give a shit? It wasn't him. It couldn't be him. I felt a pair of warm muscular arms life me up and carry me away. My head against the persons chest I could feel their heart beating. It.. was surprisingly soothing.

Eventually I woke up. My eyes pop open and I sit up, looking around and stare at him.. It was Ashley.. he still gave a shit. "Ashley?"I say rubbing my forehead. "Y-you saved me from the moshpit?"I asked and the nurse gives me another advil and water. He nodds and sits at the end of the cot. "I couldn't just let you be trampled on like that."He said and rests his hand on my ankle "Ow!"I whine and rub it. The nurse checks it out "Just a little sprang. Nothing life threatening"She says and wraps it with ace bandage.

I sigh and look at Ashley as we sat at the food tent. Slowly I eat my fries, and casually sip my soda as he looks at me sipping beer. "Thanks for uh.. saving me.."I say and eat another fry. "Don't mention it."He says and sips his beer. I look over at my band and sigh watching them eat happily then look over at BVB watching them eat. Then I look at Ashley casually playing on his phone. I sigh "Ashley, I'm sorry."

He set his phone down "For what?"His eyes look at me. "For.. rejecting you two years ago. I thought it was the right thing.."I say. "Well, it wasn't.. not to mention you left 2 weeks after that? You had us all worried sick! Even CC was a fucking wreck."He sighs moving his hair from his face. I honestly didn't have anything else to say to that.. He was completely right in my point of view. I did make things worse by randomly leaving like that. "I'm sorry.."I say again and just stare at him. "You're lucky I like you."He says with a smirk upon his face. I roll my eyes "Aren't I lucky?" Ashley just laughs and nodded "Very very lucky." I smile and play with my straw "So, can we try?.. One of those date things?..."I bite my lip looking at him. He blushes deeply and nodded. "Yes Scarlett, we can go on this such thing as date."He laughs and pushes hair from my face and kisses me softly. I kiss back getting a little excited that he said yes to me.

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